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? (Are You Addicted?

Chapter 21: Experience Counts
Author: Chai Jidan Brought to you by JustBLThings and

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Translator: Neko English Proofreader: Alem Bess
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
[Chapter title T/N: Lit. Trans: old ginger is hotter than young ginger;
it's a Chinese idiom saying that the older you are, the more
experience you have]
On the way home during noon recess, Bai Luo Yin was in an
extremely complex mood. On one hand he tried to think of how to
make Shi Hui lose all hope on him, to completely break up with
him...for good. On the other hand, he was thinking of how to teach
Gu Hai a lesson so that he would stop bothering him.
He carefully weighed the two problems, and decided that the
problem with Gu Hai was the priority.
His relationship with Shi Hui was going to be a long battle. But first
he needed to deal with that annoying person. Only then could he
have the energy to deal with his relationship problem.

The weather was unbearably hot and dry, even though autumn was
already creeping in. He had had a bowl of soup earlier. But by
walking only a few steps, his forehead was already covered in sweat.
When will it rain?
Bai Luo Yin shook his clothes to get some air in. He looked at the
stores on the roadside which were decorated with plants and
flowers. As he walked down the street, two words suddenly caught
his attention. He could not help but stop.
Lubricating oil...
The bell rang for first period of the afternoon session. Gu Hai
suddenly noticed that there was a dark spot on his arm. He glided
his two fingers along the surface of the desk and quickly found that
they both turned black. How come there was black powder all over
his desk for no cause or reason at all? But Gu Hai easily figured out
that it was Bai Luo Yin who sprinkled the powder.
Gu Hai huffed out a cold breath as he tried to wipe his desk clean
with a wet towel. He raised his hand to ask to be excused for a
moment. After getting the permission to leave, Gu Hai got up and
went out, closing the door on his way out, because the wind was
very strong today outside.
As Bai Luo Yin heard the door gently opening and closing, the corner
of his lips curved into a small thin smile.
After washing his hands, Gu Hai returned to the classroom through
the back entrance door and found that it was locked from the inside.
It would not open however he tried to turn the knob. He knocked on
the door gently and asked for a classmate to come to open it for
him. But it seemed to be jammed as the classmate was unable to
open it even with full force.

He also tried the front entrance door. But no matter how he turned
it, the knob would not open either.
Looked like someone tampered with these doors.
Gu Hai recalled the black powder on his desk earlier. He quickly
came to understand that it must be the doings of Bai Luo Yin's crafty
hands. Dirtying his desk was not Bai Luo Yin's ultimate goal; the
ultimate goal was to shut him out of the class.
Do you think by tampering with these doors that I would not be able
to get in?
Gu Hai lazily walked out towards the back of the building. He stood
on the backyard looking up, seeing the windows of Class 27 wide
open. Only three floors up. It was a piece of cake for Gu Hai who had
been practicing climbing since age five or six.
He looked left and right and saw no one. Gu Hai placed his foot on
the window sill as his hands clutched onto the water pipe. He quickly
made his way to the third floor. He moved very vigorously. Each step
was light yet stable and fast. In less than half a minute, Gu Hai had
already climbed the windows up the third floor. He peaked inside
and seized the opportunity when the teacher turned to write
something on the blackboard. He quickly released his hands from
the water pipe and placed them onto the window sill...
Motherfucker, how did I slip?
Bai Luo Yin heard a loud crash outside as his heart was feeling
content* and refreshed as if he had just swallowed a hundred pieces
of mint candies. He had not felt so much satisfaction like today. It
was as if one second he was standing on a prairie, and the next he
was walking along the coast of the blue sea... [T/N: content - orig.
trans: cool]
Bang! Bang! Bang!

The loud banging on the door suddenly stopped all of Bai Luo Yin's
Wasn't it that he just fell down? How could he get up here so
Director Zhang from the Security room angrily knocked on the door
as he shouted, "Didn't someone call to report the teacher has
fainted? Why is the door closed? Hurry and open it!"
The Physics teacher was shocked. He hurriedly put down the book to
go over the door and found out it would not open!
"Teacher, the back door also can't be opened."
Director Zhang stared dazedly at the paper sticking on the door
Copyrighted by Bai Luo Yin?
"Let me do it."
Bai Luo Yin pushed the classmate aside and secretly pulled out a
rubber band from inside the door knob. Soon the door was unlocked,
but facing him was Director Zhang's angry face.
"Are you Bai Luo Yin?"
Bai Luo Yin hesitated for a second and then nodded.
"Come to my office!"
Director Zhang roared in anger, which shooed away any sleepiness
in Bai Luo Yin.
"To put it nicely, this is called vandalizing public property; to put it
strictly, this shows that you have serious issues with your thinking
and morals! How could you prank call for help? Do you think you can

do whatever you want with that door knob? You're not a kid. How
could you do something so childish and moronic?"
Bai Luo Yin's ear began to buzz loudly as his head was in a mess, yet
he knew very well who made that phone call. He cursed that person,
imagining him to have broken a leg due to that fall.
"You have to pay for damaging public property. Bring 100 yuan
Bai Luo Yin was surprised, "Why do I have to pay? Those two locks
aren't broken, and I can return them to their original condition right
"You tampered with them, you have to pay! That is the rule."
"My family is poor, we can't afford to pay."
"You've vandalized public property yet you're still trying to justify
yourself? You can't afford to pay, yet you can afford to tamper with
it? Plus you still joked about 'copyright'? Fine, you won't pay? Then
give me your parents' number. I'll get the money from them."
"Get it from from my parent? You're better off trying to get it from
Director Zhang had become anxious, "Cut your nonsense! Say the
Bai Luo Yin said out loud a series of numbers.
The phone call finally connected. On the other line, Bai Han Qi's
simple and honest voice answered.
"Who is it?"
"I'm the director of the school security from Bai Luo Yin's school.
Your son has damaged two door locks in his classroom and I want

him to pay for that. Yet he told me that his family is poor. I want to
hear to what extent is your family's poverty, that you can afford to
damage things and yet not want to pay for it?"
"Our house door locks have been broken for almost five years.
Weve not even changed a single one, yet no thief has come visiting
these past five years. What do you think the extent of our poverty
Director Zhang's chest moved up and down as wave after wave of
heavy breaths came out.
Bai Luo Yin almost burst out laughing. It really is true that older
ginger has a much spicier taste. [T/N: coming back to the title of the
chapter about experience counts]

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 22: A Simple Happiness
Author: Chai Jidan Brought to you by JustBLThings and

Facebook ||
Translator: Nabi English Proofreader: happyBuddha
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.

It was hot all day long and finally rain had fallen down.
Plus, it was raining cats and dogs; standing at the ground floor and
looking at the raindrops, Bai Luo Yin felt very content. He had been
thirsty for a long time, so he happily took gulp after gulp of the
raindrops; this was a good chance to save some money from the
water bill.
Most of the students used their umbrellas to return to the dorm,
some ran out in the rain and was being picked up by their parents.
Bai Luo Yin looked at his watch; it looked like the rain would not stop
until nightfall by judging the current weather condition; maybe he
should just run home?
As Gu Hai walked out of the school entrance, he immediately
spotted his chauffeur waiting for him.
It's raining hard today, dont take a cab home by yourself.
There was a hint of pleading in the chauffeurs eyes. However, Gu
Hai could see it was a helpless look of not knowing what to do, just
like a child pleading to the parents. Gu Hai could be careless but
there was a feeling of annoying worrisome poking at his heart.
He eventually got in the car.
Xiao Hai, the Commander said today is madams birthday, he wants
to invite you to a reunion dinner at home.
Gu Hai leaned his head back onto the headrest, my mom doesnt
have a birthday, she only has death anniversary.
Take me back to my place.
Xiao Hai...

"I said take me back to--" Gu Hai suddenly spotted someone outside
the window and his words was hanging in midair; he gestured to the
chauffeur with his hand, Slow down a bit.
It was raining heavily outside, yet Bai Luo Yin was walking barefoot
with soaking wet clothes that stuck closely to his body, showing off
his beautiful firmed body. His pace was steady, not rushing even
under the rain. The soaking vest was full of holes, which showed his
charming barley skin.
The car slowly followed next to Bai Luo Yin, but he did not notice; he
used his hand to wipe the raindrops off his face. From Gu Hais point
of view, Bai Luo Yins lips were a little pale.
Not healthy like in the morning.
But thinking about it, Bai Luo Yin did not just have a sleeplessness
but also had to deal with him the whole day, could anyone be
Xiao Hai, should we keep following him?
Follow him.
Why dont you call him to the car?
Gu Hai looked over with a sharp cold stare, the chauffeur
immediately shut his mouth.
As he was closing to his home, from afar Bai Luo Yin could see Bai
Han Qi standing under the rain and helping aunt Zou cleaning up
chairs and tables scattering around. This area geography is quite
concave; therefore, a little rain could flood the whole area. That is
why nobody opens a shop in this place, only aunt Zou. She is such of
a unique person.
Bai Luo Yin fastened his footsteps and came near Bai Han Qi to help
him spreading out the plastic cloth.

Bai Han Qi shouted: You go inside, we dont need you here.

Stop talking nonsense, and let's hurry.
Gu Hai's car was parked quietly in the alley, he sat in the car
watching Bai Luo Yin getting busy under the rain; looking at this pair
of father and son who took up the trouble to help out a stranger. A
warm feeling softly brushed by his heart. Maybe, this is how life
should be, small and simple, cannot be compensated by a meal.
Take me back to my place.
The chauffeur sighed and turned the car.
Bai Han Qi gave Bai Luo Yin 20 yuan, Take it so you can buy
breakfast on the way to school tomorrow. I think with this rain,
probably no-one is going to sell breakfast.
Bai Luo Yin wiped his still wet hair, then returned the money to Bai
Han Qi.
Skip a meal is not going to kill me.
I told you to take it, so just take it. Bai Han Qi became impatient,
we are not so poor to the point that we cannot afford one
So why dont you give a little more? Twenty yuan is only enough to
buy a full breakfast at aunt Zou.
Bai Han Qi smacked Bai Luo Yin's head and said: You little brat.
Scoofed out a small laugh, Bai Han Qi gave 50 yuan to Bai Luo Yin.
The next morning, Bai Luo Yin woke up really early and walked
straight to school; he did not spend a penny*, it was not that he
does not want to, but he forgot to bring it. Until he arrived at aunt
Zous shop, he realized he had not had breakfast yet. The one thing

Bai Luo Yin hates the most is to go back, so he decided to just go

straight school with an empty stomach.
Once he arrived at the classroom and carelessly placed his bag
down, he was shocked to be greeted by a big bag full of breakfast. It
had everything inside, even had those western pastry he does not
like, such as baguette, sandwich, egg tart; but, it also had
something he likes, such as intestine bread, meat buns, xiao
minmian jianbing, ba bao zhou...
So much food, who could have left them here? This isnt to test my
gluttony, right?
Bai Luo Yi looked around, no-one was paying attention to him, he
opened the bag and suddenly saw a piece of paper at the bottom.
This is for you.
He looked at You Qi out of reflex; You Qi was still sleeping but Bai
Luo Yi guessed it must be him. Asides from him, no-one knows he
could eat a lot.
If so, I wont be holding back anymore!

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 23: Gu Hai Really Likes You
Author: Chai Jidan Brought to you by JustBLThings and

Facebook ||
Translator: Nabi English Proofreader: Alem Bess, Rae Lee

(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our

permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
Bai Luo Yin finished eating all of his favorite food and threw those
that he did not like onto You Qis desk.
Keep some food for yourself.
You Qi woke up, and was still in a daze, seeing a bag full of breakfast
and immediately smirking, How did you know that I havent had
Bai Luo Yin felt slightly touched, You Qi had bought him so much
food and still had not eaten yet.
You Qi sat up, looked into the bag, and happily turned back to say.
Are you repaying me for treating you last time?
After hearing that, Bai Luo Yin felt something was odd, by the tone
of You Qis voice, it looked like he had nothing to do with this bag of
Dont eat them. Bai Luo Yin pressed You Qis hand down.
You Qi furrowed his eyebrows, You already regretted giving them to
You didnt buy these for me?
These words did not agitate You Qi, but they did to the one behind
Bai Luo Yin. Gu Hai thought the reason that Bai Luo Yin ate those

snacks deliciously was to accept his offer of peace. It turned out he

ate them without knowing who bought it.
Feeling a light tap on his shoulder, Bai Luo Yin turned around.
If you dont want to eat, then throw them away; dont use a gift as
a gift*. [T/N: to use someones gift as a gift for other people]
Bai Luo Yins face immediately turned stoic.
You bought those?
Gu Hai did not say a word, but his eyes had already answered the
Bai Luo Yin became furious, Why didnt you say so earlier? If Ive
had known that you bought them, then I wouldnt eat them even if I
were starving to death.
But you already ate them.
Bai Luo Yin could not spit them out, Who let you put them here?
Gu Hai felt blood rushing up his adrenaline at those words, I bought
you food, and you still act like that! Have I, Gu Hai, ever treated
someone this good before? Last time, my girlfriend wanted to eat
fried pancakes, I got too lazy to get in queue for the pancakes.
If you cant get over it, you can give me the money, 32 Yuan in
total. You didnt eat some of them so I will round down, just give me
30 Yuan.
Bai Luo Yin silently gritted his teeth but he could not admit defeat.
Is your family selling breakfast? It must have bad business, so you
thought of such lousy tricks.

Thats right, my family opens a breakfast business that specializes

in tricking idiots like you.
Fuck you.
Bai Luo Yin turned around feeling irritated, since he could not do
anything to Gu Hai, he immediately vented his anger onto You Qi,
who had just opened a package and started eating.
Who say you can eat those?
You Qis handsome face became puzzling, He wont charge you
even if I eat them, right?
Bai Luo Yin stood up and gave You Qi a good beating.
During the lecture, the class formed into groups and walked down to
the lab room; You Qi walked beside Bai Luo Yin, who showing a cold
face, he couldnt resist the urge to tease, Actually, Gu Hai treats
you very well.
Bai Luo Yin was deep in thought about his relationship with Shi Hui
when he heard what You Qi said, he quickly straightened his
He treats me well? Bai Luo Yin just wished that he could rip You
Qis mouth apart, Where is the proof? How is he nice to me?
You Qi fixed his shirt collar and unhurriedly said, Take his buying
breakfast for example, how much effort do you think that took?
Cakes and breads are all fine for food, but to go to the supermarket
definitely takes at least three minutes. And then dumplings, fried
pancakes, hamburgers,... There are so many types of food, wouldnt
it require him to line up at different stalls to buy?

Bai Luo Yins face has loosen up a bit, but his voice was still
apathetic, Maybe he bought those all in one place?
Have you ever seen a breakfast stall selling such a variety of
items? If there was, it would have been closed down a long time
ago. Youve already know this, if I was to get in queue to buy it, I
definitely wouldnt have that patience to wait in line.
Bai Luo Yin remembered this morning breakfast, everything was still
Ive always been wondering why you are always against Gu Hai?
Im against him? Bai Luo Yin felt unjustified and wanted to slam
his head against the wall. Hes the one persistently trying to mess
with me. If someone can stop him from bothering me, I will bow
down to that person three times.
You Qi laughed, To that extent? I have a feeling that Gu Hai really
likes you, every time I turn back, I always see him staring at you.
Think about it, how can a boy like him stare at you, another boy, all
day just like that?
Why, you say? He must be thinking of some annoying pranks to
pull on me.
But I can see affection in his eyes.
Bai Luo Yin almost tripped and fell at the last step on the stairs.
Bai Luo Yin, why are you here?
Hearing a familiar voice, Bai Luo Yin smiled, quickly made his way
towards Yang Meng, and put an arm around his shoulders.
Next period is laboratory, so Im heading to the lab.
Ah! Yang Meng looked at You Qi while smiling, Whos this?

He sits in front of me, You Qi (Special) Bai Luo Yin introduced.

Yang Meng nodded and whisperd, Carry on.
Carry on what?
Carry on speaking.
Isnt that the end? Bai Luo Yin smacked Yang Mengs forehead,
What else do you want me to say?
Yang Meng shocked, You didnt even tell me his name.
Bai Luo Yin instantly turned stone for a quick second, this was sure
his childhood friend.* [T/N: meaning they both have the same
thinking when they first hear You Qis name].
You Qi blew a strand of hair away from his forehead, with a look of
I am You Qi.
Yang Meng embarrassingly smiled, How can they named their son
like that? [T/N: You Qi means special]
You Qi showed a cold face, I also dont like to hear my name.
If you dont like to hear your name, then change it.
After a short greeting, Bai Luo Yin and You Qi continued walking to
the lab room, on the way You Qi asked, That guy, whats his
Yang Meng. [T/N: Yang Meng means fierce]
Fuck...... His name really is no better than mine.

Bai Luo Yin smiled knowingly, So.... You two would make a perfect
But that guy definitely has a handsome face, just like me.
There is sulfuric acid in the lab, be careful or Ill splash it on your
During English class, Bai Luo Yin had this uneasy feeling, and after
awhile, he felt a heat rising behind him, like something was burning;
later on he suddenly shivered as if an ice got into his clothes.
I think Gu Hai really likes you, every time I turn back, I always see
Gu Hai staring at you.
Just awhile back, his body was feeling hot, but a cold suddenly
brushed past him in a blink of an eye.
Bai Luo Yin slowly turned his head back, one eye constantly glancing
to the back; finally his eye met with light, immediately he saw half
of the face which was looking at him.
Damn it, just like You Qi said!
Why are you staring at me?
Gu Hai smiled, Your head moves around like a steering wheel, and
if I dont look at you, what will happen if you fall into a ditch?
The class atmosphere is so stressful; I see that half of the class has
fallen asleep. So, who in your class can sing very well? Lets invite
that person to sing an English song for the whole class, to change
the atmosphere a little. How about it?

The whole class applauded.

Who wants to sing? Raise your hand.
The whole class fell silent.
The English teacher reluctantly smiled, If so, any suggestions?
After a short silence, from somewhere in the class, a deep male
voice rang out.
Bai Luo Yin.
Bai Luo Yin hated the fact that he could not choke Gu Hai to death.
Who is Bai Luo Yin? I just heard a classmate recommended you.
Bai Luo Yin stood up, conveniently used his thigh to hit the table,
which hit Gu Hais chest.
Having already stood up, it was impolite to not sing, Bai Luo Yin did
not show any embarrassment, immediately chose his best song, and
softly sang out.
The song was very short, but shocked Gu Hai a great deal.
This song was a popular song. When he was little, his mom liked to
hum it everyday, that time his mom would hum while dancing the
waltz, her waltz solo was as beautiful as an aloof swan. After many
years, once again, today Gu Hai could hear this song again, as he
looked back at those beautiful times.
Applause broke throughout the classroom, and that woke up Gu Hai
from his dream as he stupidly looked at Bai Luo Yin sitting down.
The boy sitting next to him could not hold it and said, Bai Luo Yin,
you are so perfect, why did God bestow you with his blessing? I
would be pleased if he let me have one of your many blessings!

Bai Luo Yin had barely digest the praise, before a deep cool voice
behind his back once said,
I thought your mouth could only be used for eating and to spit out
despicable words.
It felt like time has stopped for a moment as all classmates could tell
that Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin are at headlock with each other. If Bai
Luo Yin said east, Gu Hai would answer west; if Bai Luo Yin did
something, Gu Hai would definitely be there to ruin it... Even the
class nerd when seeing Bai Luo Yin would ask, Why is Gu Hai
always against you?
He has a serious problem.
Besides Gu Hai having a serious mental problem, Bai Luo Yin could
not find a more persuasive explanation. He could not imagine
anyone with a normal mentality who would still be able to pick on
someone for that long. Sometimes, he wants to ask Gu Hai, What
did I do to provoke you? Why do you treat others normally, but
whenever you see me...
But every time he was going to open his mouth, the other person
would attack first, not wanting to lose, Bai Luo Yin could only retort.
Over time, the quick-fix plan had been completely fallen apart.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 24: The Amazing Papa Bai
Author: Chai Jidan Brought to you by JustBLThings and

Facebook ||

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: Rae Lee

(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
Son, that girl is calling you again.
Bai Luo Yin had only eaten a few pieces of food, after hearing such
words, he had completely lost his appetite.
Dad, just hang up next time.
As Bai Han Qi was about to press hang up, Bai Luo Yin took the
phone back.
Well, let me do it.
Autumn was already here, and the wind blew a chilling breeze in the
backyard. Standing under the shadow of the big tree, Bai Luo Yin felt
his heart and body temperature had dropped down a few degrees.
Every night during this time, he would always have a long video
calling session with Shi Hui, which caused him to be sleep deprived.
This was worse than torture, Bai Luo Yins psychological defense has
become a bit slow lately.
He did not like it, so last night, he was deliberately not showing up
for a night.
As the result, Shi Hui immediately called him up today.
Am I such a bother to you?

In the future, lets not keep in contact.

No, absolutely not, if you do that, Ill keep bothering your dad all
Bai Luo Yin hung up the call, took out the SIM card, and returned
back to the house.
Youre done?
Uhm. Bai Luo Yin nodded.
Bai Han Qi curiously asked, Who is that girl?
Even if I tell you, you wouldnt know who; how much money you
have left on this SIM?
Bai Han Qi thought for a moment, Less than 20 yuan I think.
Then get a new one.
Bai Luo Yin was quick with his hand as he immediately bent the
Bai Han Qi was about to stop his son but it was too late, he watched
the SIM card he had been using for so long being bent in half and
felt a bit remorse,
All the numbers I saved on that SIM are now gone.
Bai Luo Yin patted Bai Han Qis shoulder to comfort him, Dont
worry, no one will call your number anyway, whats the point of
keeping it, might as well get a new one.
Bai Han Qi heaved out a heavy sigh and turned to look at Bai Luo

Youve had a cold sore* these past few days, is it getting better?
[T/N: cold sore - an inflamed blister in or near the mouth, caused by
infection with the herpes simplex virus.]
Much better. Bai Luo Yin went into his room, I just need to apply
the ointment for a few more times and itll be gone, where is the
ointment? Do you remember where you put it?
Its in the cabinet, second drawer, the yellow tube.
These past few days, it was Bai Han Qi who used a cotton swab to
apply the ointment onto Bai Luo Yins cold sore; today he wanted to
do it by himself, searching in the second drawer for quite some time,
he finally found a yellow tube.
Ma Ying Long Hemorrhoid Ointment.
This cannot be it... Bai Luo Yin searched through the first and third
drawer for a long time, hands covered in dust, yet he still could not
find the ointment to treat inflammation on the mouth.
Dad, where is it?
Bai Luo Yin turned shouting towards the yard.
Bai Han Qi was trying to straighten the bent SIM card, but it was all
in vain, so he discarded the SIM and walked back into the house.
Didnt I tell you its in the second drawer?
Ive looked, its not there!
Bai Han Qi went over and picked up the yellow tube, Isnt it just
right here?
Ma Ying Long Hemorrhoid Ointment ......

Bai Luo Yins face turned gloomy, I have a cold sore, why did you
give me hemorrhoid ointment?
What about it? Bai Han Qi smiled brightly, Last time, when your
grandmother had fungus on her feet, I also applied this ointment to
cure it.
Bai Luo Yin clenched his fists so tight that his bones made cracking
sound, Are athletes foot* and cold sore the same thing? [T/N:
athletes foot - a fungal infection affecting the skin between the
toes. It is a form of ringworm]
Cold sore also has blisters, doesnt it? 502 glue can be used to stick
plastic together and can also be used to fix shoes that are falling
apart, right? It doesnt matter what it is being used for, as long as it
can cure your cold sore, its proven that this ointment works. Take a
look at your mouth, wasnt that blister pretty big before? Now it has
all healed up, see?
Bai Han Qi touched Bai Luo Yins mouth as he finished the sentence.
Bai Luo Yin pushed away Bai Han Qis hand, angrily stormed back to
his room, and slammed the door shut.
Bai Han Qi knocked on the door as he said: Im not being cheap,
but this ointment really does work; it heals the blisters on my mouth
and the cracks between my fingers; if you dont believe me, you can
go ask the doctor; I bet he would agree that this ointment can be
used to treat everything.
Not even a sound coming from the inside.
Bai Han Qi continued tapping on the door, Son? Youve been using
for the past few days, itll only take a few more days (until the cold
sore is healed), its best to continue using it.
Bai Luo Yin was having insomnia again.

... ...
The next day, another day of torturing had started again, Bai Luo
Yins daily life had been set in this cycle: Fighting with Gu Hai during
the day, and then being tortured by Shi Hui at night time. His
mentality was completed exhausted, yet he had to meet with the
worst day ever; he woke up with a stuffy nose as he could not
breath through his nose. He sat up and took a look around, only a
corner of his quilt was on the bed, the rest (of the quilt) was on the
A cold was inevitable.
Bai Luo Yin put on more layers of clothes and walked to school. On
the way, he stopped by a small clinic and had a doctor check out his
cold, the physician gave him a sheet of Bai Jia Hei. [T/N: Bai Jia Hei
- Perhaps the closest thing to a Chinese version of DayQuil and
NyQuil, Bi Ji Hi treats cold and flu symptoms with two types of
pills: white for non-drowsy daytime relief and black for night time to
help you sleep.]
Once he got to school, Bai Luo Yin did not bother to take a look, but
immediately popped out a capsule and swallowed it down.
As a result, he noticed a black capsule was missing on the medicine
A TV commercial slogan crossed through his thought.
Take white capsule during the day for non-drowsiness; take black
capsule at night for a good sleep.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 25: Something Has Happened to Bai Luo Yin

Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: whaleywes
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
Since self-study period until break time, Bai Luo Yin wouldnt do
anything, not even lifting his head up for once.
This period would definitely make Gu Hai feet twinged and stuffy.
Gu Hai felt quite annoyed, he had tried various methods to wake Bai
Luo Yin, but that person still kept on sleeping; he pushed his desk
forward into the back of Bai Luo Yin's desk, which made such a loud
crash that everyone in the classroom turning to stare at him; yet,
Bai Luo Yin still slept peacefully.
Period three was Luo Xiao Yus period. Luo Xiao Yu really liked to call
Bai Luo Yin to answer, no exception, three sounds Bai Luo Yin just
out of his mouth. The whole class would look at Bai Luo Yin.
Bai Luo Yin slept so much that his left cheek was always rosy. He
was like before and stood up and answered fluently.
This has happened so many times that everyone didnt see it as
But Gu Hai really liked to make his own problems.

Since he knew Bai Luo Yin, he doubted that Bai Luo Yin was really
sleeping. Is there anyone that can both sleep and be lectured at a
same time? Many classmates said that Bai Luo Yin was so strange,
its like he has magic.
Gu Hai definitely doesnt believe in supernatural things.
In order to test whether he was right or not, during third period, Gu
Hai went to the nurses office and bought two sleeping pills. After
returning to class he broke the pills into smaller pieces and put into
Bai Luo Yins water bottle.
Till afternoon, Bai Luo Yin was still dazed.
Cold medicine was really good at making people feel high. Even
more drinking it at the wrong time like him, one could definitely
sleep without even knowing whether it was day or night.
Bai Luo Yin felt thirsty, he got his water bottle and guzzled it.
Weird, why was the water today so bitter? The more I drink the
thirstier I get!
Bai Luo Yin drank all the water from his big water bottle. After
drinking he went to the hot water tap to pour some water in, leaving
it on his desk to cool down.
After drinking, Bai Luo Yin immediately felt sleepy.
He slept on, never even lifting his head.
Through two periods, the teachers didnt call Bai Luo Yin to answer
the questions. Gu Hai thought that there wouldnt be any way to test
it out. Through the third and fourth periods, class had self-study so
the classroom was quiet and was the perfect time for all sleepers.
Bai Luo Yin didnt even change his position, his textbooks fell down
and he didnt even notice.

One classmate collected all classmates notebooks.

He came to Bai Luo Yins desk and lightly called.
Bai Luo Yin, where is your math notebook?
Bai Luo Yin didnt respond.
The classmate became a little impatient, tapping Bai Luo Yins head.
Hey wake up, you have to turn in your notebook.
You Qi also turned back and scared him, The teacher is coming.
Bai Luo Yin wouldnt move an inch.
At this time the class started to worry. In theory, Bai Luo Yin was
very cautious while sleeping. No matter how deep his sleep was,
when people called him, or thered be something serious to do, he
would wake up.
What happened?
You Qi tried to lift Bai Luo Yins head up and as a result, You Qis face
changed color.
Why is his face so pale?
That sentence made Gu Hai alert.
Dont tell me hes allergic to sleeping pills?
Gu Hai quickly pushed the chair away, one arm holding Bai Luo Yins
shoulder, shaking it and the other tapping his pale face, Bai Luo
Yin? Bai Luo Yin?
Bai Luo Yin didnt respond.

You Qi became impatient, Hes fainted, quickly bring him to the

nurses office.
While saying this he put Bai Luo Yin onto his back, wanting to carry
him outside. As a result when You Qi stood up, the two fell.
Gu Hai couldnt stand it, he pushed You Qi aside.
Stand aside, let me.
Immediately pulling Bai Luo Yins arms, bringing Bai Luo Yins body
onto his back. Gu Hai waited for Bai Luo Yin to settle down then
quickly ran downstairs, You Qi also ran behind.
Let me say this, you look like you are carrying a bird on your back.
You Qi gasped, he wasnt carrying anything on his back but he still
couldnt catch up to Gu Hai.
Bai Luo Yin was light weight and Gu Hai usually practices carrying
heavy stuff while running. In less than a minute the two had already
arrived at the nurses office. Gu Hai put Bai Luo Yin onto the bed.
The schools nurse was a young girl, seeing two handsome guys
carrying one handsome guy to have a medical examination made
her blood boiled.
Yo! Gu Hai, why are you here?
When Gu Hai came here to ask for sleeping pills, this female nurse
immediately pulled him inside to ask all kinds of questions. Her
judging eyes made Gu Hai feel very uncomfortable. After he went
out he even sighed thinking for a moment that he wouldnt have to
come here anymore. Who knew that hed have to return this quickly.
You Qi turned at Gu Hai and asked Do you know her?
Gu Hai didnt say a word, his eyes on Bai Luo Yin.

The nurse looked at You Qi for a moment, her eyes litup.

You... are You Qi right?
You Qi coldly nodded.
Wow, youre the schools idol. You Qi, the one that people always
mention, I see that you definitely have something special, so the
rumors were true. Let me tell you, last time there were two girls
came here and they wouldnt stop talking about you.
You QI looked at Gu Hais face, suddenly feeling panic.
Please hurry up. You Qi couldnt keep his cool figure, he
impatiently hastened the nurse. The one who needs treatment is
over there, can you quickly exam him to see if hes okay.
The nurse went to Bai Luo Yin and her eyes lit up yet again.
Isnt this Bai Luo Yin?
A cold voice pierced right through the nurses ears, If you wont
shut up, tomorrow I will immediately shut down the schools clinic.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 26: You Are My Medicine
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha

(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our

permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
"He only took two sleeping pills?"
Gu Hai turned to stare at You Qi as You Qi carefully recalled today's
events, his facial expression quickly changed, "I saw there was a
drug pack on his desk, but don't know what kind of drug. But this
morning he came to school with a cold, so I assumed it's cold
The school nurse attentively thought for a moment, eyes focusing
on You Qi's face.
"How about this, go and grab that pack of drug to here, so I can take
a look at it."
You Qi quickly dashed out of the room, while Gu Hai went to sit down
besides the bed as he quietly watched Bai Luo Yin. He noticed Bai
Luo Yin had never had such peaceful expression on him, all of the
facial lines were relaxing, it was as if doesn't matter how you
scolded him, it would not going to disturb his peace.
"Don't worry, he will be fine, looking at his expression it looked like it
was not so serious. I guess by consuming two different types of
medicine at the same time, it had caused a minor drug poisoning.
When he wakes up, everything will be ok; just remember for
consuming sleeping pill for a first time, don't take in too much dose,
just one capsule is good enough."
Gu Hai kept his silence as his face turned solemn.

You Qi came back and handed the drug pack to the school nurse.
"You see, it's cold medicine."
The school nurse nodded and walked over to touch Bai Luo Yin's
forehead and softly said, "Seems like he needs a transfusion, he has
a light fever coupled with drug overdose, that's why it causes him to
have body weakness and drowsiness."
The school nurse went into another room, You Qi walked towards Bai
Luo Yin as he told Gu Hai, "I'll look after him, you go back to class,
only one person is enough."
"You go back."
These three words were spoken lightly, yet it gave the listener a
heavy feeling.
Gu Hai covered Bai Luo Yin in a quilt.
You Qi saw what Gu Hai just did, and a mixed feeling arose within
him. In others' eyes, Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin were like archenemy,
but in You Qi's eyes, Gu Hai had a special feeling for Bai Luo Yin, it
could be said Gu Hai really liked Bai Luo Yin. Gu Hai would not take
the initiative to say greet anyone, but he would take the trouble to
provoke Bai Luo Yin from time to time; he always showed others an
indifference expression, yet he would show an extraordinary
enthusiasm when in front of Bai Luo Yin; he always tried to think of
ways to torture Bai Luo Yin, but when Bai Luo Yin was in trouble, he
would be the one being anxious...
Other people might have not guessed it, Bai Luo Yin could have not
noticed it, but You Qi definitely could have seen through it.
This was like a high school puppy love, where a boy really likes a girl
in his class but does not know how to express it. So he takes on a
great pain of teasing that girl like pulling her pigtails, stealing her

workbook, and bullying her until she is at the verge of tears......Even

though Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin were both male, their relationship
was not too far off on that sublime level, the purpose was still the
same: to get the other's attention.
Bai Luo Yin was the only person in this class whom Gu Hai would
want to associate with, the dating rule among the boys is like that:
you're stronger than me, I admire you, I will take the initiative to
mess around with you. That was why You Qi could be sure that Gu
Hai really really likes Bai Luo Yin.
In fact, not only Gu Hai, You Qi also admired Bai Luo Yin.
There was an unique appealing on Bai Luo Yin, this appealing only
kept on increasing as days goes by, he was an epitome of
epiphyllum oxypetalum, it was a normal flower among the flowering
shrubs, yet someone is willing to wait three thousands years just to
see its first bloom.
"I'll give you some medicine."
The school nurse's words brought You Qi out of his reverie.
"What medicine?"
The school nurse smiled genuinely with tenderness, "It's rare to
have you come to my office, I can't have you go back with emptyhanded ah! These are the supplements for the brain, you can take
some home; it must be tiring to be a highschool student, every day
you need ot supply your brain with nutritional supplementary."
You Qi threw a cold stare at the school nurse, "You can keep them
for yourself."
Gu Hai had been staring at Bai Luo Yin for a while, the more he
looked the more familiar he felt, even though he had a blurry

contour of the person's face, Bai Luo Yin's nose and mouth had
always given Gu Hai a deja vu feeling.
"Ugh...kaff kaff..." [T/N: Kaff - coughing sound]
Bai Luo Yin's cough cut Gu Hai's thinking.
Bai Luo Yin was having a dream, in his dream he saw himself as
Kuafu who constantly chasing after the sun, chasing ~ chasing~ , as
he chased after it he became even more thirsty, as he was about to
reach the Yellow River, he woke up due to the thirst. [T/N: Kuafu - a
giant in Chinese folk tale who challenges the sun to a chase; Yellow
River is the first river he drinks dry during his eight days run. To
read this folktale go here:]
A surge of cool sweet liquid flowing in his mouth, Bai Luo Yin's lips
and tongue were fully moistened, he reached out to grab the cup,
but it resulted in him touching another person's hand with a wide
powerful palm, and all finger joints screamed out manliness. Bai Luo
Yin moved his
hand away from this particular hand and tried to reach for the cup,
but he did not find the cup at the edge of the table after such a long
time of blindly searching.
Gu Hai pressed down Bai Luo Yin's wandering hand, and placed the
cup at Bai Luo Yin's mouth as carefully pouring the water into his
Once Bai Luo Yin had drunk enough, he pushed Gu Hai's hand out.
"Dad, I'm not thirsty anymore."
Gu Hai's expression finally showed some relaxation after a long
period of anxiety, "So polite?"

Bai Luo Yin felt something was off, he slowly opened his eyes and
was meeting with Gu Hai's face, his eyes quickly turned gloomy.
"Why is it you?"
"You don't recognize your dad?"
Bai Luo Yin reached out his hand to try to hit Gu Hai, but it was
stopped by Gu Hai's hands.
"Don't move, you still have a needle in your arm."
Only now Bai Luo Yin paid attention to the needle in his arm and an
infusion bottles overhead.
"What happened?"
Gu Hai retold everything to Bai Luo Yin, without the slightest
concealment nor a little hint of guiltiness. As if putting sleeping pills
in Bai Luo Yin's drink was the most normal thing to do, during this
whole revelation progress, it pinpointed that the one who did not
cooperate with the plan was Bai Luo Yin, the most critical point was
that Bai Luo Yin is the one at fault.
Bai Luo Yin really wanted to ask the school nurse to give him two
doses of aspirin*. [T/N: Aspirin - is a medication, often used to treat
pain, fever, and inflammation; and is used long-term, at low doses,
to help prevent heart attacks, strokes, and blood clot formation in
people at high risk of developing blood clots.]
"Tell me, when I have ever offended you, I'll apologize to you."
To say out those words showed that Bai Luo Yin was already really
tired of this game they have been playing, Gu Hai could afford to
play around with him, but he could not afford to deal with the mess.
Gu Hai's uniform was destroyed and right the next day he could
have on a brand new one, but

Bai Luo Yin still had to wear the same worn out uniform; Gu Hai
could stay in a hospital VIP room if he was hurt, but Bai Luo Yin
would have to pay ten days worth of spending money on a bottle of
Gu Hai could read Bai Luo Yin's mind as he immediately said.
"I can compensate for all your losses, but to tell me to not mess with
you, I can't do that."
Bai Luo Yin bang his head on the pillow, staring furiously at Gu Hai.
"Fucker, do you have a sickened mind?"
Gu Hai smiled faintly, "Yes, I'm sick."
"Quickly take your medicine!"
"You're my medicine."
Bai Luo Yin gave Gu Hai a cold stare, "What do you mean?"
"If you want me to get better, you'll have to put up with the
"... ..."

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 27: The End of the Officials Child
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha

(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our

permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
The score for the first month examination was being handed out to
Gu Hai skimmed through his score in all subjects, the score was
higher than his expectation; thinking that he did not study hard yet
his score was not so bad, he became quite arrogant.
"What is your score?"
Gu Hai really wanted to know what kind of score Bai Luo Yin
achieved if he slept in class all the time.
"Total score?"
Gu Hai nodded, "Mine is 521, yours?"
"I haven't calculated yet."
"Give it to me, I'll help you calculate."
He did not wait for Bai Luo Yin to agree as he immediately snatched
the paper away from Bai Luo Yin's hand; he wanted to use this
opportunity to make fun at Bai Luo Yin, in the end except physical
education (PE), which was Gu Hai's specialty, there was not even a
subject that Gu Hai scores better than Bai Luo Yin.
"Math, 150... ..."

Gu Hai was so surprised that he looked up to check the name on the

paper, it really was belonging to Bai Luo Yin, moreover it was the
perfect score. Although it was normal for having high score in social
science, to have a perfect score was a very rare case.
"Language art, 126..."
Gu Hai once again was struck with another shock, he looked at his
language art score, 96 points, exactly 30 points difference. Gu Hai
turned Bai Luo Yin's exam paper over, and noticed that it was only
15 points away from perfect score in Language art.
"This is not fair..." Gu Hai sulked, "Your essay, if replace by my
handwriting, must be no more than 40 points."
Bai Luo Yin was too lazy to deal with this kind of people.
"Physics 287, English score is 694?"
With this score, one could easily pass the college entrance exam in
Beijing! How could it be? Gu Hai could not believe it, Bai Luo Yin
always slept in class, how could his test score to be that high? Is this
even justice?
"You cheated, right?"
"You Qi is in front of me, and you're behind me, who can I copy
You Qi's score was just barely over 400, it was the worst score.
The girl sitting next to them saw Gu Hai's disbelief look, could not
help but to interrupt, "Bai Luo Yin got into this school by being a top
scorer, his score is always in the top five."
Gu Hai had finally understood why Luo Xiao Yu has always been
docile and obedient towards Bai Luo Yin, and all the classmates
always boast about his intelligent. At first, he thought the two of

them were on the same boat, one is always sleeping and one is
always being distracted. When carefully thinking about it, does not
matter how many time he tried to scheme or tried to torture Bai Luo
Yin, in the end the one who is at the losing end was always him.
"You're too awful!"
Gu Hai smacked gently on Bai Luo Yin's neck.
I'm awful? Bai Luo Yin thought if god has eyes, he should have
struck a lighting at the person sitting behind him. [T/N: in Chinese
culture, a punishment from god is usually by striking someone with
"How am I too awful?"
"You've ruined the image of a genius in my thought."
Bai Luo Yin sneered coldly and mercilessly retaliated.
"You've also ruined my ability to tolerate dumb-ass."
Gu Hai had not even retorted back, when suddenly a loud voice
sounding from outside, bringing everyone's attention to the back
entrance of the classroom. An unfamiliar boy flung open the back
door with his feet, which caused the ground to be shaken a bit. This
person wore a ferocious expression with a cold aura surrounding
him, which containing an air of a scoundrel lord.
"Bai Luo Yin, you fucking bastard!"
There was not even a curse word replying back, which brought the
noisy classroom into a deafening silence within second.
Bai Luo Yin casted a murdering stare to the person, one could easily
see an extreme hate on his face. This person was called Wu Fang, a
first year student; he also really liked to make life difficult for Bai Luo
Yin. The reason was very simple: he is trying to get a date with a girl

who has a crush on Bai Luo Yin. He was someone who has his own
chauffeur, has lot of money, and is the son of a powerful Official.
Even the school administration had to give in to his whim; therefore,
how he can stand to have a pauper riding over his head.
"Bai Luo Yin, I'm telling you, you'd better be honest. Be careful or
else I'll spill your secret, I'm really going to say it, I'll see if you still
dare to show your face in this school! Don't think that you can just
do as you like just because of your good grades, you've pissed me
off, even if you're the top scorer, you'll still have to get out!"
Bai Luo Yin stood up to walk over to Wu Fang, he used a calm cold
sharp tone replying to him.
"What secret story do I have? Say it, I'm curious."
Wu Fang laughed out loud arrogantly, "You really want me to say it?
I'm afraid if I say it, you'll be begging on your knees!"
Bai Luo Yin coldly shot out five short words, "Say it if you dare."
"Ok, you're the one who told me to say this; everyone, listen well, I'll
say this once. Your class' Bai Luo Yin is a son of a bitch, that his own
mother doesn't want him, do you know what his mother does? Once
I say it, you'll be shocked!'s not called that way, nowadays
it's a different word, it's called a woman who has taken a wrong step
in life...ha ha ha...."
Everyone in the classroom made a booing sound, some were
surprised, some were feeling resented, and some were becoming
skeptical. No one believed that Bai Luo Yin would have such a
mother, they thought it must be because Wu Fang feels jealous of
Bai Luo Yin and deliberately fabricated the story to insult him.
From the beginning, Bai Luo Yin did not utter one single word, his
expression was still, only his upper arm blood vessels popping up
pulse after pulse.

"Just take a look at Bai Luo Yin, you all can see he looks just like a
motherless kid! Usually motherless kids always wear that scary
expression on them!"
Bai Luo Yin dashed towards Wu Fang with one hand raised up.
At that second, Bai Luo Yin's face was splashed with blood.
Wu Fang did not know what was going on, Bai Luo Yin was still in
shock, Gu Hai's fist again raised up, another punch landed down
deforming half of Wu Fang's face. A large amount of blood dripped
out from Wu Fang's nose and eyes, some got into his mouth, it was
so painful that Wu Fang screamed out.
"Fucking dare to hit me?"
Wu Fang furiously came at Gu Hai, but Gu Hai mercilessly kicked on
Wu Fang's kneecap hard and right on the spot, causing a terrible
sound of bone fracturing resounded. Wu Fang was only able to
scream out once and fell on the ground, Gu Hai tugged at his neck
collar and dragged him out of the classroom through the back door.
A punch landed on Wu Fang's mouth, the entire corridor could have
heard it.
Initially, some people rushed to the scene in attempting to stop the
fight, but after seeing the scene of the two on the ground, they all
were being scared away. Wu Fang's entire face was being beaten as
if Gu Hai wanted to completely demolish it, chin was also crooked,
Gu Hai's fists swept over Wu Fang's face causing four of his teeth
came off, as he was having hard time breathing while spitting them
Gu Hai pointed at Bai Luo Yin.

Wu Fang choked out, "Why the fuck I should apologize? If you dare
to hit me one more, I'll make sure you can't come to school
tomorrow! Try if you don't believe me."
What Wu Fang said was going to be right, if Gu Hai was just a
commoner who beats the crap out of the son of the Official, it would
be inevitable for him to be in detention camp.
Both of Gu Hai's fists were covered in blood, with left hand holding
onto Wu Fang's head, while right hand continued to punch the light
out of Wu Fang.
A long screech.
Half of Wu Fang face got crushed in.
Several girls were screaming in fright, and even a teacher nearby
did not dare to intervene, but quickly called the security office.
Tears streaming down Wu Fang's face as he screamed out to his
mother begging for mercy.
A classmate standing nearby could not stand it anymore as he
walked over to Gu Hai, kindly reminded him, "Gu Hai, you should
stop beating him up, or else you'll be in trouble."
Gu Hai completely ignored the kind reminder, and kicked hard on
Wu Fang's thigh.
Wu Fang's body winced, just like a shrimp twitching on the ground.
Bai Luo Yin stood on the side, speechless due to the shock, he could
not understand why Gu Hai becoming all crazy and trying to set the
record straight for him.

You Qi pushed Bai Luo Yin lightly, "you say something to him,
someone's gonna die if this keeps on going."
Bai Luo Yin walked over but he was not able to utter a word, Gu Hai
held up his three fingers.
"I'll count to three, if you still don't apologize, I'll directly drop you
out of the window, you hear me."
"One, Two,..."
Wu Fang suddenly clinged onto Gu Hai's leg, the whole face was so
badly mutilate that one could not see its original form.
"I'm...I'm sorry..."
Wu Fang just opened his mouth and a mouthful of blood came out of
it, all the bystanders were so scared that their heart skipped a beat,
all took a step back.
Gu Hai unexpectedly pulled Wu Fang up, forced him on his knees,
and pressed his head low onto Bai Luo Yin's feet.
"Say, you're his grandson, you're the son of a bitch."
Wu Fang was immobile.
Bai Luo Yin could tell something was not right, he had wanted to
step up to stop Gu Hai and to tell him to not toy with him anymore.
In the end, he was still one step behind, Gu Hai had already swung
his fist, Wu Fang's tooth flew out of his mouth.
"Enough!" Bai Luo Yin grabbed Gu Hai's collar, "hurry and rush him
to the hospital!"
"You stand still!"
Gu Hai soared towards Bai Luo Yin.

Since Bai Luo Yin knew Gu Hai until now, he had never seen such
expression on Gu Hai, all the terrible cruel words were being used to
describe Gu Hai were not overstated.
Gu Hai's fury voice echoing throughout the corridor; even the
outside sun would not dare to shine its ray into this dark icy corner.
Wu Fang's face was placed right next to Bai Luo Yin's feet, breathing
hard while crying, some disgusting discharge coming out of his
mouth as he spoke.
"I hu...I'm a son...son of a hu..."
Gu Hai threw Wu Fang to the side and stood up, the front of his vest
uniform was soaked in Wu Fang's blood.
Bai Luo Yin quietly stood between the two of them with an empty
The 120 ambulance siren came through, as a group of onlookers
went back to their classroom with fright in their hearts, the
paramedic came rushing into the school building and quickly placed
Wu Fang onto the stretcher to carry him out.
Ten minutes later, everything went back to its peaceful state.
The blood stain had been carefully cleaned up by the janitor, but the
smell of blood was still lingering in the air and floating out of the
classroom through the window, as everyone's heart turned cold.
"Gu Hai, you come here for a minute."
When Bai Luo Yin turned back to look at Gu Hai, his seat was empty,
many students were now talking about the earlier incident and was
speculating that Gu Hai probably would never come back after this.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 28: Attitude Starts To Change
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
Two periods had already passed, yet Gu Hai had not even returned,
and there was not even any news from him. In between the breaks
of the two periods, everyone was still gossiping about Gu Hai's fate,
Bai Luo Yin only lied on his desk with eyes opened widely.
Until school was dismissed, Bai Luo Yin had already packed his stuffs
and exited out of the classroom through the back door, heading
straight to the security room.
Bai Luo Yin had already thought about the worst possibility, if
something bad did happen, he would put his pride aside and go
looking for Jiang Yuan; even though he still did not like Gu Hai, this
time Gu Hai got into trouble for him; if Gu Hai did not call the shot,
the one who would be disciplined was going to be him.

Thinking about the matter while walking down the stairs, Bai Luo
Yin's mind kept replaying the image of Gu Hai beating the light out
of Wu Fang, he did not look where he was going.
"Why are you out here?"
Bai Luo Yin was caught by surprised, seeing Gu Hai standing at the
end of the staircase.
The two of them did not move an inch, just stood there looking at
each other at the distance of a meter apart, this was the first time
that Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu Hai with a normal harmless stare.
"Do you come back to collect your things?" Bai Luo Yin asked.
Gu Hai stepped up two steps and said with a nonchanlant
expression, "do you know me that well?"
"Are you coming back?"
"Come back for what?"
Bai Luo Yin's facial expression changed for a split second; he held
onto Gu Hai's arm and worriedly said.
"It was hard on you, I'll definitely find someone to get you out." [T/N:
What Bai Luo Yin is worried that Da Hai is being sent to the
detention camp; and those camps are not fun, they are like prison
for yeah, not really a fun place to be in]
Gu Hai felt into a short silence and then suddenly laughed.
"What are you talking about? I'm going home to eat and sleep, I'll be
back tomorrow; moreover, from where are you going to get me out

Bai Luo Yin's thoughts were running on a fast track train, when
heard this sentence from Gu Hai, all of his worries and anxiety from
a moment ago made a quick emergency brake.
"How is everything ok?"
Gu Hai chuckled, "Do you really want me to be in trouble?"
Bai Luo Yin did not reply to that.
Gu Hai patted Bai Luo Yin's shoulder, "I go back to the classroom to
collect my stuff."
Gu Hai could feel Bai Luo Yin's hand clutched onto his arm tightly,
"What? You don't believe me? I said it's all right."
"Not that."
Bai Luo Yin unzipped and toof off Gu Hai's bloody vest uniform, and
then he took off his own vest uniform and handed it to Gu Hai.
"Wear this before going back to class."
After saying that, Bai Luo Yin immediately left for home.
Gu Hai was wearing the uniform vest covered in holes as he stood
still at the stairs for a long while. Although Bai Luo Yin always
showed that stoic and stinky expression every day in class, his
uniform had this unique fragrance on it.
Bai Luo Yin walked home under the cold without a shirt on him, the
wind became stronger as the night fell over, he could not help but to
rub his hands togehter to get warm. Passed over a corner, an auntie
who had been familiar with a lone boy figure walking by everyday,
when seeing Bai Luo Yin without a shirt on, she quickly asked, "Take
my uniform and put it on if you're not so embarrassed."

"It's ok Auntie, I'll be fine when I start to run."

"Ai~alright, be careful when crossing the street."
As he was passing by a crossroad, he was supposed to turn right,
but his feet kept on going in the opposite direction. It was during
rush hour and everyone had started to fill up the street; Bai Luo Yin
walked in the middle of a noisy crowd, yet he suddenly felt a
terrifying silence fell over him.
"Your class' Bai Luo Yin is a son of a bitch that even his own mother
doesn't want him."
--- --Even though Wu Fang has been taught a really good lesson, but this
sentence of his would be haunting Bai Luo Yin for the rest of his life.
Gu Hai hailed a cab home, as the cab was waiting at an intersection,
he saw Bai Luo Yin's back. Before, this back was pretty easy to spot,
especially today it was much easier because Bai Luo Yin did not
wear a uniform vest on him: a handsome figure with a steady slow
pace, he could really stand out in the horrible crowd.
"Mister, please stop in front of that corner over there."
Gu Hai get off the cab and followed Bai Luo Yin, he wanted to know
at such late hours why Bai Luo Yin did not go home but wandered
around here.
Passing through another street, it was now really late in the evening,
Bai Luo Yin finally stopped in front of a random street vendor.
"Boss, give me five bottles of beer, 20 meat skewers, 5 steaks, 5
chicken gristle, and 3 fish skewers..."

Bai Luo Yin seemed to order all of his favorite food, and then found a
table to settle down. The beer was quickly being placed on his table,
he took a one or two big gulps of the beer, and then leisurely picked
on the peanut.
"Are you going to finish that much food by yourself?"
Hearing a familiar voice, Bai Luo Yin lifted his eyes and saw Gu Hai
standing in front of him. He was still wearing that askewly calm
expression, even though Bai Luo Yin was still skeptical about Gu Hai
not being punished for his action, he could see that there was not
even a hint of anxious on Gu Hai's face.
"Boss, give me an extra set of bowl and chopsticks, please." Bai Luo
Yin turned to call out.
Gu Hai smiled with satisfaction, "I've been starving while you're
enjoying your spledid life here."
Bai Luo Yin chugged down two big gulps of beer, his voice had
becoming less distant and cold, "If you keep on babbling, go to
another table."
Gu Hai immediately shut up and put a skewer into his mouth; the
taste was not bad. He used to think those street vendors are quite
dirty; however, as he was sitting here among the lively and messy
scene, he suddenly felt a strong appetite.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 29: Happily Drinking By The Street
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series


Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha

(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
"Don't drink like that, it'll hurt your stomach."
Gu Hai took away a glass of alcohol in Bai Luo Yin's hand, but the
other boy quickly snatched it back, chugged down within a gulp,
even burped out once he finished gulping it down, and continued
glomped down on the skewer in his hand.
Gu Hai took the half-eaten skewer away from Bai Luo Yin's hand and
chomped down on it.
Bai Luo Yin's face darkened, "There are so many, why did you take
"I want to."
Bai Luo Yin gave Gu Hai a dagger stare and then turned to call to the
owner of the shop, "Boss, give me another bottle."
Gu Hai became stunned and quickly stopped Bai Luo Yin, turned to
the owner and said, "Boss, no need to, don't bring it."
"If you're still nagging, get out of here!"
In the end, Gu Hai could not stop Bai Luo Yin, the other boy drank as
much as he could eat, the more he drank the more he became
talkative, Gu Hai had a chance to know more about the other boy.

"Actually, my mom isn't that kind of person; even though she had
never cared about me since I was young, she has never done
anything like that*. She always looks down on my dad, she is a very
realistic person who wants to live in luxury." [T/N: "That" here
prefers to Wu Fang's statement that Bai Luo Yin's mother is a
"I believe you." Gu Hai just smiled bitterly, "What's good for you is
that you can still see your mom, mine has passed away."
Bai Luo Yin gave Gu Hai an unbelievable stare, he always thought
that Gu Hai must live a very comfort life, so comfort to the point that
he had found boredom in it.
"I know what you're thinking." Gu Hai lit up a cigarette and looked at
Bai Luo Yin with a snicker, "Besides you, have you seen me teasing
Bai Luo Yin held out his hand, and Gu Hai handed him a cigarette;
the smoke lingering around the two of them, it felt like this world is
only belonging to them.
"You have already known about my family situation?" Bai Luo Yin
Gu Hai nodded his head, "A little."
"So, you keep picking on me and make me feel irritated, all the
better for you to find consolation for me?"
Gu Hai put out his cigarette, took a sip of his drink as cracking a
small smile.
"This isn't called picking on you, it's called caring for you, I'm using a
unique method to love you."
"Don't exploit on my tolerance to feed your shamelessness."

Once these words were spoken, Bai Luo Yin laughed, Gu Hai also
laughed along, the two of them laughed the matter off as if using
this laugh to mark the end of their pickering fights.
Gu Hai held the skewers on the oven and turned them around as Bai
Luo Yin continued his drinking. He watched as Gu Hai busy himself
grilling the skewer on the oven, Bia Luo Yin suddenly felt that this
person is a very friendly man. Perhaps they both shared the same
plight so Bai Luo Yin
could understand Gu Hai's feeling, or perhaps it was due to the
alcohol...Out of the blue, Bai Luo Yin felt like telling this person
everything about him.
"I have a lot of friends, they smile and laugh with me, yet they all
always try to hide their difficulty in their hearts."
Gu Hai thought about his own friends, and could not help but
snickered, "That's the common problem among men, it can't be
Bai Luo Yin chugged down his bottle of beer again, "I used to have a
girlfriend, she is really pretty and has a good family background, but
we broke up; I haven't been sleeping well all this time due to this
Bai Luo Yin talked a lot during this evening, Gu Hai only listened
quietly on the side. Bai Luo Yin unreservedly told Gu Hai all his pain
and difficulties; including his family background is the real barrier for
his love life, the long distance relationship between him and Shi Hui,
his concerns for the future, the differences between him and his
mother, and his abhorrence for the social class gap.......
After listening to all of it, Gu Hai had a feeling that Bai Luo Yin once
again drew a line between them; obviously they had just become a
bit closer, and now this line had separated them again.

A dead drunk Bai Luo Yin stood up to go pee*, Gu Hai pulled him to a
clear opening and told him to do his business there. [T/N: *- direct
translation, the author used the term "pee"; not my vulgar language
Bai Luo Yin placed his hand at the lower abdomen and made a
gesture of pulling down a zipper, but there was no zipper on his
pants, he just needed to pull them down.
Seeing that Bai Luo Yin was about to start, Gu Hai's face turned color
as he quickly stopped Bai Luo Yin in his act, "Don't urine yet, take off
your pants first!"
"They're already off!"
Both of Bai Luo Yin's hands stretched out in an opening, face was
tinted with redness due to alcohol as smiled stupidly.
Gu Hai cracked a small laugh at the scene, "When did you take them
off? Isn't that you still have them on?"
Bai Luo Yin lowered his head and looked down, the pants were still
"No need to take them off, just do it with them on, much easier."
"Much easier for who you said?" Gu Hai stepped closer to Bai Luo
Yin, helped him taking off his pants, and then placed Bai Luo Yin's
hand on his family jewel*, "Here, piss*." [T/N: family jewel - a man's
genitals; piss - another word for pee, but in a much more of a vulgar
Bai Luo Yin obediently began to empty his bladder*, taking
advantage of the moonlight from above, Gu Hai glanced over to
stare at Bai Luo Yin. Every man has a common issue: if he sees
another man's family jewel, he would always compare the size of his
own family jewel with that man. [T/N: lit. trans - to resolve his

problem - well his current problem is to empty his bladder, right?

LOL so yea, I just want to make things easier to understand LOL]
Once Bai Luo Yin was done, he turned to look at Gu Hai, "don't you
need to go?"
"Not now."
Bai Luo Yin pointed at Gu Hai's pants, "Take off your pants, I want to
know whose is bigger."
Gu Hai smiled widely, he pulled up Bai Luo Yin's pants while replied,
"We do that tomorrow, we will do that tomorrow..."
Bai Luo Yin was so drunk that he could not walk straight, every two
steps he would strip over something. Gu Hai could not stand to
watch it anymore, as he crouched down to let Bai Luo Yin get on his
back and carried him.
Bai Luo Yins arms resting on Gu Hais shoulders as breathing hot air
down Gu Hais neck, Gu Hai could feel his neck getting hotter each
second, so he tried to pushed Bai Luo Yin up on his back a bit more,
causing Luo Yins nose bumping against his cheek.
Are you sleepy? Gu Hai asked.
Ah? Bai Luo Yin drowsily replied.
Gu Hais tone became soften like it had never been before, then
sleep, sleep for awhile and youll be home soon.
Who do you say to go to sleep? Who do you say to go to sleep?
Bai Luo Yin suddenly raised his voice and landed a fist at Gu Hais
left cheek, You want to cut my clothes again, right?
Half of Gu Hais face became painful, he had never been this patient
with anyone like he was now with Bai Luo Yin; even Gu Hai himself

could not explain why he could never get mad when in front of this
Bai Luo Yin shouted out loudly towards the empty street ahead of
If youre being stupid again, Im going to throw you into a ditch,
believe it or not?
Bai Luo Yin did not say anything, even breathing sprinkled onto Gu
Hais ear. Maybe he was asleep, probably he was just sleep talking
earlier. Gu Hai carried him on his back as he did not feel the cold
night breeze.
A string of hot liquid traveling down Gu Hais neck, down to his
chest, and carved into his heart, which had successfully awaken his
long repressed feeling.
When Bai Han Qi saw Bai Luo Yin, he could finally heaved out a sigh
of relieve. He quickly helped Bai Luo Yin coming down from Gu Hais
back, mouth still mumbling, Finally found him, I didnt dare to tell
his grandmother about this, quickly come inside and rest.
I wont be going in, Gu Hai replied as he took off the uniform vest
and gave it to Bai Han Qi, Here, this is his uniform. Since its cold,
he should wear more layers.
Oh... Bai Han Qi looked gratefully at Gu Hai, Thank you for today.

It was nothing, he was feeling down today. So he went drinking, he

should be ok in the morning.
Bai Han Qi continuously nodded his head as watched Gu Hais back
disappearing in the distance, he could not help but to sigh out,
What good parents can raise such a good child?

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 30: The Feud Between Father and Son
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: Rae Lee
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
By the time Gu Hai got back to his house, it was already past 10 at
night; however, the lights were on in the room, and the door was left
unlocked. Gu Hai pushed the door to enter and immediately saw a
towering figure sitting on the couch.
Gu Wei Ting showed a cold expression, giving out a powerful aura
instead of being angry. His eyes observed Gu Hais calm posture, lips

tightened together, as he waited for the young latter to start

Gu Hai acted as if he does not see Gu Wei Ting, leisurely put down
his backpack and took off his shoes; he unhurriedly walked towards
to bedroom to change out his clothes, when he noticed the closet
was empty.
My clothes?
Gu Wei Ting felt his heart just dropped a beat; it had been over a
month since he had last seen Gu Hai. If it was not for the principals
phone call to him today, he would have still been in the military
base. He came to this place with a mix feeling of anger and a
yearning to see his son, before he got to hear about the problem Gu
Hai had caused in school today, he would like to hear his son call
him dad, but Gu Hais first words were asking about his missing
Receiving no answer, Gu Hai shifted his gaze away from Gu Wei
Tings face and quickly found the suitcase sitting on the floor.
Gu Wei Ting did not beat around the bush. Ive already packed your
stuff, come home with me immediately, and I wont venture into the
matter of you fighting in school today. Tomorrow, Ill send someone
down to your school to handle the transfer procedure, youll go back
to your previous school, and Jiang Yuans child will be fetched over
as well, the two of you will study at the same school, you have to try
to accept this brother.
Gu Hais face was slowly being disseminated by the darkness of the
Dont expect me to come back, and its the end of it!

Once done, he tried to drag the suitcase over to his side, but it was
being stopped by Gu Wei Tings firmly pressed foot, impossible to
move it.
Today, you must go back home whether you like it or not, its an
Gu Hais eyes turned adamant, Youre not my commander, so you
cant order me around! Even if you kill me, I wont live with that
family. Brothers? What *** brothers? Today, Ill say it once and for all,
as long as theyre there, dont expect me to come back! [T/N: those
*** are exactly what is in the novel - ***?-]
Gu Wei Ting suddenly stood up, strangled Gu Hai by the neck and
literally dragged him towards the window. The room was on the
eighth floor, if Gu Wei Ting used a bit more force, Gu Hai would have
fallen down from it.
Fine, you said that you wont be coming back willingly even if you
die? Today I will kill you right now, dont you dare to utter a word, I
will see that I dont have this son of mine.
Gu Hai tightened his jaw and put up a straight posture, his shiny
black orbs* blending with the night outside. [T/N: orbs - eyes]
The two were in an intense deadlock for a moment, when Gu Wei
Tings hand used a bit more force, Gu Hais whole body was being
pushed backward. Seeing that Gu Hai did not try to fight back, Gu
Wei Ting forcefully pulled Gu Hai back. In actuality, Gu Hai had been
doing nothing, but it successfully made Gu Wei Ting sweating like no
tomorrow*. [T/N: what the author means here is that Gu Wei Ting is
getting all work up by himself, thats why he is getting all tired, yet
Gu Hai seems unaffected.]
Are you happy now? Gu Hai turned his head to look at Gu Wei Ting,
Please go back now! I want to wash up and go to bed, I still have
school tomorrow.

Do you think that you can live such a luxurious life without me, who
providing you with everything? Can you really afford to rent more
than one hundred square meter (100 m2) house? Im letting you
know this, If I will cut all of your allowances, within less than a
month, you will crawl back home to find me!
If it was like that, whats the meaning in your coming here? Cut my
allowance right now, do it immediately, and then go home and wait!
To see if I will go back within a month, to beg you to take me back!
Do you really think that I wouldnt dare to?
I have never thought theres anything you wouldnt dare to do.
Gu Wei Ting clenched his fists, brows angrily coming together, if it
was back when he was younger, for such undutiful son, he would
have shot the guy in the head already. However, he was older and a
widow himself, only when he turned forty that he could have a
completed family, yet this family had been broken into small
I dont have this kind of son!
Spitting out such sentence, Gu Wei Ting coldly left the place.
Gu Hai finally found himself sitting on the couch and was still in a
daze; after having caught his breathe, Gu Hai noticed that he did not
feel even one ounce of uneasiness. In the past, whenever he and Gu
Wei Ting had an argument, on the surface he showed a nonchalant
expression, yet inside a tint of discomfort would follow him for a long
period of time. But this time, on the surface he show nonchalant
expression, and inside he also felt very comfortable; Gu Hai felt a
tint of happiness in his heart.
No allowance?
That meant he was now also a pauper?

That also meant that there is no wall between him and Bai Luo Yin,
there was no need to try to break it down?
As if he was being possessed, he packed all of his necessities, and
called up the landlord in the middle of the night to inform that he
wanted to move out of the place. He intended to rent a house as
close to Bai Luo Yins place as possible, the shabbier the better.
He also planned to sell all of his valuable items, especially the
limited edition cell phone of his, and immediately replaced it with a
very old fashion phone; he replaced his Nike shoes with those
cheaper ones in the flea market; he also took off his brand name
watch, and actually, he was thinking of drawing a watch on his wrist
with a pen...

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 31: The Weather Is Fine Today
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.

Now, its exactly six oclock in Beijing.

In the morning, Gu Hai was being awaken by the old grandma clock.
He used to wake up at exactly five oclock every day, but yesterday
he had been tossing around all night: he was only able to find
shelter near the night market some time past midnight, and then he
had to listen to the cricket chirping all night, only until dawn that he
was able to get some sleep.
However, Gu Hai was in very high spirits, in a flash he jumped out of
his single wooden bed, put on his shoes within thirty seconds,
washed his face quickly, and rode an old bike out of the door.
He was in a good mood along the way.
Bai Luo Yin was not like that.
He woke up with a splitting headache, and his stomach was not
feeling too well. He had blurred memories of the previous night, he
did not know how he got back, he vaguely remembered that he was
eating street vendor food, then met Gu Hai, they chatted for awhile,
and whatever happened next he could not recall.
Bai Luo Yin took a look at the table clock, it was already six oclock,
and he was sure he would be late for school today.
He ate a bowl of bean curd at Aunt Zous breakfast stall, and that
had calmed down his stomach for a bit. When Bai Luo Yin paid for
his food, he casually asked, Aunt Zou, do you know how to wash
away blood stains on clothes?
Bai Luo Yin assumed a woman would know how to solve this best.
Just soak it in cold water, then rub a sulfur soap bar on it and it will
go away. If you cant do it, I will wash it for you.
Its ok, I can do it.

After Bai Luo Yin paid for his breakfast, instead of going straight to
school, he went back home to soak Gu Hais uniform vest in a basin
of cold water and then headed out.
He did not go far when he met with Gu Hai, riding on a bike passing
Gu Hai did not need to have a bell to announce his existence, the
old bike was so rusty that just by riding it one could hear the sound
of metal clanking against each other, and it had caught quite a
number of peoples attention. The brake was broken, but luckily Gu
Hais legs were long enough to touch the ground, and was able to
stop the bike with his feet.
Get on, Ill* take you to school. [T/N: Org. words - Ge - brother its a type of self-calling, determined by the speaker, it can be
translated as I]
Bai Luo Yin ignored Gu Hais annoying and just walked straight
ahead, with that broken bike, if I get on, itll fall apart.
Youre on feet and look down at someone on a bike?
Gu Hai got on his bike again, and kept a steady speed to be in pace
with Bai Luo Yins walking pace.
To have someone following you on such a noisy squeaking bike,
even though one was walking on foot and one riding on a bike, one
should at least say something. Bai Luo Yin kept his silence for a few
moments; his eyes unconsciously glanced over to Gu Hai and found
that he was also looking back at him.
Can you really bike a ride just by looking sideway? Bai Luo Yin
reminded him.
Gu Hais mouth curved up in a mischievous smile, there is nothing
in the front, but there is a beautiful sight on the side.

Bai Luo Yin pretended he did not hear it.

Your family lives in this area?
Yeah, Gu Hai said as if it was the truth, Ive always been living
Then, why havent I met you before?
Today was the first time that I go to school this late! I always rode
my bike through here when you were still in your slumber.
I know every corner in this neighborhood, whats your dad called?
Gu Hai deliberately changed the topic.
Why dont you ask me why I got up late?
Bai Luo Yin had known the answer very well, but he still pretended
to not know. How would I know?
You drank so much last night that I had to send you home, when we
got to your front door, you wouldnt go in, and held onto me as if
your life was depending on it.
How can you be so thick-skinned? Bai Luo Yins face showed a look
of disgust, If I ever hold onto someone, it would never be you.
You cant be sure of that, last night who was so drunk that he
began to tell me his romantic past? I was eating the barbeque when
suddenly you held onto me and called out Hui Er, Hui Er, which
caused me to have goose bumps all over...
Regarding the words he said last night, he had somewhat an
impression of them, now thinking about it he still felt a bit strange,
those spoken words were his honest and true feelings, how could he
even say them out loud in front of such an unreliable person?

Last night, someone who was so drunk that he wanted to pee with
his pants still on, if it wasnt for me who was kind enough to help
him pull them down, he would have worn wet pants to school.
Gu Hai triumphantly said his credits while Bai Luo Yin cussed silently
under his breath.
I even said that I dont want to pee, he told me to pull down my
pants and to compare to see whose is bigger. Bai Luo Yin, dont you
think that was quite shameless of you?
Gu Hai scolded Bai Luo Yin on one hand, yet on another hand he was
reminiscing over Bai Luo Yins naive expression when drunk, the
more he thought about it the funnier it became, and he brazenly
laughed out loud as he rode next to Bai Luo Yin.
This laugh had successfully angered Bai Luo Yin, he quickly turned to
his side with two big steps, Gu Hai noticed something was about to
happen and violently paddled faster. Unfortunately, this bike could
not go any more faster, Gu Hais speed did not get to exceed much
more, when his bike was being grabbed by Bai Luo Yin from behind.
Gu Hai could feel the backseat gaining more weight, Bai Luo Yin had
already settled on the backseat.
When I told you to get on, you wouldnt; I have to snipe at you for
you to get on ah? ...Ouch!!...You dare to hit me!
The back of his knee was being kicked, Gu Hai turned around only to
see Bai Luo Yins back.
Why are you sitting backward?
Dont wanna look at you.
The bike steadily moved forward, the rear seat was very narrow, the
two of them with back against each other, just like an image of a
kappa* riding through the street. This was the first time that Bai

Luo Yin watched the road getting longer in front of his eyes instead
of getting shorter; in the past, he used to walk to school in a hurry
and have never known that the morning air could be this refreshing.
Hey, it was you carried me home last night?
Gu Hais mouth curved up slightly, Still thinking about it?
Just my guess.
Ive carried you on my back twice, when will you repay the favor?
Isnt that you have long legs?
You also have long legs, why must I carry you?
Its your business, why asking me?
Gu Hai narrowed his eyes dangerously, hands placed carefully on
the handlebars and began to change his direction, aiming at bumpy
parts of the road to ride on and decelerated the speed of the his
paddle, the whole bike was jolted violently as if in a rocket aircraft,
one could already imagine how Bai Luo Yin felt sitting in the
Bai Luo Yin held onto a hard steel frame to steady himself, only to
avoid being lifted off the bike. At first he thought it would just be a
short distance of bad road construction; however, this bumpy
situation was only intensified, it was obviously that there are plenty
of good parts of the road to ride on, but this person deliberately did
not want to ride on them.
Do you know how to ride a bike or what?
This is the newest technology in cycling, I workout in the front, and
at the same time giving you a message for physical therapy
treatment, this is a natural way to a health life.

Bai Luo Yins elbow jerked backward and successfully jabbed right
on Gu Hais loin bone; a quick second of numbness, as if a switch
was being turned on. Gu Hai took in a deep breath, a minor pain was
still present in the sore area, he carefully rubbed it, yet the feeling
was not that bad.
Todays weather was really really good.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 32: An Infatuating Fragrance
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
Returning home at noon time, the water in the laundry basin had
turned into a yellowish color, Bai Luo Yin took up Gu Hais uniform
vest from the basin to take a look, there was a vivid large yellow
mark in the middle of the vest, he could already guess that it would
be difficult to clean.

Bai Luo Yin rarely washed his clothes, they were usually being
washed by Bai Han Qi; in some occasions when his dad was not
around, he would wash them himself; because if he asked his
grandparents to do it, for sure half of the laundry would not be
Bai Luo Yin brought out a small stool, the stool was too short, with
the height of a meter and he of eighty, it was hard to stretch out his
legs all the way, but he could bear with it for a short while, since he
would not be sitting for long.
For the result, Bai Luo Yin was wrong.
It could not be done quickly, it did not matter how much detergent
or bleach he had used as Aunt Zou had said, the stain on the vest
was only lessened, not completely removed. Bai Luo Yin became
worn out as he washed it for a bit, it was a different type of fatigue
than the after workout tiredness. After a workout, although he would
be tired, he would be in a good mood. This tiredness was an
extreme weariness, following such exhaustion was irritating, Bai Luo
Yin even had the thought of discarding the uniform.
But thinking about the time he had to pay 40 yuan just for the
uniform, he really could not discard it.
Lao Bai, Lao Bai. [T/N: in Chinese, middle age people usually
called their male friend/neighbor with lao standing in front of the
last name as a form of respect and familiarity]
Aunt Zous good-natured voice entered Bai Luo Yins hearing range.
Bai Luo Yin stood up, the sweats on his forehead shining brightly
under the sunlight, he wiped them away with his hand and smiled
looking at Aunt Zous direction.
Auntie, youve come. [T/N: This saying is hard to translate,
because its a Chinese idiom, where you would say to people who

come to your house for a visit or just come to your house for
whatever reason, you would say this as a greeting to them]
Aunt Zou wore a big apron, long slightly curly hair was casually tied
to the back, with a gentle smile adorning her round face.
Yes ah, to give you guys some dumplings, its still fresh with pork
Bai Luo Yin grabbed a piece of cloth on the nearby rod to wipe his
hand dry, and took a plate of food from Aunt Zous hand, Smell
really good.
Im so used to my dads bad cooking that to me anyone elses
cooking is always delicious.
Bai Han Qi came out from the kitchen and saw a plate of dumplings
in Bai Luo Yins hand, a tint of embarrassment showed in his
expression, half polite and half embarrassed.
I want to invite you to stay for dinner, please excuse my bad
cooking, bring up the meal, son.
Bai Luo Yin glared at him, not even trying to save him some face*.
[T/N: Chinese saying that to keep ones reputation or to keep ones
What dish of yours that can be showed to Aunt Zou?
Of course there is! Isnt that last time I made a very delicious fried
It was best to not mentioning the eggplant, talking about that
eggplant dish gave Bai Luo Yin a chill. He used to love eating
eggplant, because the eggplant fried by Grandma Bai is really
delicious; that day Bai Han Qi wanted to personally try his hand on
this dish, the result was after cutting the eggplant in pieces he did
not soak it in the water, but only washed them once before frying

them, the pieces turned into a black color just like pickles that have
been over fermented. That was still nothing, what really made Bai
Luo Yin turn furious was that they tasted just like eating an over
fermented pickle; Bai Han Qi put in twice the amount of salt and
also added in soy sauce, after eating it one could not even utter a
word*. [T/N: When you eat something that is so salty, the feeling
that you cant say anything because your tongue is numb due to the
Seeing the clothes in the laundry basin, Aunt Zou asked, Who was
doing the laundry?
Oh, it was me!
Aunt Zou concerned, Your dad let you do these kinds of chores?
Why cant I do these kinds of chores? Bai Luo Yin only smiled.
Aunt Zou went straight to the laundry basin without saying
anything, sat down and began to rub.
Youre born to read books and to study, work like this just let
someone like us to do it. [T/N: she means that his only job is to
study hard and get into a good school, dont bother himself with
labor work, its a culture thing that every parent wants their children
to get into a good school to have an opportunity to climb up the
social ladder and become wealthy]
Bai Luo Yin wanted to stop Aunt Zou, but when he got close to her,
seeing the strength in her wrists, suddenly he felt that he should not
stop her. He could not understand how, Aunt Zou is a housewife, her
strength could not be compared to his, yet the way she was rubbing
those clothes looked really powerful. Just earlier the yellow stain was
still there, after being washed by her hands, the stain had
disappeared, quite scary; it seems that in every area there will
always be someone who is good or bad in it.

Aunt Zou drained the dirty water, and poured in a full pot of clean
water and put the clothes back into it, she repeated those steps for
two or three more times, the dirty appalling uniform became all
clean. Even though it did not look brand new, at least the blood
stain had been removed.
Looking at the hanging uniform on the laundry bar, Bai Luo Yin felt
his heart lightened up.
The next morning, Gu Hai rode his bike wandering around Bai Luo
Yins neighborhood for quite some time, until Bai Luo Yins figure
appeared under the rays of dawn, the corner of Gu Hais lip curved
up in a smile, slender legs lifted off the ground and the bike wheel
began to turn, the morning dew dropped down on the ground. [T/N:
Right here, the author wants to stay that Gu Hai has been waiting a
long time for Bai Luo Yin that he is being covered in the morning
dew - a sense that he is patiently waiting]
Bai Luo Yin was walking when he suddenly felt a bike grazing at his
side, the speed was pretty fast coupled with a very heavy body, Bai
Luo Yins body was being pulled forward due to the force.
Anyone could have guessed who the simpleton was. [T/N: simpleton
- a foolish or gullible person.]
Gu Hai quickly made a turn into a flat land in front of him, and then
came to a screeching stop, the bike made a beautiful roundabout.
He turned to give Bai Luo Yin a smile, a wicked smile that was like a
soft warm morning light on a cold day, his whole body gave out this
masculine flavor mixing with some tenderness.
Bai Luo Yin did not give heed to Gu Hais showing off, just calmly
passed him as if nothing happened and coldly said,
Playing drift on a broken second hand bike!

Gu Hai in the back half walking and half riding tried to catch up to
Bai Luo Yin, How do you know my bike is second hand?
Every day there is at least a bike or two being stolen in this
neighborhood, if your bike was new, it would have been stolen by
Why didnt you tell me sooner? Gu Hai showed a repentant look,
If I had known bikes were being stolen here every day, I would have
not spend money on this bike.
Didnt you say you live in this neighborhood? How could you not
know it?
A sentence made Gu Hai choke on his words.
Aunt Zou, please give me two bowls of bean curd, five intestine
breads, and two sugar cakes.
Gu Hai also shouted towards Aunt Zou, Please give me the same as
Bai Luo Yin casted a surprise look at Gu Hai.
Gu Hai asked, What?
Actually, Bai Luo Yin wanted to say that he had already ordered Gu
Hais share, but he was hesitated for a moment and decided to not
say anything.
Two teenage boys sitting at a table full of breakfast, to be honest Bai
Luo Yin could easily finish these two sets of orders, if anything, he
could just eat less during lunch today. But he was worried that Gu
Hai would waste the food, Aunt Zou gave them a lot of food and for
a very cheap price too, not even trying to cheat, that is why he

really hated his habit of always leaving a piece or two after each
Gu Hai bit down on his sugar cake, crunchy outside and doughy
inside, very tasty.
I havent tasted such an authentic sugar cake in such a long time.
Gu Hai wanted to say that the last time he had a sugar cake was
when he was six or seven years old, yet he ended up tightening his
lips right when the words were about to come out, what if he said
too much then he would lose his opportunity to eat such good sugar
cake here as well.
Where you usually have your breakfast? Bai Luo Yin casually
Usually..., wherever I stopped by, I can consume anything that is
Bai Luo Yin did not ask further, only silently eating his food; his
eating habit is to always separate the bread and the meat, then eat
the meat first and the bread later. Therefore, he separated all bread
and meat for all five intestine bread, eating the meat first and
stacking up the breads.
Gu Hai watched this scene and assumed that Bai Luo Yin does not
like to eat the breads, he immediately picked up the meat in his
breads and placed them in Bai Luo Yins dish, and then took the
stack of breads back to his side.
Bai Luo Yin was slightly stunned, looking at Gu Hai with
bewilderment, and watched as Gu Hai stuff his mouth with the bread
and eat them without reluctance.
Gu Hai stopped and looked over to Bai Luo Yin, Are you getting full
just by looking at me?

Being full or not Im not sure, but Im certain that I cant stomach
them down anymore.
Even though he was saying that, Bai Luo Yins impression of Gu Hai
had slowly changed. At first it was out of despising, later on it was a
bit tolerable, and now it was a slightly good impression...Among the
people that Bai Luo Yin had placed them in a category from the first
impression, Gu Hai had showed unprecedented progress.
If youre done, then lets go.
The empty plates and bowls on the table had dispelled Bai Luo Yins
concern, for the first time he met with his match in eating. Sure
enough, not just a match in physique, they are also a match in
Gu Hai rode the bike to take Bai Luo Yin to school.
You Qi saw Bai Luo Yin and Gu Hai came to class together, it was the
second time, and he felt a bit puzzled, he could not help but turned
around and asked, How come you two come to school together?
Weve just met.
You Qi wanted to ask further, but Bai Luo Yin had already turned to
the back.
He shoved a uniform into Gu Hais hand.
Gu Hai gave the uniform a few shakes, eyes paused for a few
seconds, and then looked over to Bai Luo Yin asking, Whose
uniform is this?
Whose do you think? Can I really give you my uniform?

Gu Hai really had forgotten about it, when he transferred here, Fang
Fei had prepared more than one set of uniform for him, so when he
did not see that blood stain uniform, he did not care much, thinking
that Bai Luo Yin must have thrown it away.
You wore this when you were in the fight.
Bai Luo Yin reminded him, and then lied down on his desk to take a
short nap.
But Gu Hai was not so calm, totally not calm at all, with big hands he
grabbed onto Bai Luo Yin and pulled him up to ask word by word,
You washed this for me?
Busted. Gu Hai smiled knowingly, You dare to let your family see
this uniform?
If you know, why are you asking?!
Bai Luo Yin pretended to be ignorant.
Gu Hai then smiled stupidly, he did not know how long he had kept
such a smile, his eyes turned into two shapes of eclipse looking
mischievously at Bai Luo Yin.
Bai Luo Yin washed my clothes?
Gu Hai imagined such a scene in his head and was already through
the moon with such image. A handsome young man held up a piece
of clothes and began to rub it together, trying to wash it clean, what
thoughts running through his head! He must be thinking: Why do I
have to wash his clothes? I might as well just throw it away! Yet he
may have thought that, but he certainly would not be able to discard
it. His eyebrows would knit together as he tried to wash it clean of
the bloodstain, until then his eyebrows would not loosen up.

Gu Hai never knew that the soap fragrance could have such an
intoxicating aroma.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 33: The Feeling Starts To Change
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
Back home, Gu Hai carefully folded the uniform and neatly put it into
the closet.
The old fashion model phone buzzed loudly and made such
deafening loud ringing.
Da Hai? Da Hai!
Just by listening to the voice, he knew it was Li Shuo the idler.
Da Hai, what have you been busy with? Why we havent heard from
you for a long time?

Li Shuos words made Gu Hais body stiffened for a short second,

indeed he had not been keeping in touch with his buddies for a long
time. Since he had changed his phone and sold his laptop, being
online has become such a strange activity. There was no internet to
send out messages and his phone was the old fashion model, Gu Hai
had become lazy in trying to contact other people.
Not busy with anything, just going to school and sleeping, quite
Li Shou was delighted hearing this, Lets meet up this Saturday, call
Hu Zi, that fellow just bought a new car recently, he wants to show it
off to you, so you go to us or we come to get you?
Gu Hais showed a tint of caution.
Ill go to you guys, in the future dont look for me unless its
something important; if its something urgent, call me first for
approval before you can come over.
What shameful thing have you done? Are you afraid well see it...
Gu Hai faintly retorted, Nothing, keep what I said in mind, see you
He quickly hung up the phone right after.
A few seconds later, the phone rang again.
Gu Hai furrowed his brows at the resounding voice from the other
Why havent you taken the initiative to contact me in these few

Gu Hai heaved out a long heavy sigh, he wondered what kind of

deed he has done in the these past few days for having everyone to
speak to him in such a debt collector tone?
Isnt it that we text* each other every day? [T/N: texting meaning as messaging, I know some people dont know
texting mean, so I just put a note here ^^ since texting is
widely used in the US when referring to sending message
phone number, not through WiFi or internet]


Jin Lu Lus voice resounding from the old fashion model phone
sounded extremely rough.
We text each other every day, but it was me who contact you first,
youve never taken the initiative to contact me! You were not like
this before, it was always you who take the initiative...Do you
already have someone else?
Who would take interest in me? Gu Hai angrily resented, Can you
stop being paranoid all day? You were never this narrow-minded
before! If I really do like someone else, I would never pick up your
Jin Lu Lus voice got stifled, Why didnt you take the initiative to call
The truth is that: he will be charged for making a phone call, while
receiving a call is free. Before, Gu Hai had never cared about such
thing, even sometimes he would fall asleep during the call, and the
call was still connected all the way until the next morning. But things
were different now, when he had the phone in his hand, he felt that
he would be at a disadvantage for initiating a phone call. Moreover,
talking on the phone for a long period of time would result in the
phone starting to heat up, Gu Hai was afraid that his phone would
die on him due to overheating; therefore, he simply decided to not
initiate any calls. [T/N: Most people who are on prepaid plan, or

having a prepaid phone will be familiar with this situation that Gu

Hai is facing ^^]
I was busy with moving into a new place, thats why I was not able
to give you my attention.
Jin Lu Lu snuffled as her voice toned down to a softer one.
Where did you move to?
Gu Hai looked up at the pattern painted ceiling, silenced for a few
seconds before said, At an apartment that is not too far from
school, you wont know where even if I tell you.
Tell me, tell me and Ill remember, I will take some days off to go
see you in the next holiday.
Gu Hais expression changed as his voice dropped down an octave.
Dont come here, a girl going a long distance to come here, Ill be
Jin Lu Lu sighed, But I want to see how youre coping with your
current living condition, since school started until now, I have not
once been to your place, I dont even know what youve been up to
Ive been fine, as long as youre doing great, Ill be fine.
Jin Lu Lu suddenly became all quiet, and her voice was somewhat
becoming somber.
Gu Hai, youve changed.
How am I changing?
You would never say these nice words before, honestly tell me you
have a new girlfriend, right?

Gu Hai hung up the call straightaway, out of sight out of mind*, he

did not know why he got all impatient and irritated at a womans
accusing tone. [T/N: Org. trans was dont have to listen, dont have
to think but it sounds odd in English context, so I changed it to out
of sight out of mind same meaning, but different writing style ^^
Out of sight, out of mind - you soon forget people or things that are
no longer visible or present.]
After a short moment, his phone began to ring loudly again, it was
echoing harshly against the wall. This place had a very thin wall with
poor sound insulation, and there were people living next door, Gu
Hai was worried it (the phone ringtone) might disturbing them, so he
turned off his phone at once.
Lying on his bed, Gu Hai felt his heart tightened a little bit.
Suddenly he remembered one thing, according to Jin Lu Lus temper,
if they were to be in a cold war, certainly Jin Lu Lu would be the one
to lose her patience first. What would happen if Jin Lu Lu could not
hold her patience? She would take it upon herself to go all the way
to find him, and then she would reveal his true identity and family
social status.
Not Good!
Gu Hais slender feet again touched the ground and within two long
strides, he made his way to the phone and turned it on.
Right when it got turned on, the phone began ringing loudly; Gu Hai
hastily pressed answer. However, the phone was too old and slow for
Gu Hais quick and hard pressing, leading to the phone crashing
right when the call got connected. [T/N: crashed - froze
up//blackout//turned off by itself; happen often to old phones where
they cant process multiple programs at once]

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 34: Actually, You Got It Wrong (You Misheard It)
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
After a long period of time, guessing that Jin Lu Lus temper had
calmed down by now, Gu Hai turned on the phone again. This time,
there was no incoming phone call; he waited for a long while and
nothing happened, Gu Hai reluctantly dialed back.
A sniffing nasal voice replied the call, Gu Hais heart dropped a beat,
Jin Lu Lu is a very strong girl and she rarely cries, at least in Gu Hais
memories, Jin Lu Lu has never shed a tear.
Alright, kiddo, dont cry.
Jin Lu Lu began to sob violently, and her words came out broken as
she spoke.

I know that I shouldnt be over thinking...but youve changed so the past even though we didnt go to the same
felt like you were always next to me...but now I have a
feeling...youre getting further and further away from me...
Gu Hai paused for a second, its not too far away, only take half an
hour going by the HSR*. [T/N: HSR - High Speed Rail (Bullet Train) refers to any railway in China with commercial train service at the
speed of 200 km/h (124 mph) or higher as internationally
recognized, with another definition of 250 km/h or higher designed
speed lines of new built line locally.]
Jin Lu Lu stopped sobbing and smiled, Why did you hang up my
I didnt want to hang, but the signal here is pretty bad.
Gu Hai realized that he would spit out lies every time he spoke.
Jin Lu Lu breathed out, Ive been having a migraine headache these
past few days, very uncomfortable.
Gu Hai paused for a good five minutes.
Its because youve been staring at laptop and playing on the
phone for a long period of time, leave the phone out of your ear as
far as you can, you know how much radiation that is! Be good, go to
sleep early, when you wake up tomorrow youll feel better.
Jin Lu Lu inhaled in deeply, Come and see me this Saturday, ok?
Hu Zi, Li Shuo, and I already made plans to get together this
Saturday. How about Sunday? Ill be free all day on Sunday.
You always prioritize them over me.
Its not the matter of priority here, I promised to meet up with them
first, a promise is a promise.

Jin Lu Lus face turned solemn and then answered nonchalantly, I

want to attend a classmates birthday party on Sunday, I wont be
free that day. How about next weekend? Itll be more convenient for
When hung up, Gu Hai could hear Jin Lu Lus disappointing sigh.
Turning off the light, Gu Hai was suddenly thinking about two years
ago, Jin Lu Lu led a group of girls to smash all the windows of the
homeroom teachers home; once she got back to school, she openly
challenged the principal. At that time, Jin Lu Lu was a very blunt and
straightforward girl that clearly differentiated love and hate, and
always looked down on everyone. Although she was a skinny little
girl, her arrogance was not as little as she looked.
Reminiscing about that time when Jin Lu Lu sat in her seat and burst
into a hearty laugh, Gu Hai found that was very adorable.
At that time, Gu Hai had been fascinated by Jin Lu Lu.
Perhaps, one always cherishes the untouchable, if one does not
touch it, it will remain pure and untouchable, no matter how one
looks at it, it will always be the most purified one. But once it is
placed in front, being stared at and being touched over time, its
original beauty will be eroded.
Thinking about it for a long moment, Gu Hai finally picked up his
phone and composed a message.
Ill let Li Shuo know that I wont be coming, Ill come see you this
Putting down the phone, Gu Hais heart felt more at ease.
The next morning, Gu Hai rode Bai Luo Yin to school on his bike, only
that this time Bai Luo Yin had changed his sitting position from
facing backward to facing forward, today he stood on the footrest

with two hands resting on Gu Hais shoulders. That way he could

look at the road ahead and prevented Gu Hai from picking bumpy
roads to ride on.
But today was very windy, Beijing wind has always been like this, it
does not blow just a few sand pigments, but it sweeps up dust from
one place. Bai Luo Yin chose to stand tall as they proceeded
downhill, it was inevitable for him to breath in a lot of dust.
Why arent you sitting down? I can block the wind for you.
Bai Luo Yin did not utter a word but pinched down hard on Gu Hais
Gu Hai knew what Bai Luo Yin was thinking, and immediately
promised: I wont pick bumpy road to ride on, you can rest
Tomorrow is Saturday, do you want to go out?
Strong wind whistling loudly along with the roaring motor from the
passing cars, Gu Hai could not hear what Bai Luo Yin said.
Bai Luo Yin slightly lowered down his head, speaking closely to Gu
Hais ear.
Want to go fishing on Saturday?
Gu Hai tightened his hold on the handlebars, eyes staring straight
ahead, and seemed to be making a very difficult decision.
I have something to do, I cant go.
Bai Luo Yins eyes casted down, Just forget it.

These three words were spoken softly but Gu Hai could heard them
Done! Ill go with you on Saturday!
Bai Luo Yin casted his eyes down slightly and just perfectly landed
his view on Gu Hais towering nose.
Isnt it that you just said you cant go?
Gu Hai lifted his eyes to look up and was just perfectly looking at Bai
Luo Yins firm chin.
It got windy earlier, you misheard it.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 35: Chubby Grandma, Skinny Grandma
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.

The weather was a little overcast today since early in the morning,
Gu Hai rode the bike as he felt chilling wind brushing by his arms.
Once he had reached Bai Luo Yins house front door, he already had
everything ready as he waited.
This was the first time Gu Hai saw Bai Luo Yin in his normal clothes,
usually Bai Luo Yin would always wear uniform, and it was the
uniform for summer season. Some students had already started
wearing warmer clothes, yet Bai Luo Yin was still wearing such thin
uniform, which caused many classmates thinking that Bai Luo Yin is
really good at withstanding the cold. Today was such a rare occasion
to see Bai Luo Yin wearing long sleeve shirt, Gu Hai used this
opportunity to mess with him a bit.
So you do feel cold* just like normal people. [T/N: Original words You do feel hot and cold - this context saying that a person does
have a sense of temperature rising and dropping so they can wear
their clothes according; Gu Hai made this joke because as stated in
the paragraph before this, he has always seen Bai Luo Yin wearing
the same uniform everyday despite the weather is hot or cold, which
makes it look like Bai Luo Yin does not have sense of temperature
around him]
Bai Luo Yin showed an especially tactful smile, and then picked up
the rod and smacked Gu Hais thigh hard with it.
Gu Hai felt a surging flame arising in his thigh as he hissed at Bai
Luo Yin, the other boy pushed his bike into the yard; looked like they
will go on feet today.
As they were walking, Gu Hai deliberately slowed down his pace, so
he could stare at Bai Luo Yins back a moment longer. He had seen
other people wearing the same outfit as Bai Luo Yin and the
style just looked very ordinary; but, when this outfit was being worn
by Bai Luo Yin, it had turned into an incredible style. Even though

Bai Luo Yin had a face of an innocent child, this outfit brought out
the manly side of his.
The outfit is not bad, who bought for you?
My dad.
No wonder it (the outfit) had a mature feel to it...
You still let your dad buy clothes for you?
Bai Luo Yin answered shortly, Our clothes are mostly being bought
by my dad, since I dont like shopping, I just wear whatever he
Gu Hai smiled teasingly, Dont tell me that you and your dad share
only one set of clothes. When you wear it to school, your dad would
be running around the house naked...
Bai Luo Yin only showed an optimistic attitude when confronting Gu
Hais humiliation, Youve overestimated us, our family has four
people yet we only have one winter coat. When one of us goes out
with the coat, the other three will stay home gathering around the
pit to stay warm.
What if your family has one fat person and one skinny person*?
[T/N: Original words - Fat grandma and skinny grandma - this is in a
saying in a skit from Guo Degang - a chnese comedian]
This sentence had successfully won Bai Luo Yins smile.
So youve watched Guo Degangs skit.
As the two of them walking and talking happily, Gu Hai had noticed
that Bai Luo Yin is a very talkative person, even when he (Gu Hai)
teased him, he would not get angry or irritated at him (Gu Hai).
Talking with Bai Luo Yin, Gu Hai had to overwork his brain cells quite

often, because Bai Luo Yins words were short with subtle meanings;
it took some thinkings to get the underlying meaning of it.
Were here.
Bai Luo Yin settled down on the lawn nearby the river, quickly lining
up the fishing rods, taking out the baits, then inserting them on the
hook. Then he picked a smooth flat area to cast the fishing line and
sat down.
Gu Hai also walked towards Bai Luo Yin.
This is a wild fish pond, not big in size but the water here is clean.
Since the fishes here are not being farmed, they tend to be smaller
in size, the biggest one would be around ten centimeters long max,
yet their meat is very chewy*.
[T/N: Chewy here does not mean it is so hard to bite through it. It
just means that the fishes here have little to no fat in their meat
How much do we have to pay for the fishes?
Bai Luo Yin gave Gu Hai an oblique stare, Do you think were at a
fishing park? There is no one here within three kilometers, who are
you going to pay?
Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yins cheek and pretended to be angry, Can
your attitude towards me be a bit nicer? Every time you open your
mouth your face would become solemn.
Bai Luo Yin was surprised at being pinched as rubbed his sore
cheeks with his hands, he slowly turned to Gu Hai to say, Im telling
you, I hate it when people pinch my cheek.
Gu Hai pinched Bai Luo Yins cheek again.

Bai Luo Yin turned furious as smacked his (Gu Hais) head and said,
Are you pervert or what?
Gu Hai unbuttoned a button revealing his eight-pack ab, lips curved
into an arrogant smile, Do you feel like it?
Bai Luo Yin gave Gu Hai a disdain look, What can you do besides
showing off your muscles?
Pinch your cheek.
Five minutes later, Bai Luo Yin had moved at least ten meters away
from Gu Hai as continued to cast the fishing line into the river. The
surrounding had been quieted down as Bai Luo Yins mind slowly felt
at peace, his eyes stared focusing at the floating fishing line.
Suddenly, the fishing rod got pulled hard.
Dai Hai ah Dai Hai*, it is where I live with the wind blowing and the
wave surging...
Gu Hais old fashion model phone rang loudly, breaking the perfect
quiet surrounding, Bai Luo Yin gently loosened his grip to pull the
fishing line up and there was nothing.
Hello? Li Shuo? Oh, I forgot to call you to let you know that I cant
come, Lu Lu is sick, Ive to go see her...What?! Lu Lu is with you?...
Bai Luo Yin tried to calm himself, waiting for Gu Hai to finish his
phone call and then casting the fishing rod again.
Dai Hai ah Dai Hai*, it is where I live with the wind blowing and the
wave surging...

Hello? Hu Zi? Are you with Li Shuo?...youre with him? If youre with
him, why even calling me? Are you trying to harass me or what? Im
telling you, I really have something to do...
The fishing rod in front of Bai Luo Yin did not even move an inch.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 36: Just For a Fish!
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
When Gu Hai put the phone away, the other person was nowhere in
sight. He got up and looked around, he quickly found a shadow
sitting across the other side and immediately shouted out to him.
Why are you sitting over there?
Bai Luo Yin pretended not to hear anything.
Ive turned off the phone.

Bai Luo Yin did not bother to take a glance at Gu Hai.

Whats so fun about fishing by yourself?
Bai Luo Yins eyes only focused on his fishing rod, suddenly, the
fishing rod twitching, he immediately reeled the fishing line, a carp
about ten centimeters had bitten the bait.
He threw the fish into the bucket right next to him, and then
continued on with fishing.
For the half hour that Gu Hai was not being troublesome, Bai Luo Yin
had caught five to six fishes; his expression was gloomy at first, now
finally a smile was showing. As for Gu Hai, there was no reaction on
his side, his bucket was still filled with water, not even a shrimp was
in it.
Gu Hai reeled back his fishing line, and dragged his feet to Bai Luo
Bai Luo Yins attention was now placed on his fishing rod, it had
made a few hard twitches earlier, he guessed a big fish was taking
the bait.
Gu Hai made his way to Bai Luo Yin yet the other boy did not notice;
he glanced over at Bai Luo Yins bucket and then reached his hand
out to the other boy.
Bai Luo Yin suddenly reeled hard on his fishing rod, and a big fish
about 3 or 4 pounds came out of the water.
Gu Hai patted Bai Luo Yins shoulder, Really good, youve caught so
The sudden action had caused Bai Luo Yins hands to tremble and
lose their hold, the fishing rod flopped down on the grass. Bai Luo

Yin hurriedly picked it up, but the result was as reeling the fishing
line back, the bait was no longer there, and there was no fish either.
One could have imagined what Bai Luo Yins face looked like right
No more fishing.
Bai Luo Yin retreated his fishing rod, turned to take up the bucket
and was ready to leave.
Gu Hai stopped in front of him.
Did I piss you off?
Dont want to fish anymore, its boring.
He pushed Gu Hais arm away, as he walked two steps away,
suddenly he heard a splash behind him.
Bai Luo Yins face turned pale for a second, I didnt use much force,
right? How come he gets knocked down to the river just from a
Gu Hai was not good at fishing, but catching fish was his forte. When
he was ten years old, he had participated in the militarys survival
camp, since then he had learned to catch fish, whether it was a big
fish or small fish, as long as he sees it, it cannot escape him.
Gu Hais cold eyes stared intensely at the fishes swimming around
his leg, quietly waited for a while, then switched to another place
and continued to wait. He kept on doing so until he had already
walked out to the middle of the river, the water level was already at
his neck.
Get up here! Bai Luo Yin shouted, Dont be stubborn! The water is

Gu Hai spotted his target, both hands suddenly clasped down, a

surge of freezing cold touching his slippery fingers and spreading
through his whole body.
Finally he had caught that fish.
Gu Hai walked back to the riverside, standing at the shallow place,
he waved his hands holding the fish, Is it this one?
Bai Luo Yin now realized that Gu Hai went down to the river to catch
the escaped fish.
Yes, thats the one.
Bai Luo Yin smiled, a sincere smile without trying to hide anything,
the autumn sunlight touching his features, giving off a somewhat
comfortable and leisurely feeling. Gu Hai watched silently, suddenly
his heart skipped a beat at that moment...
Bai Luo Yins smile disappeared within a blink of an eye.
You...dont have a cramp, right?
Only now Gu Hai had noticed that the mud under his feet had slowly
sinking him in.
Once got up on shore, they both walked home carrying the buckets,
Gu Hai saw that Bai Luo Yins face glinting in happiness, he could not
help but pressed his palm on Bai Luo Yins forehead.
Are you for real? Only a fish could make you this content? If I didnt
catch this fish for you, you were never going to look at my face
again, is that right?
Gu Hai said those words with a laugh, half joking half being serious,
even he himself did not know why he jumped down to the river
without a second thought. Just like last night, he was tossing around

all night on his bed trying to figure out why did he agree to go
fishing with Bai Luo Yin today?
Bai Luo Yin took back his smile, That was not the main point here,
you came here to fish, so you have to be serious about it, whats the
point of always being on the phone?
Gu Hai felt the need to set the record straight, Didnt I turn off the
phone right after that?
Bai Luo Yin did not say anything and his mood did not seem to get
any better.
To show his sincerity, Gu Hai reached into his pocket to take out his
phone and waved the phone in front of Bai Luo Yins eyes.
Look, isnt it already off?
Bai Luo Yin noticed that there were beads of water coming out of Gu
Hais phone.
Gu Hai also noticed that as well.
Suddenly, he remembered something.
He forgot to take out his phone before jumped into the river.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 37: Father and Son Are Not In Sync
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series


Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha

(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
Youve caught a lot of fish, dont you have to invite me over to your
house for dinner tonight? Gu Hai made the invitation himself.
Thinking about Grandma Bais impaired speech, Bai Luo Yin
immediately rejected, When the fish stew is finished, I will bring
some over to you, just stay at your home and wait for it.
Remembering the place he currently resided now, Gu Hai became a
bit anxious at the thought (of Bai Luo Yin coming over). This cant be
done! That place is not my home! If Bai Luo Yin comes there, my
secret will be exposed for sure!
Whats wrong with coming to your house for dinner? Gu Hais
eyebrows knitted together in an aggressive manner, Accordingly,
you should have taken the initiative to invite me to have dinner at
your house, yet I still have to remind you, why dont you understand
such a thing?
I dont understand such thing, so what? Bai Luo Yin snatched the
bucket back from Gu Hais hand, If you want to eat, go home and
wait patiently; if not, then forget it.
Hearing the word home, Gu Hai felt a cold breeze just brushing
through him.

Bai Han Qi had already got home and was currently busy with
planting two new seedling trees at the front door, seeing Bai Luo Yin
and Gu Hai coming back from fishing, his expression was
overflowing with a bright smile. After having a good look at Gu Hai,
his grin became even wider.
Uncle! Gu Hai greeted with a familiar tone.
Bai Han Qi replied back with a bigger smile, hands placed on Gu
Hais shoulders and was about to say a few kind words, when
suddenly his face changed expression, Why are your clothes
soaking? Come, come, come in and hurry to change out to a new set
of dry clothes.
Bai Luo Yin stood in front of Bai Han Qi and Gu Hai, a coldness
spreading across his face, Dad, where do we find an extra set of
clean clothes for him to change into?
How come (we dont have one)?...Ive just bought two new sets,
just let him change into one first.
Not earlier, not later, why just bought one right now...Bai Luo Yin
widened his stare, he really did not want Gu Hai to enter his room.
Uncle, if its not a bother, may I use your bathroom? My whole body
is covered in mud, and the new clothes are also dirty.
Dont be too much! Bai Luo Yin glared daggers at Gu Hai.
Bai Han Qi showed an opposite reaction with full on joy, Good,
good, do you want to turn on hot water? Ask Bai Luo Yin to take the
shower with you so he can show you how.
Thats even better, Gu Hai smiled so contently that even drool was
coming out of his mouth and dripped down on the ground.
[Translator input: WTF! Im seriously wtf at this scene right now LOL]

What do you mean good? Bai Luo Yin screamed, Our home
doesnt have a decent bathroom, have to take a bath in open-air,
the water always taking forever to come out from the nozzle, how
can he take a bath?
I can still shower! Gu Hais expression turned gentle, Fortunately,
your home at least has plastic cloth covering around this little hut,
our familys bathroom is actually an open-air without any cover;
during summer we just directly use tap water to wash ourselves,
and we dont even have hot water.
Bai Han Qi smiled contently, We have plenty of hot water, go ahead
and use it.
These two...Enough! Bai Luo Yin silently gritted his teeth with a
darkened expression returning to the house to tidy up.
There was no one coming over to his place before, he did not realize
how messy the place had gotten. Bai Luo Yin was tidying up his
room when he heard Gu Hai shouting, Bai Luo Yin, how do you turn
on the hot water?
Bai Luo Yin pretended he did not hear it.
A moment later, Bai Han Qi angrily entered the room and
complained at Bai Luo Yin, Why dont you go out there to show
him! How can you become this unreasonable!
Bai Luo Yin heaved out an annoyed breath and walked straight to
the shower hut, suddenly pulled up the curtain, Gu Hai already took
off all of his clothes, he just stood there in his naked glory showing
his fitted body in front of Bai Luo Yins eyes, Bai Luo Yin was
honestly wanting to kick hard on those firm buttocks.
You dont you even know how to turn on the water, why rushing to
undress yourself?

Gu Hai gently grabbed on Bai Luo Yins shirt collar as moving his
hand down to unbutton three buttons.
Lets shower together! Look at your trousers, theyre covered in
mud, dont you feel uncomfortable in them?
Thank you for your concern! Bai Luo Yin gritted his teeth as
patting Gu Hais slippery shoulder, then suddenly knee kicked Gu
Hai in the lower abdomen and spat out, Shower by yourself.
Gu Hai still showcased that same smile, Bai Luo Yin, youre too
Bai Luo Yin was about to leave but he turned around upon hearing
what Gu Hai said; Gu Hai saw through Bai Luo Yins action and on
reflex he hurriedly to cover his most important area*. [Translator
input: Most likely its his private area *laugh* every mans common
Quick reaction. Bai Luo Yin showed a straight face.
Gu Hai retreated his smile and then solemnly turned to Bai Luo Yin
to ask, Your family uses see through plastic cloths as cover,
everyone can see through from the outside, youre not afraid of
being watched?
No one will come to our house, especially the women (would not
even come in), you can leisurely wash yourself, even if you run
around naked in this yard, no one would give a care.
Bai Han Qi, are you home? Aunt Zous soft and gentle voice came
from outside.
Bai Luo Yin: ...
Fuck! Gu Hais body turned stiff, Didnt you say no one would
come here? Are you playing with me?

Bai Luo Yin hummed out a faint laugh, You better behave yourself,
if getting on my nerve, I will use a lighter to burn down this plastic
Aunt Zou spotted the buckets of fish, eyes immediately lit up,
When did you buy these fish?
I went fishing. Bai Luo Yin smiled, Auntie, please take two as my
gift, can you help me stew the rest, Im afraid my dads cooking skill
will ruin it.
Ha ha ha.... Aunt Zou smiled generously, This child really knows
how to sweet talk, let me stew them for you guys, once theyre
cooked, Ill bring them over.
Bai Han Qi came out from the back of the house and hurriedly
stopped Aunt Zou, Its ok! Its inappropriate of me! You take two,
the rest let me stew them.
Aunt Zou just smiled and did not say anything, picking up the
buckets and walked pass by Bai Han Qi towards the door.
Bai Luo Yin immediately dragged Bai Han Qi to the side when seeing
that Bai Han Qi wanted to act all goodie handie, and scolded, Im
telling you this...Gu Hai said he wants to eat dinner at our place,
your family cant even stomach down your cooking, what kind of
good cooking can you give him?
You...this child what are you saying? Bai Han Qi frowned, Fishes
are being caught by you two, why the heck we dont let him have
I didnt say to not give him any, Im saying that Ill bring it to his
house. Bai Luo Yins eyes glanced over to his grandparents room
and subtly hinted to Bai Han Qi, We cant let our family be a joke in

front of him. [Translator input: Bai Lou Yin does not want Gu Hai to
see his grandparents act foolish, like where the grandmother and
grandfather talking about two completely different things yet can
still understand each other, and the grandmothers weird speech
that makes people run away from her as soon as they see her]
Bai Han Qi realized what his son meant and quickly nodded to
assure Bai Luo Yin, Rest assured, I definitely wont keep him for
At this moment, Gu Hai fished showering and stepped out; Bai Luo
Yin went into the shower carrying his clothes.
Uncle! Who planted these flowers?
Oh, its my son, theyre pretty, arent they?
Pretty, can I pick one?
Go head, pick as many as you like.
Bai Luo Yin almost ripped down the plastic sheet! More than six
months, but only a few buds have bloomed!!!!
Uncle, tonight I want to stay here for dinner, is it ok with you?
A pregnant silent overshadowing the place, Bai Luo Yin turned off
the water, wet hair with some foam still lingering on it, he erected
his ears to listen on.
Sure thing! A burst of happy laughter resounded, Even if you
want to go home, I wont let you! Just stay for dinner, eat to your
heart content before going home! Ha ha ha...

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 38: You Cant Rule Him?*
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: happyBuddha
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
*The title of this chapter will be explained towards the end
of this chapter
Before dinner time, Bai Han Qi kept on watching Bai Luo Yins
expression as a tint of regret tugged at his heart. Why did I agree to
it? How is that I couldnt say something a bit hurtful to others? Now,
its come to this, just great, Ive made my precious son angry.
How about I ask your grandparents to have dinner in their room,
and us three will have dinner out here?
Bai Luo Yins expression changed into an unreadable one, Why
make my grandparents eating dinner alone in their room? How can
Grandpa pick out the bone in the fish? Even if you want to chase
someone out, you cant just chase your own family out; why dont
tell him to eat dinner out in the yard, it was him who wants to stay
for dinner.

Hes our guest, how can we treat him like that?

Bai Luo Yin turned back into the house to lay out the plates,
completely ignoring Bai Han Qi.
Bai Han Qi heaved out a heavy sigh and went into the grandparents
room, he especially instructed Grandma Bai to not say anything
during dinner, and reminded Grandpa Bai to slow down and to chew
his food a bit more careful, so he wont choke on it.
A family of four, plus Gu Hai that made five, that many people
crowded into a square table in the small space.
A table full of various dishes, asides from the fish stew, Bai Han Qi
also made two stir fried dishes; even though they did not look so
appealing, the taste was bearable.
This was the most inaudible family dinner.
Grandma Bai normally really loved to talk, but her son placed a ban
on her, she did not dare to say a word. Her small eyes glanced
around the table, looking left and right, with a careful gesture. But
one could see that she was really fond of this new friend of her
grandson; even though she could not speak, at least she could give
him food; Grandma Bai picked a piece of food and placed it in Gu
Hais bowl, then grinned a smile at him.
Gu Hai was also very fond of Grandma Bai; when he turned six years
old, his grandmother (on his dads side) passed away; his only
impression of hers was she really likes to finish her shiny hair style
with the end of the comb; Gu Hai guessed if his grandmother was
still alive, she would not be this loving like Grandma Bai.
In order to pay tribute to Grandma Bai, Gu Hai also placed a piece of
food in her bowl.

Grandma* go ahead and eat, I can feed myself. [T/N: In

Chinese//majority of Asian countries culture - when someone is the
same age as your grandparents, you will call them either grandma
or grandpa out of respect to the elder; or when they are the
grandparents of your friends/classmates, you will call them so as
well to pay respect]
Grandma Bai kept on nodding her head, she would like to express
her gratitude [Translator input: Because Bai Lou Yin never brings a
friend home asides from Yang Meng, his childhood friend], but since
she was not allowed to say anything, she could only irritatingly
make ah...ah.. sound.
Gu Hais expression changed, taking the opportunity of Bai Han Qi
talking to Grandma Bai, he quietly asked Bai Luo Yin, Your she a mute?
Bai Luo Yin was so close to dumb his bowl of rice on Gu Hais head.
Your grandma is the mute!
My grandma is no longer here.
Bai Luo Yin had just placed a piece of fish into his bowl, seeing that
Grandpa Bai helplessly stared at him, he could care less about Gu
Hais presence, he picked out all bones from the fish piece and put
it in his grandpas bowl. Grandpa Bai could pick out the bones
himself, but he could not pick them all out; he would be likely to
choke on the hidden bones in the piece. Grandpa Bais tongue was
not so agile, swallowing down a spoonful of rice was already taxing
him a lot, as long as some food got stuck in his throat, he would
certainly cough them out of his mouth; worrying that he might make
the guest feel uncomfortable, he had been carefully chewing on his

Gu Hai noticed that Bai Luo Yin did not get to eat much, but had
been taking care of the elder couple, he felt touched. He also took a
piece of fish into his bowl and learned to carefully pick out the bones
from watching Bai Luo Yin (doing it), and then put the piece into Bai
Luo Yins bowl. This was the first time Gu Hai had done such a thing,
he had once told other people that if there is a girl that makes him
willingly pick out the fish bones for her, then he would definitely
marry this girl; however, the first time he did it, it was for a boy.
Bai Luo Yin had just put a fish piece into Grandpa Bais bowl when
he found out that a piece of fish was already in his bowl.
Even if Gu Hai did not say anything, he already knew who it was.
Since the start of the dinner, Bai Luo Yin was already in the bad
mood, only until this second, his mood had become a bit better.
Gu Hais eyes occasionally glanced over to Bai Luo Yin.
Bai Luo Yin chewed on it once and twice, brows knitted together and
turned to look at Gu Hai.
There are still lot of bones left, its the same as never being picked
them out.
Fuck...Gu Hai screamed out loud in his mind, you poor peasant
thinking youre living a young master life*! Did I, Gu Hai, owe you
something in the previous life? Ive done so much for you, yet you
can still be this ungrateful! [T/N: Chinese idiom means - someone
who was born a low class peasant acting or behaving as if theyre
from a well off family; this saying applies to those people who do not
have money but always talk or act as if they have all the money in
the world; nowadays, this saying applies to those wasting so much
money on unnecessary things; in other context, its an insult.]
Bai Luo Yin, already sound in his mind, could have guessed what Gu
Hai is thinking.

The dinner was quickly coming to an end, everything went on

smoothly until Grandpa Bai made a cough.
Bai Han Qis face turned pale as wanting to help Grandpa Bai up, but
he was a second too late. Grandpa Bais cough was a signal that he
was choking on his food, a mouthful of rice along with the
fish being coughed out, spraying onto the bowl next to him, the
whole table of delicious dishes was being destroyed.
Bai Han Qis face became stiffen with a bit of concern and a tint of
Didnt I say to eat a bit slowly?
Now Gu Hai had understood why Bai Luo Yin would never let him
stay for dinner at all costs.
Before this incident happened, Bai Luo Yin was a bit worried; but
after its occurrence, he could feel at ease. He calmly stood up and
took some toilet paper to help wipe clean Grandpa Bais mouth; he
did not even glance over to Gu Hai, because he did not like to see
outsiders staring judgingly at his loved one. Even if Gu Hai stopped
eating later on, he was not going to give any explanation.
After Bai Luo Yin had wiped clean Grandpa Bais collar and chest of
food, he was about to give him a new bowl of rice, he noticed a hand
stretched over.
Let Grandpa have some water.
Gu Hai held up a cup of water in his hand.
Bai Luo Yin did not say anything, just took the cup of water and
handed it to Grandpa Bai.
Subsequently, Gu Hai had realized that whenever he was talking
with Bai Han Qi. Grandma Bai was eagerly listening on, cheeks

flushed, and became even more excited as the conversation went

on. She really did want to say something! Even if it was only to say
the word good, (they) should not have her holding it in!
Your grandson is really incredible, no one in the class dares to
offend him.
Gu Hai turned towards Grandma Bai and held up a thumb up as if he
was amusing a little child.
Grandma Bais eyes suddenly widened and stared astonishingly at
Gu Hai.
Even you cant rule* him? [T/N: Grandma Bai uses /
(tngzh) - to rule // when she should be using / (tngzh) - to
control] [Proofreader note: Both traditional and simplified hanzi is
shown for the above words. The first two characters before the /
are the traditional version and the final two are the simplified
Grandma Bai realized that she just opened her mouth to speak and
became all panic, hands placed over her mouth, and eyes kept
dashing towards Bai Han Qi.
Gu Hai was amused by Grandma Bais adorable behavior.
Yes, even I cant rule* him. [T/N: Gu Hai uses the same
(tngzh) that Grandma Bai uses just to show that he does not think
its awkward or weird]

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 39: Unfortunately, Hes a Retard!

Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: Rae Lee
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
Son, send your friend home.
Bai Luo Yin followed Gu Hai to the doorstep, Gu Hai pushed his bike
and waved farewell at Bai Luo Yin, Its ok now, you should go
Bai Luo Yin did not budge, Wheres your home, is it nearby?
Gu Hai became worried, Why? Do you want to come over to my
No, I just want to send you home.
Even though those were caring words, Gu Hai did not feel at ease at
Im a man, why do I need someone to send me home? Hurry, go
back inside, its getting cold, Ill get home in ten minutes on my
Bai Luo Yin was already out of the door, under the street light
waving his hand at Gu Hai.

Come on!
As if being controlled by an invisible force, Gu Hai followed the order.
The two of them walked on the spacious street, on both sides of it,
the willow trees leaves created small curtains, the branches were
being swayed by the wind, and that made yellow leaves fall down to
the ground, unknowingly, autumn had already arrived. The autumn
in Beijing was very comfortable, after facing with the heat wave of
the summer, the cool breeze of autumn was now finally here, the
soft gentle breeze brushing by them that was unlike the spring
breeze, wherein each rush of wind brought along the chilly cool
Did you eat well today?
It was rare to hear Bai Luo Yins voice becoming that soft spoken,
perhaps the quiet midnight had made him this gentle, or maybe
perhaps he felt a bit repentant; after all, this was the first time Gu
Hai stayed for dinner, yet he had to witness such an unpleasant
I ate very well.
Gu Hais voice was very profound with a tint of honesty in this quiet
night, wherein no one could doubt his sincerity.
My grandpa was just like yours when he was still alive, or more like
my grandpa was even worse than yours, he always vomits out his
food during meal, after spitting them out, he would take them in to
eat again; there was a time when he was paralyzed on bed for a
long period of time, that he even did his own business* on the bed,
Ive long been used to it... [T/N: Business here means to pee and
poop on bed]
Gu Hai was saying so, yet he was repenting in his heart; in fact, his
grandfather was a hero, the greatest hero of the Gu family. Before

Gu Hai was born, Grandpa Gu had heroically sacrificed himself for

the country, a glorious death; due to his grandfathers marvelous
sacrifice, his father and uncles were able to receive such preferential
policy from the government, otherwise, the Gu family would not
have such an elite status today.
Bai Luo Yin only smiled and said nothing.
Gu Hai tilted his head to the side to watch Bai Luo Yin, but then he
quickly looked away (as if him staring at Bai Luo Yin had never
happened). Bai Luo Yins expression was unreadable, eyes freely
looking straight ahead of him, a quiet Bai Luo Yin is quite charming,
an unspeakable temperament that could hardly be described by
others. The street light lit up the side of Bai Luo Yins face, giving off
an blurry entrancing image; if one was to take a longer look at him,
it would feel like as if something was tugging and scratching at the
side of ones heart, yet that feeling was very comfortable, so
comfortable that one would feel like being indulged in this
There was a tint of mesmerization, no need to concern sexuality,
because it was too beautiful, it was so ravishing that Gu Hai had
forgotten that there was a big difference in personality between him
and the person walking next to him; and a huge gap between their
social status*. [T/N: Actually the original context was: it was so
beautiful that you forget about the different between you two and
the gap between you - The difference here is their personalities, if
you have followed the story from beginning to end, both Bai Luo Yin
and Gu Hai do agree that their personalities are so different from
each other to the point that they cannot stand each other, hence,
the beginning of the story; and the gap that Gu Hai mentioned here
is their social status, where one is rich and one is poor; in this
context, the author wants to give the feeling that once you like/love
someone, all of these differences in personalities and socials status
can be meaningless because you will accept everything about them

wholeheartedly, in a sense this sentence is VERY EFFING ROMANTIC

Why do you write your name in artistic calligraphy?
A sentence had interrupted Gu Hais train of thoughts.
Ah that, my girlfriend had someone design it for me, and made me
learn them. As time goes on, it has become a habit that is hard to
change even if I want to.
Bai Luo Yin casually said, Thats a bad habit.
Gu Hai saluted Bai Luo Yin in military standard salutation, Teacher
Bai is right, Ill try to change it.
As they both played and joked around with each other, they were
already halfway there; Gu Hai felt that he could not directly take Bai
Luo Yin to his home; therefore, he took a long route back, so that his
secret would not be exposed.
Hearing Bai Luo Yin burst out in a pleasing surprise, Gu Hai tilted his
head to take a look, seeing a huge dog with snow-white fur, strong
physique, and mild temper coming out from nowhere. Bai Luo Yin
crouched down, petting and touching the dog here and there as
excitement spread all over his face.
This Samoyed is so beautiful.
Right when he said that, the owner of the dog came rushing to
Bai Luo Yin stood up and watched yearningly even after the dog
owner and the dog had been out of sight.
You like dogs? Gu Hai asked.

Bai Luo Yin only laughed, Dogs tend to be fond of me, usually even
with ferocious ones, when they see me, they calm down.
Gu Hais eyelids twitched a little bit, Why is does it seem like these
words are hinting at me?
If you like it, I will buy you one.
Bai Luo Yin casually retorted, Youre poor, how can you afford one?
Gu Hai nagged in his heart: Not just a Samoyed, even a Tibetan
Mastiff, I can buy it for you.
In fact, living like this, its quite useless... [T/N: Gu Hai means that
he is pretending to be a poor is quite an inconvenience, because
now he cant openly buy everything for Bai Luo Yin without exposing
his secret]
Isnt your house in this neighborhood? How come we havent
reached it after such a long walk? Bai Luo Yin began to suspect.
Gu Hai stood up straight and patted Bai Luo Yins shoulder, Pushing
the bike like this, obviously it would be slow; Ill start to riding on it
now, you should go back too.
Bai Luo Yin just walked back home.
Waiting until he was sure that Bai Luo Yin had walked back home, Gu
Hai began to ride on his bike.
Bai Luo Yin walked into a dark alley and then looked back, seeing Gu
Hai turning a corner and riding back on the road they had just
walked past earlier.
As expected...

Bai Luo Yin was really curious wanting to know; therefore, he

decided to tail Gu Hai.
Actually, telling Gu Hai that he wants to send him home was just a
camouflage, his real purpose was to know where Gu Hais house is
located, because whenever he brought it up, Gu Hai always acted all
secretive or averted the topic. But he had been walking him (Gu Hai)
home for more than half an
hour, and they still had not reached Gu Hais house, Bai Luo Yin
decided to let Gu Hai go home by himself, and then would follow
him after.
Gu Hai rode the bike home and could sense something was not
right, even though the footsteps behind him were very light paces,
he could detect the abnormality in them. Even if he did not look
back, by listening to the footsteps, he could easily determine the
height, weight, and general appearance of the person.
It must be Bai Luo Yin, no one else.
This kid really is something.
Gu Hai squinted his eyes, his pedaling was still at a calm normal
pace, not showing any slightest move of tension or guilt.
Soon, Gu Hai had reached his rented place.
Next to this place, there was a one-story single home with a small
Gu Hai was in a difficult situation, he really could not enter that
rented house, because once he did, Bai Luo Yin would realize that it
is a rented house, and all of what he said before would be seen as
lies. To keep his perfect impression in Bai Luo Yins mind, he decided
to take a risk.

The tenants in the house next to his place were an old married
couple, they must be asleep by this time. Gu Hai decided to go into
this home to avoid Bai Luo Yins suspicion, and then he would climb
over the wall in between the two houses to get to the other side,
and the other side is his house.
Once thought that up, Gu Hai quickly took out a small cable and
began to pry the lock, then calmly pushed the bike into the house,
closed the door behind him, and then heaved out a sigh of relief.
In a distance, he was not sure whether Bai Luo Yin had left or not.
Yet, he did not plan to go out, luckily the wall in this house was not
so high, he directly threw his bike over the wall and onto the yard of
his place, and then he himself climbed over the wall.
Finally, he was able to escape this time.
Sunday early morning, Gu Hai pushed his bike out, but the wheel
only got to the doorstep of the house and then suddenly being rolled
What happened?
Gu Hai was surprised to see Bai Luo Yin appearing at the doorway of
the house next to his place, standing upright, one could easily guess
that he (Bai Luo Yin) had been waiting for Gu Hai.
What do I do now?
Do I have to climb over the wall to the other side to go out?
Gu Hai glanced over the wall on the other side, there was an old
Uncle watering the garden, how can I jump over?
Sweat covered Gu Hais forehead.
Finally, he came up with a plan.

He threw the bike over to the courtyard next door.

It made bam sound.
The old Uncle watering the garden was startled by the sound, he
turned around and saw a young man standing up on the wall and on
the floor lay a bike.
Grandpa, my bike got dropped into your yard, can I come to pick it
The Uncle was fuming.
How did that bike get here? Did you ride on the wall?
Gu Hai could care less about such things, the god was waiting
outside, he pretended to be a retard.
Alright, Ill pick it up and then throw it over.
The Uncle walked over with a concerned look on his face.
Why do you need to throw it over? Why dont you just push the bike
out to the entrance here?
Gu Hai turned to the old man grinning like a kid, really satisfied to
see how well this man just read his thoughts.
Thus, Gu Hai openly pushed the bike towards the front door and
headed out.
The old man stood watching Gu Hais back with a worry-filled his
Such a good-looking kid! Unfortunately, hes a retard!

Zhou Si Hu looked at his watch, there were 10 more minutes to

Li Shuo, sitting in the passenger seat, was playing on his iPad.
Zhou Si Hu was still feeling sleepy, as he kept on yawning here and
there. They spent all of the time over the weekend to entertain Jin
Lu Lu, because she could not contact Gu Hai, she turned to the two
of them and turned them into her slaves. Until last night, they were
able to send this mistress back to Tianjin.
The two of them were only able to close their eyes for a bit at the
hotel, and now had to get up early to go to school.
Li Shuo heard the yawning sounds next to him, he turned to look at
a tiring Si Hu, he could not help but say, Can you still drive? If not,
Ill take over.
Were almost there, whats the point of offering now?
Li Shuo grinned a smile, suddenly his eyes fixated at a figure on the
Wait, slow down a bit!
Zhou Si Hu did not know why and shouted, If we slow down, well
be late.
Not right... Li Shuo stretched his neck backwards, eyes almost
popped out of their sockets, Why do I feel that the person riding the
bike back there looks so much like Da Hai?!
Zhou Si Hu also looked up to his rearview mirror.
Seriously? It does look like him.
Li Shuo blinked his eyes, I think it is him!

What do you mean it is? Zhou Si Hu stepped on the accelerator

with a casual look, You see, that person is very scrubby! How can it
be Da Hai? Besides, Da Hai owns several nice cars, why would
he ride an old broken bike? You dont need a brain to think, does Da
Hai have that pauper feeling to him?
Li Shou thought that makes sense, and then heaved out a sigh.
In the end, where did Da Hai run to?...
? (Are You Addicted?)
Chapter 40: Pursuing The Wife!
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Neko English Proofreader: Rae Lee
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
During the morning recess, Dan Xiao Xuan walked in a catwalk*
style to Gu Hai. [T/N: In this context, its a mocking expression]
Can you explain this question for me?
Hearing that, Bai Luo Yin immediately stood up and offered his seat
to Dan Xiao Xuan.

Gu Hai just faintly glared at Bai Luo Yin, a glare filled with daggers.
Dan Xiao Xuan placed the examination paper on Gu Hais desk, her
charming eyes watching Gu Hai, lips curved into an initiative curve,
it was no doubt that she was planning something. The most killing
point was that the neck collar of her uniform made a deep V-cut that
it exposing half of her cleavage, even more she was wielding her
body leaning forward, Dan Xiao Xuans shining snow white bosoms*
being completely exposed to Gu Hais eyes. [T/N: bosoms - slang
word for breasts]
I also dont know how to solve this question.
Bai Luo Yin leaned on the seat next to his and watched the two
people in front of him with great interest.
Gu Hai patiently explained the question to Dan Xiao Xuan.
Get it now?
Dan Xiao Xuans mouth jutted out and said, You speak too fast, I
dont get it.
She spoke that sentence out along with looking up with her puppy
eyes, pressing her pair of cushions* together in a suggestive
manner. [T/N: cushions - slang word for breasts]
There were two boys who intentionally coming closer to Gu Hais
seat by using an excuse of handing out the workbooks; in fact, the
owners of the workbook were sitting several desks away from there.
Explain it one more time for me, please.
Dan Xiao Xuan pulled on Gu Hais dangling arm, and
unintentionally placed Gu Hais hand on her chest. Then she gave
out a shy smile, pretending to pull up her collar, but in fact, her
collar only got pulled down and exposed more of her cleavage for
everyone to see.

This time, Gu Hai was very earnestly explaining the question to her.
In the end, the more Dan Xiao Xuan listened to the explanation, the
more she did not get it; she even used the excuse that she could not
understand the brainstorming map that Gu Hai wrote out. Therefore,
in order to be able to get what Gu Hai drew, Dan Xiao Xuan moved
Bai Luo Yins chair next to Gu Hai as the two of them crowded on the
small desk, sitting next to each other.
Explain it again, please.
Dan Xiao Xuans foot gently touched Gu Hais legs.
Gu Hai slowly curved his mouth into a smirk, Alright, Ill explain
Gu Hai wondered what this girls true intention is.
First, you need to draw an auxiliary line* to connect two dots,
then... [T/N: auxiliary line (geometry) - or helping line - is an extra
line needed to complete a proof in plane geometry]
Dan Xiao Xuan narrowed her eyes, watching closely at Gu Hais
manly stubble at his chin, and then to his charming thin lips that
have been speaking with great power. After a short while, her eyes
involuntarily moved down to his strong muscular arms, and then to
his slender straight legs...
Gu Hai felt his arm being lifted up, and then it landed onto a very
soft and smooth area.
He looked down and felt blood boiling in his veins, this girl dared to
put his hand in between her thighs and then closed them tightly
together. Gu Hai tried to pull out his hand, but it resulted in him
hearing Dan Xiao Xuans muffled moans.
Even though he had been studying in a private school for so many
years, he had had never met such bold girl.

You Qi, who had been standing next to Bai Luo Yin, showed an
astounding expression.
She is such a flirt*! [T/N: Flirt - in this context, it has a negative
meaning - someone who intentionally behaves in a way that one
believes will induce sexual arousal in his/her target]
Bai Luo Yin only smiled, I used to be her target when we were in the
same class.
Oh? You Qi smiled faintly, Then your sexual drive must have been
Bai Luo Yin laughed and said nothing.
After Dan Xiao Xuan left, Bai Luo Yin sat back to his seat and stared
at Gu Hai with meaningful eyes.
How is it?
Gu Hai saw that Bai Luo Yin wanting to pester him, he just gave out
a cold snort.
Just by her ability, what can she do to me?
Bai Luo Yin sneered at Gu Hai.
Gu Hai took Bai Luo Yins hand and directly placed it at his crotchs
area, then pressed lightly on it as an evil wanton smirk crossed his
See? Im not lying, right? No erection*. [T/N: Original is its soft but I think using no erection is more bold and direct, plus it
perfectly describes Gu Hais personality LOL]
The last two words were being spoken out in a certain and confident

What so good at showing that off? If youre that great, then right
now, right here, get it up for me to see.
Gu Hai placed his mouth right next to Bai Luo Yins ears as blowing
hot air into it.
You only need to rub me twice, Ill get hard.
Bai Luo Yins hand was still placed on Gu Hais piece of meat, after
hearing that, he suddenly took it back.
Youre so shameless!
Gu Hai laughed so hard that the corner of his lips twitched.
Excuse me, is Gu Hai in this class?
A familiar voice penetrated Gu Hais eardrum, his laughter
immediately stagnated.
Gu Hai, someone is looking for you outside.
Gu Hai turned around, Jin Lu Lus furious face appeared at the back
? (Are You Addicted?)
Chapter 41: Accidental Quarrels
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Ben English Proofreader: Whaleywes
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)

The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
Why are you here?
Why do you think Im here? Its been two days and I was still
unable to reach you through your phone! If I still couldnt contact
you, I wouldve assumed that you got kidnapped!
Arent I ok? I couldnt contact you as my phone fell into the river
and I didnt have money to buy a new one.
As Gu Hai explained patiently, Jin Lu Lus eyes swept across Gu Hais
outfit. Looking at his clashing coloured T-Shirt and the pair of $30
sports shoes that he wore made her feel uncomfortable.
How can your father do this to you? Even if he kicked you out of
the house, he shouldnt be torturing you... *Sob*...
Gu Hai covered Jin Lu Lus mouth, and pulled her into a quiet corner.
Stop speaking so loudly, my classmates can hear you talking.
Jin Lu Lu did not understand Gu Hai at that moment. If she hadnt
remembered his face deeply inside her heart, she wouldnt have
believed the man before him was Gu Hai. Gu Hai didnt use to be
afraid of anything. Even if the Gods gave him a route to travel, he
would dare to defy the God and go along with his own plans, but
why does he lack the courage to speak outside his classroom?
How did your father torture you? Causing you to be like this. Jin Lu
Lu could not hide her sorrow, and started pulling Gu Hais shirt. She
couldnt bare to see Gu Hai in this state.
Stop pulling, it is going to rip if you pull it again.

Jin Lu Lu pulled even harder, as she would rather pull the ugly T-Shirt
off Gu Hai and see the handsome and stylish Gu Hai from the past
than see the Gu Hai in this state.
Gu Hai pressed onto Jin Lu Lus hands, glancing around at his
surroundings to find nobody nearby, he then said to Jin Lu Lu calmly,
Stop making a ruckus, why dont you take a tour around school first
then Ill take you home in the afternoon.
Im not leaving. Jin Lu Lu said adamantly, I applied for a three day
Gu Hai pondered for a moment, three days, what kind of concept is
Gu Hai calmed down and said, You may have applied for leave, but
I didnt, unless you would like to tour around this area alone for
three days?
Jin Lu Lu felt as though Gu Hai has become a stranger.
You still care about applying for leave? Dont you know how to skip
lessons? The lessons you skipped in the past werent enough?
Whats wrong? I didnt sleep for one night and came all the way here
to find you, yet all these cant be exchanged for a period of
Stop making a ruckus, I have no time to accompany you!
Surprisingly, Jin Lu Lu calmed down.
I knew it, you have a new girlfriend here, right?
The temperature in Gu Hais face dropped instantly.
If you continue to say such words, go back to where you came
from. Jin Lu Lu remained quiet as she stared coldly at Class 27.

Suddenly, she walked around Gu Hai, speechless, and in that instant

started sprinting towards the backdoor of Class 27.
Even if I was to go back to where I came from, I would like to know
exactly what is happening!
Gu Hai took a step back and pulled Jin Lu Lu by the arm, it was so
painful that Jin Lu Lus face turned purple. However, this girl had
character and did not shed a single tear.
If you want to break up, then stand here and listen to me.
Jin Lu Lu never dominated Gu Hai, and has always been the one
dominated in the relationship.
If you think the time I spend with you is not enough, then I will
apply for three days leave right now, just to accompany you. Most
importantly, this isnt a place for us to be together, I can accompany
you back home, and allow you to torture me however you would
like, but not here!
Why? said Jin Lu Lu as she looked at Gu Hai.
Do I have to answer every question?
I just want you to treat me honestly and truthfully! I, Jin Lu Lu, is no
slut. If you have a new girlfriend here, and even if you did not chase
me away, I will leave by myself!
Gu Hai was tired of explaining.
Then leave.
For a whole period, Gu Hais expression did not change and stayed
It was quiet outside the classroom, and Gu Hai was unsure if Jin Lu
Lu really left. However, he does know that Jin Lu Lu does not give up

easily. In the past, they had numerous quarrels like this, but Jin Lu Lu
always gave in. Thus, Gu Hai did not need to worry about destroying
this relationship, all he needed to do was to plan on how to spend
the remaining two days.
As the school bell rang again, Dan Xiao Xuan walked towards Gu
Hai, shaking her butt slightly. Bai Luo Yin stood up and left, You Qi
following behind.
What was the teacher teaching in this period? I didnt understand a
single word. Dan Xiao Xuan said as she rubbed her chin and blinked
non-stop at Gu Hai, trying to flirt with him.
Gu Hai was tired of talking to girls as he was already feeling vexed
by one, yet here came another.
I too did not understand a single word.
Dan Xiao Xuan pulled Gu Hais arm onto her textbook as she flipped
open Gu Hais fingers slowly.
With an extremely whiney voice she said, I know fortune telling and
its really accurate!
Gu Hai pulled back his arm and left sternly.
? (Are You Addicted?)
Chapter 42: No Choice But To Stay
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Ben English Proofreader: Whaleywes

(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our

permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
As Gu Hai left the washroom, he saw Bai Luo Yin smoking at the
stairwell and talking to You Qi. Although he did not know what they
were talking about, they were laughing at each other, and this
image looked rather seductive.
Gu Hais demeanor started to become gloomy.
You Qi spotted him standing nearby and waved at him handsomely.
That person was your brother right?
More like your brother!
Gu Hai became stern, although he just had a quarrel with Jin Lu Lu,
nobody should judge his girlfriend like this.
You Qi passed Gu Hai a cigarette.
Then who was that?
Gu Hai said coldly, My girlfriend.
Bai Luo Yin finally focused.
The silence of the corner was broken by a sharp scream. The
stairwell became lively due to that scream.

It seems like someones fighting. said You Qi as he took a peek.

Bai Luo Yin replied lightly, Why do I think the scream sounded like it
came from Dan Xiao Xuan?
Just as he finished speaking, sounds of women fighting and crying
was heard again. Gu Hais facial expression changed, as he walked
towards the source of the sound with big steps. Just before reaching
the classroom door, the image before him made him stay rooted to
the ground.
Cries of Dan Xiao Xuan filled the corridor as Jin Lu Lu pulled Dan Xiao
Xuans hair and held her against a window, slapping Dan Xiao Xuan
Jin Lu Lu still felt upset as she punched Dan Xiao Xuans stomach
twice with her knee. Dan Xiao Xuan fell to the ground as she held
her stomach and cried, but Jin Lu Lu still kicked Dan Xiao Xuan
Damn your mother! You slut!
At this moment, You Qi and Bai Luo Yin walked out. You Qi elbowed
Bai Luo Yin lightly as he recognised Jin Lu Lu immediately.
Why do you think Gu Hai likes her?
Bai Luo Yin, expressionless, glanced at Jin Lu Lu.
How would I know?
Arent you always with Gu Hai? Did he not mention anything about
his girlfriend?
Bai Luo Yin seemed to be affected by the first statement.
How am I always with him?

You are always with him! said You Qi indignantly, his usually
expressionless face finally showed some feelings. You two used to
be enemies, but yet now a days, you two are always together, the
whole class is confused!
Bai Luo Yin didnt say a word and entered the classroom.
Why is he so sensitive? Its just being together all the time, its
not like youre in a relationship. mumbled You Qi as he followed
Gu Hai brought the almost crazy Jin Lu Lu to the field.
What are you trying to do?
Jin Lu Lu had a broken smile as Gu Hai questioned her, while the
edge of her mouth was scratched by Dan Xiao Xuan and was
I just wanted her to know what happens when someone tries to
steal my boyfriend.
Gu Hai squinted his eyes and stared at Jin Lu Lu coldly.
This is your last warning, stop trying to accuse me ridiculously.
If you didnt have a girlfriend, then why didnt you contact me?
Jin Lu Lus voice became hoarse, If you didnt have a girlfriend, then
why are you so shady all the time and you dont want me to appear
at your classroom door? Do I embarrass you? Do you think Im not
good enough for you?
I detest women who are crazy.
Jin Lu Lu sneered, Since youve started to dislike me, Ill make
you dislike me even more. Didnt you dislike me appearing in front
of your classroom door? Fine. Then Ill appear every week, until you

Gu Hai became furious.

Why do you want to stay here? What is so good about this place?
Nothing is good about this place, except the fact that you are
Jin Lu Lus stubbornness touched Gu Hai. After being speechless
for a moment, he reached out to wipe off the blood stains on the
edge of Jin Lu Lus mouth.
Let me bring you to see a doctor and get some medicine.
No! I dont want to go! Jin Lu Lu pulled Gu Hai with swollen eyes.
Actually, my request is very easy, I just wanted to see your living
conditions, is that wrong? If you like someone, wouldnt you
care about their living conditions? I just want to be a part of your
life, that is called being a couple. How are we even considered a
couple if I dont even know where you live!
Gu Hai looked at Jin Lu Lu quietly for a second, and said, Fine, I
promise you that Ill allow you to stay here for a few days.
Jin Lu Lu instantly looked youthful afterwards.
But I have a request!
Jin Lu Lu was rather reasonable this time.
Tell me.
Do not mention anything about my family and my past living
conditions in front of my classmates. Now, you have to treat me like
Im a poor person, poor, you have to remember this one word. No
matter what you say, never forget that one word. And you should be
more low profile and refrain from showing your wealth in front of my

Poor? Jin Lu Lu looked confused, How poor?

As poor as possible.
Although Jin Lu Lu was surprised, she nodded her head in
agreement. In any case, Gu Hais identity is considered special.
Nobody knew about his family background, not even classmates
from his previous school. As his girlfriend, she had enough
experience to help her boyfriend to get out of trouble.
? (Are You Addicted?)
Chapter 43: Look At How Pitiful He Looks
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Ben English Proofreader: Whaleywes
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
After school, Bai Luo Yin felt someone pat his back while he was
packing his bag, he shook his body backwards instinctively and
asked, What is it?
Lets go have lunch together, my girlfriend is treating.
Bai Luo Yin hesitated for a moment and said, Shes here for you,
why are you making me tag along? I dont want to be a spoil sport.

Were an old couple, we dont like having romantic dates. Since Im

inviting you to tag along, just come along with us. Why are you
hesitating so much?
Gu Hai stood up and pulled Bai Luo Yin towards the exit without any
Jin Lu Lu was standing outside. She smiled without hesitation as she
saw Bai Luo Yin coming out and said, I have found the restaurant,
lets hire a cab and go over.
The three of them entered a restaurant that served special bone
dishes, and their signature dish was lambs backbone. This is one of
Jin Lu Lus favorites, she loves to eat different parts of a lamb and is
addicted to the smell of it, just smelling lamb makes her crave it.
Lets sit here.
Jin Lu Lu took out the menu and started ordering.
It is not easy to chew a lambs backbone, thus, Bai Luo Yin laughed
as he saw the surrounding patrons eating the lambs backbone in
distorted manners. He admired Jin Lu Lu, as ordinary women will not
dare to eat lambs backbone with her boyfriend.
Just as the trio were talking and laughing away, a pot of lambs
backbone was served. Jin Lu Lu rubbed her hands together and
started picking using her chopsticks. The childish image of her being
choosey on the lambs backbone had a big difference from the
person who was fighting just now, it was as if they were two
different people.
Gu Hai found a lambs tail as he stirred the pot with his chopsticks.
Anyone who had eaten lambs backbone before would be sure that
the meat on the tail was the most delicious.

Jin Lu Lus eyes glistened with delight. Gu Hai took the lambs tail
and put it into Bai Luo Yins bowl.
Try this, its delicious.
This action was a habit, yet it all happened in one go and it felt like
it had happened numerous times in the past. However, Gu Hai had
forgotten that there was someone beside him, and this someone
loved to eat lambs tail the most, yet he gave her most loved food to
somebody else.
As most girls are sensitive, Jin Lu Lu became instantly upset.
Youre biased!
Both Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin raised their heads.
Isnt that easy? Gu Hai called for the waiter and said, Can we
have a pot of lambs tail?
If you would like to order a pot of lambs tail, it would cost extra
money as it is a speciality dish.
Jin Lu Lu waved at the waiter, looked at Gu Hai and said, I do not
want another pot of lambs tail, I only want the one you picked. In
other words, I only want the one you gave to Bai Luo Yin.
Bai Luo Yin smiled as he thought of Shi Hui, it is as if all females in
the world are like this.
Here, take it, I havent taken a single bite.
Jin Lu Lu started making faces at Gu Hai, as if trying to show off.
As Gu Hai saw the most delicious cut of meat put into Jin Lu Lus
bowl, he felt uncomfortable for some strange reason. Then, he kept
putting slices of meat into Bai Luo Yins bowl, feeling as though Bai

Luo Yin was wronged and wasnt well fed, it continued until the pot
was empty.
Are you full? asked Gu Hai.
Bai Luo Yin was already too full to reply, he thought to himself:
whats wrong with Gu Hai today? He kept putting food into my bowl
as if he wanted the whole world to know that I have a big appetite.
Why are you so naggy? said Bai Luo Yin as he wiped his mouth.
Gu Hai stopped talking as he looked over at Jin Lu Lu.
Are you full?
Jin Lu Lu replied, Mhm. So you do know how to care about me?
Bai Luo Yin cracked a joke.
I didnt know you can be jealous of his brothers.
Jin Lu Lu smiled instantly. In fact, she wasnt angry as she
understood Gu Hais character. They had the relationship for three
years, but whenever she and Gu Hais friends go out together, Gu
Hai will always prioritize his friends. However, Gu Hai went slightly
overboard this time.
Hey, Im got a question to ask you!
Jin Lu Lu seemed like she was talking to Bai Luo Yin, but to actual
fact, she was looking at Gu Hai.
Bai Luo Yin didnt wait for Jin Lu Lu to ask any questions and said,
Dont worry, he doesnt have a new girlfriend in the school.
Jin Lu Lus eyes widened in surprise and asked, How did you know
what I was going to ask you?

Gu Hai replied, He had a girlfriend too. Jin Lu Lu could sense

jealousy from Gu Hais statement.
As they walked out of the restaurant, Jin Lu Lu was still reminding
Bai Luo Yin, Help me look after him. Ill give you my number, if
there are any problems, contact me.
Bai Luo Yin smiled without talking. Gu Hai pulled his bicycle and
looked at Bai Luo Yin.
Are you leaving?
Bai Luo Yin walked past Gu Hai without looking back, and only said
one sentence.
Did you leave your brains at home?
Luckily, when Gu Hai was hinting Bai Luo Yin with his eyes, Jin Lu Lu
was adjusting her pants, and gave Gu Hai a warm smile as she
looked up.
Lets go!
Gu Hai got onto his bicycle, looking at Bai Luo Yin in the distant.
Excitedly, Jin Lu Lu sat on the bicycles backseat. Although it was a
little small for her, this fresh experience overpowered the feelings of
not being satisfactory. She hugged Gu Hais waist from behind with
an excited face. This is every girls dream, yet it always starts on a
bicycle. Along the journey, with numerous scenery and Gu Hais
wide shoulders, theres a feeling of being youthful, something that
even luxurious cars are unable to replicate, it stayed for a long time
as it bloomed with his scent.
Although the speed of the bicycle was slow, the silhouette of the
person in front became clearer and closer.

Bai Luo Yin walked vigorously on the road as per normal, with his
wide shoulders and straight back... But in the eyes of Gu Hai, there
was a feeling of loneliness.
As they passed by Bai Luo Yin, Jin Lu Lu deliberately coughed,
causing Bai Luo Yin to turn his head and smile at Jin Lu Lu.
At that instant where they passed each other, Gu Hai rode faster,
increasing the speed of the bicycle. Jin Lu Lu hugged Gu Hais waist
tightly with one hand and waved her other hand in the air.
First time sitting on a bicycle, it feels awesome!
How pitiful.
Huh...? Jin Lu Lu was confused when Gu Hai suddenly said those
two words.
Whos pitiful?
Dont you think Bai Luo Yin is very pitiful? said Gu Hai faintly.
Pitiful? asked Jin Lu Lu as she got more confused, How is he
Youre sitting on a vehicle, yet he is walking, dont you find him
Jin Lu Lu felt that what Gu Hai had said was absurd.
Hes a big guy, how is walking a few steps pitiful?
Gu Hai was speechless.
Jin Lu Lu pinched Gu Hais waist and said, Why didnt I know that
you were so caring?
Gu Hais tone became serious. How many times have I warned you?
Do not pinch my waist for no reason.

Jin Lu Lu rolled her eyes facing the sky, feeling indignant. Her long
and slender fingers danced around Gu Hais waist as she pondered if
she would want to pinch him again. However, she lacked the
courage to do so, as she knew Gu Hais temper. What he lacks the
most was patience and acceptance. To stay by his side, the most
important thing was to listen to him and be obedient.
? (Are You Addicted?)
Chapter 44: Are You Possessed?
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Ben English Proofreader: Whaleywes
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
You...You stay here?
Jin Lu Lu returned to reality as she got off the bike, unable to stay
composed. As Jin Lu Lu walked into the house, she frowned at the
surroundings. In a small courtyard, there lived 10 people, just right
in front, there was a mother coaxing a baby and a child who just did
a cartwheel, his forehead covered in dirt and was wailing as if a
blade was stuck in his throat, making whoever heard the cries feel

Jin Lu Lu followed the sound as she turned her head, an old man just
spit phlegm beside her feet. As Gu Hai opened the door, Jin Lu Lu
stood still at the entrance.
The dark room was not even ten square metres, and the only
furniture inside was a single bed, a twenty inch television and a
square table with chipped paint. There was a mouldy smell before
even walking in.
Is this place even big enough for a person to live in? Jin Lu Lu
grabbed her arm with her other hand.
Gu Hai poured a cup of water to drink, and poured a cup for Jin Lu Lu
as well.
Whats wrong with living here? I lived in the army camp for so
many years, and the conditions were worse than here, yet I still
Jin Lu Lu asked awkwardly, But isnt this place... A little run-down?
There arent any good houses around this area.
Jin Lu Lu pulled Gu Hai to sit down but she still couldnt accept this.
Must you really live in a house in this area? There are many good
apartments near your school! Why did you choose to stay here and
I like this area.
What... What is so good about this area?
Jin Lu Lu could not accept such explanation.
Didnt your dad give you some pocket money?

Gu Hai took out a cigarette and smoked silently. Looking at Gu Hai

like this, Jin Lu Lu felt heartbroken.
If you dont have money, you can ask me for money! Dont Lee Le
and Hu Zi have money as well? Maybe not a few hundred thousand,
but theyre able to lend you few grand right? Whats wrong with
renting a house with better living conditions? Do you need to
humiliate yourself like this? Moreover, even if your father didnt give
you any pocket money, Im sure you have some savings right?
Its not about the money, I just want to live here.
Jin Lu Lu opened the old, grimy windows as she coughed due to the
smoke from the cigarettes. In this instance, she spotted the old
mobile phone on the table.
Dont tell me you use this phone to answer my calls?
Yes, I use that phone to answer your calls.
Jin Lu Lu eyes became watery as she said, No wonder there was
such loud background noises, yet I was complaining about the
reception not being good enough!
Gu Hai took off his shoes and lied on his bed with two hands under
his head, staring at the ceiling. Jin Lu Lu turned one round around
the house, there was nothing amusing for her to see, so she went to
look in Gu Hais schoolbag. There was nothing except books.
So it was true that there are no signs of him having a new girlfriend.
Hey, why did you cancel off the name I designed for you? Jin Lu Lu
looked at Gu Hai furiously.
Let me show you something.
Jin Lu Lu stood at the side curiously, wanting to see what kind of
treasure made Gu Hai so excited.

Do you think the handwriting on these two papers are the same?
Jin Lu Lu looked at the two papers carefully, one is written by Bai Luo
Yin, the other is traced over Bai Luo Yins handwriting by Gu Hai.
No, they dont look the same, Jin Lu Lu said objectively, Instead
they look very different.
Gu Hai couldnt accept such an answer, his eyebrows wrenching
Not similar even a tiny bit? Dont look at the appearance, look at
the word structure instead, you know, word structure?
There is nothing similar.
Gu Hai threw the two pieces of paper onto the table and stayed
Jin Lu Lu was amused by how Gu Hai looked. Although she was with
Gu Hai for three years, she never seen Gu Hai become so troubled
by such a small problem. At this moment, Gu Hai looks like a 17 year
old boy, who was unable to see his own flaws.
However, only Gu Hai knew that he spent his extra time writing in
the Chinese character boxes. At night, the couple squeezed on the
bed to sleep.
Jin Lu Lu smiled as she breathed in the mesmerizing smell of Gu Hai,
and proceeded to kiss him on the chin.
Gu Hai was caressing Jin Lu Lus back. Jin Lu Lu bit Gu Hais ears
softly as the hot air from her mouth was rolled out onto his face.
Gu Hais charming yet flat tummy bounced upwards, with a strong
hook using his legs, he pressed Jin Lu Lu below him. Jin Lu Lu smiled
slyly, and hooked Gu Hais neck with her hands.

What do you think...

Wha-? Jin Lu Lu looked at Gu Hai deeply.
Gu Hai had a bewitched smile.
If Bai Luo Yin was in bed with someone else, what would he look
like? Would he also moan in pleasure? Would he curse...?
As Gu Hai spoke, he forgot he was with Jin Lu Lu.
Jin Lu Lu caressed the back of Gu Hais head, and asked faintly, Are
you possessed?
Jin Lu Lu replied bitterly, as she turned her back on Gu Hai.
? (Are You Addicted?)
Chapter 45: Can I Have A Stick of Hawthorn Candy?
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Ben English Proofreader: Alem Bess
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.

Finally, three days have passed.

Before the sun rose, Gu Hai had already woken up and gone to the
nearby park to exercise for half an hour before heading over to Bai
Luo Yins house on his bicycle.
Bai Luo Yin had gotten used to walking to school the past two days,
thus hed wake up earlier. When Gu Hai arrived at Bai Luo Yins
house, he was already at Aunt Zous breakfast shop.
Why didnt you wait for me? Bai Luo Yin raised his head and saw
Gu Hais joyful face.
How do I know you will come here to eat?
Gu Hai took Aunt Zous bean curd and touched it lightly with a
spoon, as he replied, Dont I come here to eat every day?
You didnt come for two days.
Gu Hai smiled mischievously.
Whats wrong? Missed me?
Bai Luo Yin replied coldly, Why would I miss you? So your girlfriend
left? Gu Hai nodded, as if a burden had just left him and said, She
finally left.
Bai Luo Yin stared at Gu Hai and said objectively, Please dont have
such an attitude, she even asked me to look after you. Looking at
you like his, how am I supposed to look after you?
You took her words seriously? Gu Hai placed the slice of sausage
in between biscuits onto Bai Luo Yins bowl. We have been together
for three years, yet she is always suspicious. Actually, I have not
flirted with other girls before.

Bai Luo Yin could not resist and said, With her conditions, she
obviously doesnt feel safe.
Do you believe that I will hit you? Gu Hai said as he laughed.
Bai Luo Yin said sadly, Dan Xiao Xuan got beaten up.
I didnt paste a label on her; she came to stick with me voluntarily.
Are you not touched? She is prettier than your girlfriend in every
way, Bai Luo Yin teased Gu Hai deliberately.
Gu Hai did not flare up, instead he looked as if he was used to such
teasing. I do not like Dan Xiao Xuans type. I like independent
women, those who are straightforward. Unlike Dan Xiao Xuan, I will
get tired of her when she just stands beside me. Gu Hai peeked at
Bai Luo Yin and asked, What about you? What type of girls do you
Directly opposite of you. I like girls who are flirty. Gu Hai clutched
Bai Luo Yins neck.
Then why do you leave at lightning speed when Dan Xiao Xuan is
around me? Bai Luo Yin laughed.
Her...? I got bored of her. Bai Luo Yin said with sarcasm.
Sugar-coated haw candy!
Gu Hai heard familiar yells as his eyes glistened. He did not expect
to see such vendors as he thought they had become extinct. He
looked as though he had not eaten sugar-coated haw candy for a
long time. The place he had lived in the past was very quiet, to the
extent that it was creepy. Let alone vendors, there were very little
eateries. Even if he had seen a shop selling sugar-coated haw
candy, he did not have a desire to step in.
Uncle, one stick please.

Do you want Shan Li Hong or Ma Shan Yao?

Shan Li Hong!
The glowing red Shan Li Hong had a layer of glistening sugar
coating, and an outer layer of rice paper, trembling as you hold it in
your hands.
Gu Hai passed it to Bai Luo Yin and said, Here, eat!
Bai Luo Yin was confused and asked, Why did you only buy one?
Are you not eating? I cant eat it as I am riding a bike.
Bai Luo Yin sat on the backseat and took a bite of the crispy haw
Its sweet!
Gu Hai acted as if he did not hear anything. Bai Luo Yin ate another
haw candy, trying to tease Gu Hai.
Dont you want to try? Gu Hai was trying to tolerate Bai Luo Yins
After a while, Bai Luo Yin stopped talking completely, the only
sounds from his mouth were from the haw candy. It sounded so
crispy. Gu Hai started counting, one, two, three... and no more.
If he continued to be adamant and not eat one, there wont be any
Gu Hai rode onto a straight road and took the chance as he turned
his head, it felt as if someone tapped his shoulder.
Turning his head sideways, he got half the stick of haw candy into
his mouth. Finally! He took a bite of one, and it was sweet. Gu Hais
heart was as if marinated in honey. Why does the haw candy given
by Xiao Bai so sweet?

One more!
Bai Luo Yin wanted to protect the food, No more. One more!
No more.
In the afternoon, between classes, You Qi turned around and looked
at Bai Luo Yin.
Follow me down to buy something. Bai Luo Yin nodded and both of
them stood up.
Why do you need someone to follow you to buy something? Dont
you know how to buy it yourself? Gu Hai said coldly.
You Qi wanted to kick Gu Hai really badly. This had occurred a few
times. Whenever he wanted to do something with Bai Luo Yin, Gu
Hai would always make sarcastic remarks. You want to fight him?
The only result is you losing. Just by looking at the muscle outlines
on his arms, they can already break your teeth and send them down
your stomach.
Whatever! Ill pretend as though I heard nothing.
You Qi became thick-skinned as he pulled Bai Luo Yin and walked
towards the exit. Gu Hai made a low sound and stood up, like a
leopard. He stood in between them and hooked Bai Luo Yins neck
with his arm. With a fake smile, he said, Dont bother about You Qi,
come play ball with me.
Why cant you go alone? said You Qi, who was frustrated.
Gu Hai looked at You Qi with cold sharp eyes and asked, How do
you play ball with one person?

You Qi didnt care about what Gu Hai just said, looked at Bai Luo Yin
and said, In any case, you agreed just now.
You Qi wanted to use his arm to pull Bai Luo Yin over. However,
when he reached out his arm, it got clawed by an eagle. You Qi
clenched his teeth together and did not make a sound, but his face
turned purple and had to ask Bai Luo Yin for help.
Faster! If you dont help, my arm is going to break!
With a pull, Bai Luo Yin separated Gu Hai and You Qis arms and
replied coldly.
You to go to wherever you want alone.
After the third period of lesson, You Qi turned his head, holding a
piece of paper. I dont understand this question, can you explain it
to me again?
Bai Luo Yin just woke up. He rubbed his eyes as he looked at the
question. Then, he replied, First you calculate all the known
conditions, then you will know how to do it.
You Qi took out a piece of tissue as he cleared his nose and said,
Never mind, I still dont know how to do this. Gu Hai stared into
You Qis eye, as if fighting in the pupil of their eyes.
Bai Luo Yin hastily explained the question again to You Qi and
asked, Do you understand now? You Qi still shook his head.
Gu Hai laughed coldly, as he thought to himself: trying to be like
Dan Xiao Xuan? Fine, I will let you have the same outcome as her.
You still do not understand? asked Bai Luo Yin. You Qi still shook
his head.

Gu Hais voice could be heard faintly from the back. Come here, let
me explain to you. You Qi took back his paper and said, I suddenly
No you didnt. Gu Hai said each word slowly. You Qi turned his
body around and felt chilly.
After five seconds, there was a gust of strong wind. You Qi tilted his
head to see a pair of dark eyes.
Let me explain to you so you are able to understand fully. And I
promise you, the next time you see such a question, you will not
have a problem. Gu Hais voice was soft, but yet it was like a blade,
slicing You Qis sensitive heart.
A cry of pain covered the laughter of the class.
The weather became colder these few days, although it was cold
when riding on the bicycle. Gu Hai could only endure the cold as he
felt too embarrassed to go home to take the thicker clothing he had
and could only go out to buy some later. Hey, where can you buy
the cheapest clothing in Beijing? asked Gu Hai as he turned his
head to look at Bai Luo Yin.
The Zoo!
Gu Hai nodded and said, Follow me to buy some clothing
Unknowingly, Gu Hai realised Bai Luo Yin had rejected him less.
Do you know how to bargain? If you do, teach me.

You dont need to learn, you will naturally know how to bargain
when you are there. During the morning of the next day, Bai Luo
Yin and Gu Hai boarded the train. Usually, the train on Saturdays
was not packed. However, they got on a train with a tour group,
causing the train carriage to be very full.
Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin stood at a corner of the train. Gu Hai pressed
against the walls of the train carriage as he saw a group of people
coming in, giving Bai Luo Yin a big space to stand, allowing him to
stand more comfortably.
Bai Luo Yin pulled Gu Hais collar, Stand closer to me. Gu Hai
didnt move.
A girl beside them kept staring at Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin.
When Gu Hai realized this, he said coldly, What are you looking at?
The girl looked away immediately.
Bai Luo Yin made Gu Hai turn his head around, with a confused face,
not knowing whether to be angry or to laugh.
What is wrong with other people looking?
Gu Hai did not react in time.
Everyone in the carriage will look at us if you kiss me again.
How much is this shirt?
Not lesser than $39.
Bai Luo Yin said calmly, I am here to get supplies, how about $15?
Gu Hai felt Bai Luo Yin was ruthless in his eyes--something that is
$15 is a rag.

Even if youre here to get supplies, it cant be so cheap!

Bai Luo Yin turned around and wanted to leave, but the shop
attendant called out to him.
Hey lad, are you serious about getting supplies? If you are, we can
No negotiation, $15 only.
Fine, $15 it is. Take your pick, you are too good at bargaining.
After that, they both carried a large bag of clothing, spending less
than $200 in total. Gu Hai felt it was bang for his buck.
Then, they came to another counter and Gu Hai spotted a jacket he
wanted. How much is that? asked Gu Hai.
The auntie at the shop looked at Gu Hai and said, Not lesser than
I am here to get supplies, how about $15?
The auntie put down the needle in her hand and looked at Gu Hai
with sarcasm, Get supplies? Even if youre here to rob, I still wont
sell it. $15, are you joking?
Without hesitation, Gu Hai said, Only $15! If not Ill leave.
Having said that, Bai Luo Yin wanted to leave as soon as possible.
Leave! The auntie shouted, Are you so poor that youve become
crazy? $15! Did you think the padding in the jacket is grass?
? (Are You Addicted?)
Chapter 46: Sad Couple

Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Ben English Proofreader: Whaleywes
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
Rows of European Villas stood beside the luscious green streets, with
elegant circular windows lined with floral prints. Looking out of the
car, a warm look crossed over the man's face, yet it looked strict.
Captain, we're here.
Two youths wearing military uniform opened the car door, helping
Gu Wei Ting out of the car. In front of them, two guards opened the
gates of the villa, welcoming Gu Wei Ting in.
Finally! You're back Jiang Yuan said warmly as she pulled Gu Wei
Ting in, she said while smiling. The food's been ready for a while,
but since you came back late, I put it back into the pot to warm.
Gu Wei Ting looked at Jiang Yuan coldly, though his features were a
bit softer. After changing, Gu Wei Ting walked into the toilet. Just as
he was about to wash his hands, he saw Gu Hais tooth brush sitting
quietly on the shelf. Gu Wei Ting did not even notice that the water
was running.
As they were eating, Jiang Yuan asked carefully, Xiao Hai still
refuses to come home?

Gu Wei Ting, with a glum face, said, Dont care about him, he would
never know how good his home was if he never faced poor
Jiang Yuan sighed, as she scrunched her eyebrows together, You
cant let him stay outside forever! He's now seventeen, where he's
the most vigorous, what if he contracts a disease while experiencing
poor conditions? Wont he hate you?
He isn't that weak, experiencing poor conditions is considered
training. I remember when I was younger...
When you were younger, was there waste oil? Jiang Yuan
interrupts Gu Wei Ting.
When you were younger, was there melamine in your milk powder?
When you were sick when you were younger, did the doctors give
you medicine with toxic capsules? It is not like before. By kicking
him out, it is not training him to be stronger, but you are making him
suffer and become part of the weaker majority.
Gu Wei Ting did not expect Jiang Yuan, who was a housewife, to
have such sharp words. As he couldnt think of a rebuttal , he
continued to eat in silence.
Jiang Yuan stirred her rice with her chopsticks, and looked at Gu Wei
Ting, and asked, Why dont I go and talk to him?
Dont go and find him, he won't treat you nicely.
I'll go and try! He left because of me, so ultimately, he just doesnt
like the look of me! If I could make him reflect and change his
impression of me, wouldnt you and Gu Hais problems be solved?
Dont bother! Gu Wei Ting took some vegetables for Jiang Yuan,
Why dont you care about your son? He's been experiencing poor
living conditions, making him come over is more important. If he

doesnt want to live here, we can arrange a house for him. Dont we
have an empty house at Guo Mao Qiao? If we cant arrange a house
for him, he can live there.
That isnt a good idea. Said Jiang Yuan as she put down her
chopsticks. That house is for Gu Hai. If Luo Yin lived in that house,
wouldnt Gu Hai threaten you with his life?
Hmm... Gu Wei Ting had a gloomy face. I doubt he'll ever plan to
live there, what's the point of me keeping a house for him?
I'll go and talk to Xiao Hai and try to get him to come back." Jiang
Yuan said as she pinched Gu Wei Tings arm lightly.
Gu Wei Ting thought for a moment, and nodded in agreement.
What about Luo Yin?
Just as Jiang Yuan heard Luo Yins name, she became upset, and
said, I dont know what to do, he doesnt want to see me!
How about this, Ill go.
Ah? Jiang Yuan was shocked.
Gu Wei Ting put down his chopsticks and said, Ill go talk to him.
But... But Luo Yin is very stubborn, dont... dont be too forceful.
Jiang Yuan was afraid that her son would be treated badly.
Dont worry. Gu Wei Ting put his hand on Jiang Yuans arm,
comforting her, I know the limits.
? (Are You Addicted?)
Chapter 47: Little White Snake vs. Old Gu

Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Ben English Proofreader: Whaleywes
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
It's another class spent going through test papers.
The chemistry teacher looked down coldly What questions do you
not understand?
The first question...
Some people shouted out different numbers.
The Chemistry teacher had a pair of straight eyebrows, a ferocious
face, and had a voice that was as strong as a mountain.
Did not understand the first question? Ah? Who didn't understand?
Raise your hands!
No one dared to raise their hands.
The Chemistry teacher breathed a heavy sigh Ok, lets skip over
this question, what other questions do you not understand?
The fourth question?

You don't understand this question? The Chemistry teacher roared.

How many times have I explained this? There are people who do
not understand this question? If you do not understand this
question, find a quiet place after class and slap your own mouth,
then you will know how to do this question.
Nobody dared to make a sound in the class.
Any other questions?
A faint shout was heard, Question 10.
The tenth question? The Chemistry teacher put his hands on his
waist, stared angrily at the 56 people in the class with an
unimpressed face. He said, This question is so obvious! Ah? Is
option A correct? Obviously not! Is option B correct? How is that
even possible? Lets look at option D, even a fool would not choose
this option. So what do you choose? Obviously option C! Do I still
need to explain this question?
Any other questions?
Everybody in the class shouted in unison, No more questions, we
understood all of them. The Chemistry teacher slammed the table,
and started shouting as if he was roaring, No more questions? If
there are no more questions why are you attending this class? If
they are no more questions, why did no one get full marks?
... ...
The classs front door opened with a squeak.
Sorry for disturbing you, Teacher Chen, I am looking for a student.

Luo Xiao Yus crisp voice gave the dead class warmth like a gust of
wind in the summer as everyone looked at her, hoping they were
the one she was looking for.
The Chemistry teacher let out a sigh, as if she hated people who
interrupted her lesson.
Bai Luo Yin, come out for a while.
After Bai Luo Yin left the classroom, Luo Xiao Yu brought him out of
the school. Bai Luo Yin did not ask who was looking for him, Luo Xiao
Yu, too, did not say who was looking for him, but looking at Luo Xiao
Yus straight face, the person who was waiting for Bai Luo Yin was
not a normal person, Bai Luo Yin had a rough idea of who it was.
A military car was parked under the shade of a tree, Bai Luo Yin,
expressionless, walked towards it. Please enter.
A guy opened the car door for Bai Luo Yin, with a humble face.
Without any fear, Bai Luo Yin entered the car and two military
officers brought him to a tea house. Gu Wei Ting, wearing his
military uniform, sat in a room waiting for Bai Luo Yin.
Captain, he's arrived safely.
Get out.
There was a faint scent of tea in the room. Bai Luo Yin looked at Gu
Wei Ting silently, with no change in expression.
Sit over here, child.
It was really rare for Gu Wei Ting to have such warmth in his tone.
Bai Luo Yin sat opposite Gu Wei Ting, remaining silent.
Gu Wei Ting was shocked after looking Bai Luo Yin. Normally, a
sixteen year old who saw someone like him would be afraid, yet Bai

Luo Yin showed no sign of being afraid, with no sense of servility,

only a sharp aura from his eyes, making Gu Wei Ting impressed.
There was only one answer to Bai Luo Yins first impression of Gu
Wei Ting. Why does this old man look rather familiar?
? (Are You Addicted?)
Chapter 48: Let Me Give You A Breather
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Ben English Proofreader: Rae Lee
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
The afternoon lectures are the Wrestlers heaven.
What is a Wrestler? A Wrestler is a bunch of guys who likes to
trip over others. They would use the 15 minute lectures to gather in
the stairway and wrestle with one another. The one who manages to
last till the end will be crowned the Wrestling King and would lead
the levels guys to go to other levels to compete. The one who
manages to wrestle with the whole school and have no other
competitors will be named Wrestling God.
A childish and hearty game.

Before Gu Hai came, there were many Wrestling Kings on the 3rd
level. But ever since Gu Hai came, none of the Wrestling Kings
dared to appear. The remaining few who came to compete are those
who are rash, and although they know that they will not beat Gu
Hai, they believed that just by competing with him places them in a
higher level.
Today there were many people who came to compete with Gu Hai,
probably because the places that had bruises were much better.
Gu Hai was already annoyed, he has not seen Bai Luo Yin for two
periods of lessons. What to do? Other than venting his current
feelings on these competitors, where else would be a better place to
Following rounds of cheers, the bottom of Gu Hais feet had
numerous cannon fodder.
It then changed, where two people will try to compete with Gu Hai
together. Firstly, it was a tall guy beside him, he flipped him over his
shoulder and onto the floor, making him groan in pain. As the row of
people were cheering happily, someone shouted.
Bai Luo Yin is back, let him wrestle with Gu Hai.
Just as this sentence was said, the whole corridor was filled with
cheers. Before Gu Hai came, Bai Luo Yin didnt attack others easily
and his strength isnt the biggest, but his techniques and reactions
are the strongest, typical people who try to wrestle with him are not
able to take advantage of him.
The second Gu Hai took a glimpse at Bai Luo Yin, his feelings
fluctuated. Firstly, he took a deep breath, revealing a touch of joy.
But as he saw Bai Luo Yins expressions, he couldnt become joyful...
He couldnt understand why his feelings were influenced greatly by

Bai Luo Yin, it was as though he just moved with his feelings without
any restrictions.
Come, let us wrestle.
Bai Luo Yin declared war.
Gu Hai felt that Bai Luo Yin was not his normal self, and was very off
his normal self, and while he was still pondering about this problem,
Bai Luo Yin was already on his leg. Luckily, Gu Hai stood firmly, if
not, he would have fallen flat onto the ground. After being taken
advantage once, Gu Hai looked at the person straight in the face, he
was upset and needed to vent his feelings, hence, I have to
accompany him. The two stood still for two seconds, Bai Luo Yin took
the initiative and attacked. He loved to find his opponents Achilles
heel and it was easy to find on Gu Hai, moreover, it was easy to
strike. However, the strength in his arms and legs were too great,
even if there was a loophole, it was difficult for Bai Luo Yin to make
him fall. He was like a rock that weighed a thousand kilograms, even
if you had the best skills, you, too, would not move.
Gu Hai found his chance, as Bai Luo Yin attacked, Gu Hai kept
strength on his arms but kept changing his stance, he then dashed
to Bai Luo Yins back and grabbed him by his waist, trying to make
Bai Luo Yin lose balance. However, Bai Luo Yin noticed this and used
his elbow to strike Gu Hais waist, this was Gu Hais weakest spot,
with this strike, Gu Hai stepped back a few steps.
Hes so devious, able to find my weak spot so easily.
As one side of Gu Hais waist was still numb, Bai Luo Yin pounced on
him, this time with more strength. Gu Hai felt that Bai Luo Yin must
have been provoked, if not he would not be so deadly. He did not
dare to force his way, as he was afraid he would injure himself,
making Gu Hai have an advantage.
This must end quickly.

In the end, the result was more gruesome than what Gu Hai had
thought, he had underestimated Bai Luo Yin, he did not only try to
attack, every attack was deadly, specialised to strike Gu Hais weak
spots. This was Bai Luo Yin, if this was another person, Gu Hai would
have already gave him a punch.
Bai Luo Yin can see that Gu Hai had training, and was on a different
level as compared to his schoolmates. His every move and every
stance had a meaning to it, he must have had special training, and
cannot be defeated with random tricks.
He could only force his way through.
He will only feel better if someone fell, be it Gu Hai or himself who
Gu Hai felt that Bai Luo Yin had a grand aura, his eyes screamed I
will make you fall. Although he was smiling, it was a cold smile, his
eyes showed that he yearned for a feeling of rebirth and relief.
Bai Luo Yins sweat dripped from his forehead, although he was
stubborn, there was a sense of being unruly. Gu Hai was steady,
amidst his perseverance there was addiction, two young guys
hugging each other, secretly fighting each other but yet had a sense
of understanding. Gu Hai couldnt bear to cause Bai Luo Yin to fall,
but didnt want himself to fall either. Bai Luo Yin saw comfort in Gu
Hais eyes as his feelings healed slowly.
As he saw an opportunity, Bai Luo Yin attacked. Gu Hai kept moving
backwards, purposely causing his centre of gravity to be behind,
causing Bai Luo Yin to have a false impression. Bai Luo Yin was too
impatient when he attacked, Gu Hai aimed at his legs, and tripped
one of Bai Luo Yins legs. This was a suicide move, as he caused his
centre of gravity to be very low, as he tripped Bai Luo Yin, he, too,
will fall face down, but he will be a cushion for Bai Luo Yin.
Bai Luo Yin knew that Gu Hai did this deliberately.

As the school bell rang, everyone dashed towards the classroom, as

they ran, they looked back to applaud. At the second they fell down,
Gu Hais hands perfectly pressed against Bai Luo Yins bottoms, as
there was nobody else there, he suddenly had the impulse like a
gangster. He didnt take his hands off Bai Luo Yins bottoms, instead,
he deliberately pinched it a few times.
Quite bouncy. Mischievously, Gu Hai looked at the handsome face
centimetres away from him. With a cheeky smile on his face, Bai Luo
Yin used to fingers to poke Gu Hais waist, knowing he has an injury
at that spot.
Gu Hai instantly tensed up. However, if it was somebody else who
poked at the exact location, he would feel pain, but when Bai Luo Yin
poked, he only felt numb, and it spread throughout his body. Gu Hai
was squinting as he looked at Bai Luo Yin, and he suddenly felt that
his smile was very dazzling.
Are you not going to stand up? It is time for class! said Bai Luo Yin
as he stood up from Gu Hais body and kicked him.
Gu Hai scrunched his eyebrows, acting as though it was unbearable.
I cant get up, I fell on my head.
Bai Luo Yin thought in his heart, falling on your head can hinder one
from standing up? Trying to trick me purposely? But looking at him
lying on the icy cold floor, it was unbearable. Bai Luo Yin reached
out his hand and grabbed Gu Hais hand.
Without exerting any force, Gu Hai stood up. After standing up, Gu
Hai couldnt bear to let go, as he pulled Bai Luo Yin back.
Piggy-back me! I dont have enough energy.
Dont go overboard! Bai Luo Yin tried to break free from Gu Hais
grab, but couldnt break free.

Gu Hai felt wrong, thick skinned, he rubbed Bai Luo Yins hands.
I cushioned your fall just now, cant you be nicer to me? I really
deserve it, deserve to trip and fall. As Bai Luo Yin saw Gu Hai like
this, he really wanted to kick Gu Hai. But he didnt know what
happened as both his arms and legs didnt listen to him.
Go in! Quickly! Bai Luo Yin pushed Gu Hai forward as he dusted his
At this moment, if someone poured water on Gu Hai, he would have
a flower bloom from his heart.
? (Are You Addicted?)
Chapter 49: I Might Be Drunk!
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Ben English Proofreader: Rae Lee
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
As Gu Hai sent Bai Luo Yin home, Bai Han Qi was talking to people,
and when he saw Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin came back, he folded his
stool and smiled.
Da Hai, why dont you have your meal here?

Bai Luo Yin stared at Bai Han Qi, hinting him not to. Gu Hai doesnt
know what courtesy is, he would just accept the invitation and eat
Sure! Since Uncle have already invited me, I will feel impolite to
leave. That was really the case.
Bai Luo Yin scrunched his eyebrows together, looking at Bai Han Qi
as though looking at an enemy.
Your aunt is cooking today, he would not be fed bad food.
Who allowed aunt to cook food for him? You do the cooking!
As Gu Hai walked into the kitchen, Aunt Zhou was rolling the
noodles, big and fat rolled noodles moved back and forth, after
placing it down neatly, it was piled into layers, dang dang dang...
Concentrated yet balanced cuts, in a matter of seconds, the noodles
were ready to be cooked. Strands of noodles that had the same
width and length, it was as though it was done by a machine.
Aunt, you are really good with the knife, how long have you
Aunt smiled warmly and said, Did you need training for this? After
cooking meals for over 20 years, everyone will be able to cut like
Do you need any help?
No, go and do your homework, Ill be done soon.
Gu Hai saw that there was two cucumbers on the cutting board, he
took a bite and it was crunchy. He couldnt help it but praised it.
Aunt, where did you buy these cucumbers? They taste really good.

I planted them, let me harvest some for you, so you can bring
some back for your parents. These cucumbers are not genetically
modified nor does it have pesticides, it is safe to eat.
Sure, Ill go to your house and harvest some later.
While talking, Aunt has already finished cutting the cucumber,
strands of cucumbers cut really straight as it was being laid on a
plate; beside it was freshly fried diced meat and sauce, the sauce
was thick and the diced meat was tender; there was also a wide
variety of vegetables at the side, there was soy beans, toon, radish
and more, and the colors looked vibrant.
Aunt, do you need a taste test?
Will you ever be done?
Just before Gu Hais chopsticks could reach the noodles, he heard an
angry shout, Go and do you work! Are you trying to eat for free?
Aunt Zhou happily looked at the back of Gu Hai and Bai Luo Yin,
thinking to herself, These two kids make people want to pamper
them so much.
While eating, Gu Hai drank a bottle of beer. As he ate, he was
chatting with Grandma Bai happily, this time Grandma Bai has found
a friend. After the meal, Grandma Bai held on to Gu Hai, not letting
him leave. She pointed to the patch of grass in the yard excitedly,
and said, These crops were given by Comrade Liu Shao Qi.
Gu Hai, ...
Bai Luo Yin held on to Grandma Bais hand and said persuasively,
Grandma, its time to wash your feet. Come, lets go into the
As Bai Luo Yin was taking out the cloth to wash Grandma Bais feet,
Gu Hai stopped him.

I think your grandma doesnt want me to leave.

Bai Luo Yin patted Gu Hais shoulder fiercely. You are thinking too
After walking around the yard for another two rounds, Gu Hai came
to the entrance of Grandma Bais room. Quietly, he looked at the
room that was lit by dim yellow lights. These light bulbs must have
been here for a long time, even the light from a phone is brighter.
But as Gu Hai looked at the dim light, and the person under the
light, he had a warm feeling in his heart. This is what a home
should be, a night at home should not be as bright as a white
painting, it should be faintly lit, with the shadows of loved ones
stretched out on the walls.
Grandpa Bai drank a cup of white wine and fell asleep, as snoring
was heard by Gu Hai. Grandma Bai, as usual, was nagging, in front
of her sat her precious grandson, cleaning her feet patiently.
Sometimes, Gu Hai felt that Bai Luo Yin is really cold, but sometimes
he felt that Bai Luo Yin is really friendly.
Bai Luo Yin treated people differently at different times, when he is
cold, you would feel that the sun above him is out of place, but
when he is friendly, no matter how many layers of snow there are in
your heart, he is able to melt them. Such a person, grabbing on to
your feelings sometimes, as you move forward, he moves
backwards, but when you move backwards, he will turn and look at
you, hooking your soul as if it was unbearable to leave. Although he
is the same gender as you and you may just be friends, your life will
not be complete without him.
Other than drugs, Gu Hai couldnt find another thing to describe Bai
Luo Yin.

As Bai Luo Yin left his grandmas room, the surroundings were
already quiet, it was only left with the rare dog barks and Aunt Zhou
has already left as well. The yard looked as though it was taken care
of really well. A plastic cloth covered the shower as Bai Han Qi was
showering his tired body. Meanwhile, Bai Luo Yin walked towards his
When Bai Luo Yin entered the room, the lights were already on as he
stood rooted to the ground. Gu Hai had already taken off his shoes
and was lying on Bai Luo Yins bed, with his head on Bai Luo Yins
pillow and covered in Bai Luo Yins blanket as well. He was lying
comfortable, with no sense of awkwardness.
Go home! Bai Luo Yin kicked Gu Hai.
Gu Hai sounded confused, but he had a pair of bright eyes. I am
Bai Luo Yin had a glum face as he said, Dont give such excuses! It
was only a bottle of beer, who are you trying to trick? Get up!
I cant get up!
Dont go overboard!
Bai Luo Yin used all his strength to pull Gu Hai out of the bed, but
instead got pulled onto the bed by Gu Hai. Although the bed was
creaking, Gu Hai still used his hands to hoop around Bai Luo Yins
shoulders, and used his legs to push down Bai Luo Yin, as if he was a
drunk snake, crawling about on Bai Luo Yins body, making people
who saw that shiver, but didnt dare to move it.
Bai Luo Yins body started feeling stiff.
Gu Hai saw the hesitation in Bai Luo Yin as he knocked his head on
Bai Luo Yins shoulder, he grit his teeth together.
I might be... really drunk.

? (Are You Addicted?)

Chapter 50: Why Did It Choose To Fall on Him?
Brought to you by JustBLThings and Addicted Web Series

Translator: Ben English Proofreader: Whaleywes
(NOTE: Please DO NOT re-distribute/re- translate without our
permission. We may cease this project if found shared/retranslated online without permission)
The BL drama Addicted was adapted from this novel.
It was a full moon tonight, although the lights in the room were off, it
was clear in the room. The two squeezed on a bed, Gu Hai slept on
the half of the bed that was nearest to the window, by turning his
head to the side, he could see the moon.
Itll be the Mid Autumn Festival in two days. Bai Luo Yin murmured.
Gu Hai looked at Bai Luo Yin, his face half lit, the soft light of the
moon accentuating the soft features of his face. The usual cold eyes
looked calm, his blinking slowed down, at times, hed be staring at a
corner silently.
Why did the class monitor look for you today?
How do you spend your Mid Autumn Festival?
... ...

Two questions were asked at the same time, making the atmosphere
Gu Hai waited for Bai Luo Yin to reply, as he thought of an answer.
He realised that it felt wrong to hide his identity like this. There is a
saying that fits his predicament perfectly, once you lie, you will have
to continue lying to hide the truth. He was afraid that one day he
couldnt hide anymore and Bai Luo Yin would find out, when that day
comes, the consequences would be much worse.
But in any case, he doesnt plan to hide here forever.
Even if he didnt go back to find Gu Wei Ting, Gu Wei Ting would still
find a way to make him return. If he didnt resist, his true identity
will be found out, but if he resisted, his identity would be found out
totally sooner or later.
Hence, whatever route he chose, it will be a dead end.
He had to earn Bai Luo Yins trust, and build a strong friendship with
him. Then, tell him the truth bit by bit.
My family doesnt celebrate Mid Autumn Festival, at most we
would buy two kilograms of mooncake.
Bai Luo Yin used the remaining light to scan Gu Hai, he felt a unique
aura from Gu Hai, one that doesnt belong on a typical citizen.
Gu Hai laid on his side, with one of his hand on the back of his head,
looking at Bai Luo Yin with interest.
How does your family celebrate Mid Autumn Festival?
Bai Luo Yin laughed faintly, and said, We just eat mooncakes.
Looking at Bai Luo Yins smile, Gu Hai guessed that he loved eating
mooncakes. What fillings do you like inside your mooncake?

Lotus paste with yolk. Why do you like eating mooncakes with
that filling? Asked Gu Hai, confused, Its sweet yet savoury and
also greasy.
Bai Luo Yin stared at Gu Hai as he asked, What about you? What
fillings do you like? Tell me.
Fillings with fish!
Your family has mooncakes with fish fillings? Bai Luo Yin couldnt
stop laughing, Why not a lambs backbone?
It would smell like mutton!
Bai Luo Yin couldnt take it as he laughed out loud, with the
moonlight shining on his face, it would make anyones heart drunk.
Bai Luo Yin.
Hmm? Bai Luo Yin turned his head slightly to look at Gu Hai.
Actually, Im not like this.
Bai Luo Yin asked expressionlessly, Then what are you like?
Im a serious person.
However, Gu Hai forgot to add that it was before he met him.
Gu Hai, dont say this type of nonsense anymore, if you said you
were a female, I would have believed you.
... ...
After taking a few deep breaths, he digested that sentence. He saw
Bai Luo Yin was already facing away from him, thinking that he
couldnt let him sleep like this as he hadnt asked the most
important question.

Why did the class monitor look for you today?

Bai Luo Yin turned his body around for a while and said, Dont tell
me youre staying overnight just to ask me this question.
No, I am scared that you would bottle up your feelings.
Bai Luo Yin felt a weird sensation, he was suspicious of Gu Hais
He used to prank you as though there was a vengeance worth a few
lifetimes; but when he treated you nicely, it didnt make sense, it
was as though he owed you in his previous lifetime...
Today is an example, Bai Luo Yin felt that he had hidden it well and
no one would see through it, Bai Han Qi did not suspect anything,
but yet Gu Hai saw through it. Sometimes, Bai Luo Yin thought that
Gu Hai was a psycho, but when facing this psycho, he had this weird
sense of trust. If speaking of what he felt deep inside when he was
drunk a few nights ago was a coincidence, then this heart to heart
talk couldnt be a lie.
It didnt matter that he used to suspect Gu Hai anymore, as all he
wanted was a confidant.
I told you before, my mom remarried.
Gu Hai nodded, Yes, you mentioned it before.
Instead, Bai Luo Yin asked, Do you think I should agree?
No wonder were brothers! ... ... Gu Hai secretly felt that they were
both in the same predicament and should help each other.
The thing that makes me feel most uncomfortable was his tone, he
compared me to his son, he praised his son like a flower, and used it
to prove to me how short my insight was. Do you know? I hate such

people, talking with condescending tones, as if the whole world was

to serve him, and would have to listen to his orders.
Damn... Gu Hai grabbed the bedsheets, this was very familiar to
I, too, despise such people, dont pay attention to him.
If you cant take it, then curse him, curse that his son will be in a
car accident tomorrow. With a bang, something fell from the wall
and struck directly at Gu Hais leg.
Ouch! What happened?
Bai Luo Yin turned on the light quickly.
The clock had hung from the wall for over 30 years yet it suddenly
fell down and somehow hit Gu Hai directly on his leg. Luckily, Gu Hai
was well built, if not this clock would have crippled his leg.
Gu Hai scrunched his eyebrows and said, You did this deliberately
right? Why would it fall the second I slept here?
Bai Luo Yin laughed out loud as he forgot about everything that was
troubling him, nothing has a greater impact than how unlucky Gu
Hai is.
Tell me, why did this clock, that has been hanging on the wall for
over 30 years, chose to fall on him?

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