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Docket Number:

Defendant Name:

Date Filed:



OTN/LiveScan Number

Complaint/Incident Number






11-That on 13 October 2016, Det. Resh and I, Det. George Bonilla went to 324 Primrose Lane,
Mountville, Pa.
There we met with Mario Crawley and his wife Alyssa. While Det. Resh spoke to Mario Crawley, I
spoke to Alyssa Crawley. She stated that she did not know what happened to Hennessey. She
added that she never saw anyone beating the dog. Mario Crawley told Det. Resh that, the dog
had fallen from the back porch, to the ground where he found her hurt. He then told Det. Resh
that he took the dog to the PETS clinic the next day. He added that he could not afford the
$460.00 dollar that they required to euthanized the dog, so he waited until Tuesday- 11 October
2016, to take her, to the LCSPCA, to be euthanized.
12-That on 20 October 2016 Sue Martin sent the 14 week old dog, to the Pennsylvania Animal
Diagnostic Laboratory System (PADLS), where Doctor Jason Brooks conducted a necropsy on
13-That on 27 October 2016, Det. Resh contacted Dr. Brooks, by email requesting his findings,
for the necropsy conducted on Hennessey, the 14 week old puppy. Dr. Brooks responed that he
could not turn over a report, because he it was still on an going examination. Dr. Brooks stated
that he still was examining tissues microscopically and that he would also be sending tissues to
other subject matter experts, for additional opinions. Dr. Brooks advised Det. Resh it would be
another two weeks before he would issue a report.
14- That on 3 November 2016 Det. Andrew Morgan and I, Det. Bonilla met with Dr. Michael
Descant, at Attorney Michael Winters office. During said meeting, Dr. Descant stated that, he
was the doctor that examined Hennessey, at the LCSPCA before euthanizing her. Dr. Descant
never spoke with Mario Crawley. Dr. Descant advised his preliminary findings those already
described in paragraph 8. Dr. Descant also stated that after xrays was perform, at Dr. Brooks,
Penn State lab there was a total of 17 fractures, diaphragmatic hernia, as well, as internal
bleeding and ligaments that hold the vertebral column togther had been torn. Dr. Descant, as
Dr. Brooks, both concurred that depending on test showing some sort of metabolic problem, this
was a case of abuse and neglect, not a fall. Dr. Descant stated that he would be willing to
testify, as to his findings.
15-That on 01 December 2016, I, Det. Bonilla, spoke with Dr. Jason Brooks regarding the
Hennessey case. I reviewed his findings and his final determination, as to what occurred with
Hennessey. Dr. Brooks stated that his conclussion is that the dog had been abused over a period
of time. That her injuries were not consistent, with a fall or being hit by a vehicle. That he had to
wait 2 to 3 weeks, for the test results before giving his final opinion, that being there was no
existing medical condition with Hennessey. That the injuries were not cnsistent with a fall from
porch or being struck by a vehicle. That he had spoken with Sue Martin and relayed to her that
though he had suspected abuse, he could not give her final say until all test came back. Dr.
(Signature of Affiant)

AOPC 411C Rev. 07/10

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