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Name: Buburuan Maria-Simona

Specialitazion: Comunicare si relaii publice- ID

Present Simple and Continuous 1


1. wrong

the correct form: Oh, no! Raining again.

2. correct
3. correct
4. wrong

the correct form: He usuallz does not lisen to me.

5. wrong

the correct form: I do not want to go out tonight.

6. correct
7. correct
8. correct

the correct form: Cats hate water.

10. correct


1. Usually she starts work at 9 o'clock.

2. This summer we're going to Sweden.
3. Generally, children of Mary sleeps late.
4. Dad go to work every day.
5. The last bus leaves at midnight.
6. Raining heavily now.
7. In this area often torrential rains.
8. You understand better now?
9. This food smells like onions.
10. Kimberly's window overlooks the sea.


1. Where be your grandfather now? He work in the garden. What HE do? He dig a ditch
2. The train arriving here tomorrow at noon
3. Where is Tom now? He saw a doctor.
4. Diana loathe snakes.
5. I think he is a good man.
6. I thinking of my former classmates.
7. Mary own a beautiful estate now.
8. My students seldom doing their homework.
9. Adrianas students do their homework right now.
10. Adrianas students do their homework right now .Irina and I have dinner tonight.


1. It's raining. In England it rains often this time of year.

2. Now I realize that your friend is right.
3. Jane loves horses. Tomorrow she buys a stallion.
4. Our plane landed at 10 o'clock tonight.
5. Nowadays increasingly more teenagers commit suicide.
6. Julia is an excellent student who rarely makes mistakes.
7. Normally live in Roman, but this year live in Iasi.

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