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Learning Target
Write down the learning target below:

The learning target is:

Full MLA Citation



The Scarlet Letter: Ch. 1-3

Guiding/Essential Questions:
do slut-shaming

and double-standards affect women in American society?

do our actions
define us?
does Hawthornes

use of symbolism add another layer of meaning to the novel?

can literaturetell us about human nature?

What does the text say?


What does the text

mean? Why does it matter?
(connect your reasoning to the EQ)

(Words that repeat a lot, that you dont know, or that you think others might not know)

Scaffold Summary:
(1-3 sentence recap)

Analytical paragraph.
Construct a paragraph that makes a claim about one of the guiding questions (above). Integrate two pieces of
textual evidence from chapters 1-3 from the novel into your paragraph to support your claim. Use the Response to
Literature template here or the Academic Language Frames here to help you. 150-200 words minimum.

Rate yourself on how well you participated and met the learning target (at the top of this page) on a scale of 1 to 8.

7-8 means...
I contributed thoughtful ideas
without dominating the
I discussed many points of
relevant evidence from notes
or text
I built upon the discussion by
asking questions and pointing
to new evidence

5-6 means...
I contributed several ideas to
the conversation

I contributed some ideas

to the conversation

I may have posed questions

to move the discussion

I discussed some points

of evidence from text or

I discussed relevant points of

evidence from notes or text

I restated parts of the

discussion I heard

I identified multiple details

from the discussion

My notes are partially


My notes are thorough with

My notes are complete
Its okay to be honest.
evidence of additional thought
We all have off days.
or connections

I earned a ___ because

3-4 means...

1-2 means...
I contributed at
least one idea to
the conversation
I may or may not
have discussed
evidence that may
or may not be
My notes are

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