Classification of Partially Edentulous Arches

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Classication of Partially
Edentulous Arches
Olcay akar

Classification of partially edentulous arches is

vital in order to ensure effective communication
between dental professionals and to discuss the
most suitable treatment plan for patients. Partially
edentulous arches have been classified according
to several methods. The Kennedy classification
proposed by Dr. E. Kennedy is the most widely
accepted and used classification method due to
its simplicity and ease of application, with nearly
65,000 possible combinations of partially edentulous arches. Although this system does not give
information about the condition of the teeth and
periodontal tissues, it allows easy visualization of
the arches, differentiation between free-end and
tooth-bounded partially edentulous arches, and
logical approach to design. Therefore, only
Kennedy classification is described in this book.
Additionally, a classification system (ImplantCorrected Kennedy/ICK) for partially edentulous
arches incorporating implants placed or to be
placed for an RPD is described and used. It is
proposed by Al-Johany SS. and Andres C. and
based, with modifications, on the Kennedy classification system.

O. akar, DDS, PhD

Department of Prosthodontics, Faculty of Dentistry,
Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey


Kennedy Classication

Partially edentulous arches are divided into four

Class I: Bilateral edentulous areas located posterior to the remaining natural teeth (Fig. 3.1)
Class II: A unilateral edentulous area located posterior to the remaining natural teeth (Fig. 3.2)
Class III: A unilateral edentulous area with natural teeth located both anterior and posterior to
it (Fig. 3.3)
Class IV: A single but bilateral (crossing the midline) edentulous area located anterior to the
remaining natural teeth (Fig. 3.4)

Fig. 3.1 Kennedy Class I

Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016

O. akar (ed.), Removable Partial Dentures: A Practitioners Manual,
DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-20556-4_3


O. akar


Fig. 3.2 Kennedy Class II

Fig. 3.4 Kennedy Class IV

Fig. 3.3 Kennedy Class III, at the same time, this case
can be named as KennedyApplegate Class VI according
to Applegates modification

Fig. 3.5 KennedyApplegate Class V


Applegates Modication
Classication System)

The Kennedy classification has been modified by

Applegate with the addition of two more groups.
Class V: Tooth-bounded edentulous area where
the anterior abutment is a weak (e.g., lateral
incisor) abutment that is incapable of providing support for a conventional RPD and edentulous space is long (Fig. 3.5).

Class VI: Tooth-bounded edentulous area but restoration can be a fixed partial denture, because
the edentulous space is short and abutments
are capable of providing support for a denture
(Fig. 3.3).


Applegates Rules

Certain rules have been provided by Applegate to

govern application of the Kennedy classification.
1. The classification should include only natural
teeth involved in the definitive dentures and

Classification of Partially Edentulous Arches

should follow rather than precede extraction.

(Classification is identified after extraction(s).)
2. If the third and second molars are missing and
not to be replaced, they are not considered in
the classification. But if they are present and
used as an abutment, they are considered in
the classification.
3. The main classification is determined by the
most posterior area (or areas).
4. Edentulous areas other than those determining
classification are called modification, and
the number of modification spaces is considered, not their extent (Figs. 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8).


5. Modification spaces can be included in Class

I, II, and III. Class IV can have no


Implant-Corrected Kennedy
Classication System

The new classification system was named the

Implant-Corrected Kennedy (ICK) Classification
System in order to be differentiated from other
partially edentulous arch classification systems.
This system is used with the following

Fig. 3.6 Kennedy Class I, mod. 1

1. If the edentulous space needs to be restored

with an implant-supported fixed partial denture, it is not included in the classification.
2. The maxillary arch is drawn as a half circle
facing up and the mandibular arch as a half
circle facing down. The orientation of the
drawing is doctors view, so the left and
right sides correspond to the patients right
and left, respectively.
3. The classification begins with the phrase
Implant-Corrected Kennedy (class), followed by the description of the classification.
It is abbreviated as follows:
(a) ICK I, for Kennedy Class I situations
(Fig. 3.9)

Fig. 3.7 Kennedy Class II, mod. 2

Fig. 3.8 Kennedy Class III, mod. 1

O. akar


Fig. 3.9 ICK I (#15, 25)

Fig. 3.11 ICK III mod 1 (#13, 23)

Fig. 3.10 ICK II (#14)

Fig. 3.12 ICK IV (#13, 23)

(b) ICK II, for Kennedy Class II situations

(Fig. 3.10)
(c) ICK III, for Kennedy Class III situations
(Fig. 3.11)
(d) ICK IV, for Kennedy Class IV situations
(Fig. 3.12)
4. The abbreviation max for maxillary and
man for mandibular can precede the
5. The word modification is abbreviated as
mod. and follows the abbreviation of ICK.
6. Roman numerals are used for the classification, and Arabic numerals are used for

the number of modification spaces and

7. All tooth numbering systems can be used to
give the number and exact position of the
implant in the arch. The Fdration Dentaire
Internationale (FDI) system is used in this
8. The classification is presented according to
the following order:
(a) The abbreviation of maxilla or mandible
as max and man, respectively, where
the drawing is absent
(b) Main classification

Classification of Partially Edentulous Arches

(c) The number of modification spaces as

(d) The number of implants in parentheses
according to their position in the arch
(according to the FDI numbering system)
preceded by the number sign (#) (e.g.,
ICK I mod. 2 (# 16, 27)
9. The classification can be used both before and
after placement of implants to discuss the
treatment plan or to indicate the number and
position of implants to be placed for implantassisted RPDs.

Al-Johany SS, Andres C. ICK classification system for
partially edentulous arches. J Prosthodont. 2008;17:

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