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During the Joseon Kingdom era in Namwon village North Cholla Province, there
lived a young, beautiful girl named ChunHyang, daughter of a retired courtesan. In the
same village, there lived a young, handsome man named Yi Mong Yong, he had much
literary talent and a magistrates son or son of local governor.
The two meet at a festival marking the fifth day of lunar month. Yi Mong Yong,
while strolling, saw ChunHyang, a very beautiful girl on a swing. The guy fell in love with
her at first sight. At that night, he can no longer take out of his mind the moment he saw
ChunHyang. He told his servant to figure out where the woman was living. Later, the
man visited Chunhyangs house, the ChunHyangs mother at first was reluctant due to
their differences in status in life however, later on, the mother acknowledged the
relationship of her daughter and Yi Mong Yong.
Unfortunately, Yi Mong Yong had to move to Seoul, as his father was promoted
but before leaving, he gave a promise to ChunHyang that hell be back and will marry
her at the time he will pass the States exam to become a government official. He asked
ChunHyang to wait. During that time, the young girl began living a lonely life.
Now, a new governor came into the village, surnamed Byeon. Such man is very
wicked, greedy man and fond of women. The said wicked governor saw ChunHyang,
was captivated by her and asked her to be his mistress. Expectedly, ChunHyang
refused and said he is already committed to a certain man. The governor got mad and
threatened her and put the young girl in prison.
Luckily, Yi Mong Yong passed the exam and became a secret royal inspector, so
excited to see his beloved fiance however, when he returned he heard about the news
that the new governor wanted ChunHyang to be his mistress.
In the middle of a party, the governor again asked ChunHyang to be his mistress,
the young girl was still unmoved, the governor got mad again and ordered that the
young girl be killed, fortunately, Yi Mong Yong made a surprise appearance, ChunHyang
recognized him and shed tears of joy. Yi Mong Wong punished the governor and
married ChunHyang who remained faithful to him.


Faithfulness Chunhyang is an epitome of an impeccable Confucianist

daughter and wife, who remained faithful and loyal to her loved one. A
woman that is worthy of praise.
Courage Yi Mong Yong is a very talented and brilliant man, a
courageous man who is willing to brave out all the odds just to save his
loved one.


In the Tale of Chunhyang, there was a practice called status system,

wherein a person who belongs to a high class family cannot marry another
person who belongs to a low class family.

The story also tells us about the aristocracy and tyranny. Where leaders in
a society tend to oppress and dictate the governed people against their

The story likewise tells us about the human freedom wherein the governed
people learned to resist the tyrants to fight for their freedom, loyalty,
faithfulness and the praised love between the two lovers.

1. What attitudes of the characters Yi Mong-Yong and Ch'unhyang do you really like?
Are these reflective of the psyche and temperament of the Koreans?
I like the faithfulness of Chunyang and Yi Mong-Yong that even though they are
far from each other, they remained faithful and true. And even though theres lot of
challenges that came to their way, they are still there for each one strongly and firmly
conquering those challenges. Yes, it reflects the psyche and temperament of the
Koreans because faithfulness symbolizes their human soul, mind or spirit. It also
symbolizes the aspects of individuals personality and on how they interact to everyone.
2. Were there ideas, perceptions or biases that you had believed before that have
changed now?
Yes, after reading the tale, my perceptions about Koreans changed. Before, I
thought that Koreans are selfish people, self-centered, doesnt know how to value
relationship and easily to forget people. But now, those ideas for me, is not correct
because Koreans value their relationship to others and loved others to the extent.
3. How has what youve learned now changed your thinking about Koreans?
After reading the tale, for me, Koreans are very faithful to their loved ones. They
know how to value that relationship, they are selfless, they are brave, and they will do
anything for love, when it comes to love, no one can stop them from loving that person
and they are faithful and loyal citizens.
4. Do you personally like the psyche and temperament of the Koreans? Why or why
Honestly, I dont have any background to Koreans and I really dont know them,
but when Ill base it on their actions, I like the way they show their love to other people. I

also love their loyalty and fidelity. They also show good manners and attitudes to others.
I also like on how they treat equally their nature.


My Guesses on Koreans way of responding to the challenges of MODERNITY:
My Guesses on Koreans way of responding to the challenges of MODERNITY:




In the woods or forest

Woodcutters mothers grave or tomb

The story happened in an afternoon.

Lesson or Moral
Dont fool others because maybe someday, someone will fool you back.
Always be true and be honest in all things even though it will risk your life.
Dont make good things just for yourself, share them to others. And always
be kind to all although you still didnt know the real attitude of that person
or animal.
Central Idea

The tale shows the characters of Korean people, courage and wit and filial
piety (respect for one's parents, elders, and ancestors).
Person vs. Self
The woodcutter was afraid because he thought the tiger might eat him.

Person vs. Nature

The woodcutter met a terrible tiger in the woods that is ready to eat him.

Person vs. Person

The woodcutters mothers passed away.

Person vs. Society

1. Identify the characters in the story. What roles do the characters play in the tale?
What are the characteristics of these characters that you admire / dont admire?
Woodcutter He is the one who fooled the tiger because of the fear that
he might be the tigers dinner.
I dont like his characteristic because fooling someone is not a good
thing. Sooner or later, their trust for you will fade.
Tiger She was the one who was been fooled yet made a right decision.
Every year, she gives an offering to the grave of the woodcutters mother
because all he knew is that they are brothers.
I like her characteristics because she played as a good role model
to the youth that even though you dont have your parents
anymore, you must still honor them, respect them and treasure
what theyve done in your life.

Baby Tigers They are the mother tigers children. After their mother died,
they continued what shes doing every year. They gave offerings to the
woodcutters mother.
I like their characteristics because they continued the good works
and attitudes of their mother. They also made the right thing that
will make their mother happy.

2. What particular event or circumstance in the story has contributed to the Tigers way
of looking at things in a different way? How has this new way of looking at things being
passed on to the next generation?
He thought that he is the long lost brother of the woodcutter and believed that
their mother cried when he left home. Because of this instance, every year
thereafter, on Chesa, the memorial day of the woodcutters mothers death, he
gives an offering. One year, out from the bush, three baby tigers appeared,
carrying offerings. The baby tigers knew that in this way, they will make their
mother happy.
3. What kind of conflict led the woodcutter to fool the tiger? What would be your own
way of saving yourself from danger?
It is a Person vs. Nature. It is when the woodcutter lifes was in danger because
he was afraid that maybe that day, he would soon to be the tigers dinner. For
me, I will just pray and ask God for ways on how to save my life in that very
difficult ad crucial situation. I will just commit all to Him and put my trust in Him.
4. What would you do if that sense of duty and shared destiny passed on to you is in
conflict with your own principles and beliefs in life?
I will just do it as my respect for my ancestors. I will not let my own principles and
beliefs in life ruin my connection from the past and from the people who moulded
me for who I am today.
5. Could this tale be used as basis to have a glimpse of how the Koreans at present are
coping with the challenges of modernity? Explain your answer.
Yes, because it was showed in the tale how the next generation adopted the
beliefs and traditions of their ancestors Tales like this capture fundamental values
of Korean society and its people..


1. According to the author, when should one invite a long-lost friend to his house?

According to the author, one should invite a long-lost friend to his house when
flowers at his cottage bloom.

2. When can two people speak as true good friends?

For me two people can speak as true good friends if they trust each other, true to
each other, keep secrets of each one, love each other and treat him like his own
3. How are feelings of optimism, goodness and piety shown in the poem?
The poem talked about the friendliness and the value of friendship. Although its
been a long time, they still respect and honor each other. It was written that even
though its been a long time, you are still that confident that your long-lost friend
will come back to see you again.
4. How are the words wine ripe, flowersbloomover a hundred years used to
symbolize a reality in life?
In real life, some of our friends are far from us. We cant see each other and talk
to each other every day because of overloaded works. Sometimes we can see
our friends once a year.
5. What does this poem reveal about Korean character?
Korean people are friendly, they invite their friends in their house to talk some
things and to have some bond and also they value and preserve their
relationship to each one.

1. What feelings could you identify during and after reading Shhh?
While Im reading Shhh, my heart was touched because even though his father is
very old, he still has the time to take good care of him. After reading, I was
inspired by the story because the value of their relationship as father and son is
unpayable and worth treasuring and valuing for.
2. While reading, were you able to think about your own mother or father or even
yourself when all of you would be old? What scenario can you foresee now?
Yes. When my mother and father will get old I will still be their baby girl who used
to take good care of them and will still take care of them, love them and give
some time to them.
3. Despite the challenges of modernity that all Afro Asians have tried to cope with for
many years, do you consider this contemporary selection a good way of understanding
the psyche (spirit) and the temperament (prevailing or dominant quality of mind that
characterizes someone) of the Koreans?

Yes, because this contemporary selection is very inspirational and suited for the
new generations. In the new generation right now, teenagers didnt respect their
parents anymore and it is right that we must be reminded to love and take care of
our parents.
1. (a) What blandishments does a mother use to make her five-year old child stop
crying? What blandishments does a girl make to catch a boys attention?
Blandishment means pleasing someone gently to do something. The mother
might give the baby a milk for him to stop. The girl must just be herself and be true.
1. (b) What is the belief regarding the life and death of the phoenix? Why is it a symbol
of immortality?
Phoenix is a magical bird in ancient stories. Phoenix symbolizes life and death.
According to the beliefs, only one phoenix lived at a time and it renewed itself every 500
Phoenix also symbolizes immorality because when it dies, it reborns across
cultures and throughout time.
1. (c) What is the local name of the pomegranate?
Pomegranate is a red fruit that has thick skin. Punica Granatum is its local name.
2. In Girl in the Rain, what is the girl doing? Why? In the last line, the word silly is a
noun whose archaic meaning is referred to. Refer to the glossary for the meaning of
silly, then explain the last two lines of the poem.
3. In Tree of Unhappiness, the pau-low-nia is a Korean tree.What belief about the tree
is mentioned in the poem? How does the poet show that his grief is great? that it will
last forever? What is implied in the last two lines of the poem?


4. In Korea, the pomegranate is a symbol of happiness in love. What feeling is hinted at

by the pomegranate being rained on? The persona is sitting in the pavilion. How is
he/she feeling?
5. From what you have heard others say, or from your own personal experience, what
factors may cause unhappiness between two young people in love?

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