Literature Review Viscosity Measuremnts

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Literature Review Viscosity Measurements Use the "Insert Citation" button to add

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Oil transportation has become a complex and highly technical [1]

operation. One of the major difficulties in the pipeline transporta- tion is the high
viscous fluids that require efficient and economical ways to transfer the heavy crude
Therefore, different methods are used in order to reduce the viscosity of the heavy crude for the pipeline transportation. For in- stance, dilution with
lighter crudes or alcohols, heating, and the use of surfactants to stabilize emulsions
are some of those com- mon methods.
RheoStress RS100
from Haake. This rheometer has several operating test modes. It has a universal
controlled rate (CR) mode, a controlled stress (CS) mode, and an oscillation (OSC)
test mode. In the CS mode, shear stress is applied to a test sample by means of
extremely low iner- tia. The drive shaft of the RS100 is centered by an air bearing to
en- sure an almost frictionless transmission of the applied stress to the test fluid.


J. R. Avendao-Gmez, R. Limas-Ballesteros, and F. Garca-Snchez, "Modeling

of trichlorofluoromethane hydrate formation in a w/o emulsion submitted to
steady cooling," International Journal of Thermal Sciences, vol. 45, pp. 494503, 2006.

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