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Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome: A Deadly

By Dr. Christopher L. Heffner
Dr. Christopher L. Heffner
August 22, 2014 Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome: A Deadly

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome: A Deadly Disorder

Jessica Feurtado
May 15, 2004

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome (MBPS) is a deadly disorder of which awareness must be
increased. It is characterized by a parent, usually the mother, who intentionally causes illness
in her child. The disorder was named after Baron von Munchausen. There are different
intensities and manifestations of this disorder. Symptoms of the syndrome are hard to identify
but are most prevalent when the child only becomes sick in the presence of his or her mother.
The mother maintains a dynamic relationship with the physician, as the whole disorder is
centered upon her need for attention from the doctor. It is most widely agreed that MBPS is
caused by a need for attention and compassion to placate self-doubt in the sufferer. The only
plausible treatment known for this disorder is extensive psychotherapy. If more research is
conducted on this syndrome, it will help to protect the youth against abuse that is a by
product of a psychologically sick mother.

When asked what Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome is, most people will draw a blank. They
are unaware of this form of abuse that claims the life of nine percent of children that fall
victim to it. This paper will discuss the definition of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome
(MBPS), the origin of its name, the subtypes of the disorder, the symptoms associated with it,
the dynamic relationship between the sufferer of the disorder and the physicians caring for
the sufferers child, the causes of this syndrome, and the suggested treatment for it. MBPS is
extremely difficult to diagnose, which is why many children die before doctors realize what
was actually happening to them. Treatment for this disorder is limited, as well as knowledge
and understanding of its causes. For this reason, it is extremely important to raise awareness
of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome and to work towards ensuring that no more children fall
victim to illness and death at the hands of their own parents.

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome Defined

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, also called Factitious Disorder by Proxy, is a psychological
disorder characterized by a pattern of behavior in which someone, usually a mother, induces
physical ailments upon another person, usually her child (Munchausen by Proxy
Syndrome, n.d., p. 1). The mother attempts to gain attention and recognition for herself by
putting on the public faade of dedicated and loving mother. However, when alone with her
child she will subject them to abuse, both physical and emotional, as she tries to deliberately
make them sick. The website Munchausen by Proxy Survivors Network, offers an extended
definition for the disorder:
The child is a victim of maltreatment in which an adult falsifies physical and/or physiological
signs and/or symptoms in the child causing this child to be regarded as ill or impaired. The
perpetrator who is usually a parent or caregiver intentionally falsifies history, signs, or
symptoms in the child to meet their own self-serving psychological needs. Other member in
the family may support and participate in the deception (n.d., p. 1).
Children who fall victim to a parent suffering from Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome quite
often require extensive emergency medical care, and undergo several unnecessary procedures
such as painful surgeries and physical testing. Parents with Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome
do not typically appear psychotic and, based on incidents caught on film, are calm and
collected when inflicting harm on their children. Victims of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome
range greatly in age. The youngest case known was of a mother intentionally harming her
fetus. The older cases involve people inducing illness in adults (Schreier & Libow, 1993, p.
6). With such a wide array of possibilities it is often too late for the victim before the disorder
can be diagnosed.

The Origin of the Name

Munchausen Syndrome, a disorder where people fabricate illness in themselves, and
Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome were named after an 18th-century German dignitary named
Baron von Munchausen. Baron von Munchausen was known for telling outlandish stories,
(Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, n.d., p. 1). The name was first used in 1951 by Dr.
Richard Asher to describe self-induced illness. It is told that Asher came upon the name
Baron Hieronymus Karl Friedrich Freiherr von Munchausen in fictional accounts of his
stories published in 1785 (Schreier & Libow, 1993, p.6-7). Because of the correlation

between Baron von Munchausens fictional stories and the exaggerated and made up
symptoms of a person with this disorder, the terms Munchausen Syndrome or Munchausen
by Proxy Syndrome were adopted as clinical terms describing the two main factitious

Subtypes of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

Though difficult categorize, Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome manifests in a plethora of
different forms. This section will discuss the most commonly recognized subtypes. Factitious
Disorder by Proxy can range in frequency or intensity. Chronic Munchausen by Proxy
Syndrome is characterized by the constant pursuit of attention through the harming of another
individual. People suffering from this degree of the disorder are compulsive and allow the
syndrome to consume most of their lives. The episodic form of the disorder occurs in bouts.
There are intervals in which the sufferer experiences symptoms of Munchausen by Proxy
Syndrome followed by a hiatus where he or she can conduct a normal life. More intense
degrees of symptoms can cause the caregiver to put the child in immediate jeopardy of dying.
These parents resort to measures such as suffocation, inducing vomiting, poisoning, or
removing the blood from a child. In less extreme cases, the caregiver may withhold
treatment for an already sick child, or simply lie about the child having symptoms that they
arent truly exhibiting (Schreier & Libow, 1993, p. 9). In extreme cases of this disorder, a
mother can induce severe symptoms in her child, but appear cooperative, compassionate, and
concerned in the presence of a physician. Schreier and Libow call these sufferers active
inducers. Milder cases have shown mothers that forge medical histories of their child and lie
about the child being sick rather than actually causing sickness by active means. They do this
for the emotional gratification they feel from receiving the attention of a doctor. These
individuals are defined as doctor addicts, (1993, p. 10).

Symptoms of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome is quite possibly one of the most difficult disorders to
diagnose. For this reason, an unfortunate nine percent of victims to this abuse die (Feldman,
1998, p. 1). Indicators that a parent may be suffering from Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome
include but are not limited to a discrepancy between the childs medical records and what
actually seems logical to have happened, the child exhibiting symptoms that do not respond
to treatment as they were expected to, an illness that only appears or becomes more grave in
the presence of the parent, symptoms that disappear in the absence of the perpetrating parent,
sickness that resumes once the caretaker is informed that the child is recovering, or similar
symptoms found in siblings or family members of the victim (Lasher, 2004, p.1). The induced
illness can range anywhere from diabetes to diarrhea. The possibilities are endless, as
individuals with this disorder do not conform to feigning any particular illness. Because of
the seemingly infinite sicknesses people with Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome have to
choose from, it is impossible for doctors to single out Munchausen Syndrome based solely on
the ailment of the patient. This makes it particularly important for medical personnel to
recognize the behavioral patterns that individuals with Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome
display. A single child suffering from many different illnesses in a short span of time is
usually an early indicator that something is not right. Unusual responses to treatment are also
factors that can indicate a problem (Schreier & Libow, 1993, p. 15). It is common for victims
of this syndrome to exhibit genuine symptoms of illness along with the exaggeration and
fabrication of other symptoms. This furthers the difficulty in diagnosing Munchausen by
Proxy Syndrome because it makes it difficult for physicians to distinguish the real ailments

from the ones which were made up. Another sign that is common among parents with
Factitious by Proxy Disorder is their righteous indignation when confronted by a doctor
about their fictitious accounts of the childs medical history, or of inducing symptoms in their
child. Often the parent will threaten to file a malpractice lawsuit, or may even cause the child
to become deathly ill to prove to physicians that she was right about the childs poor health
(Schreier & Libow, 1993, p. 40)

Dynamics of the Mother-Physician Relationship

When a mother (or caregiver) suffers from Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, she is in a
constant effort to mask the life endangering child abuse she commits behind closed doors.
Schreier and Libow call this process mother imposturing. They define it as a clinical
condition that is a form of relating (here, to a physician) in which lying is the essential mode
of interaction, (1993, p. 84-85). The mother attempts to portray an outward image of
perfection. She shows compassion and devotion to her child by giving up much or all of her
time to constantly take them to the hospital (Feldman, 1998, p. 1). Though the abuse on the
child is the most prevalent aspect of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome, the real focus of the
disorder is on the relationship between the doctor and the parent. When the pediatrician
withholds some attention from the mother and her ill child, the symptoms further escalate, as
the mother tries harder to gain the attention of the doctor. It is clear that the mother thrives off
of any sympathy or attention given to her, especially by a physician.

Causes of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

There are various theories regarding the cause of Munchausen Syndrome. Dowdell and
Foster theorize that a mother may feel that a sick child can bring her closer to her spouse. It is
more likely, however, that mothers suffering from this disorder have had an emotionally
deprived childhood with a high probability of a history of physical abuse, (n.d., p. 1). The
women are most likely depressed and insecure, and channel their personal inadequacies into
abusive behavior, which in turn produces gratifying attention for themselves. The
environment of a hospital also gives the mother a chance to rid herself of parental
responsibility while medical personnel tend to her child. It is common for mothers with this
disorder to wander the hospital and speak with other parents. Their sick child helps them
establish a common bond with other mothers in the hospital and thus makes the mother feel
as if she fits in. According to Schreier and Libow, longed-for but absent fathers appear
quite often in clinical data (1993, p. 98). If a mother realizes an increasing detachment from
the family in the father of her child, she may resort to hurting her child in order to restore
cohesiveness in the family. An absent spouse also leaves the mother plenty of time alone with
her child to inflict injuries and sickness that she otherwise may not be able to inflict in the
presence of her husband.

Treatment of Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome

Knowledge of how to treat Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome is limited. Feldman relays about
mothers with MBPS that virtually all have personality disorders that lead them to behave in
odd and even destructive ways, especially when they feel under stress, (1998, p. 1). It is
even more important, then, for these mothers to undergo extensive psychotherapy. In most
cases, the mother is fully aware of her behavior but reluctant to openly acknowledge it. She is
unaware of the its cause and feels she has no control over her own actions. The therapists
task was described as uncover[ing]and interpret[ing]these fantasies and behaviors to the

patient, (Schreier & Libow, 1993, p. 153). Parents suffering from Munchausen by Proxy
Syndrome are highly unlikely to voluntarily attend psychotherapy. It is important for the
court system to mandate visits for the sufferer, or the problem will not be assessed and
treated. Unfortunately, very little encouraging data is y available on successful therapeutic
work with MBPS mothers, (Schreier & Libow, 1993, p. 162).

Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome is extremely difficult to characterize and diagnose. It
manifests in so many different forms that it often goes undetected. It is often difficult for
physicians to believe that a mother would intentionally hurt or even kill her own offspring, as
it is a mothers job to protect and ensure that her children are protected from all harm.
Symptoms of this disorder are often near impossible to distinguish, however, with raised
awareness among doctors and nurses, it can be spotted and treated before a child is put in lifethreatening jeopardy. There is not nearly enough research on the syndrome to completely
understand or pinpoint why some parents suffer from it. It is crucial that in the future some
measures for prevention of Munchausen by Proxy syndrome, and more effective ways of
treating it are developed. The medical and psychological community must become more
aware of the problem and help children to be set free of the abusive hands of their own

Dowdell, RN, PhD, E.B., & Foster, RN, K. L. (n.d.). Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy:
Recognizing a Form of Child Abuse. Retrieved April 6, 2004 from
Feldman, M.D., Mark D. (1998). Parenthood Betrayed: The Dilemma of Munchausen
Syndrome by Proxy. Retrieved April 1, 2004 from
Lasher, Louisa J. (2004). MBP Basics. Retrieved March 29, 2004 from
Munchausen by Proxy Survivors Network. (n.d.). Retrieved April 3, 2004 from
Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome. (n.d.). Retrieved April 3, 2004 from
Schreier, H.A., & Libow, J.A. (1993). Hurting for Love: Munchausen by Proxy Syndrome.
New York: The Guilford Press.

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