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Name: _____________________________________

Quiz #2 Study Guide Explorers

What did the Turks do that affected trade between Europe and
They closed the _ silk________ ____road______ to Asia.

What was a consequence of Spanish exploration on the

Native Americans and the land in North America?
Many Native Americans died due to ____violence____ and

How did Prince Henry the Navigator help advance


He created a school to train sailors to explore via water.

What was most significant about Christopher Columbus sea voyage

in 1492?

His discovery of the North American Continent.

What was the motivation for Christopher Columbus first voyage in


He wanted to find a shorter route to ___Asia____.

Which country was interested in conquering new lands, finding gold, and
converting the Native Americans to Christianity (Gold, Glory, & God)?

Which country was interested in establishing friendly
relationships with the Native Americans and trading for

Which country was interested in establishing colonies in

the New World to expand its Empire?
Which country established missions to spread their
Catholic religion to the Native Americans?
Which countrys main motivation for colonization was to trade
animal furs with the Natives?

What was the Northwest Passage?

A water route to Asia through the Americas.

The exchange of goods and ideas between the Old World

(Europe) and the New World (The Americas) is called the
___Columbian_______ _____Exchange________.

Name: _____________________________________

On the map above, label which lands were explored/claimed by:

1. Spanish Explorers
2. French Explorers
3. English Explorers

On the map above, label which lands were explored/claimed by:

1. Spanish Explorers
2. French Explorers
3. English Explorers

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