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Republic of the Philippines

Province of Isabela

Our MUNICIPAL BUDGET for calendar year 2008, while imbued with the
best hopes and aspirations, our utilitarian philosophy and a concession
to the Almighty Fathers good grace, has been crafted so that we will be
able to synthesize our conjoined aims and therefore assure certitude in
our most basic demand and needs.
Indeed, our proposed programs, projects and activities as outlined in our
Annual Budget for 2008 promises to be more fruitful as we intend to
achieve our goals of eradicating poverty and promoting economic growth
through allocation of resources for the efficient and effective delivery of
basic programs and services to our constituents.
Our thrust on agriculture development is premised on the modernization
of agriculture in collaboration with Congressman Rodito T. Albano,
Governor Grace M. Padaca and Regional Director Gumersindo D. Lasam
of the Department of Agriculture, through installation of irrigation
deepwell and open source pumps in pilot barangays to help irrigate the
farms of farmers especially during the occurrence of drought. This
modernization program aims to increase productivity in agriculture in
order to have a good business climate and to further strengthen our
economy. The program will be further supported by our relentless drive
on the construction of farm-to-market roads, construction of multipurpose drying pavements, development of the municipal nursery and
fish hatchery, and provision of vegetable seeds subsidy to all our 46
On tourism, the budget allocated is intended to complete the
development of Camp Samal through construction of facilities and
amenities that would attract local and foreign tourists and eventually
become a prime tourist destination in the Cagayan Valley Region.
Our commitment on health and security services will be made manifest
by our renewed thrust towards conducting medical-dental missions and
sports activities, construction of additional potable water sources and
maintenance of the controlled dumpsite. Parallel to this particular thrust
is the continuous operation of our Rural Health Unit and the Tumauini
Community Hospital that will cater to the health needs of our poor
constituents before they could sell their properties and other resources
just to finance their hospitalization and medicines. The hospital will

continue to give discounts to indigent patients and as a result of our

continued collaboration with Governor Grace M. Padaca, the provincial
government will be providing funds every month for its medicines and
On social welfare services, this administration will continue to support
programs for the disabled persons, the out-of-school youths and the
senior citizens for them to become productive and self-reliant. Livelihood
programs shall also be provided to indigent families through capital
infusion to start a their own business ventures. The program aims to
generate employment and further to alleviate them from poverty. The
LGU will also maintain its role in the delivery of educational services by
allocating funds for the rehabilitation/repair of school facilities and
provision of scholarships to poor but deserving students enrolled in
either college or technical education courses.
On housing, we will continue to partner with Gawad Kalinga Foundation
(GK-777) for the construction of additional housing units. Our
commitment on this area will be made manifest with the allocation of
funds for labor and development of the 2nd GK Site in Barangay
Namnama that will provide decent shelter to 50 poor families.
In support to our economic endeavors, a greater chunk of our proposed
annual budget is geared towards the accomplishment of infrastructuresupport projects to include construction of concrete roads, installation of
RC pipes, construction of lateral drainage canals, energization of
remaining barangays/ sitios, and maintenance of heavy equipment.
Government enterprises such as the slaughterhouse and BOT building of
the public market shall be repaired to further boost our economic
activities and to increase tax collections.
Lastly, my heartfelt gratitude and earnest appreciation to all the
department heads and employee of our local government unit who have
committed their time and talent in making our 2008 Annual Budget a
reality. And finally, I would like to commend our counterpart from the
Legislative Body for their collective effort and participation in crafting our
proposed budget. We will appreciate very much for your timely passage
and approval of this important document, which aims to improve the
quality of lives of our humble people and more importantly in making our
beloved TUMAUINI as one of the best and most progressive municipalities
in the entire province of Isabela!

Mabuhay and may God bless us always.

Municipal Mayor

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