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Initialize Population seeds

Initialize Population
Fitness evaluation
For maximum number of Iteration value
Selection: The selection is done by the following steps
The nodes with the maximum fitness are filtered out by the tournament selection.
Tournament selection is best suited for the selection of best individual.
The selection is done by taking 20 nodes at a time i.e. one population at a time.
The fitness function we use is the negative fitness function.
6) Crossover
In the crossover or recombination process we use the partial crossover.
The chromosome of 20 nodes is divided in to two parts and then these parts are
This recombination provides us the necessary dynamicity in the cluster formation.
7) Mutation
The mutation technique Single parent mutation is used in which the chromosome is
modified without the any external chromosome. This is done with the help of probability
of mutation.
8) Fitness evaluation
Fitness evaluation phase is responsible to find out the least fitted candidate nodes with the
help of, direct distance from Base station, Distance from the cluster head, Energy
remaining, and the transmission needs.
9) Go to step 4.
10) Find the individuals with minimum fitness.
11) Election of cluster heads.
12) Calculate the energy dissipated in transmission.
13) Now calculate the energy associated by each cluster head.

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