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Today, tourism is one of the largest and dynamically developing
sectors of external economic activities. Its high growth and
development rates, considerable volumes of foreign currency
inflows, infrastructure development, and introduction of new
management and educational experience actively affect various
sectors of economy, which positively contribute to the social and
economic development of the country as a whole. Most highly
developed western countries, such as Switzerland, Austria, and
France have accumulated a big deal of their social and economic
welfare on profits from tourism. According to recent statistics,
tourism provides about 10% of the worlds income and employs
almost one tenth of the worlds workforce. All considered,
tourisms actual and potential economic impact is astounding.
Many people emphasize the positive aspects of tourism as a
source of foreign exchange, a way to balance foreign trade, an
industry without chimney in short, manna from heaven. For
decades tourism industry growth has been a major contributor to
increased economic activity throughout the world. It has created
jobs in both large and small communities and is a major industry
in many places. It is the dominant economic activity in some
communities. The slogan AthithiDevoBhava which means
guests are like God truly represents the fact that Indians have

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been highly hospitable people and this trend is still present in

modern India. A guest is considered as highly revered person.
Intricate arrangements are generally made for a guest who visits
somebodys home for a holiday or other reasons. The family plans
well for the comfortable stay of a guest. More to this still the best
crockery and bed sheets are kept in store room just for the usage
of the guests. Going through a broader picture, the tourist visiting
India find our country very enigmatic. They have a quest to watch
the villagers walk on the rope, eat the butter with rotis and partake
in the ritual dance after sunset. Foreigners love India as it is a
storehouse for art, culture, dance and drama. The ethnic culture is
present in clothing which attracts several shoppers who love to
collect trinkets and serious artifacts. Responsible tourism is
conducted by way of giving the tourist the right concept in tours.
Their accommodation in government lodges and private hotels is
always a luxury. The importance to tourism is essential as they
carry the picture of our culture and hospitality. Our courteous
attitude reflects our inner self. On the economic context, foreign
currency in India can be gathered via tourism. Several tourist
spots do well throughout the year and in special seasons they
perform exceptionally well in tourism as the foreign and domestic
tourists throng the places for sightseeing or holiday trips. A trip
for any visitor has to be trouble free. With the betterment in
information & technological facilities, the stay of tourists has
become more comfortable. Taxi cabs, translation books and a
dependable guide all make the trip interesting. The hygiene
conditions in the areas are improving as well as the maintenance

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of hotels and8 tourist spots. Ministry of tourism is looking for

new ways to encourage tourism in India. It is very much essential
for a visitor to enjoy the stay and is enhanced by facilities like
road transport, guides and good hotels. Many hotels & restaurants
have multi cuisines to accommodate the choices of foreign and
domestic visitors. Tour operators have become more concerned
about tourist plans. Complete details about weather conditions,
clothes required and facilities are given to the tourists to help
them prepare for a holiday.

The person who is supposed to leave his/her hometown in order to
visit a different area for the purpose of leaving an experience of
shopping, entertaining, visiting, cultural & historical attractives
having fun and so on the condition that (subject to) she/he should
return to his/her own place, stay no longer than 12 months, make
use of a tourist activity.
A person who is supposed to leave his/her hometown (permanent
place) on temporary, basis fort he purpose of seeking new
experiences, having fun & entertaining, doing sports, seeing
cultural & historical places (attractives) etc. On the condition that
she/he should stay no less than 1 day and no longer than 12
months, make use of a tourist facility for accommodation and
spend her/his own Money trough their holiday.


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Ecotourism is ecologically sustainable tourism with a primary







environmental and cultural understanding appreciation and



Requires a moderate led of physical involvement by
participants and are less physically challenging than hard


Commonly involve a higher level of physical or rugged

involvement or a potentially greater personal challenge for
participants and the risk factor also increase

Travel directed toward experiencing the arts, heritage
and special character of unique places. Includes arts,
cultural and physical activities

1.3 Advantages And Disadvantages of tourism:


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Now -a-days, tourism is the flourishing industry. The advantages

of tourism includes employment opportunity, growth of service
sector, foreign exchange earning, opportunity for recreation,
economic growth , cultural exchange, better international
relations, enjoyment, better health and wellness.





opportunity for local people. Tourism industry is growing very

rapidly in India employing millions of people.
2. GROWTH OF SERVICE SECTOR: Services sector
engaged in tourism sector get the most out of tourism sector. A
large number of business engaged in service sector such as
airlines, hotel, surface transportation etc. Grows with the growth
of tourism industry.


destination attract a good number of foreign tourist. This helps
the country earn foreign exchange.

4. RECREATION: Travel based recreation provides relief

from the monotony of daily routine. A change in place and
climate helps a traveller to recharge mind, body and spirit

5. ECONOMIC GROWTH: Tourism helps in the

development of economy of a country. It helps in the overall
GDP development of a country. It helps the local people to earn
their livelihood. The tourist spends lavishly during vacation. The
local people engaged in assisting the tourist earn a good income.

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6. MEET NEW PEOPLE: It helps the local people to get in

touch with the people and country. It also helps building
international relation.

7. CULTURAL EXCHANGE: Tourism gives opportunity

to people of various cultures to assimilate together. People
belonging to various cultures meet together and understand each
other. This gives them an opportunity to build respect for each
other. Hence, it fosters cultural harmony.

8. HEALTH AND WELLNESS: Many people visit other

places for the purpose of getting treatment for diseases, improving
health and prevent diseases. This is called Medical and health







developmental, psychological and physical well-being. There are

many tourism destinations offering yoga, aerobics, and other
therapies for improving health and wellness.

9. FUN AND ENJOYMENT: Many people travel for fun

and enjoyment. They simply do whatever excites them, or gives
them enjoyment.

10. SPEND TIME WITH FAMILIES: The life of modern

people hectic. They are too busy in their professional life. There is
immense pressure even on children. Hence, such people plan for a
holiday trip to spend quality time with their families.


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The disadvantage of tourism includes increased expenditure, time

consuming, environmental hazards, loss of architecture and
ecological balance, increase in waste products, damage to wildlife, and disruption in socio-economic and cultural setup.
1. Tourism involves huge expenditure on part of the tourists.
Travelling costs includes vehicles hire charges, hotel and resort
rent, food cost, etc. This increase the overall spending of the
2. You need to take out few days out of your busy schedule to
visit tourist

places. Hence tourism is often time-consuming.

3. Leisure trips are good for health, mind and body. However,
hectic trips may cause stress and effect health.
4. It may also lead to environmental hazards such as
environmental pollution due to use of cigars, plastic bags.
5. In order to attract more tourists and earn more profits sprawling
resorts are built cutting down thousands of casuarinas tress beside
sea beaches.
6. These resorts destroy both scenic beauty of the place by paying
no attention to local architecture and ecology.
7. As a result of indiscrimate construction of high-rise building
and infrastructure facilities, the provision of water supply and
waste disposal facilities may get disrupted.
8. Famous tourist spots the economy of state.

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9. Damage to wildlife parks is a visible phenomenon. The ground

vegetation may suffer due to the tourists shoes. Food habits of
animals impaired
10. Due immense changes, pollution, and dirt, the landscape may
lose its scenic beauty.
11. Tourism may have damaging socio-cultural effects. Local
people demean themselves to earn more or imitate alien culture,
new lifestyles, and foreign culture, attract an inflow of residing
population. This may lead to an increase in demand for residential
houses, roads, and food for permanent population. Under such
situation, an increase in tourist activities beyond certain level may
adversely affect.

1. Green tourism: Tourism should be promoted with care. Once
the natural beauty and human -made beauties are lost, tourism
loses its charms and attraction and will collapse. The benefits of
tourism will stay only if due care is taken for the longevity and
survival of natural environment. So, today environment friendly
or green tourism are being introduced by tourism industries.
2. Avoid: Ecological imbalance and health hazards: We should
keep tourism within planned limits. Every care should be taken to
avoid ecological imbalance and health hazards.
3. Preserve: local culture and tradition: Tourism must not play
have with tradition and protected societies. New technique high

Loans extended to tourism sector

teaches communication may bring cultural setbacks, degradation

to preserved communities.


This section will show why tourism is so important to the
different organisation involved in tourism development. Each
organisation has different objectives have different objectives and
these can be classified as follows: Economic, environmental,
socio-cultural and political.

Tourism is the worlds largest industry and one of the objectives
of tourism development in economic gain. This is not a narrow
matter of tourism services making a profit. In economic term the
travel and tourism industry is able to do three key things
1. It gives vigour to economies
2. It offers People job and career prospects
3. It Stimulates development

The saying tourism destroys tourism is well known: protection of
the environment is essential in areas that are subject to damage by
tourist numbers. The main environmental objectives of tourism
are as follows:
1. Habitual preservation.
2. Regeneration and conservation of the build and natural
3. Environmental education.
4. Environmental improvements.

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You need to be aware of and understand how tourism how tourism
development can affect the lives of people who lives in the tourist
destination. Tourism brings people of different countries together
and we all need to increase our awareness and understanding of
different cultures. Tourism can generate income and ovide funds
to keep traditional cultures alive and to improve the quality of life
for the host population. The main socio-cultural objectives of
tourism development are:

To promote understandings of different cultures

To improve quality of life for the local population
To provide community facilities as well as tourist facilities
To develop a sense of pride in traditional culture and

Governments can have a influence on the patterns of
travel not only directly, through their policies but also
indirectly through their wider activities and the political
climate that they promote. Changes in the political climate
that they promote changes in the political system in Eastern
Europe, South Africa and the far East have led to greater
freedom of movement for travellers. Investment by
governments in the infrastructure of countries such as the
United Arab Emirates has also led to an increase in visitor
number and visitor spending. Beyond the economic and


Loans extended to tourism sector

environmental objectives considered above, political

objectives can include the following.
1. Enhancing the image of an area
2. Creating a regional or national identity
To promote healthy relationship among individuals who are
actively engaged in tourism related business through useful
interaction, organising regular meeting and cultural and
social activities. To set up education institution and other
institution which create an environment for offering various
course in tourism and get approval from university or other
institution for conducting such course? To Institute awards,
prises and gifts for encouraging tourism. To establish a
printing and publishing houses or other bring out
periodicals, magazines and books. To do all other lawful
acts, as are necessary for incidental to the attainment of the
aims and objectives of the society. To provide medical
insurance and other welfare schemes to tourism related
person. To accept donations in cash or in kind, grand and
collect subscription fees and other charge for the services
rendered by the society and take and raise funds by way of
loans or otherwise and the receipts shall be solely utilised
and applied towards the promotion of aim and objectives of
the society.
To encourage proactive participants and involvement by all
stakeholders including government bodies, private sector,
tourism organisation, local communities, NGOs, youth
clubs etc. At all stages of tourism life cycle. To conduct

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research on different aspects of responsible and community

based tourism, make suitable plans and strategies and
implement responsible tourism projects.

1.5. Purpose of Travel:

Primary Activities
1. Conventions
2. Consultation
3. Inspections
Secondary Activities
1. Dining out
2. Recreation
3. Shopping
4. Sight seeing
5. VFR
Visiting Friends and Relatives:
Primary Activities
1. Socializing
2. Dining in
3. Home entertainment
Secondary Activities

1. Dining out
2. Physical Recreation
3. Shopping
4. Sight Seeing
5. Urban entertainment
Other Personal Business
Primary Activities
1. Shopping
2. Religious visit
3. Medical appointment

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Secondary Activities
1. Dining out
2. VFR
Primary Activities
1. Recreation
2. Sight seeing
3. Dining out
Secondary Activities
1. VFR
2. Conventions
3. Business
4. Shopping

1.6. Impacts of Tourism

1. Positive Imapacts:
Foreign exchange earnings
Contribution to government earnings
Generation of employment
Balance of payment/ Trade account balance

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Stimulation of infrastructure investment

Contribution to local economy
2. Negative Impacts:
Opportunity cost
Enclave tourism
Seasonal character of job
Prostitution and the underground economy

India can always boast of its rich cultural heritage.
Travel and Tourism in India is an integral part of Indian
tradition and culture. In ancient times, travel was primarily

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for pilgrimage as the holy places dotting the country

attracted people from different parts of the world. People
also travelled to participate in large scale feasts, fairs and
festivals in different parts of the country. In such a
background, cultural tradition was developed where
Athithi Devo Bhava (the guest is god) and Vasudhaiva
Kutumbakam (the world is one family) became bywords of
Indian social behaviour. Since times immemorial, the rulers
in different parts of India built luxurious palaces,
enchanting gardens, marvellous temples, grand forts,
tombs, and memorials. These bear testimony to the
exquisite inheritance of this land, and are examples of
unparalleled craftsmanship of the people of the bygone
ages. The beauty of Indias cultural heritage and the
richness of natures endowments make India tourists



Nehru often


Welcome a Tourist and send back a friend. That was the

essence of Indias approach to tourism in the postIndependence era. Tourism was seen as an important
instrument for national integration and international
understanding. The dimensions of tourism changed as trade
and commerce developed. The spice trade brought India in
contact with the world more than before. The silk route
trade also opened up Indias immense cultural heritage and
natural beauty to the world outside. The establishment of
the Indian Railways by the British, modernization of the
ports, development of hill stations- all these added to the

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growth of the Indian tourism industry in the 19th and early

parts of the 20th century. The growth of modern, organized
tourism however was slow. Systematic information, even if
inadequate, has been available only during the post
Independence era. It was only after the 80s that tourism as
an industry picked up speed.

2.2.Nature and State of International Tourism in India

Today tourism is the largest service industry in India with a
contribution of 6.23% to national GDP and providing 8.78% of
the total employment in the year 2011. On an average 53 more
than 5 million foreign tourist arrivals and 562 million domestic
tourists visits are witnessed by India annually. India is ranked 68
among the worlds 139 most attractive destinations and scores
very high on natural resources (ranked 8th) and cultural resources
(24th); with 30 world heritage sites and strong creative industries
in the country. Indias air transport network is ranked 39th, the
ground transport infrastructure however remains underdeveloped
(ranked43 rd).India is ranked first with regard to tourism air
attendance. The promotional campaigns and marketing strategies
to attract tourists remain average (ranked53 rd). The World
Economic Forum study states that India also benefits from
excellent price competitiveness, ranked 6th overall, with low
ticket-taxes and airport charges along with low prices in the
economy as a whole. These rankings are based on the Travel &
Tourism Competitive Index (TTCI) 2011, which measures the
different regulatory and business related issues. Moreover, India

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has been ranked the best country brand for value for money in
the Country Brand Index (CBI) survey conducted by Future
Brand, a leading global brand consultancy in the year 2011. India
also claimed the second place in CBIs best country brand for
history, as well as appears among the top 5 in the best country
brand for authenticity of art and culture and the fourth best new
country for business. India made it to the list of rising stars or
the countries that are likely to become major tourist destinations
in the next five years, led by the United Arab Emirates, China and

Organizations Involved in Tourism

The various organizations engaged in the development of tourism
in India are: 1. Department of Tourism department is responsible
for promotion of India as a tourist destination, development of
tourism infrastructure and facilities in the country and performing
regulatory functions in the field of tourism. It has four regional
offices at Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and a sub-regional
office at Guhawati. The regional offices supervise the working of
other tourist offices situated at different places throughout the
country. The head of department is a Director General who has
under him Additional secretary and also Additional Director
General tourism and market research. To assist the Additional
secretary, a Joint Secretary and Financial Advisor are also
appointed. The department independently formulates the policies
and liases with central and state government departments and

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local bodies in discharging their duties. The area of operations of

the department are classified into various headings which include
planning and promotions; publicity and conference; travel, trade






accommodation; market research and administration. During the

course of the discharge of its duties the department of tourism
interacts with advisory committee on Indian Airlines, Indian
Board for wild life, Governing body of the Institute of Hotel
Management catering Technology and Nutrition New Delhi,
Central Advisory Board of Archaeology, Indian Tourism
Development corporation, Export Import Advisory council,
Central Post and Telegraph Advisory Council and so on.

2.3.Organisations for international tourism

1. Overseas Organizations: In order to position India as a
preferred destination in the global market, 18 offices are
established in USA, American countries, Canada and other Gulf
countries. These offices function under the supervision of a
regional Directorate office in New York, USA. A separate
Directorate of Tourism office is established in Geneva to look
after and monitor the functioning of tourist offices in London,
Paris, Frankfurt, and Brussels. Most of the overseas promotional
programs are organized with Air India and these are termed as
operation schemes.For the first time in 1968 a scheme named
Operation 59 Europe was launched to promote Indian tourism
in Europe. It was launched in partnership with Air India, which
has extended financial support to its offices across Europe. In due

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course of time, several such schemes were launched due to the

success achieved in these schemes, to give the much needed push
to Indian tourism. From a modest beginning in 1949, the tourism
has passed through several stages to reach the present stage of
national and international presence. Several expert committees,
councils and boards were appointed to study and submit their
recommendations, which have contributed to the development of
the sector.





(ITDC) India Tourism Development Corporation was

established in October 1966. ITDC performs following
activities: Construction, management and marketing of
hotels, restaurants and travelers lodges at various places
in the country. Provision of tourist publicity materials
Provision of entertainment facilities in the shape of
sound and light shows, music concerts etc. Provision of
shopping facilities in the shape of duty free shops and
Provision of consultancy cum managerial service in
India and abroad.

Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel

Management (ITTM)
ITTM was set up in January 1983 with registered office at New
Delhi. It offers different level academic courses in tourism and
travel management and related areas. It has embarked upon a
series of alternative educational courses for supervisory and grass
root level workers of the industry.

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National Council for Hotel Management and

Catering Technology
It acts as an apex body to coordinate training and research in
hotel and catering management. Its head office is in New Delhi. It
is the main agency for planning and monitoring the activities of
15 institutes of Hotel Management and 15 food craft institutes and
ensures uniformity in academic standards and procedures for
selection and admission of candidates for various courses
conducted by these institutes. 60
Tourism Finance Corporation of India Ltd.

TFCI sponsored by IFCI (Industrial Finance Corporation of
India) was set up in April 1988 and it started its functioning from
February 1, 1988. TFCI is set up with a view to provide
institutional assistance to tourism projects other than those in the
accommodation sector. In addition to the above mentioned
organizations at the central level, the state government and union
territories have their own Department of Tourism, Tourism
Development Corporations and other institutions or organizations
formed for the purpose of helping the development of tourism
industry in their areas. Besides these, various agencies such as
Department of Archaeology, International Airport Authority of
India, Indian Airlines, Vayudoot, Indian Railways, Custom
Department, Reserve Bank of India, Forest Departments,
Handloom and Handicrafts Boards and Corporations and

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Individual level agents , hotel and tour operators are engaged in

the promotion of tourism in India.


The table 3.3 below shows the peak season of foreign
tourist arrivals in India. It clearly indicates that Indias fairs and
festivals attract tourists from various corners of the world and the
period from October to March is the peak season of foreign
tourists arrivals in India.

2.4. Tourism Attractions in India:

India is a country popularly known for extending its lavish
hospitality to all visitors, no matter where they come from. Due to
its belief in the philosophy of VasudevaKutumbkam its visitor
friendly traditions, varied life styles, vast cultural heritage and
colourful fairs and festivals, it holds multiple attractions for the
tourist. The other attractions include beautiful sun drenched
bathing beaches, forests and wild life, majestic rivers, glorious
architecture, fascinating fauna and flora and beautiful landscapes

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for ecotourism, snow clad mountain peaks etc for adventure

tourism, technological parks and science museum for science
tourism, centres of pilgrimage for spiritual tourism, heritage trains
and hotels for heritage tourism, yoga, ayurveda and natural health
resorts and hill stations also attract tourists. Indian handicrafts
particularly jewellery, carpets, leather goods, ivory and brass
work are the main shopping items of foreign tourists. Despite the
economic slowdown, medical tourism in India is the fastest
growing segment of tourism industry. Factors such as low cost
scale and range of treatments provided in the country add to its
attractiveness as a medical tourism destination. The major tourist
attractions in India can be explained by dividing India into four
zones. The major tourist attractions for foreign tourists in North
India are New Delhi, Agra, Shimla and Dehradun. New Delhi is
the capital city of 63 India and has a rich cultural past. Red Fort,
India Gate, QutubMinar, Jama Masjid are the important places for
tourism in Delhi. Agra is the city of TajMahal and one of the
greatest spot for tourist attractions in India. Shimla is a splendid
hill station in the Himalayas. Dehradun, the capital of Uttranachal
is famous for its fantastic scenery. In East India the major tourist
attractions are Kolkata, Guwahati, Shillong, Patna, Jamshedpur,
Allahabad, Varanasi, Bhopal. Kolkata a heritage city and the
cultural capital of India. Many places to visit in Kolkata are
Victoria memorial, Fort William, Nanda theatre, Race Course,
National Library, Eden gardens, Botanical gardens, Allipur Zoo.
Guwahati is an important base for tourism in the region. Shillong
is the capital of Meghalaya and famous for its breath taking lush

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green landscapes. Patna is one of the oldest cities in India and

famous for its historical relics. Jamshedpur is an important
industrial township, home of Tata industries. Allahabad is the city
of Prayag and the world famous fair-Kumbhmela. Varanasi is the
most auspicious city of the Hindus, famous for its temples and
Ghats. Bhopal is the capital of Madhya Pradesh and an important
center of Tourism. In West India the major tourist attractions are
Mumbai, Panjim and Udaipur. Mumbai is the commercial capital
of India and the city that never sleeps. Panjim the capital city of
Goa is famous for its Golden beaches and pristine waters. Udaipur
is famous for its floating palaces in the middle of Lake Pichola. In
South India the most important tourist sites are Kerala, Chennai,
Bengaluru, Cochin, Trivandpuram and Ooty. Kerala, known as
Gods own country is very famous among tourists for its lush
greenery, coconut canopies and exotic beaches. Chennai is the
automobile capital of India. Bangalore the silicon valley of India
is famous for its software companies and has a pleasing weather
round the year. Trivandpurum is the city of the famous Kovalam
beach. Cochin is a coastal city famous for its historical relevance.
Ooty is a fabulous hill station in the Nilgiris famous for its
verdure valleys.


In India, Indian Association of Tour Operators (IATO)
(established in 1982) is the apex body of the tourism
industryhaving1100 members covering all segments of tourism

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industry. IATO has international acceptance, and linkages. It has

close connections and constant interaction with other tourism
associations in US, Nepal and Indonesia, where USTOA (United
States Tour Operator Association), NATO (Nepal Association of
Tour Operators) and ASITA (Association of Indonesia Tour and
Travel Agencies) are its member 64 bodies and is increasing its
international networking with professional bodies for better
facilitation to the international traveller visiting not only India but
the entire region. IATO interacts closely with all Government
Ministries/Departments, Chambers of Commerce and Industry,
Diplomatic Missions etc. on all critical issues affecting the
tourism industry in India with the highest priority to tourism
facilitation. IATO has five categories of membership: Active,
Allied, Associate, International and Honorary. All its active
members are recognized and approved by the Indian government's
Department of Tourism and should have at least three years
experience of handling international tourists to India, before being
admitted to the IATO fraternity. All IATO members observe the
highest standards of professional ethics and offer personalized
service to their clients. IATO's affairs are managed by an
Executive Committee, elected by the active members every two
years. The Executive Committee is headed by the President with a
team of six office bearers and 9 executive members. The
Executive Committee meets every month to discuss current
tourism industry and membership issues. IATO networks through
its State Level Chapters at the local level where all local issues
are handled at the appropriate level.

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2.5. Objectives:
The major objective of the study are to make geographical
investigation of tourism . Following are the specific objectives:
1. To examine the factor which are responsible for the
development of tourism in the study region.
2. To access the transportation and accommodation facility in
the study region.
3. To access the socio cultural impact of tourism upon few
tourist places.
4. To identify new locations having tourism potential and to
suggest a strategy for development of concerned tourist
5. To explore the major problems of tourist places in the study
6. To suggest a remedial measures for development of tourism
in study region.

2.6. Benefits Of Tourism:

The key benefits of tourism are economic, sociocultural, and environmental.

1. Economical Benefits:
Tourism can provide direct jobs to the community, such as
tour guides hotel housekeeping. Indirect employment is generated
through other industries such as agricultural, food production and

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retail. Visitors expenditure generates income for the local

community and can lead to the alleviation of poverty in countries
which are heavily reliant on tourism.
Economic diversification is important to areas where may
be a concentration of environmentally damaging industries such
as mining or manufacturing. Infrastructure development such as
airports, roads, schools, hospitals, and retail areas have the
potential to benefit the local community and can aid economic
development by allowing more trade and better flow of goods and
2. Social Benefits:
Tourism can bring about a real sense of pride and






characteristics of their ways of life, history and culture,

tourism can encourage the preservation of tradition which
may be at risk.
3. Environmental benefits:
Tourism provides





conservation of ecosystem and natural resource

management, making the destination more authentic
and desirable to visitors. It also adds more value to
the local tourism business.


Loans extended to tourism sector

The best option hitherto for tour and travel is the tour loan scheme
which provides for travelling now and paying later in installments
which falls easy on the middle class people. On the one hand are
the tour and travel companies of the likes of 'Cox & Kings' and
'SOTC', which have tagged up with the financial institutions to
offer tour plan on easier terms and conditions, on the hand, Banks,
apart from their old personal loan scheme have come forward
offering special tour and travel loans in the segment. There is no
doubt in it that the easy installment schemes, no matter how
attractive they appear cannot compete with the cash payment
option. For example, a trip to Malaysia or Singapore would cost
you around 45 thousand (1 dollar = 47 rupees). But when you take
the travel loan of 36 months duration, your EMI will come down
to 1600 rupees + 500 rupees processing fees. Thus the total cost
of your trip would fall around 58,000 rupees i.e. 1300 in excess
compared to the cash payment. \


Most of the companies in conjunction with the financial
institutions offer travel loan@ 16 % per annum for a period of 1236 months. Yu will have to furnish papers relating to your income
tax and residence. This loan covers Air fare, boarding expenses,
food travelling cost of the viewable places. Processing fees has to
be paid in addition. SOTC, one of the companies, introducing the
'Holiday now, pay later scheme' has tied up with Kotak Mahindra

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Bank where after the receipt of 1000 rupee of application fees

along with all the required papers, the loan processing is
completed within 72 hours. The interest rate of loan is 16% pa
while the duration is 12-36 months.
Thus along with SOTC, one tour to Europe of a duration for 10
days would cost 49900 rupees per adult. The EMI would come
down to 1742 rupees. You will have to deposit two installments in
advance. 'Cox & Kings' has a tie up with UTI Bank which
provides travel loan for a period of 12-36 months at 15 % rate of
interest. It takes 7 days to complete the processes here. Apart from
the package investment, you will have to pay 10,000 rupees per
adult as refundable deposit and the uniform processing fees of
500 rupees. Avery old travel company has started a holiday
package recently going by the name of 'Gaurav Yatra' especially
for the Guajarati-Marwari customers. In this tour made
completely vegetarian for 19 days and 18 nights, the tourists get
the opportunity of touring 10 European countries. These countries
are:1. Germany,
2. UK
3. Holland,
4. Austria,
5. Switzerland,


Loans extended to tourism sector

6. Italy,
7. France,
8. Belgium,
9. The Czech Republic and,


Some government Banks too have joined the race on account
of the expanding market of the travel segment. As for example,
Bank of India has launched the 'star Holiday travel plan' under
which, loans are paid for touring, pilgrimages and travelling
within and outside the country. The loan comprises of three
categories of amounts- 2, 5, and 10 lacks. The loan of 2 lacks is
without any security and its rate of interest is 13.25 %. The loan
of 5 lacks needs partial security and its rate of interest is 12.75 %.
And the loan of 10 lacks needs full security as its collateral the
rate of interest of which is 11.75 %. Loan covers full package
which includes the air fare, boarding cost, travelling cost of all the
viewable places of importance. The duration of the loan is for 2
years which could be extended for a period of a year in special
cases. Salaried class employees, professionals, businessmen, high
strata people, farmers, pensioners AND own Banks' employees
could avail.


Loans extended to tourism sector

In order to avail the loan from the 'ShubhYatra' scheme of Indian

Overseas Bank, total domestic income should be 1.2 lacks. The
rate of interest is 14.5 % and the maximum duration is 36 months.
Interest is charged at every reducing balance of the principal
amount. The Banks extend a payment grace period of 3 months.
Similarly, the Indian Bank has launched a special discount
package offer going by the name of 'Happy Holidays' in which,
either for treatments or for travelling in or abroad countries, loan
is provided at the rate of interest of 12.5 % pa.
Similarly, SBI has easy travel loan scheme made available for: State and Central governments employees,
Employees working in the offices of public undertakings/
semi undertakings.
Employees of reputed firms and the MNCS.
The loan amount to be sanctioned is minimum 24000 and
maximum 12 times of the one month's salary of the employees.
The rate of interest is14.5payable in 48 equated monthly
instalments. 1 % of the total payable amount is deducted as loan
processing charge.BOB (Bank of Baroda) has similar scheme for
tours and travels @ 16 % interest for duration of 3 years subject
to a maximum of 10lacks of rupees. No margin money is required
for the loan amount of 5000 rupees.



Loans extended to tourism sector

Loan without security/ guarantee: This category Apart from the

options available as stated already above, there are other options
too. There is the provision of a personal loan the Banks extends to
its account holders which could be taken to be utilised in
travelling. Some details of such loans are being given below: of
loan is available for the individuals living in metro cities between
the ages of 21-60 years whose income is minimum 1.2 lacks pa
for a duration of 1 to 3 years subject of extension in duration
under special cases. There is no need to furnish any
guarantee/security against this. Its documentation and processing
is simpler. A good credit card record is also accepted. Its greatest
shortcoming is its effective interest rate which is too much on the
higher side. Its effective rate of interest remains 18-21 %
compared to the rates of 15 % of travel loans available elsewhere.
Two EMIS are deducted at the source itself in advance. Besides,
Banks deduct 1-2 % of the total loan amount in the name of
processing fees.

Loans with securities :

To gather up funds for touring and travelling, some other better
options are by pledging the securities of the likes of the listed
shares, RBI Bonds, Banks' Fixed Deposits or gold loan. Its rate of
interests is lower-11-12 %. The loan taken as overdraft from the
Banks is rather much more flexible. You can repay this later also
in one go in place of depositing it in monthly instalments
provided you pay the quarterly interests on time. You have to pay
interests only on amounts withdrawn from your account.

Loans extended to tourism sector

3.4.What is Travel on Banks' guarantee:

You can take travel loan from a commercial Bank by furnishing
the security/collaterals equivalent to the Banks' loan amount but
this is not an easier option though.

3.5. How to get Bank Guarantees in India:

A Bank Guarantee is a guarantee from a bank in which the
Bank would fulfill the obligations of the debtor, If the debtors
fails to do so. Bank guarantees is thus a mechanism wherein a
third party performs a due-diligence and accepts responsibility ob
behalf of the debtors- for a consideration Bank guarantees are
part of doing business and is required for various business
transactions. In this article, we look at the bank guarantees in
India and the procedure for obtaining bank guarantee

Bank Guarantee Overview

Bank guarantee guarantee an amount of money to a
beneficiary if the bank guarantee applicant does not fulfill
the conditions in a contract. Bank Guarantee are mainly
used to insure a buyer and seller from loss or damage due
to nonperformance by the other party in a contract.


Loans extended to tourism sector

Types Of bank Guarantee:

There are various types of Bank Guarantees as
follows and each is used for a specific type of
Performance Guarantee
Performance guarantee is used as collateral in transaction
involving a buyer and seller. A performance guarantee is
typically involved if the buyer incurs cost and the seller
does not deliver goods or services as promised in the
contract. To invoke a performance, the beneficiary is
generally required to declare in writing that the seller did
not fulfil his or her contractual obligations properly or on
Bid Bond Guarantee
Bid bond guarantees are typically used in tenders to
ensure that the winning bidder undertakes the contract as
per the terms of their winning bid. In case a winning
bidder does not perform the tender requirements as
stipulated, then the tender issuer can invoke the bank
guarantee and fully or partially forfeiture the aount.
Therefore, bid bonds are used to ensure the winning
bidder perform as per the tender after winning the tender.
Financial Guarantee

Loans extended to tourism sector

Financial guarantee is an undertaking from a bank to take

responsibility for another companys financial obligations
if that company does not meet its responsibility. Financial
guarantee are mostly given between two related parties,
i.e., a partner company providing financial guarantee to a
subsidiary company.
Advance Payment guarantee
An advance payment guarantee is used to protect the
protect the advance payment made by a buyer to a seller.
In case the seller fails to deliver goods or services as per
the terms and conditions of a trade transactions, then the
buyer can invoke the advance payment guarantee to
recover full or partial advance payent made to the seller.
Advance payment guarantees are udes in international
trade transactions and domestic transaction wherein large
advances payment are made to a vendor.
Foreign Bank Guarantee
Foreign bank guarantee are used in international trade.
Foreign bank guarantees are those guarantee issued for
the benefit of a foreign beneficiary.
How To Get Bank Guarantee In India


Loans extended to tourism sector

Banks in India issue guarantee in return for a

guarantee fee. Prior to providing bank guarantee, the
banker will under take a diligence applicant and may also
request fo collateral security. The following are some of
the documents required by a bank to process a bank
guarantee applicant.






Memorandum relating to charge over fixed deposits

duly stamped ( Franking as per respective State
Stamp Act)
Bank Guarantee tax.
Board Resolution for Private Limited Company

4.1. Introduction: key figures and statistics
The tourism sector in India has the potential to induce sustainable






innovational mechanism and conducive policy environment,

tourism can be the backbone of our country.According to 12 five

Loans extended to tourism sector

years plan, India has tremendous untapped potential to attract

foreign and domestic tourist, and is well assessed for its natural







infrastructure. However, India lacks behind drastically in some

key parameters like safety and security, health and hygiene which
prove to be detrimental to the countrys image. As can be seen
from the table, there is still immense ground to cover in terms of
creating a conducive policy and infrastructure for tourism to

4.2. Growth in foreign tourism of yes bank

1. Expand implementation of clean Indian Campaign, rapidly
develop public utilities and emenities.
2. Measures for safety and security of tourists, especially female
travelers. Ministry led aggressive campaign to mitigate the
negative perceptions.
3.Resolve taxation bottlenecks.
4. Increase the Bandwidth of Visa on arrivals ( VOA).
5. Aggressively promote MICE.
YES BANK , Indias fourth largest private sector Bank, is the
outcome of the professional and entrepreneurial commitment,
vision and strategy of its Founder Rana Kapoor and his top
management team, to establish a high quality, customer centric,


Loans extended to tourism sector

service driven, Private Indian bank catering to the future

businesses in India.
YES BANK has adopted international best practices, the highest
standards of service quality and operational excellence and offers
comprehensive banking and financial solutions to all its valued
customers. YES BANK has knowledge driven approach to
banking and superior customer experience for all its retail,
corporate and emerging corporate banking clients. YES BANK is







professionals bank of India with the uncompromising Vision of

Building the best quality bank in the world in India by 2020

4.3. Increasing inbound tourism share

The government of India has an ambitious target of increasing
foreign arrival growth from the existing 8 percent to 12 percent
annual growth by 2017. The tourism infrastructure and skilled
manpower are major areas of concern. AS per current estimates,
nearly 2.8 million employees for hotel, creating a short fall of 2.7
million employees in the tourism sector.
An important point to consider while looking at the tourist figure
growth is also to look at the purpose of travel. It has to be
observed that while the tourist arrivals are experiencing positive
growth, the percentage of the pure tourist , or tourist coming in
for leisure and Recreation account for less than one-third of the
total arrivals, the figures being dominated by Visiting Friends and

Loans extended to tourism sector

Relatives (VFR) and business Traveller categories. For Tourism to

aggressively grow as a sector , it is imperative that we increase
the share of leisure Traveller coming into the country.

4.4. Meeting the demands for tourism Industry

While a slew of measures are being undertaken to increase
foreign tourist arrivals into the country, equal attention needs to
be given to the

Domestic Tourism Segment, which is an

important contributor to the Tourism sector . In 2012 domestic

tourist grew bt nearly 20% to 1,036 million . In addition to
revenue generation , domestic tourism is great enabler of socialcultural harmony and national integration.
With increasing disposable incomes, modernized lifestyles and be
tter life quality, the leisure and recreation segment in tourism has
emerged as the biggest attraction for the domestic tourist in recent
years. Tourism has become source of rejuvenation to the urban mi
ddle class city dwellers. With more studies showing that children
are better off with quality time spent in parents company, the strat
a is becoming more prone to short but multiple holidays. The requ
irement is evolving around varied destinations along with afforda
bility and connectivity.










domestic tourist is also changing. While religious and social visits

will always remain the biggest
reason for domestic travel, now cross cultural exchange between

Loans extended to tourism sector

destinations are more commonwith Indians realizing the options o

f tourism products that the sheer geographical and cultural
diversity of India offers.

4.5. Leveraging outbound tourism

The robust economic growth that the country has observed during
the past two decades can be attribute to the rise in number of
outbound travellers. To leverage outbound tourism south and
South Eastern Asian countries, like Singapore , Thailand,
Malaysia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka are offering travel packages at
highly competitive price points, often under cutting domestic
packages like Goa, Kerala, Andaman and Nicobar and
Another interesting aspect to note here is that while relatively
expensive destinations in Europe and America are not very
attractive to the individual tourist, these are being developed as
MICE Destinations along with Australia and South Africa.

The tourism industry is overtly burdened with multiple, and somet
imes overlapping taxes. Apart
from Service Tax, product operations often entails taxes like enter
tainment tax, GST , some of which

Loans extended to tourism sector

are an unnecessary burden, and become an entry barrier for potent

ial entrepreneurs. There is an
urgent need to relax tax barriers in the sector. Some specic reco
mmendations on this aspect are as under.
Relook at the Service Tax structure on FOREX in Tourism

Avoid duplication of service tax in intra-

sector service exchanges, e.g. tour operator to tour

operator, tour operator to transport operator etc.











consolidated package is being paid.

CENVAT credit should have abatement option.

Visa On Arrival (VOA) and e-Visa

The visa procedure of any country play a major role in
determining the tourist footfalls. The Government, during the
past few years, has laudably introduced a slew of new
initiatives and extended the band of countries coming under
the VOA regime. However, if we are to realistically look at
achieving the target of 10 percent growth in FTAs, this band
needs to be extended even further. Through aggressive joint
efforts from the MEA, MHA, and MOT. Trained workforce is
required to explain rule and procedure s, disseminate
information and resolve queries both for the traveller as well
as the industry.


Loans extended to tourism sector


Safety & security play an important role to make India a global tou

rism power house. While the

Chamber agrees that we have a long way to go to ensure safety fo
r each and every citizen and guest
of the country, it strongly believes that aggressive and innovative
advertising and campaigning, akin
the Incredible India campaign, should be carried out to mitigate th
e adverse negative perception.
Some suggestions by the chamber to improve the safety ecosyste
m are as under
Plans of the Government of India to deploy exservicemen and reintroduction of Tourist Police needs to be reexamined. The states should be able to fund this with policy guida
nce from the Centre.

Safe and Honourable Tourism needs to be promoted through the

communities. We can
expect positive change if and only if the community is involved as
an active stakeholder.
More women tourist guides need to be trained.

4.8. Policy Enrichment, Emerging Avenues and Niches


Loans extended to tourism sector

The Government has identied tourism as one of the sunrise secto

rs for India which can serve the
dual purpose of not only earning foreign exchange as well as disp
osable domestic income but also
boosting inclusive growth. Tourism has remained one of the main
stays of Indian economy and acted
as an instrument of economic development and employment gene
ration, particularly in remote and
backward areas. Rich history and cultural and geographical divers
ity make India internationally appealing and diverse.

In the past few years, as visitor numbers have grown in both the d
omestic and international segments, new niches in Tourism like A
dventure Tourism, Agritourism, MICE have emerged,
there is an urgent need to a comprehensive development and mana
gement framework to
ensure last mile benets are delivered and there is sustainability in
growth of these avenues.

In the initial stages, it is imperative that these niches be classied

through short, medium and long term strategies so that appropriat
e focus on each avenue is given a suitable time period. Market Re
search and Tourism statistics including Tourism satellite accounts
may prove to be effective tools for policy formation at National, R
egional and Local levels. International professional agencies may


Loans extended to tourism sector

be deployed to collect more realistic data on various tourism para


Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Expositions









particularly meetings, as almost 19 per cent of total

International meetings are shared by Asia while it has only 10 per
cent of organizations (i.e.
MICE buyers) which have its Headquarters in Asia (International
Congress and Convention Association, ICCA).
It indicates that Asia has tremendous potential as a MICE supplier
and India may take a leaf out of its
South East Asian counterparts by creating adequate infrastructure
to attract more meetings and
exhibitions. Incidentally, Foreign exchange earnings through MIC
E tourism are more than double as
compared to earning through FTA, estimated to be around Source
While both the Government and Industry acknowledge MICE as t
he next big niche in Tourism, there
is still a lot of untapped potential. There are two major reasons for
this, one, while we do have a few

Loans extended to tourism sector

world class convention centres on offer, there is a need to improve

accessibility and peripheral
infrastructure and offerings, especially with respect to post confe
rence activities.
Secondly, a dedicated marketing and promotion strategies targeted
especially to MICE clientele.


Tourism: Although the Government has acknowledged the impor

tance of indigenous
tourism models as holistic solution to face development challenge
s, and various schemes
have been launched by both the Ministry of Tourism and the state
tourism departments,
there is still a lack of consolidated structure to guide village or co
mmunity entrepreneurs and
more importantly, build up condence to make a foray into a relat
ively uncharted territory.
The current policies are very basic and theoretical in nature, whic
h alienates them from on ground
scenarios, making execution strategies difcult to implement. No
w that there are successful models
running in the country, it might prove to be benecial to revisit th
e frameworks in their light and bridge the lacunae.
It is important to note here that agritourism is not just limited to fa
rms or eld, but encompasses the
entire cultural experience of the locale, as well as deriving offsho

Loans extended to tourism sector

ots like adventure activities, unique

products specic tourism like, Tea Tourism.
Agri tourism models are very popular in the United States, where
a sizeable chunk of urban
population often conducts functions and festivities in farmhouses;
in certain cases the incom from
tourism often exceeds farm income.

1. Features and Benefits of Kotak Mahindra Bank
Travel Loan
Attractive interest rates
Flexible repayment options
Bank Doorstep Service
Gain quick approval on loans


Loans extended to tourism sector

Minimal paperwork and hassle free processing

No security or collateral required.
2. When it comes to interest rates offered by Kotak Mahindra
Bank, it offers you with the attractive interest rates on travel
loan. It ranges from 11.5% to 24%
3. To avail the Travel loan in Kotak Mahindra Bank, you need to
fit into the below eligibility criteria.

Age of applicant
Years in city
Total work experience
Net monthly income
Residence telephone
Minimum educational

21 years-58 years
Minimum 1 year
Minimum 2 years
Rs. 25,000
Resident Indian employed at a Public Ltd
co./ MNC/ large Pvt. Ltd co.

4. Term of the loan ranges from 12 months-60 months.

5. The loan amount can be taken between Rs. 50,000-Rs.15 Lakh
6. Documents Required for Kotak Mahindra Bank Travel Loan

Application Form
1 photograph
Address Proof

Salaried Individuals
passport/ telephone bill (bsnl /mtnl)/

Loans extended to tourism sector


Identity Proof

Address (Residence) Proof

Age Proof
Signature Proof
Income Details
Bank Account Statements
Ownership Proof

Salaried Individuals
license/ election id card/ photo-credit card
(with last two month statements)
Passport Copy/ Voters ID card/ Driving
License PAN card, Aadhar Card, Overseas
Citizen of India card, Person of Indian
Origin card
Valid Passport, Voters ID card, Food
Card (Ration Card),Latest IT Return,
Telephone/Electricity Bill
PAN Card, Passport copy
PAN Card, Drivers Licence, Passport
copy, Bankers attestation of Bank
Account Statement
Last 3 months payslips and Form 16
For the last 6 months
Electricity Bill, Water Bill, Sales Deed,
Receipt of Tax paid

7. The travel loan amount is transferred in the bank account.

8. Kotak Mahindra Bank Loan Statement

If you have taken Kotak Mahindra Bank travel loan, it is obvious
that you also want to get the monthly statements for the same.
Dont worry, with Kotak bank, you will surely get your monthly
statements on a regular basis. With these statements, it is easy to
check and monitor each and every activity related to your loan.
Now, you dont have to call the bank or visit the branch near you
so as to get your statements. They will automatically reach to
your inbox, giving detailed information of your home loan


Loans extended to tourism sector


Loans extended to tourism sector

In conclusion, this is a wonderful economic contribution to

todays economy. It is a great way for people to spend their
money and for cities to attract other people. In doing so, cities
across the world attract millions of dollars just so foreigners get
the chance to experience life in a new place. I hope to do much
travelling myself because I believe it to be a wonderful way of
living life to the fullest. Experiencing culture, religion, foods,
sports, entertainment shows, and general ways of life in a new
place is a great way to live life to the fullest. I one day hope I
could open a hotel chain myself and attract many visitors to new
cities.I want to travel the world and once I am free of the
responsibility of raising children I want to spend two consecutive
years just travelling the world. I want to see all of Europe, and get
to know a lot of South America and Asia.During my retirement I
hope to use all the wealth I obtained in my life by helping out the
less fortunate. I am always disappointed and down-hearted after
hearing of African mall-nutrition or weak relief efforts after
catastrophes like Hurricane Katrina. I think my most useful goal
is to one day start a program where those with needs get it from
those with too many goods that have been taken for granted.
We can conclude that the financial sector is a nerve system of
Indian economy. For steady growth in economy innovations and
development in financial sector is very important.
. The banks should focus on-Launch Innovative product

Loans extended to tourism sector

-Customized advance products

-Better customer services
-Fastest customers problem solving techniques
-Customer retention
Since both the banks are competing equally with each other.But
SBI bank is little bit below the line in young customer handling
when compared to ICICI bank. The ICICI bank is little bit below
the line in concentrating on Loan & advances products & services
then to SBI bank. But SBI should be considering more reliable
because of public sector bank & because of its various schemes.


Loans extended to tourism sector

Comparison between SBI & ICICI Dr. Anurag. B.
Singh, Ms. Priyanka Tandon


Loans extended to tourism sector


1. What are the features of Kotak Mahendra Bank

Travel loan?
Attractive interest rates
Flexible repayment options
Bank Doorstep Service
Gain quick approval on loans
Minimal paperwork and hassle free processing
No security or collateral required.

2. What is the rate of interest on travel loan?

The rate on interest on travel laon ranges from 11.5 % to 24%

3. What is eligibility criteria to avail the travel


Age of applicant
Years in city
Total work experience
Net monthly income
Residence telephone


21 years-58 years
Minimum 1 year
Minimum 2 years
Rs. 25,000

Loans extended to tourism sector



Minimum educational
Resident Indian employed at a Public Ltd
co./ MNC/ large Pvt. Ltd co.

4. How long is the term of the loan?

Term of the loan ranges from 12 months-60 months

5. Is there any limit on amount on loan to be taken?

Yes their is limit on the amount of the loan to be taken. The loan
amount can be taken between Rs. 50,000-Rs.15 Lakh.

6.Which documents are required to take travel loan?


Salaried Individuals

1 photograph Required
passport/ telephone bill (bsnl/mtnl)/ electricity bill/
title deed of property/rental agreement/ driving
license/ election id card/ photo-credit card (with last
two month statements)
Passport Copy/ Voters ID card/ Driving License
PAN card, Aadhar Card, Overseas Citizen of India
card, Person of Indian Origin card
Valid Passport,Voters ID card,Food Card (Ration
(Residence) Card),Latest IT Return, Original Letter from
Company,Telephone/Electricity Bill
Age Proof PAN Card, Passport copy

Loans extended to tourism sector



Salaried Individuals

PAN Card, Drivers Licence, Passport copy,

Bankers attestation of Bank Account Statement
Last 3 months payslips and Form 16
For the last 6 months

Electricity Bill, Water Bill, Sales Deed, Receipt of

Tax paid

7. which method is used to give loan?

The method that are used to give loan are traveller cheque , bank
transfer and other methods.

8. Is their any services of monthly statementsfor the

travel loan?
If you have taken Kotak Mahindra Bank travel loan, it is obvious
that you also want to get the monthly statements for the same.
Dont worry, with Kotak bank, you will surely get your monthly
statements on a regular basis. With these statements, it is easy to
check and monitor each and every activity related to your loan.
Now, you dont have to call the bank or visit the branch near you
so as to get your statements. They will automatically reach to
your inbox, giving detailed information of your home loan


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