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Laboratory Activity

The objectives of this experiment are to examine the buoyancy forces acting on objects immersed
in water, and to measure the displaced volume of objects that are submerged. The pressure dependence
of buoyancy is demonstrated as an activity as is Pascals principle relating to the buoyancy of objects and
the variation of density. The Cartesian diver and the balloon remaining submerged when any rational nonscience person knows that air rises in water and that they should float are brainteasers.
Activity 1: Measuring the volume of irregularly shaped objects.
What you need: Objects to be measured, Displacement tin can and catcher can

Figure 1:
What to do: Measure the mass of the catcher can on the triple beam balance and record this value.
Record the values obtained in this activity on Table 1. Place the catcher can under the spout of the
displacement tin can and fill the tin can with water until it is full to its limit. Empty the catcher can if water
spills in. Gently lower the object to be measured into the water. Catch all the displaced water as in Figure
1. Weigh the catcher can with the displaced water in it and record this value.
To analyze the data, do the following: From the values of the (mass of the displaced water plus
catcher can), subtract the mass of the catcher can. This leaves the mass of the water. Convert this mass
to volume by using the density of water 1 gram / cc. List the volume of the object measured.

Figure2: Film canister

Activity 2: Measure the buoyant forces on some film canisters.

What you need: displacement tin can and catcher, triple beam balance, string, three film canisters (one
empty, one full, and one half full)

Figure 3: partially
submerged canister

What to do: Obtain the set of three film canisters and weigh the mass of each. Record the results of this
activity on Table 2. Refill the displacement tank and empty the catcher can. Gently submerge the canister
that sinks and measure the mass of displaced water as in Figure 2. Record the mass. Refill the
displacement tank and empty the catcher can. Place the lightest canister gently in the water. Again, find
the mass of the displaced water. Record this value. Repeat for the third container as in Figure 3. Again
record the mass of the displaced water. Calculate the volume of the canisters. This will be the same for all
of the canisters.

Figure 4: Apparent
weight measurement

Attach the string from the heavy canister to the underside of the specially mounted triple beam balance as
shown in Figure 4 by placing a paper clip over the pin directly under the mass plate. Any other position of
the string will result in errors. Weigh the ensemble of string and mass. Prepare the displacement can and
gently lower the canister into the water. Record the mass on the triple beam balance.

Convert the mass recorded on the triple beam balance to a weight. Add to the weight of the displaced

Figure 5: Cartesian Diver

water and compare with the weight of the ensemble in air.

Activity 3: Cartesian Diver.
Squeeze the Cartesian diver and see what happens. Note the size of the bubble inside the pipette.

Activity 1
Q 1. Fill out Table 1. Indicate appropriate units.
Table 1
Mass of catcher can

Total mass of catcher can with displaced water

Mass of water displaced
Mass of irregular object
Volume of irregular object
Density of irregular object
Q 2: What were the problems encountered in using this technique?
Q 3: Discuss using a fluid other than water.
Activity 2
Q 4: Fill out Table 2. Indicate proper units
Table 2
Volume of canisters
Mass of canister

Volume of water

Percentage of canister



Mass of ensemble (string and canister) in air (1)
Mass of ensemble (string and canister) in water (2)
Mass of displaced water (3)
Q 5: Compute for percentage error (% Error = | (computed - measured)/computed| * 100%). The Computed
Buoyant Force (BF) is (1) minus (2). The Measured (BF) is (3). Take the percentage error between the
computed and measured BF.
Activity 3
Q 6: Does the volume of water displaced by the air bubble in the pipette increase or decrease when the
container is squeezed?
Q 7: How does this affect the buoyant force?
Q 8: Can you explain the behavior of the diver?

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