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Support System and Contacts

1. What is your declared and/or intended major?

2. Which school/college is this particular major housed?
3. Who is the Dean of your school/college? Where is his/her office located?
4. Who is the chairperson for your declared and/or intended major? Where is
his/her office located?

5. Identify your faculty advisor. What is his/her contact phone number, email
address, and office location?
Tonia Hamiliton
3rd Floor Academic Classroom Building
6. Identify your CAE Student Success Coach. What is his/her contact phone
number, email address, and office location?
Tonia Hamiliton
3rd Floor Academic Classroom Building
7. Who is the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs?
Dr. Joe B. Whitehead Jr.
8. Who is the Chancellor at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State
Harold L. Martin Sr.
9. Identify other individuals within your support system and how they can assist
you during your matriculation at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical
State University.
My mother and sister can help me with many things while in college because
they have experienced it before. Not only can family help me but also college
counselors if I ever feel like I need to talk to someone.

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