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This story is about:

belonging and


We Are Safe!

personal safety near


caring for


Level 1 Chart 2
CDRM Competencies
Belonging and identity
Personal safety near home
Caring for others (empathy)

C. Ask the learners questions like these.

What happened to the boy on the ground?
How do the other children feel?
What should we do when someone is hurt?
Who is helping the boy?
What is a safe way to get the fruits down
from a tree?

Learning Outcomes
Identify the risks of climbing trees to gather fruits
Explain how an accident happened
Describe how we feel when someone is hurt
Explain why is is important for children to heed
advice from elders


Key Words
safe, dangerous, fall, hurt, stone, climb, branch,
throw, fall, first aid, bandage, elder, stick

A. In small groups, have the children draw

pictures of their favourite fruits, Ask them to
tell the others where they can get the fruits. "I
get mangoes from a tree ", "I can get
papayas from the market", and so on.

Review Vocabulary

gather, fruit, tree, child, children, arm, leg, head

Teacher Guidance Notes

This story should be taught first orally in the
language of instruction so that learners can interact
with the key messages in a language that they
understand well. This story is shown as a sequence
of events. The children are invited to draw on their
experience to guess what happened before the first
scene.The main objective is to use the story to teach
students important skills, values and behaviours for
life. If the langauge of instruction at your school is not
English, you should prepare the lesson by translating
the story into the learners' mother tongue. After
introducing and discussing the story in the learners'
mother tongue, the chart can also be used to teach
English language and literacy. For example, you can
tell the same story in English, teach the key words,
and have the learners copy short sentences using the
words from the chalkboard.

We like to gather fruits from trees.

The fruits are sweet and good to eat.
But sometimes we get hurt.
It is dangerous to climb far out on a branch.
It is dangerous to throw stones.
We should listen to our elders.
Now we use a long stick to pull the fruits down.
We are safe.
A. Display the chart. Point to the pictures in sequence, 1,2,3.
Let learners describe what they see in each picture.
B. Read the story summary aloud. Point to pictures again to
illustrate the actions. Make sure that learners understand
that the sequence of pictures moves from 1 to 3.

Mainstreaming Conflict and Disaster Risk Management into the Curriculum Project
National Curriculum Development Centre, Republic of Uganda

B. Have children volunteer to come to the front

of the class to demonstrate action verbs from
the story, such as throw, climb, fall, pull
down, and so on.
C. Play the game, "What did _____ say?" Have
the children imagine what a character in the
story is saying. Ask one learner to go to the
chart. Call on individual learners to say their
phrases or sentence. The learner standing
near the chart points to the correct character.
D. Brainstorm with the whole group to make a
list of things near their home or school that
are dangerous/safe. Use pictures or words to
make the list on the chalkboard like this:
use a long stick

throw a stone

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