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Name: Nada Anwar

ID: h00328110
Course teacher: Basel Badran
Course code: LSC 2113
Course name: English for classroom management

The interview
1-How do you manage bad behavior?
"We have a four step process so depending on how bad the behavior
is, it might be one warning, two warnings, three warnings, and the
child will be removed from the class. we have buddy classroom so if
someone was misbehaving in my class they might be removed to
the other prep classes, for five-ten minutes depending on how bad
the behavior is, if it was something serious in the playground where
a child hits another child then they will go to the head of the
department and they have a special form that they fill in and they
notify the parents of the bad behavior "
2-How do you encourage good behavior ?
" we have reward system we have certificates giving out to the
children we have a special lunch at the end of the term."
3-How do you attract your students if you lost their attention ?
"sometimes you sit there and just by saying their name it will attract
their attention or asking them a question , did they understand
having another child repeat to their friend "
4-How do you manage the hyperactive students ?
"you may have noticed the child in my classroom Karim, and he
can't sit still on the mat so sometimes I just lit him sit where ever he
likes, he might like to sit at the desk and sit on the table sometimes
he likes to sit in my teaching chair, and that might help his
concentration "
5- how much time do you give the students to do an activity ?
"Five to ten minutes depending on the activity."
6-how many activities do you do In one session ?
"it depends on today we did math rotation, so we have four
activities, and we have a long math session on a Monday so the
students will move around every five-ten minutes, or if they finish
an activity they can choose another one from a different table "
7- what materials do use when teaching math
"We have a range of coloring equipment papers we have blocks we
have big dice because the small ones cannot manipulate being as
safe as the big dice we have jigsaw puzzles "
8-Do you think the materials are safe to use
"yes very safe . so safe."

9-how do you deal with the special needs students ?

"We make sure we spend a good amount of our teaching time with
those students assuring that they can do the activity, but we also
allow them to do it actually by themselves so they can challenge
themselves as well, but we do tend to have the TA (teacher
assistant ) with them most of the time "
10- what problems did you face when you first tried teaching
"Just behavior and getting a teacher voice sometimes it's difficult,
and it feels bad raising your voice but you need to do that to get
their attention, so managing children's behavior is usually the
biggest challenge "
11- how do you explain the classroom rules for the students ?
"we have school rules called (STAR) rules so we make sure that
every child knows those rules and what they mean so really
explicitly teaching them and making sure that they understand and
putting it into real life context do so what does it mean for them if
they are safe and what does it mean for them if they are
12-How much time does it take you to make a lesson plan
I plan probably 2 hours a week and that looking for materials online
and resources
13- do you have to follow a certain plan for every lesson ?
"We have unit plans that we follow as well so if I have a unit of work
for English procedure for example on there, there are lesson by
lesson ,so that are already done for us and if we dont like the plan
we can change it "
14- are you used to making lesson plans for every lesson?
"Yes because we have to follow the unit plans that we have every
15-What technics do you use to control the classroom?
"I use my voice I use a boom timer on the screen so the students
can be aware of how much time left, and I use different clapping and
symbols and songs "

My reflection on the interview

I was nervous when I was asking her the first question and then it
was ok and I've learned a lot throughout the interview about
managing the classroom and in glad I asked her these questions
that I knew most of their answers because I observed her while she
was teaching her lessons and she gave me feedback when I taught
my lesson to her students

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