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Thapar University, Patiala

Electrical and Instrumentation Engineering Department
MST-1(1st Semester)

Roll No

Course Code: UEI511

Principles of Communication Engineering

Total Marks: 30

Total Time: 2 Hours

Name of Instructor: Dr Vishal Srivastava
(a) All the questions are compulsory.
(b) Don't write anything on question paper.
(c) Assume suitable data if necessary.
(d) This paper contains 2 pages and 6 questions.


Question 1:

(a) Explain the need of modulation.

(b) Define impulse noise and thermal noise.
(c) Explain the basic components of Communication System.
(d) Define demodulation. Explain the envelope detection method for amplitude modulated wave.

(e) Sketch the FM and PM wave of the given modulating wave m(t) .The constant kf and
are 2 x 105 and Tr/2, respectively and fc =100MHz

99.9 MHz

100.1 MHz

Question 2: Design an Armstrong indirect FM modulator to generate an FM signal with carrier frequency
97.3 MHz and M =10.24 KHz. A NBFM generator of fc1 = 20 kHz and M = 5 Hz is available. Only frequency
doubler can be used as multipliers. Additionally, a local oscillator (LO) with adjustable frequency between
400 kHz and 500 KHz is readily available for frequency mixing.


Question 3: Drive an expression for SSB modulated wave for which the lower sideband is retained.

Question 4: The single tone modulating signal tn(t) = A,,, cos(27r f,t)is used to generate the VSB signal.
2 (1 a)A, cos[27-c(f
S(t) = aA A cos[2z(f. J. )ti + 1
unity, representing the attenuation of the upper side frequency.

Find the quadrature component of the VSB signal S(t).


The VSB signal, plus the carrier


where 'a' is constant, less than


cos(27-cf.t) is passed through an envelope detector.

Determine the distortion produced by the quadrature component. Determine the distortion
produced by the quadrature component.

What is the value of constant 'a' for which the distortion reaches its worst possible condition?

Question 5: A single tone FM signal is given by S(t) = 10 sink 6z x 106 t + 20 sin 2/r- x 103 ti volts.
Determine (i) Modulation index, (ii) Modulation frequency, (iii) Carrier frequency, (iv) Power of the FM

Question 6: Consider a message signal m(t) with a spectrum shown below. The message bandwidth w= 1
kHz. This signal is applied to a product modulator, together with a carrier wave


producing the DSBSC modulated signal SM. The modulated signal is next applied to a coherent detector.
Assuming perfect synchronism between carrier wave in the modulator and detector. Determine the
spectrum of the detector output when (i) fc, =1.25 kHz,

(ii) f, =0.75 kHz

What is the lowest carrier frequency for which each component of the modulated signal S(t) is uniquely
determined by m(t).



Spectrum of the message signal m(t).

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