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1. Confidence Interval- a range (or an interval) of values used to estimate

the true value of population parameter. A confidence interval is
sometimes abbreviated.
2. 350/1670=2.575
3. The proportion of yellow candies in a single bag gave me the value of .210
which is a likely value for the true population proportion because it is
inside the confidence interval yellow total:13
sample size: 62 (13/62=.210)
4. I am 95% confident that the values of (63.954, 67.689) are the correct
intervals for the population proportion of the yellow candies
5. No my bag of candies was not a likely value because it is 62 and the lowest
confident value is 63.954 so it was part of the 5% not included
6. We are 98% confident that the population standard deviation number o
candies is the true area in between 3.6513< o < 6.9724
7. The process seems to be consistent because the variation is in
control- the company has to maintain good control of the bag filling in
order to maintain a good reputation with the costumers -----Standard
Deviation- A set of sample values, denoted by s is a measure of how much
data values deviate away from the mean. Looking at the confidence interval
of the standard deviation the under filling or overfilling is kept under control
by the manufacturing company.

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