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Junior Einstein Learning Center

Discover the excitement of Learning

Asucan, Jayvee Alezzandra F.
Corbin, Joycie C.
Ragocos, Carl Jasper C.
Gloria, Aaron Louie
Balois, Earl Moises R.
A Project Feasibility Study Course Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration Major in
Human resource Development Management
Lyceum of Subic Bay
October 2016


Table of Contents

Business Location Map

II. Objective..

III. Introduction.

IV. Description

V. Technology Considerations..

VI. Market Place Characteristics

VII. Marketing Strategy. .

Survey Charts..



VIII. Organization and Human Resource.

IX. Schedule of the Business





Figure 1. Business Location Map

Junior Einstein Learning Center will be located at 1981 Rizal Avenue, West
Tapinac, Olongapo City. The entertainment goal is to invite clients or students to
suspend belief and imagine that while they are inside the facility and having their
tutorial class they are actually inside a relaxation site.
( Insert the NEW LOCATION)


II. Objective
To maximize academic potential and to help the students instill their
confidence and assist them to become independent learners who can rely on their
strengths and abilities.
To provide a learning center that will supports students to develop their
skills for their effective academic performance and boost their self-confidence and
to give a quality education for everyones need. Our success depends on our
attention to the needs of our clients and helping them achieve.

III. Introduction

According to the use of tutoring as a method of

helping someone to learn has been around for a very long time. In fact, it is
probably one of the oldest teaching methods. If people think about the life and
times of Plato and Socrates in ancient Greece, people will probably recall reading
that the children of wealthy were educated individually or in small groups by
masters or tutors. The Socratic method, a way of questioning a student to help
him/her arrive at a correct conclusion, and often used during tutorial sessions, is
based on writing of Socrates from that time. During the Middle ages of children of
nobles and wealthy continued to receive their education from tutors.
Similarly, children from less wealthy families often became apprentices to
learn a craft or skill from a master, another one-on-one form of teaching. Even to
become a knight, a young man had to first serve as a squire so that he might learn


his craft from the expert he served. Tutors continued to play an important role in
learning. Tutoring has flourished in the education of young children. Once a
privilege afforded only to the children of wealthy, tutoring programs are now
widely available to students through their schools, churches, and community
agencies as well as through private tutorial services. Today, students at all levels
receive tutoring help the master basic skills such as reading and math, difficult
content and to prepare for high stakes test and for enrichment.
According to education is very important
in a persons life, because education gives us knowledge. If people do not have
enough knowledge they would certainly not cope up with the tough competition. It
gives them confidence to avoid societal embarrassment, especially in todays
generation that the societal segments were based more on their education than
economic worth. Education helps them broaden that spectrum of knowledge and
holds their own mind and reason. Education helps them to keep up with the
evolution and they cant keep up if with the evolution unless they are aware of
them and awareness comes from education.

IV. Description
As we observed in todays generation, its not about learning or acquiring
knowledge, its all about passing every subjects whether we have learned or not.
Its not the same as before that kids were able to learn by understanding every topic


being discussed in the school, because students were focused on their studies. But
today's education is different and so are the students, distractions are high, such as
gadgets, social medias, malls, movie theater, games, friends, and also due to
fortuitous events such as calamities, that makes it difficult for the kids to focus. The
school has to adjust and skip some of their lessons, to keep up with the curriculum
schedule and to avoid changing schedules for their upcoming events. Instead kids
were ask to do self-study because theres not enough time to teach a specific topic
that make things more harder for the kids to learn.
Skipping lessons or a specific topics and asking the kids to study by their
own is not helping them to understand the lesson, instead it teaches the kids to read
and memorize and not to analyze. If the students were ask to do their own study,
yes definitely they will do reading, perhaps do some searching, but the questions
are, would they understand what they have read? Would their research be the same
understanding to what their topics were all about? Our team had an idea to solve or
answer these questions, which is to introduce Junior Einstein Learning Center that
will help students to cope up with their lessons especially when theyre skipping
topics that minimizes the scope of their lessons.
Junior Einstein Learning Center will focus and identifies the learning
weaknesses of the student. The personalized approach between the tutor and the
student will allow tutors to identify the weak areas of students. Tutors can help
students address these problems. Junior Einstein Learning Center will help improve


a pupils study work habit that includes planning, organizing and managing time in
completing home works and other related projects. Junior Einstein will help
enhance the academic performance of the student; a one-on-one tutoring patterned
according to the childs need, will help improve academic performance in school.
When tutoring is supplemented with inputs from teachers, a student can be
properly guided in achieving better grades in school. Junior Einstein will provide
productive after-school hours or weekend class, allows students to spend their
after-school hours or weekend class wisely and productively. Junior Einstein will
build confidence. As a students academic performance improves so does his or her
self-esteem and confidence. A confident student will likely to develop more
positive behavior in school.
Our learning center shall be designed in a library theme, a big room where
there will be a tables set up, bookshelves with different books related for studies,
such as English, math and science books that can be use for the lessons, and there
will be different genre available for use such as fiction, non-fiction, teen fiction,
science fiction, paranormal, short stories, and classic books etc. for the preteens and
teens, and story books for the young kids, to occupy their minds and to make them
busy while their waiting. We will provide a comfortable space for those who love to
read books inside the learning center where they can sit and read books while
theyre waiting for their session.


V. Technology Consideration:
Tutorial Services will not start if they dont have tutors who will be willing to
spend their time, effort and share their knowledge to every student. In Junior
Einstein, we will make sure that we will give the best tutors that we have. Educated
and dedicated tutors are really needed because teaching is not an easy way to do, it
need time, effort and also knowledge to be willing to share with the students. And
as a tutor it needs to take into consideration the ability of students, because students
are of different levels. Some people may encounter fast learners, average learners
and the slow learners and theres a need to handle them without hurting their ego or
even physically hurting them, this can be a long learning process in the part of
every tutors, because there will be a new students, to come and new students mean
a new character traits, new behaviors and new adjustment to make. The tutors who
will teach will need the equipment for their session.
Most learning centers need storage cabinets, child-sized tables and chair,
bookshelves that includes different genre of books, colorful rugs to beautify the
place, computer, paper supplies, art supplies, alphabet poster and reference books
that make the tutorial learning center welcoming to students, so that they may not
feel bored and because parents want their children to learn more.
The Junior Einstein Learning Center is an air conditioned type of learning
center to avoid disturbances in the session cause by irritation of the students due to


heat. We will also provide televisions in the center that can be use of the tutors to
enhance and help students to understand more about the lessons.
Except for books to read to make them busy, we will also provide some
board games for the students that are related to their studies, such as Scrabble, and
chess to make it more fun while theyre inside the center waiting and after the
session when they wanted stay for a while

VI. Market Place Characteristics

Junior Einstein Tutorial Center will be located at 1981 Rizal Avenue, West
Tapinac, Olongapo City. To enhance its entertainment value for the future students,
the entire area will be laid out and decorated in a manner consistent with the
concept of purest place of peace and relaxation, everything in the facility will
present visitors with a look and feel the ambiance. Junior Einstein Learning Center
cant afford to ignore competition. Students usually have choices about how they
will meet their needs.


Figure 2. Target Market

Junior Einstein Learning Center has identified several target market that will be
pursued. In West Tapinac there are two (2) schools; Little Angel and Center for
Asia Culinary Studies. While the schools near West Tapinac are Tapinac
Elementary School, Olongapo City National High School, Mondrian Montessori
School, Olongapo Wesley School, STI College, St. Benilde Center for Global
Competence and Gordon College. The Junior Einstein Learning Center will build
long-term relationship with most of the professors of the particular schools,
allowing Junior Einstein Learning Center to tailor the tutoring to the specific
subject or course of their students as well as receive referrals from the professors
and the parents that will pass-by the center going through and coming from their
work. Figure above shows the location of the possible target market

VII. Marketing Strategy


As we are new to this kind of business, we will be getting the attentions of

our target markets by the use of advertising and promotion through tarpaulins,
flyers, coupons and also by the use of social media. The use of technology and
other device and gadgets can be one of the best strategies when promoting or
advertising our business. We usually go online on Facebook and as we observed,
people usually go online too and it is also one of the best social media we can use
for promoting our propose business and will make sure that they will Discover the
Excitement of Learning.
The survey was held using a questionnaire consists of 15 questions and 159
respondents, our respondents were mainly parents. The proponent mainly focused
the questions on how much people wanted to have a new kind of Learning Center
and if they are willing to pay for their kids to be tutored.
Junior Einstein Learning Center
Name: (optional)
Gender: Male Female
Address: (optional)
Monthly Income Range:
Below P20, 000
P21, 000 - P30, 000
P31, 000 - P40, 000
P41, 000 - and above

3. When hearing about Tutorial Learning

Center what kind of ambiance do you
Library type
Classroom type

1. Do you consider having or hiring a tutor

for your child?
Yes No

4. If you are considering hiring tutor, what

would be the most convenient time?
Right after school
Weekday Evenings
Weekday Mornings

2. Which would be the most convenient

location for tutoring?
Tutor comes to your house
Online Tutoring
Tutorial Center

5. If you are considering hiring a tutor, how

many times on average might the student
consider meeting a tutor?

4hrs or more than a week

Homework Assistance
Training for exam

6. If you are considering hiring a tutor,

which would your child most likely
interested in?
Private Tutoring (1 on 1 tutoring)
Small Group (maximum of 5)

11. About how much would you willing to

pay for tutoring services per session?
Php. 1, 500 /session
Php. 1, 700/session
Php.2, 000/session

7. In what subjects are the kids mostly dont

do well?
English (Reading and Language)
Arts and Music

12. Which payment method do you prefer?

Money Transfer
Credit Card
Debit Card
13. Which area or location is more
accessible to you to have a tutorial service?
Magsaysay Area
Business District

8. If you are looking for a tutor for your

child, where would you look for
information on finding a tutor?
Friends and family
Internet search
Bulletin boards
9. Have you ever hired a tutor or used the
service of learning center for your child?

14. How likely are you going to recommend

this service to someone you know?
Very Likely
15. If a new Learning center was introduced
in the learning industry, are you willing to
give it a try?

10. What are the main reasons for you to

hire a tutor?

The first (5) part of the questionnaire shows the personal profile of the
respondents as to name, gender, age, address, and monthly income. While the
remaining parts composed of relevant questions gather data about the study
such as experiences and preference and preferred ways about trying the
service in a learning center. These variables are utilized to understand how the
topic went perceived by the respondents themselves. Their participants
brought life into this feasibility study.



Figure 3. Gender
There were more male (n=111, 70%) than female (n= 48, 30.2%)
The age clustered in 36 - 45 years old and has a percentage of 53%



Figure 4. Age
The respondents of the study have a monthly income of 20,000 and below

Figure 5. Monthly Income



The respondents agreed and most of them preferred library type of


Figure 6. Ambiance
The respondents find the most convenient time of tutoring right after
class in the school (n=91, 57%).

Figure 7.



Convenient time for Tutor Class

The respondents agreed to have 1 hour per week of tutoring (n= 69,

Figure 8.
The respondents think that a private tutoring or 1 on 1 tutoring would be
interesting for their child. (n= 136, 86%) than a small group which is a
maximum of (5).



Figure 9.
When it comes to subjects which their child mostly dont excel,
Mathematics is the most chosen 80 parents agreed and has a percentage of
50% and the subject that their child do well is Art and Music.

Figure 10.
They want to seek information about finding a tutor for their child by
asking their friends and family (n= 94, 59%), second choice is by browsing
the internet (n=44, 28%).



Figure 11.
Most of the parents hired a tutor for a reason of homework assistance
(n=101, 64%) than a reason of training for exam (n=58, 36%)



Figure 12. Reason to hire a tutor

Most of them never hired a tutor for their child before or used the service
of a learning center (n=91, 57%) while 43% has already experienced of
having a tutor for their children.



Figure 13.
102 parents ( 62%) are willing to pay 1, 500 pesos per session for tutoring
services by prompt payment.

Figure 14.



Figure 15. Location

Magsaysay Area in Olongapo City is the location where they find it more
accessible to have a tutorial service (n= 98, 62%) than in Business district (n=
61, 38%).

Figure 16.



The respondents of the study are willing to try a new learning center if it
is introduce in the industry (n= 152, 96%) and they are also willing to
recommend this service with a percentage of 56%.

Figure 17.



Figure 18. Sample of flyer

Junior Einstein Learning Center will provide flyers (see figure 18) for
promoting our proposed business to attract potential customers.



SWOT Analysis
The strength of our business is: The mere fact that our business is located
along the Rizal highway, where commuters passes by, offers the possible
customers a very accessible place for their kids to be tutored.
The weaknesses of our business are: The well-known competitors that
offer the same service that we offer. To gain the trust of parents that have and
have not experienced hiring tutors before.
The opportunities of our business are: To have possible customers
because of free trial for tutorial service for (2) weeks will be offered once we
open our proposed business. The second opportunity for our business are
parents that are willing to spend money to hire tutors for their kids, because
they dont have time at home to help their kids for their home works and to
help them review to be ready for their exams because of their busy work
The threat of our business are: Parents would prefer to take or enroll their
kids to other very well-known Learning center in Olongapo such as YTC and
Kumon, because their mindset is that those learning center have a name and
they offer the best tutorial service for their kids. The second threat for our
business are parents that would rather teach their kids at home than spend
money to hire tutor for their kids, especially if they dont have enough money
or extra money to spend for the service.



VIII. Organization and Human Resource

As a business owner we need to be flexible and become principal
strategist in every decision we made. We need to be hand in our business.
Well need to do research, planning and writing to develop a plan, and expect
to revisit and change it as needed. In tutorial, these are the people we need to
operate the business.

Organizational Chart

Lead tutor
Front desk

Tutor 1

Tutor 2

Tutor 3

Job Description of Lead tutor:

A lead tutor is the one that interacts with the other supporting tutors in
Junior Einstein Learning Center, he/ she evaluates the standings/ performance
of each tutors in the learning center. He/ she is the one to be consulted if there



is a major problem with the students behavior or performance. The lead tutor
will be the one to make sure that place is well maintained and organize.
Job Specification of Lead tutor:
Male/ Female at least 23 and above. BS in Education and has at least one
year of experience in primary or secondary education or any equivalent
combination and/or education from which comparable knowledge, skills and
abilities have been achieved. Have additional experience in working with
children and possess a passion for helping students though not mandatory, but
it is advantage if they has knowledge about child psychology. He/she must be
patient, friendly responsible, dependable and honest, has skills in both verbal
and written communication and complete required 12 hours tutor training.

Job Description of tutors:

The tutors should have excellent communication and skills and could
easily interact with the children. Help the child and children in whatever
subject they have difficulties, has devise new methods of teaching if the child
is having trouble learning through the conventional method, can design
workshop for the children so that they can learn better in different atmosphere
than school.

Job Specification of tutor:



Male/ female at least 21 and above, has a bachelors degree appropriate in

the field and has undergo teaching training program or any related with it.
Have additional experience in working with children and possess a passion for
helping students and has knowledge about child psychology. He/ she must be
patient, friendly, responsible and honest. Possess skills in both verbal and
written communication.

Job Description of front desk:

Ensure outstanding customer care at all times. Maintains a friendly,
cheerful attitude, courteously and accurately answers inquiries from potential
Resolve customer issues, complaints, problem in a quick, efficient manner to
maintain a high level of customer satisfaction and quality service together
with the Lead tutor. Front desk will be the one to open the Junior Einstein
learning Center at 9am.

Job Specification of front desk:

Male/female at least 21 and above, with pleasing personality, he/she must
be always alert and approachable, at least high school graduate with
experience on communicating with the customers.
Employees Salary



Employees Time Schedule

Lead tutor

1 hour break


30 min break


Tutor 1


Tutor 2





Tutor 3



Front desk


1 hour break


IX. Schedule
The Junior Einstein Learning Center would manage to serve customers on
June 2017. For the reason that we want to have enough time to renovate the
place to make sure that it is ready once we open it to everybody. June is the
perfect month for us to open the Junior Learning Center because June is the
start of another school year.
Junior Einstein Learning Center will operate from Mondays to Friday,
from 9am until 8pm. Junior Einstein will be open at 9am for any inquiries,
and until 8pm because our session starts after the class of the students, based
on the result in our survey parents prefer 1 hour per session, but we would
like to have 2 more hours allowances in case the parents and the kids
suddenly requested for another hour or two for their session.


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