Stats Project 3 Fall 2016 1

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Stats Project #3 Correlation and Regression

1. I think the results will be that there in not correlation between height and
number of candies that will be in a bag.
2. Explanatory variable: Height=X
a. Response variable: Number of candies per bag=Y

4. No there is not because all of the points on the graph are scatter
R(Correlation coefficient)=0.170
Critical Value= .361
There is no relation between the two because the correlation
coefficient (.170) and the Critical Value (.361)

Number of Candies per Bag = 50.713668 + 0.1287705 height

Prediction equals 50.7+ .129(63.5)=58.9
Sample size: 60

It was not appropriate because there is no relationship between the two

5.Assuming there is a significant relationship between height and number of

candies is would not be because Yao Ming is taller than the tallest person in our data
because of extrapolation


6. y=ax+b = y=.0769(6)+52.9615=53.4229
I do not see a significant linear relationship because the values are so far


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