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Arrival Pt. IV
Text Title Chapter Title
EQ / Claim
What does the
text show? Describe the image.

What does the
text mean?

According to the author ____ (Tan Part III).

In this picture, the author is implying that ___ because ___.

The image directly shows ____ (Tan Part I).

The picture illustrates the idea of ___ because ___.

The layout of the image is ____ (Tan).

In this section, the author uses ___ to show

The author uses the color ____ to show ____.

The picture is reinforcing the idea of ___ because ___.

In Part __ of the story is an image of ____.

The detail clarifies why

The author uses ___ in Part ___.

In my opinion, this image represents

The size of ___ is ___ compared to ___.

The picture of ____ represents ____ because ___.


The Arrival: Part IV

Guiding/Essential Questions: How does Shaun Tan use images to create meaning in his
graphic novel?
and Ambiguity...also: INFER/INFERENCE
Describe the image
(min. 50 words)

Explain what the image represents/means in words
(min. 50 words)

Analytical paragraph:
Construct a paragraph that makes a claim about one of the guiding questions (above). Integrate two pieces of
textual evidence from the graphic novel into your paragraph to support your claim. Use the CCEE chart here and
the Academic Language Frames here to help you. 150-200 words minimum.
It is well-known that
In Part __ of The Arrival, Shaun Tan
Shaun Tans graphic novel is about
In his graphic novel, Tan uses ___ instead of words to convey
There are many ambiguous images in ___. For example,
___ connects to ___ because ___. For example,
Tan uses ___ to connote the idea of ___. For example, ...

Word Count:

Throughout his book, Tan uses symbolism to

One way the author conveys ___ is ...
One key to understanding ___ is ___.
A comparison of ___ and ___ reveals ___.
In the image ___, ___ represents ___ because ___.
___ represents ___.
By looking closely at ___, we can infer ___.

Creative Title
Start typing your analytical paragraph

Rate yourself on how well you participated and met the learning target (at the top of this page) on a scale of 1 to 8.

7-8 means...
I contributed thoughtful ideas
without dominating the
I discussed many points of
relevant evidence from notes
or text
I built upon the discussion by
asking questions and pointing
to new evidence

5-6 means...
I contributed several ideas to
the conversation

I contributed some ideas

to the conversation

I may have posed questions

to move the discussion

I discussed some points

of evidence from text or

I discussed relevant points of

evidence from notes or text

I restated parts of the

discussion I heard

I identified multiple details

from the discussion

My notes are partially


My notes are thorough with

My notes are complete
Its okay to be honest.
evidence of additional thought
We all have off days.
or connections

I earned a ___ because

3-4 means...

1-2 means...
I contributed at
least one idea to
the conversation
I may or may not
have discussed
evidence that may
or may not be
My notes are

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