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Energy and Productivity
Energy Flow in an Ecosystem
Material Cycles in an Ecosystem


When we consider an ecosystem, we must describe the flow of energy and the
cycling of nutrients. That is, we are interested in things like how much sunlight is
trapped by plants in a year, how much plant material is eaten by herbivores, and
how many herbivores are eaten by carnivores. The two ecological processes of
energy flow and mineral cycling involving interaction between the physicochemical environment and the biotic communities may be considered the 'heart'
of ecosystem dynamics. In an ecosystem, energy flows in non-cyclic manner
(unidirectional) from sun to the decomposers via producers and macro
consumers (herbivores and carnivores), whereas the materials keep on moving
in a cyclic manner.

The productivity of an ecosystem refers to the rate of production, i.e., the amount
of organic matter accumulated in any unit time. It is of following types
1. Primary productivity. It is defined as the rate at which radiant energy is
stored by photosynthctic and chemosynthetic activity of producers. Primary
productivity is of following types:
(i) Gross primary productivity. It refers to the total rate of photosynthesis
including the organic matter used up in respiration during the measurement
period. GPP depends on the chlorophyll content. The rate of primary productivity
are estimated in terms of either chlorophyll content as chl/g dry weight/unit area
or photosynthctic number, i.e., amount of CO, fixed/g chl/hour.

(ii) Net primary productivity. It is the rale of storage of organic matter in

plant tissues in excess of the respiratory utilization by plants during the
measurement period.
2. Secondary productivity. It is the rate of energy storage at consumer's
levels herbivores, carnivores and decomposers. Consumers tend to utilise
already produced food materials in their respiration and also convert the food
matter to different tissues by an overall process. So, secondary productivity is not
divided into 'gross' and 'net' amounts. Due to this fact some ecologists prefer to
use the term assimilation rather than production at this level - the consumers
level. Secondary productivity, in fact, remains mobile (i.e., keeps on moving from
one organism to another) and does not live in situ like the primary productivity.
3. Net productivity. It is the rate of storage of organic matter not used by the
heterotrophs or consumers, i.e., equivalent to net primary production minus
consumption by the heterotrophs during the unit period as a season or year, etc.


Photosynthesis (or phototrophism) is the process by which light energy from the
sun (insolation), is absorbed by plants, blue-green algae and certain bacteria. It
is then used to produce new plant cell material, which forms the food source for
plant eating animals (herbivores).
Plants which are able, through the process of photosynthesis, to convert light
energy and inorganic substances (carbon dioxide, water and various mineral
nutrients) into organic (carbon based) molecules, are called phototrophs or
autotrophs (self-feeders).
In a plant, most photosynthesis is carried out by the leaves, and in order for the
process to occur they must contain chlorphyll, which is able to absorb enerfy
from sunlight. The plant also requires carbon dioxide, from the atmosphere, and
water from the soil. As a result of the process, and carbohydrates are produced.
6CO2 +
carbon dioxide

12 H2O

+ 6O2 + 6H2O
glucose oxygen

The energy produced by photosynthesis will pass through the food chains and
food webs of an ecosystem, with some of it being stored as chemical energy in
plant and animal tissue. Some of it will be lost from the system, as respiration
(heat energy) and excreta products. The total amount of energy lost, from all the
trophic levels in an ecosystem through respiration, forms the community
respiration. Energy is lost at each level in the food chain, with the average
efficiency of transfer from plants to herbivores being about 10 per cent, and
about 20 per cent from animal.
As a result of the loss of energy at each transfer between trophic levels,
ecosystems are usually limited to three or four trophic levels. The actual number
will depend upon the size of the initial autotrophy (producer) biomass, and the
efficiency of energy transfer between the trophic levels.


The nutrients, or elements used by all organisms for growth and reproduction,
are termed essential elements or macronutrients, and include carbon (C),
hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), sodium (Na), sulphur
(S), chlorine (Cl), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg). Other
elements called trace elements or micronutrients, including iron (Fe), manganese
(Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn) and cobalt (C0), are also required, but in smaller
quantities. Some organisms also require molybdenum (Mo), slica (Si), and boron
The nutrients required by plants are obtained as inputs either from the
atmosphere through various gaseous cycles or in precipitation, or from the soil
via the weathering of parent rock, through several biogeochemical or
sedimentary cycles. The two types of cycle are interrelated, as nutrients pass
from abiotic nutrient stores, such as the soil and the atmosphere, into biotic, plant
and animal stores (the biomass). The nutrients are then recycled, within the
ecosystem, following death and decomposition. Nutrients are lost, as outputs, by
surface runoff, leaching through the soil profile or material.

The following cycles are illustrated through the self explanatory diagrams.

Carbon Cycle
Oxygen Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Phosporus Cycle
Sulphur Cycle






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