Winter 2016

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ch ng Agency ‘Winter 2016 Dear Praying Friends and Farnily, Ifthe past year and nine months can be characterized by a few words, they would be learning, challenges, Uncertainty, and Providence. Of course, we faced the expected challenges of learning the culture and lan- guage, and God provided people to help us meet and overcome those challenges (though we will aways be leaming more!). The challenge we did not expect was to have al of our plans for ministry disintegrate within six months of arriving on the field and be left thinking, ‘Okay, God, You brought us here. Now what?” The following year was one of uncertainty, as we received meny gracious invitations from our col leagues here in Brazil and vsited many different ministries in diverse regions of the country. Now, having settled on a ministry, we look back and see God's providential hand at work in even the most cifficut sit Uations through which we have passed. After what seers lke a very long time of waiting, in the begin- ring of January we will be moving tothe city of Belém in Northem Brazil to help re-open a much-needed Bible college and plant churches. On our biog ( you can find a video that describes the ministry and gives more detail about how God directed us there. Classes will begin at the end of Febru- ‘ary, we ask you to pray forthe professors as they are preparing their class material and for the students who plan to attend, Since March we have had the privilege to work with Mark and Anita Swedberg and Pastor Arthur and his wife Brazilians) in a church on the west side of Sdo Paulo. They let us jump into teaching and all sorts of ministries with our fresh-out-of-anguage-school Portuguese. We began working with the youth group in the late summer just before Pastor Arthur's daughter was bom. One of the most encouraging things ‘we have seen this year has been watching the spiritual growth of one of the young men and seeing the power of God's Word at work in his life. This young man came out ofa Pentecostal church to ours simply by reading the Scriptures. This fal the teens have been working through a study on holiness. On the way home from youth group, this young man commented how that week's reading had encouraged him that even “in a culture where immorality is expected, I can be holy.” We praise the Lord for how He uses His Word to change people's hearts and lives! ‘tthe begining of Noverber we celebrated Chloe's second bihday, That same day we moured the passing of Brandon's grandfather into eternity. While rejoicing that he is with his Savior, we feel the unex- pected loss and are thankful we could be with the family for his memorial service. We retumed from the States on November 26th and are now running to catch up and be ready for our move in the beginning of January. ‘As always, we thank God for you all and for your faithful prayers on our behalf Praise the Lord for: Please Pray For: his provision and direction ~ Our move: in the next few weeks, we need to pack ~ His Word that works in hearts. tp our house and have t painted, resume our ‘Our eternal hope and consolation in Christ. preaching and teaching ministries in the church ~ Providing a temporary place to live as soon as we here in Sao Paulo, and all the while keep a getto Belém. ‘two-year-old from feeling neglected, Pastor Reubens, the academic administrator of the school, as he is also preparing to move his family to Belém, The corning semester, the professors’ prepara tions, and the renovations of the campus. (Our suppor leve: the cost of our health insurance Keep running (1 Cor. 9:24)! will be increasing by 12% this coming year. In Christ, Fe Le lj len Brandon & Emily (and Chloe) Carmichael

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