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Assessment criteria for Theoretical Studies modules at OCA






A 70-84%

Very good



Demonstration of subject Exceptional knowledge

based knowledge and
and understanding of
understanding (25%)
subject and context
Broad and comparative
understanding of subject
content, knowledge of the
appropriate historical,
intellectual, cultural or
institutional contexts.

Excellent knowledge
and understanding of
subject and context

Very good knowledge

and understanding of
subject and context

Average knowledge and

understanding of subject
and context

Adequate knowledge
and understanding of
subject and context

Limited knowledge
and understanding of
subject and context

Demonstration of
research skills (25%)
Information retrieval and
organisation, use of IT to
assist research, ability to
evaluate IT sources, the
ability to design and carry
out a research project,
locate and evaluate
evidence from a wide range
of primary and secondary
sources (visual, oral, aural
or textual).

Exceptional range of
research from a wide
range of sources,
exceptional design and
implementation of
research project where

Excellent range of
research from a wide
range of sources,
excellent design and
implementation of
research project where

Very good range of

research from a wide
range of sources, very
good design and
implementation of
research project where

Average range of
research from a range of
sources, average design
and implementation of
research project where

Adequate range of
Limited research
research from a range
of sources, adequate
design and
implementation of
research project
where appropriate.


Demonstration of critical
and evaluation skills
Engagement with concepts,
values and debates,
evidence of analysis,
reflection, critical thinking,
synthesis, interpretation in
relation to relevant issues
and enquiries
(demonstrated in learning
logs and, at levels 5 and 6,
critical reviews and essays)

Exceptional critical skills,

demonstrating a highly
developed intellectual
understanding and
analytical ability.

Excellent critical skills,

demonstrating a well
developed intellectual
understanding and
analytical ability.

Very good critical skills,

demonstrating a good
understanding and
analytical ability.

Average critical skills,

demonstrating some
understanding and
analytical ability.

Adequate critical
skills, demonstrating
limited intellectual
understanding and
analytical ability.

Inadequate critical
skills .

communication of ideas
and knowledge

Very good
communication of ideas
and knowledge

Average communication
of ideas and knowledge

Some ability to clearly Limited ability to

communicate ideas
communicate ideas
and knowledge.
and knowledge


Communication (25%)
The ability to communicate communication of ideas
ideas and knowledge in
and knowledge
written and spoken form,
including presentation skills.


Limited critical skills

with little or no
analytical ability.

29% or
knowledge and
understanding of
subject and context

communication of
ideas and

These assessment criteria should be used in conjunction with the level descriptions as described overleaf:

Feedback at different levels

Level 4 is the acquisition of skills and good working habits. It is about students informing themselves about others work through reading and research. They are not
expected to have developed a great deal of critical awareness -- if they have, this is a bonus. Feedback at Level 4 should focus on their success in acquiring the
necessary skills and working habits, at the same time encouraging the student to expand their horizons and challenge their own limitations.
At Level 5 the student continues to improve their skills and the quality of their critical awareness. But at this level, they should be starting to choose the direction of
their thoughts in consultation with their tutor. This means that in addition to skills, feedback should reflect back to the student whether they are taking enough
responsibility for the shaping of their own ideas, whether they are doing enough reading and whether they are clearly articulating their own views and backing them
up with reasoned arguments.
At Level 6 the quality of work will continue to improve, and the student can demonstrate evidence of judgement, and they should be developing their intellectual
understanding of the theory and concepts underpinning their discipline. They should be able to critique various schools of thought as well as simply referring to them
and perhaps even showing allegiance to particular philosophical or ideological trends.

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