P3.5 Tell A Story

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Tell A Story

Level 3 Chart 5 (Review)

CDRM Competencies (Review)


Belonging and identity (community, region and

Being aware of our emotions
Working together to protect our natural environment
Communicating in an emergency
Helping others (empathy)
Including others, even if they are different
Sharing resources

A. Display the chart and use the discussion questions to

guide learners' description scenes 1-4. Review the key
words as needed.
B. Write full answers from the class discussion in the form of
a very short story of 3-4 sentences about scene #1. Note
that there are no 'correct' answers, the idea is for learners
to construct the story based on their own perceptions, for

Learning Outcomes (Review)

Give reasons for protecting our environment
Explain what do to when someone is injured
Give examples of common acts of kindness
Recognize that we are all different

Key Words (Review)

share, water (plants), move, protect, shout, crash,
emergency, kneel, keep calm, rush, road, injury,
blood, stretcher, language, different, kind, helpful, nice

Teacher Guidance Notes

The purpose of this chart is to help to help children
remember and internalize the language, skills and
values from Charts 1-4. Unlike lessons based on the
previous charts, here the learners are asked to use their
newly acquired skills to become authors of their own
stories. In doing so, they will recall the key messages
from the previous lessons and connect these messages
to their lives in their families, communities and school.
As with the first four charts in this series, you should first
conduct this lesson in the learners' mother tongue.
(unless English is the language of instructon at your
school). The chart can also be used to teach English
language and literacy. For example, the key words and
stories can be written first in the home language, and
then translated into English. Learners can copy the short
sentences and use them for read-aloud practice and
additional comprehension exercises.

The girl in the middle is taller than the others. They are
sharing an orange. They want her to feel happy. Next
they will invite her to play a game.

Discussion questions
Point to each of the four scenes. Let learners describe what
they see. Ask them where they think each of the actions took
place (at a school, a clinic, a farm and on a busy road). Ask
them to point to the national symbol of Uganda and identify
its different parts. Then discuss these questions with the
whole class.
How are the girls different?

What are they sharing? Why?

What do you think they will do next?

Why does the old man want to go to the clinic?

Who is helping him? Why?
What do you think will happen next?
Why does the old man want to go to the clinic?
Who is helping him? Why?
What do you think will happen next?
What happened to the boy?
Who is helping him? Why?
What do you think will happen next?

Mainstreaming Conflict and Disaster Risk Reduction into the Curriculum Project
National Curriculum Development Centre, Republic of Uganda

A. Play a MISSING WORDS game. Using the story from Step
B (above), erase the last word from each sentence. Have
children read aloud and see if they can replace the word
orally. Then invite individual learners to come to the board
and write the word in its place. Repeat, this time erasing two
words from each sentence, and so on.
B. In small groups, have learners choose one of the three
remaining scenes (#2-4). Let them first discuss and then
write a short story about the scene, similar to the group story
in B (above).
C. In pairs, guide learners to remember an experience in which
they have:

1. included someone
2. helped someone in need, OR
3. helped to protect the environment.
Let them draw a picture and write a story of at least three
sentences. Invite the pairs to present their stories to the
class. Post the stories on the classroom wall for others to
D. Remind learners that Uganda is one country with many
different people. Have them sing together the second verse
of the national anthem:
Oh, Uganda!
May God uphold theee
We lay our future in thy hands
Unite free for liberty
Together we will always stand

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