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Taiaha Tournament

Rawiri threw a taiaha at her.

Pai did. Their duel began.
To Pai, it was not a training session as much as a competition. The field and buildings melded
away, replaced by a huge hall and hundreds of cheering spectators.
She swung her taiaha at her opponent, who was twice as big and strong as her.
The rhythm began: right, left, block, thrust. The noise of the spectators was drowned out by the
repetitive thwacking of the sticks.
Whenever she could, Pai thrust forward to injure her opponent. He blocked with confidence
breaking ease. Suddenly, an idea sprang into her mind. A strategy. It was risky, she had tried it
before, to no avail.
Pai feinted towards her opponents log. He moved to intercept. Before he had noticed what was
happening, Pai yanked her stick upwards and his one with such force that she jarred his
A taiaha flew out of the hands gripping it and clattered on the floor. This time, it wasnt Pais.

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