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Children’s Eating Behavior Inventory (CEBI) Time 15 minutes ‘Ages 2-12 Time Frame Not specified Purpose Assessment of eating behavior. Commentary ‘The CEBI was constructed to assess cating and mealtime ‘problems for which no instrument was available at that time. I was developed according toa framework based on a transactional and systemic understanding of parent-child relationships. Versions ‘The Children’s Eating Behavior Inventory (CEBI) is only available as a parent-report form. Properties tems ‘The CEBI comprises 40 items that are rated on 4 5-pointseale with responses: never, seldom, sometimes, often, and always, In addition, respondents are asked whether the behavior assessed in each item isa problem for them rated on a 2-point scale with responses: yes, and Seales The items of the CEBI are scored on the total ‘ating problem score, which isthe simple sum of the ‘atings ofall items, and on the numberof items to be perceived as a problem, which is the count of yes Tesponses, bur can aso be expressed as a percentage. 108 Reliability Test-retest correlations across a 4- to 6- week interval were 0.87 for the otal eating problem score, and 0.84 forthe percentage of items perceived to be a problem in a group of clinical and normal children. Cronbach's alphas ranged from 0.58 t0 0.76 in four subgroups of children, Validity Total cating problem scores were significantly higher fora clinical group than for a non-clinical group. ‘The proportion of items that was perceived to be a problem was aso higher for the clinical group than for the non-clinical group. Norms Based on the percentage of items perceived to bea problem, a cutoff value of 16% is indicative of having an eating problem. Use No supplementary materials available, Key references ‘Archer LA, Rosenbaum PL, Streiner DL. The Children’s Eating Behavior Inventory: Reliability and validity results J Pediatr Psychol 1991; 16: 629-42. Address Lynda A. Archer 414-1 Young Street Hamilton, Ontario LAN ITS Canada Children’s Eating Behavior Inventory (CEB!) Chis name hee Sex MF Years Mond How often does this happen? Never Seldom Sometimes Often Always Is cis a problem ro. 3 45 for you! LL My dild chews food as expected for hither ag6 12 3 45 Yes No 2 My hid helps vo sat che able es eee eee] 45 Ye No 3 My cil watches TV at meals 12 3 45 Ye No 44 food my ch if else does’ et i o2 3 45 Ye No S. My cid kes more than half an hour to ea isher meals bod 3 7 tS & Relatives complain about my child's eating boa 3 tas evenly 7. ty cil enjoys eavng teal 3 45 Ye No 1. y child asks for food which halhe shoul’ have bo 3 405 Ye No 9. My cid feeds him/herself t expected for hsher age 12 3 a Svat te) 10. My child gage a¢ meses i! 3 45 Ye No 11. eel confident my eid eats enough 12 3 45 Ye No 12 find our meals sre 12003 ees ves cae) 13, My child voris at meaidnes 12003 4°05 Yer No 14, My child wakes food berwean meals without asking ie eee 45 Yer No 1S. My child comes tothe table I or 2 minutes afer call 12 3 Ae ivan te) 16. My child chokes 2c makes 12 3 405 Ye No 17, My eld eats quickly lea 3 4°05 Ye No 1 My child makes foods fr hinvher self when not allowed 12 3 45 Yer No 18 1 fet pest when my child doesre eat Ho2 3 405 Ye No 20, Athome en child cats food helshe shoulda have ile] 3 4°05 Yes No 21, My eid eats foods hac mse diferent 12 3 45 Ye No 22. Iloe my child have sacks beoween meals felthe dowssteatatmeat 1 2 ee esa avec Nel 23, My child wees eudery as expected for hither age ieee 3 45 Ye No 24, At friends’ homes my child ets fod helshe shouldn't eat 12 3 ee ae vec te) 25. My child asks for food berween meals 12 3 ee see avery t) 26, | get upset when | ehink about our meals Hoa 2 45 Yes No 27, My eb eats chunky foods boa a 45 Yes No 28. My child tee food sin higher mouth 12 3 405 Ye Ne 29, At dinner it my child choose the foods hefthe wants from 12 3 45 Ye No hac i served If yeu area single prea kp to number 34 30. My chid’s behavior ax mels upsets my spouse 12 3 eT ae vere Ne) 31, agree with my spouse about how much our child should eat 12 3 45) Yes No 32) My child incerrupts conversations wih my spouse at meals 12 3 45 Yes No 33, 1 got upeee with my spouse at meals 12 3 iE ae Vert No) 34. My child eas when upset 12 3 405 Ye No 35. My child says hele is hungry 12 3 45 Ye No : 136, My cil sys shafoll ge a if shelhe ets too much Hor 3 ies) aie Nl i 17, My child haps to clear the able eae 45 Yes No 38. My child hides food a 3 405 Ye No 39. My chi brings toys or books tothe table 12 3 Svar) K Af you have any one cil hip number 40 40, My child's behavior at mene upsets our ether children bo 3 45 Yes No Please check to see that you have answered of the tems. 4 Have you circled a yes or no for each ee? Thank you (© Lynda A. Archer Reproduced by permission.

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