Essay 1 On Religion

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Julieann Yee

World Religions
Essay 1 on Religion
How Materialist, Functional, and Faith Perspectives Define Religion
There are so many different definitions for religion. Depending on the person religion can
be something good or bad, heavenly or evil, helpful or it can bring a person to their demise. We
probably wouldnt be able to define religion and have every religious group accept that
definition, its too complex. I am going to explain how materialist, functional, and faith
perspectives define religion.
Scientific Materialist believe that we (humans) created the illusion of the supernatural
figures we admire in religion, such as God or Jesus.1 A few years ago I read a book on
Mythology, it was called Mythology Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes by Edith Hamilton.
One part that really stuck out to me was that the Gods in Mythology stories always looked
human but had supernatural powers. The author mentions that the reason why is because they
wanted us (humans) to relate to them. In our textbook it mentions Ludwig Feuerbach who has a
similar idea. We hold the image of our god/deity on a pedestal, even though we have the same
attributes. We look down upon ourselves and feel weak or less competent. We strive to reach that
god like status even though it will never be achievable.2 Some materialists say that religion is
deceitful and created to manipulate people. Many atheists use the perspective of scientific
materialism to challenge the existence of the supernatural idols saying there is not enough
scientific proof to prove they existed.

1 Mary Fisher, Living Religions, New Jersey; Pearson 2012

2 Mary Fisher, Living Religions, New Jersey; Pearson 2012

Most Functionalist feel that there is a purpose for everything. Functional perspective with
religion is no different. They believe that religion is beneficial. It helps people through traumatic
times when they feel they have nowhere else to turn to. It also brings community or cultures
together.3 In some communities the religious bond that people have can almost seem like the glue
that is holding them together said Emile Durkheim.4 There are some studies that say that people
who are religious, live longer lives, tend to be healthier, less likely to have depression, and less
likely to smoke. To counter those studies there have also been studies stating that some religions
have higher rates of diseases or dont believe in pharmaceuticals, so they may not heal quickly or
eventually pass away from being untreated.
Faith perspective has to deal with the ultimate reality, and believing that its true. Essentially you
have faith in the religion even though you cannot scientifically explain the miraculous event
that occurred.5 Joachim Wach, a German scholar of comparative religion believed that there were
four main qualities of mysticism: (1) There was an event or experience that you cannot explain.
An example is Angels. People believe they exist but we cant explain how they fly, or how they
become Angels; (2) Its noetic, relating to knowledge. Example: a lot of the religious leaders are
said to be illiterate, why? This made their stories seem more creditable. If they couldnt write or
read then where would they have come up with such stories; (3) The experience is transient, and
the most intense thing youll ever feel; (4) The experience consumes you and makes you want to

3 Mary Fisher, Living Religions, New Jersey; Pearson 2012

4 Mary Fisher, Living Religions, New Jersey; Pearson 2012
5 Mary Fisher, Living Religions, New Jersey; Pearson 2012

contribute. For example, going on a mission or become a preacher to spread the word about your
religion. 6
Which one do you relate to more materialist, functionalist or faith perspective? Do you want a
scientific explanation to define religion and have a materialist point of view? God cant be real if
no one can scientifically prove his existence, right? Is religion functional to you, and as more
people turn away, you can see that it really is the glue that is holding our communities together
secretly. Or did you go through an experience that is hard to explain and know many people will
not comprehend it, but you know youre meant to be a part of that religion and help it flourish.
Regardless of which one you relate to, we should all work together and get to know and
understand one another. Share our beliefs and expect questions, but also receive respect as were
giving our reasoning.

6 Mary Fisher, Living Religions, New Jersey; Pearson 2012

1. Fisher Mary, Living Religions, New Jersey; Pearson 2012

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