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NM HC 2012-2013
MN THI: Ting Anh - LP 10 Ph thng

Ngy thi: 31/3/2013

Thi gian lm bi 180 pht, khng k thi gian giao

Bng s:
Ch k gim kho 1: ..............................................................
Bng ch: ................................ Ch k gim kho 2: ...............................................................


- thi gm 05 trang, th sinh lm bi trc tip vo thi.

- Th sinh khng c s dng bt c ti liu no k c t in.

I. Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others by circling A, B, C or D. (5
1. A. school
B. foot
C. look
D. cook
2. A. house
B. mouse
C. rousing
D. flourish
3. A. appoint
B. attend
C. appear
D. applicant
4. A. create
B. creature
C. creative
D. creation
5. A. result
B. website
C. sponsor
D. practise
II. Choose one word whose stress pattern is different from the others by circling A, B, C or D. (5 pts)
1. A. spiritual
B. experience
C. reality
D. entertain
2. A. tournament
B. amazing
C. permanent
D. industry
3. A. continent
B. official
C. exporter
D. environment
4. A. historical
B. surrounding
C. establishment
D. differently
5. A. temperature
B. attitude
C. community
D. plentiful
III. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (15 pts)
1. Our flight was _____ leave at 11 am, and I arrived at the airport quite early.
A. to
B. due to
C. certain
D. likely
2. In spite of difficult living conditions, Marie Curie worked extremely hard and earned a degree in Physics with flying
A. results
B. marks
C. colors
D. prize
3. How patient you are to prepare for this dish. It is actually a/an _____ work.
A. durable
B. time-consuming
C. everlasting
D. time-taking
4. It was Ms. Sullivan, a _____ and loving teacher, who helped Helen break through her world of silence.
A. dedicating
B. dedicated
C. dedication
D. devoting
5. If we resurface and ______ the roads, they wont be flooded and muddy when it rains.
A. rise
B. raise
C. increase
D. pick up
6. Cell phones have been popular in Japan since the early 1990s, but it was not until 1999 that their use really ____.
A. took on
B. took over
C. took off
D. took in
7. With the help of the computer, teachers have a _____ approach to teaching.
A. multiple - choice B. multimedia
C. multilingual
D. multifunction
8. The villagers had to work hard in the fields all day and could hardly make ______ meet.
A. end
B. final
C. ends
D. last
9. Pests occur in large numbers, and they can _____ terrible damage, particularly to growing crops, that in some
parts of the world people frequently suffer from famine.
A. do such
B. do so
C. make such
D. make so
10. At first, the parents were _____ the idea of sending their children to the special class.
A. objected to
B. opposed to
C. satisfied by
D. worrying about
11. When ____ a European, we should stick to the last name unless he suggests that we use his first name.
A. speaking
B. discussing
C. talking
D. addressing

12. Turn off this machine. The harsh sound really _____ me crazy.
A. takes
B. worries
C. drives
D. bothers
13. For a short while, I managed to catch _____ of the President entering the palace.
A. vision
B. notice
C. view
D. sight
14. The second term is coming to an end and my school is going to have some days _____.
A. out
B. in
C. off
D. away
15. Without plants, water would _____ as soon as it falls, taking away valuable soil.
A. run after
B. run off
C. run out of
D. run down
IV. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. (5 pts)
a. Oliver Twist (1. write) ______ by Charles Dickens (2. translate) _____ into many languages so far.
b. You ever (3. consider) ______ (4. give up) ______ your present job?
c. I (5. know) ______ the answer to the puzzle, I (6. tell) ______ you right away.
d. If she (7. not stay) ______ up so late last night, she (8. not feel) ______ sleepy now.
e. Tom (9. praise) ______ because he (10. do) ______ very well on the test.
Your answers:
1. _________________________
2. _________________________
3. _________________________
4. _________________________
5. _________________________
6. _________________________
7. _________________________
8. _________________________
9. _________________________
10. ________________________
V. Give the correct forms of the words in the brackets. (10 pts)
Your answers:
1. We have some (special) _____ equipment such as audiotapes and videotapes to _______________
assist our students learning.
2. At first, there was a lot of opposition from the parents of the (able)_____ children.
3. Hoi An is an ancient town with many Japanese and Chinese cultural and (architect)
_____ features.
4. You (necessary) _____ have any qualifications to do this kind of job. Experience
and appearance are much more important.
5. Some of my students have speech or hearing (impaired) _____, while others have
mental problems.
6. We cannot clean up our polluted rivers and seas (night) ______ and nor can we
stop the disappearance of plants and animals.
7. Howlets Zoo in Kent is owned by John Aspinal, who is famous for his program of
breeding (danger) _____ animals and reintroducing them into the wild .
8. Zoos dont want to be seen as places where animals are (prison) ______ against
their will.
9. His busy schedule made him completely (access) _____ to his students.


10. Animals and plants in regions of (wild) ______ can be protected from the _______________
destructive influence of human beings.

VI. Each of the sentences below contains ONE mistake. Underline the mistakes and correct them. (5 pts)
Your answers:
1. The number of species of reptiles in Kakadu National Park is twice as large as those in ____________
Grand Canyon National Park.
2. After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that he has been driving in the wrong ____________

3. Found in the 12th century, Oxford University ranks among the worlds oldest universities.
4. Susan, my best friend, has been chosen being the only representative of this non
-benefit organization.
5. Automation reduces labor costs by cutting the number of workers needing to do a job.


VII. Complete the following dialogues. (5 pts)

1. Minh:
How old is your sister?
Quan: ________________________________________________________, Lan or Nga?
Minh: Lan. How old is she?
Quan: Seventeen. Nga is a little younger.
2 Lan:
so I decided to move to this city.
Huong: ___________________________________________________________________?
For 5 months. And I like it here, quiet and not very busy.
3. Sam:

I am in a hurry. See you later.

To the library. I need some books for my exams next week.
See you later.

4. Tam: My younger brother is very good at natural sciences.

Thanh: Is he? ______________________________________________________________?
Tam: Math. He spends hours doing his math exercises every night.
5. Lan: Someone has taken my umbrella. I cant find it anywhere.
Hoa: ___________________________________________________________________?
Lan: On the rack in the corner. And now its not there.
VIII. Read the passage, then fill in each blank with one suitable word. (10 pts)
One of the greatest (1) _____________ in modern technology has been the invention of computers. They are
already (2) _____________ used in industry and in universities and the time may come when it will be possible for
(3) _____________ people to use them as well. Computers are (4) _____________ of doing extremely complicated
work in all branches of learning. They can (5) _____________ the most complex mathematical problems or put
thousands of unrelated facts (6) _____ order. These machines can be put to varied uses. For (7) ____, they can
provide information on the best way to prevent traffic accidents, or they can count the number of times the word
and has been used in the Bible. Because they work accurately and at high speed, they (8) ____ research workers
years of hard work. This whole process by which machines can be used to work for us has been (9) _____________
automation. In the future, automation may (10) _____________ human beings to enjoy far more leisure than they
do today. The coming of automation is likely to have important social consequences.
IX. Read the passage below and then choose the correct answer by circling A, B, C or D. (10 pts)
Blindness is one of the most difficult of human (1) ____. The fact that our eyes are so important (2)____ our
learning is one of the key problems. One thing making education (3) _____ and life more pleasant for the blind is the
development of a system by (4) ____ they are able to learn to read.
Since the blind cannot use their eyes, they are taught to use the (5)_____ of touch in their fingers. Reading
raised printed matters of the common type is very, very difficult. A special system now used was invented by a
Frenchman, Louis Braille. This reading device is called Braille, (6) ______ Louis Braille, who made it usable for the
blind. In the Braille plan, the letters are (7) ______ by raised dots. The Braille alphabet uses from one to five dots.
These dots are arranged upon a six-dot plan. Different patterns are used for (8) _____ letters.
Many thousands of books are now printed in Braille and sent to most countries in the world. A blind person who
has (9) ____ this system passes the ends of his fingers along the line of Braille print. At first his reading may be
painfully slow, but it becomes faster with (10) _____.

1. A. drawbacks
B. sufferings
C. handicaps
D. shortcomings
2. A. for
B. on
C. with
D. to
3. A. possible
B. probable
C. enabled
D. easy
4. A. whom
B. what
C. which
D. that
5. A. feeling
B. sensitivity
C. sensation
D. sense
6. A. for
B. by
C. after
D. on
7. A. symbolizedB. represented
C. taken over
D. made
8. A. every
B. all
C. another
D. each
9. A. received
B. taught
C. learned
D. mastered
10. A. practice
B. training
C. direction
D. use
X. Read the passage carefully, then answer the questions. (5 pts)
When people think of aborigines, what comes to mind are groups of people speaking in an unrecognizable
language and engaging in rituals. Aborigines thrive in areas where others can not. They have survived for centuries
without tools, cultivated land and domesticated animals.
Aboriginal means the earliest known which is an apt description of these people. They were the first to inhabit
an island, whether it was an arid desert, the mountains or tropical rainforests.
Insects are their staple food. Their intimate knowledge of the places they live in allows them to search for insects
easily. Just like farmers, the aborigines have a mass harvesting of insects that are difficult to catch, followed by huge
celebrations. These insects are treated as a delicacy and many people clamor to eat them during important
occasions. However, there are also insects that can easily be caught. These are often eaten.
The preparation of the insects for consumption involves many steps. It certainly stands out in the simple
aboriginal life. Moths are cooked to singe off their wings and legs and then sifted through a net to remove their
heads. It is hard to imagine that each aborigine only needs to eat ten of these grubs as they are equivalent to all the
daily nutritional needs of an adult. Not many of us will dare to eat even one of these grubs.
An examination of aboriginal lifestyle certainly yields a host of interesting discoveries.
1. What do people usually associate aborigines with ?
2. What does the writer think people need in order to survive?
3. Why are the aborigines able to make insects their staple food?
4. Which parts of the moths are not eaten?
5. Which phrase tells you that the writer is amazed by the food that the aborigines eat?
XI. Choose from the list (A-F) the phrase which best fits each numbered space. There is one extra phrase
which you do not need to use. (5 pts)
In 1816, there are no schools for the deaf in this country. Several people attempted to start schools, (1) _____ .
There were too many problems. The first people to succeed were Laurent Clerc and Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet.
They opened their school in 1817, (2) _____. It was named the Connecticut Asylum for the Education and
Instruction of Deaf and Dumb Persons. It was the only school for deaf children in America.
Clerc and Gallaudet did not know what would happen after they opened their school. They worked very hard. The
school grew, (3) ______. These new students were from all over the country. (4) _____ the school would be big
enough for all of the deaf children in America. The school is still open today, (5) _____. Today it is called The
American School for the deaf. It is in West Hartford, Connecticut.
List of phrases:

A. People thought
B. but all of the schools closed
C. Clerc and Gallaudet knew for sure that
D. and many more students enrolled
E. but the name was changed

F. and the school did not close

Your answers:
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given word. (10 pts)
1. It is a difficult question. Im trying to puzzle it out. Nobody has answered it yet.
The difficult question that _______________________________________________________________
2. The house is very beautiful. Its gate was painted blue.
The house, the _______________________________________________________________________
8. The lesson was so boring that she fell asleep.
It __________________________________________________________________________________
4. Philip's inability to make decisions dates from his accident.
Ever since ___________________________________________________________________________
5. "If Brian doesn't train harder, I won't select him for the team," said the manager.
The manager threatened _______________________________________________________________
6. If you do exercise, you will feel better about yourself day after day.
The more ___________________________________________________________________________
7. There has been a considerable fall in the value of these goods in the past week.
The value of these goods _______________________________________________________________
8. We can say that the leisure industry will be the money spinner of the future.
The leisure industry ____________________________________________________________________
9. Fiona was so disappointed that she could not keep on working.
Such _______________________________________________________________________________
10. I couldnt be in time for the meeting because of the traffic.
The traffic ____________________________________________________________________________
XIII. Use NO MORE THAN FIVE WORDS, including the word given, to complete the second sentence so that
it means the same as the first one. Do not change the word given. (5 pts)
1. Inventors don't like people copying their ideas.
Inventors ___________________________________________________ being copied.
2. Why were they mixing up those chemicals in the lab yesterday?
Why _______________________________________________ up in the lab yesterday?
3. People say that the local camera shop is very good.
The local camera shop _______________________________________________ very good.
4. Fewer people smoke these days.
There ______________________________________________ the number of people who smoke these days.
5. It was a mistake for me to buy you that computer game.
I shouldnt ______________________________________________________ computer game.
XIV. Write completed sentences using the suggested words. (5 pts).
1. washing machine/ not work/ yesterday but /OK /now. It / repair.
2. people/ used/ build/ houses/mud and straw/ as / they /not/ cement.
3. The intruder/ accuse/ steal/ the car/ sentence/ 2 years/ imprisonment / last month.
4. She / hurt / when / learn / boyfriend /forget / birthday.

5. My teacher of English / suggest / tasks / prepare / carefully.

- The end -

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