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Brand Equity:

The primary purpose of this project is to outline factors that form the
relationship between core elements of marketing mix; the attributes that
relate to purchase decisions when it comes to buying frozen food and
consequently leads to the creation of brand equity. These core elements
include perceived quality, brand loyalty and brand associations coupled
with brand awareness. Further going down, advertising spent, availability
of products in terms of distribution and influence of sales promotions both
monetary and non-monetary is also explored.
Conceptual Framework:
The basic conceptual framework as built by (Aaker, 1991) has been
extended. (Aaker, 1991) states that:
1. Brand equity results in the creations of value of product for the both
the customer and the manufacturing firm itself
2. If the value of the product is enhanced for the customer, the firm
svalue is enhanced itself.
3. Many different dimensions constitute brand equity.
(Aaker, 1991) model is extended in two ways by (Boonghee Yoo, 2000) to
develop a more comprehensive consumer based brand equity model:
1. First, a separate construct is placed between the brand equity and
the value for the customer and the firm as explained earlier. This will
essentially demonstrate how separate dimensions help contribute
towards total brand equity.
2. Next, we add marketing activities as antecedents to brand equity
because they also play a very significant role in overall dimensions.
The Conceptual model is as follows:


Following hypothesis will be tested:

H1a: The level of brand equity is related positively to the extent to which
brand quality is evident in the product
H1b: The level of brand equity is related positively to the extent to which
brand loyalty is evident in the product.
H1c: The level of brand equity is related positively to the extent to which
brand associations and awareness are evident in the product.
H2a: The perceived quality of a brand is related positively to the extent to
which the price of the brand is perceived to be high.
H2b: Perceived quality of a brand is related positively to the extent to
which the brand is distributed through stores with a good image.
H2c: Brand associations are related positively to the extent to which the
brand is distributed through stores with a good image.

H2d: Perceived quality of a brand is related positively to the extent to

which the brand is available in stores.
H2e: Brand loyalty is related positively to the extent to which the brand is
available in stores.
H2f: Brand associations are related positively to the extent to which the
brand is available in stores
H2g: Perceived quality of a brand is related positively to the extent to
which advertising is invested for the brand
H2h: Brand loyalty is related positively to the extent to which advertising
is invested for the brand
H2i: Brand associations are related positively to the extent to which
advertising is invested for the brand
H2j: Perceived quality of a brand is related negatively to the extent to
which price promotion is used for the brand
H2k: Brand associations are related negatively to the extent to which price
promotion is used for the brand.
Focus Group: Single Working Women:
The primary purpose to conduct focus group was to get insights on the
consumption of frozen food, the buying behaviour, the purchase triggers
and finally the perceptions of the brands that are currently operating In
the market. The focus group was conducted among Single Working
Women to find out what attributes were important when they were
making purchase decisions related to frozen food. The focus group
provided us with some very useful insights o how decision regarding
buying frozen food was made and who were the influential beings making
the decision and above which brands are most competitive in the market.
Mechanism and Dynamics:

The focus group was conducted with Single Working Women women at the
residence of one of our group members, Mohammad Ali Society. The age
range of our participants was 25-28 years these women had an average
household income of 100,000+. They had family sizes of 5+. The
participants were given ice-breaking questions in the beginning regarding
their hobbies and interests, which eased them and allowed them to open
up. They were invited at the recently opened roadside caf, Kafe Kofa
where tea and snacks were served during the discussion.
one of those factors which most of the women regarded as an essential to
the point being that they had to compromise on health and rely on frozen
food only because of the sake of convenience; be it for breakfast,
snacking purposes or to serve guests. Since all of them were working
women, to them it as the easiest and time saving solution
The very important factor that attributed to the choice of purchase was
reliability. Many women regarded that reliability on a particular brand was
the reason why they continued to be brand loyal with it. This was mainly











standardization pattern that they had set in.

Taste was one factor where opinions differed. While some of the
respondents said that taste was standardized when it comes to frozen
food because they have to stay in the market, others deemed that tastes
differed bit according to the geographic area being targeted. However,
since convenience was the prime factor, taste was not really much of a

The respondents critically evaluated that appearance in terms of frozen

food did not matter much since all of them look tempting but tastes all the
same so it did not really matter much to them.
Trust on few brands was the factor why they were performing really well in
the market while others couldnt. None of the participants said that they
will go on the retailers recommendation or the shelve space a brand has
occupied but the trust they already have on their chosen brand. However,
they did agree to the fact that will definitely try new product if it seems as
per to their taste and looks tempting.
Brand Name:
Brand name was one of the significant factors for the participants, and
while purchasing a product the most central component for five
participants was the brand name. When the moderator asked the question
to recall brands when it came to frozen food, K&Ns was the first brand
name that they took, rest were PK, meat one, Menu and Dawn.
Interview Findings:
Interview 1:
Name: Shahnilla Muzammil
Number of Children: 4
Occupation: House wife
Age of Eldest Child: 16

Housewife, mother of 4
Childrens preference would be to have Nutella paratha, pizza parathas
and cheese parathas if available frozen like that of Dawn for snacking

We buy Dawn Parathas and K&Ns nuggets, croquets and stuff like that.

Never tried sampling

K&Ns has easy availability, reach and proper channel plus the trust

No seafood eaters at home except for that of my daughter.
Frozen food must have sea food additions else all lines are saturated

Interview 2:

Housewife, mother of 3 with a homebased business of boutique

We usually buy K&Ns and PK, PK because their sheesh kabab were
really tasty so we kept on continuing. We buy tempura, nuggets,

K&Ns is a clean brand, better experience and first mover
Tried cheese parathas from Boat Basin and if available in bundle in

frozen will definitely buy for easy in availability

Frozen food line is already saturated
Seafood preference is for fresh, but if we get a reliable brand like that
of K&Ns we will think of it because frozen food is handy

Interview 3:

Housewife, mother of 4
Tried Dawns parathas and those available outside eg pizza parathas

and cheese paratahs

Would definitely love to buy if available bundled and frozen different
types of parathas, will serve as good lunch options and meal options

for kids
We usually buy Dawns crispy chicken, hotshots, parathas, sometimes

nuggets from K&Ns

Dawn because the flavors suits are taste bud and that its very clean.
Since we cook, we know if the brand is made neatly or not and Dawn

seems consistent in quality

Will not buy frozen seafood at all because the freshness is all tat one
wants when It comes to fishes and shrimps

Transcription Format:

Color Code

Brand Name
Retailers Opinion

Sample How it will be done (The above attributes

are OUR attributes)
Focus Group: Single Male


Sabahat Hussain
Aminah Ali Sherazi
Faiza Rasheed
Atikah Mansoori
Nida Musheer
Syeda Yousra Hasan


Seating Plan

X. Moderator (Areeba Mushtaq)

Participant: Dialogue
Areeba Mushtaq: AA, mera naam Areeba Mushtaq hai aur hum ye focus group kar rahe hain, jo ky frozen food
banany wali company ki taraf se hai. Aur is ka maqsad sirf ye hai ky hum thori sy maloomat ap logon sy ikathi
karain gay. Us ky liye main sub sy sawaal pochti chalon gi, unka brief sa apko answer karna hai jo apko sahi
lagay. First you have briefly tell about yourself, your daily routine.

Sabahat: Ok so my name is Sabahat Hussain, I work as a Deputy Manager HR at EFU Life. My routine is usually
such that I go for work from 9 to 5 and come back and work out and my whole family I regular about workouts
and routines
Amina: I am Amina. I am working as an account manager Direct sales at Maersk Line. My work hours are quite
hectic and I work from 9 to 9 so I usually struggle with a lot of sleep and less of food
Faiza: I am Faiza and I am working as an Assistant Director at SECP. I am a working woman and work from 9 to
5. My routin after coming back from work is usually reading books, spending time with family and watching TV
Atikah: My name is Atikah and I am working as head of operations at Colwiz Pakistan Ltd which is a software
house. My working hours are flexible so I usually get to spend a lot of time for myself to walk out or eating out
and sometimes swimming
Nida: Hey, My name is Nida Musheer and I work as a relationship manager at DIB Bank. My working hours are
fixed and hence I tend to spend most of my time with my family which includes a sister a mom. I love cooking
and I usually get involved in making dinner when I get home
Yousra: Yousra Hasan. I work as a teacher in PECHS girls school and spend time watching tv and trying out new
foods for my family. I am an active social media user
Areeba: Thank you so much for such a brief intro. I would like to now know your favorite tv channels
Sabahat: I am not really an avid tv eatcher but do flip through news channels like ARY, GEO sometimes star
Amina: HBO and star movies
Faiza: News channels mostly and movies
Atikah: Just flipping channels occasionally, nothing very particular
Nida: I dont really watch TV however I become glued to it there are football matches. I am addicted to that
Yousra:I love watching Pakistani Dramas and Mostly Humtv, they have been recently airing wonderful dramas.
Areeba: Ok so who does your grocery shopping at home? And you prefer eating out or eating at home?
Sabahat: Im a very diet conscious person so yes I tend to do my grocery myself. For eating out, yes I have lots
of friends so I usually eat out but again im very conscious on what I consume so its mostly healthy food but
even if im eating at home I see of its not fatty food and all
Aminah: My job requirements are such that I usually have dinner and lunch with clients outside which means
im mostly eating out but I do love eating at home. For the grocery part, usually my sister or mum does it
Faiza: I usually sepdn tme with my family and eat at home where my mother does the grocery shopping
Atikah: Since im a foodie I love eating so I equally eat out and at home. I do the grocery myself at home
Nida: Except for weekends when I dine out with friends, I usually have dinners at home and since I like trying
out new stuff, I normally tend to do grocery myself
Yousra: We are a stay at home family and cook most of the times where me and my mother do the grocery
Areeba: So when you are doing grocery and something goes on sampling and recommendation of the retailer,
do you buy that or prefer your own choice after all?
Sabahat: I dont think if I being recommended something ill just buy for the heck of something, only if it
makes sense to me and I require it then only I will buy it
Aminah: We do usually try out new stuff and hence I dont think there is any harm in trying that out for the
forst time, it might tun out better after all
Faiza: We are quite fixed on our choices, tastes and preferences and hence so it becomes difficult for us to
decide whether to try on new products or not
Atikah: I usually do not go with the shopkeepers or retailers recommendations rather I end up arguing with
them on cost and benefit basis because I feel a person can make a right decision for his or herself besta dn
that no one can make decisions on your end
Nida: Well I usually see sampling happening around at retailers which is definitely not a bad idea considering
the fact that we usually refrain from trying out new products because of our loyalty to certain brands but yes,
sometimes the packaging appeals me or sometimes the added value that I end up buying that product just for
the sake of trying it out
Yousra: Ok so ive always found myself being fantasized with new advertisements and new products and I just
cant wait to try them out so whenever we go the grocery shopping I find myself searching for those new
Areeba: Ok so who decides the meal and who actually does the cooking?
Sabahat: Noone specifically decided the menu because subah mey he deicide hojata hai ke kon kiya khayega
and the maid does the cooking but as far as my own food is concerned, I do my own cooking
Aminah: My sister and mother does the cooking together so they are the decision makers in that regards. We
usually request special meals on weekends but that too is very rare.
Faiza:So my mother is the sole decision maker at my home and in her absence its me as to what to cook and
how to cook etc etc.
Atikah: Over the weekends I decide the menu usually and during weekdays its mum who decides
Nida: As I earlier said I love cooking so I usually decide the meal and end up cooking on weekends else on
weekdays its my mom mostly.
Yousra: My mum has grown quite old now so she decides the menu but I do the cooking part almost all the
time. We dont cook lunch and prefer having leftovers from last night dinner

Areeba: Ok so the next question is, ae there any frozen foods bought at home? If yes, which ones and are
these brands consistent or you keep on switching brands?
Sabahat: We dont have a lot of frozen food that comes to our house but even if there is, there is no like
specific brand that weve chosen either its K&Ns or Menu but its not like key bus wohi ayega kuch bhi ajata hai
Aminah: Well in my family its quite occasional mostly in Ramadan and thats Mon Salwa because we really like
the taste and the juciness that it has. And we follow this consistency because we dont really get such taste in
other brands like if you go for K&Ns, its mostly very standardized and bland taste so all their menu tastes more
or less the same. We like a bit of spices and difference in flavors like Their bbq line is mostly like we eat out
Faiza: We never buy frozen foods neither its appreciable at home, rather we like cooking ourselves
Atikah: So we have recently started purchasing frozen foods and that is only from K&Ns while we get parathas
from another company which is Dawn or Al fatoor
Nida: We usually have a lot of guests coming up and we live in a joint family so we have to have something
that needs to be served. In order to do that, we choose frozen food and its a mixture of different brands like
we get bbq line from Mon salwa, chicken specilities from K&Ns while samosas and rolls from Dawn since they
taste more home like. We also get Deli ine for breakfast when we are running short in time
Yousra: We are dehli walas so we really like spicy stuff jo humay frozen mey nahi milta bilkul pheka lagta hai
isliye ghar mey bana key khud he freeze karlena ziada behtar lagta hai
Areeba: Acha tou aap agar K&Ns lete hain tou K&Ns he kyun or agar koi dosra brand use karna pary tou aap
usmey kia kia dekhenge.
Sabahat: I dont think itna koi specific critarea ha to buy frozen food atleast specially in my house I guess
certain chezon pey depend karta hai key agar kabab hain tou K&Ns key bhetar hain agar samosey hain tou Mon
salwa key behtar hainso esa koi specific critarea nahi hai. Its just key jo chez jiski achi hai wo buy karlete hain
like you would buy paraths from dan and not from menu because they are known for their breakfast line
Aminah: I dont buy K&Ns but I have an observation that branding is actually working in this context like dawn
is known for parathas so people buy their parathas and K&Ns is mainly in chicken market so I guess this is the
reason that people are going for it
Faiza: Since we dont like processed meals t all I would not prefer using it at all.
Atikah:I usually go for K&Ns because its hygenic and its neatly chopped and stuff like that which makes us a
perception of quality worth the price but all in all its all about branding and the end of the day and their
flavors are realy rich when it comes to kababs.
Nida: I thik its all about branding, the way you show your brand. I remember seeing Ads from K&Ns where they
showed their entire supply chain. Hum market se bhi gohst lete hain tou achi tarha dhotay hain apnei tasalli
key liye isliye agar kuch bana banay bahar ka bhi kha rahey hain tou atleast tasalli hona zaroori hai key ye saaf
suthra hai like merey office key pass theley wala burger milta hai lekin usko main humesha saaf kapron mey
dekha hai saaf pani mey hath dhota hai isliye hum use lekar khatay hain.
Yousra: Merey khayal sey isme pehle ao pehle pao wali kahani hai, jo market mey pehley agya uska naam
bangya. Abpiza hut ko he dekhlo, 14th treet kitna bhi mashhor hjayga lekin log pizza hut tou khana nahi
chorenge na. Zinger kahen ka kitna bhi acha jo lekin KFC ka zinger KFC ka hota hai. Wo pehle taste jo apki
zabaan ko lagjaye wo standard of comparasion banjat hai. Ab students biryani khatay hain tou amma ko kehtay
hain students jesi biryani banao bus yehi baat hai.
Areeba: Acha tou apko lagta hai do different frozen food brands key taste mey koi fark hota hai or frozen or
ghar key pakaye hue mey fark hota hai?.
Sabahat: I dont think brands mey apas mey itna koi difference hota hai I guess kuch brands hain jo ziada
matab establish hai jese K&Ns or Dawn hai tou automatically unki preference ziada hoti hai lein agar frozen or
ghar key khano mey comparasion kia jaye tou zahiri si baat hai ghar key khanay ziada achay hotay hain
customsied ik kisam se.
Aminah: Ok so we dont buy frozen foods regularly so I really cant guess the difference in taste but as I said,
its all branding game, whatever they are advertising it has a differential impact on the people who are buying
those brands. I would always prefer home cooked meals over frozen food because of healthier and safer.
Faiza: hmm when it comes to brands, no wonder branding matters a lot even there is a difference of focus like
different brands have different speciltities and focus areas like Menu is very very popular in Lahore but I dont
see manu creating that powerful impact in Karachiso its about branding and focus of locality.
Atikah: I love eating and experiencing flavors so yes there is a definite difference between brands when it
comes to flavors, spices and no other difference. Ofcourse when you are comparing anything that Is frozen and
something which is freshly cooked at home, I would love something that has come out steamly hot from the
Nida: merey khayak mey isme brand sey ziada taste matter karta hai. Ab hum Karachi key logo ko chatpata
khanay ki adat hai tou jo closely related milega wo khalenge shok se. Frozen food walo ney humarey taste ko
bohat closely follow kar key apney products banaye hain isliye humay unhe khanay se itni takleef nahi hoti tou
more or less market mey rehne key liye sabko standard in taste tou follow karna parega na. sirf branding hoti
hai, kitna aap consumer se connected ho.
Yousra: mera nahi khayal itna koi khaas fark hota hai bus aik chez ka tradition banjata hai jesey Hashmi ka
surma bachpan sey lagaya hai tou wohi theak hai isi tarha bachpan se K&Ns dekha hai tou wohi best hai
Areeba: kia aapney koi advertisement dekhi hai frozen food key hawaley sey jo aapko yaad ho?
Sabahat: I think frozen oods key advertisements bohat he seasonal hotay haintou kabhi atay hain kabhi nahi
atay par ese koi brand recall walay ads as such hain nahi jisko you would remember

Aminah: I remember one Deline sufi ka? Nahi nahi K&NS hai. Mujhey sufi ka bhi yaad hai sufi came with a food
line I remember that
Faiza: Food ads are quite tempting like I remember ad of K&Ns deline
Atikah: I dont remember any advertisements at all
Nida: Not at all
Yousra: Kabhi deline key aya karte they lekin ab tou kuch bhi dekha
Areeba: Consider you are buying frozen food, will you go for a product that has price discounts, sampling or
bundling? Kia chez ziada tempting dikhti hai?
Sabahat:I think when it comes to promotions usme sampling bohat important hoti hai especially koi naya
product hai koi nayi chez hai hum lekar arhy hain tou usme agar sampling hoti hai tou it gives a consumer
better insight as to what they are buying and I guess aagr koi nayi product hai tou usme promotional pricing
bhi obviously important hoti hai or promotional pricing bhi kyun key agar aap koi naya brand establish karrhey
hain tou promotional pricing is a must.
Aminah: I guess bundling in a particular season eg ramadan
Faiza :I feel less pricing gives a very very negative impact so when it comes to promotions, sampling is an
effective approach as it gives better insights as Sabahat said and we can align our tastes with that of the brand
to decide well.
Atikah : I feel all three factors, promotion, pricing, bundling and sampling are equally important. But bundling
is very important because if one needs to introduce a new lines, it will be better impacted and low prices will
not work in my case I wouldnt even pay a single penny. Sampling is also very important because if someone is
giving out free food I will definitely try for sure
Nida :I think sampling, its the best option to introduce your product but many of the buyers come from
middle class community who dont prefer going to big retailers for their grocery shopping isliye market capture
itni ziada nahi hogi.
Yousra :Merey khayal sey bundling best hoge for example dawn walay lachaydar parathey introduce karayen or
sath he kabab bundle karden competitive pricing pey tou hum usay try bhi karlenge or taste develop hogaya
tou shayad brand bhi switch karlen.
Areeba:Apko kis lagta hai K&Ns market mey itna successful kyun hai?.
Sabahat :I feel the market they have captured in such a limited amount of time and also being the first mover
advantage. Also I think theyve stuck into the chicken only and sab mey expand nahi karte for which sab K&Ns
ko achi tarha jantay hain
Aminah : Itni visibility, brand awareness, availability har jagha and then user friendly brand. Urdu mey bhi
likha hota hai unke dabbon key peche
Faiza : I think its first mover advantage and nothing else?
Atikah :Availibility and taste and most importantly cleanliness in their processes, wo apni poori supply chain
dikhate hain tou aik andar se satisfaction hoti hai
Nida: I think its all branding and proper positioning of brand that thyeve done.
Yousra: I would second nida, its proper positioning, dosron ki tarha har jaga apney app ko phelaya nahi or
concentrated rakha


On a scale of 1 to 5 please indicate your response on the following
On a scale by
of 1
to 5 please
your response on the following
a tick indicate
statements by placing a tick ()

The price of Brand X is very high
Strongly Disagree



The price of Brand X is low

Strongly Disagree



Brand X is expensive

Strongly Disagree



Store Image
The store where I can buy Brand X carry
products of high quality

Strongly Disagree




The store where I can buy Brand X will

be of high quality

Strongly Disagree

The store where I can buy Brand X will

have well-known brands

Strongly Disagree



Distribution Intensity



More stores sell brand X compared to

competing brands
The number of stores that deal with
brand X is more than that of its
competing brands
Brand X is distributed through as many
stores as possible

Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Advertising spending
10. Brand X is intensively advertised

Strongly Disagree


11. The ad campaigns for Brand X seem

very expensive, compared to campaigns
for competing brands

Strongly Disagree

12. The ad campaigns for Brand X are seen


Strongly Disagree



Price Deals
13. Price deals for Brand X are frequently
14. Too many times price deals for Brand X
are presented.
15. Price deals for Brand X are emphasized
more than seems reasonable.
Perceived Quality
16. Brand X is of high quality

Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


17. The likely quality of Brand X is

extremely high
18. The likelihood that Brand X would be
functional is very high
19. The likelihood that Brand X is reliable is
very high.
20. Brand X must be of very good quality

Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


21. Brand X appears to be of very poor

Brand Loyalty
22. I consider myself to be loyal to Brand X

Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


23. Brand X would be my first choice

Strongly Disagree


24. I will not buy other brands if Brand X is

available at the store
Brand associations with brand
25. I know what Brand X looks like.

Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


26. I can recognize Brand X among other

competing brands
27. I am aware of Brand X

Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


28. Some characteristics of Brand X come

to my mind quickly
29. I can quickly recall the symbol or logo of
Brand X
30. I have difficulty in imagining Brand X in
my mind
Overall Brand Equity
31. It makes sense to buy Brand X instead
of any other brand, even if they are the
32. Even if another brand has same
features as Brand X, I would prefer to
buy X
33. If there is another brand as good as
Brand X, I prefer to buy Brand X
34. If another brand is not different from
Brand X in any way, it seems smarter
to purchase Brand X

Respondent Information:
Area: __________________
Family size: _____

Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


Strongly Disagree


What is your monthly household income in PKR?

10,000 to 29,999

30,000 to 49,999

50,000 to 74,999

75,000 to 99,999

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