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Quality refers to the parameter which decides the
superiority or inferiority of products.
So TQM is the structured approach taken by an
organization to install or build a permanent climate in
which organization can continuously improve the
quality of product and services by reducing or
eliminating rejection and wastage. TQM improves the
ability of the organization to provide a high-quality
product to the customers.
It describes the culture, attitude and goal of an
TQM improves the ability of the organization to provide
a high-quality product to the customers which ensure
long-term customer loyalty and customer satisfaction.
It can be applied to any type of organization. It was
originated from the manufacturing sector and adopted
by every industry.
TQM also helps HR people to ensure that every single
employee is working towards organization goal or not.
TQM ensure that employees are up-to-speed with their

Steps in TQM

Problem Identification is the most important phase

in TQM. in this phase employee have to come with
their problems and queries which need to be




eliminated. In this employees collect relevant data

and the main cause of the problem.
Solution Development provides a logic solution of
the problem by analysing problem root cause. Here
employee comes up with many solutions.
Solution Analysis compares the various solution to
determine the best solution this solution determine
process is also based on some future estimated
results so that implemented solution does not
create any problem in future.
Solution Implementation or Acting phase makes
employee prepare final decision and implement an
efficient solution to eliminate the problem.

Principles of TQM.
1. Produce quality work: It means that process
used for manufacturing or producing products or
services should be improved or quality is to be
built into the process. This improvement can
reduce manufacturing defect and time. Continuous
improvement should be measured in order to
ensure the efficiency of the process.
2. Focusing on Customer: Product or services
should be designed in such a way so that it can
meet or exceeds the customer satisfaction. Due to
TQM, there is continuous improvement in the
quality of product or services which directly
increases customer loyalty and customer
3. Logic approach for improvement: We should
know why we are implementing or improving
product or services, process or structure in a logic

way. We should know which part of the

organization is to be improved and why.
4. Continuous Improvement: Improvement
should be kept on-going in an organization. After
solving one problem or improving the quality of
product or services move to another.
5. Employee Motivation and Training: After
completing work or solving problem for one
department employee should be motivated in a
positive way. During the implementation of TQM,
we can easily determine the performance of an
employee and further we can decide he/she need
training or not.

Challenges faced during the

implementation of TQM.

Lack of funds.
Decentralisation of production management.
Resistance to change by major stakeholder.

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