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Article #1

Bib. Information (APA Formatting):

Communicating with Parents: Strategies for Teachers

Author(s) Affiliation:

Susan Graham-Clay

Type of Resource: (Scholarly

A scholarly journal


Summary of essential information:

Potential relevance to your research

topic and study:
Stage of action research where the
source will be used:

This journal discusses various ways teachers can communicate with parents and the
importance of continuous communication. The journal also gives various strategies
teachers can use in different communication scenarios.
This source will help influence my communication with families I will work with now
and in the future. It will allow me to find different strategies for beneficial and useful
communication skills. I will be more confident using the tactics in this journal while
communication with parents on difficult topics that may arise.
This journal gives various communication strategies and goes into detail the proper use
of parent and teacher communication,
List all stages of the action research process where this source will be used and
briefly describe how it has informed your work.
Background-to find out more information on communication skills involving teachers
and parents.
Findings/Conclusions-I will compare my findings within this article to other readings
I will find.
Implications/Action Planning-This will over all help me communicate with parents
easier and will allow for positive interaction between families and I.
Article #2

Bib. Information (APA Formatting):

In Support of Family-Teacher Partnerships

Author(s) Affiliation:

Amy Susan Klein Ed. D & Marian Miller M.ed

Type of Resource: (Scholarly

A scholarly article

Way in which this source influences

the field related to your inquiry (ex.
Math teaching/learning elementary)


Summary of essential information:

Way in which this source influences

the field related to your inquiry (ex.
Math teaching/learning elementary)
Potential relevance to your research
topic and study:
Stage of action research where the
source will be used:

This article discusses the different ways parents teachers can form partnerships.
Helpful ideas and strategies are given within the article on how teachers can build
positive partnerships with their students parents. Communication with parents is a key
component within the article.
This source will inform me of positive parent and teacher partnerships. I will also learn
ideas and strategies to use within with my classroom to make all cultures feel welcome,
communication with all types of families and ways to communicate with parents on a
regular basis in various ways.
This journal gives various parent/teacher partnership strategies and goes into detail the
proper use of parent and teacher communication. This article gives various ways to
communication with parents and how to welcome all cultures into your classroom.
List all stages of the action research process where this source will be used and
briefly describe how it has informed your work.
Background-to find out more information on communication skills involving teachers
and parents.
Findings/Conclusions-I will compare my findings within this article to other readings
I will find.
Implications/Action Planning-This will over all help me to welcome all cultures into

my classroom to create positive parent and teacher communication. I will communicate

in various ways with families so all parents are able to be contacted daily.
Article #3
Bib. Information (APA Formatting):

How Teachers Can Work With 5 Difficult Types of Parents

Author(s) Affiliation:

Natalie Schwartz

Type of Resource: (Scholarly /Trade/Other)


Summary of essential information:

This article gives different scenarios that teachers can face when dealing with difficult
parents while communicating. The scenarios give useful solutions for teachers in how
to handle the difficult parent.
This source will inform me of difficult communication scenarios that teachers can face
parents. It will help me figure out and learn solutions in dealing with difficult
communication topics with parents.
This article will help me discuss possible solutions while communication difficult
topics to families. I can also present this information to families and inquire their
thoughts on the scenarios and solutions listed within the article.
List all stages of the action research process where this source will be used and
briefly describe how it has informed your work.
Background-to find out more information on communication skills involving teachers
and parents.
Findings/Conclusions-I will compare my findings within this article to other readings
I will find. I will conclude in the article if the solutions listed are effective.
Implications/Action Planning-This will allow me to try out solutions on families I
may interview involving difficult topics.

Way in which this source influences

the field related to your inquiry (ex.
Math teaching/learning elementary)
Potential relevance to your research
topic and study:
Stage of action research where the
source will be used:

Article #4
Bib. Information (APA Formatting):
Author(s) Affiliation:

Parents are not the enemy

Type of Resource: (Scholarly /Trade/Other)

Summary of essential information:

A scholarly article

Way in which this source influences

the field related to your inquiry (ex.
Math teaching/learning elementary)
Potential relevance to your research
topic and study:
Stage of action research where the
source will be used:

Kathy Hawes

This journal discusses various tips for teachers specifically to use while
communicating with parents. There are 10 useful tips given that go into detai
beneficial communication techniques to create a positive communication exp
This article goes into detail on 10 different ways to effectively and positively
communicate with parents. The tips in the article can be shown to families I i
my director as well as other teachers. I can also compare the tips listed in this
my survey findings and my parent interviews.
This journal gives various communication tips to aid teachers in their commu
with parents.
List all stages of the action research process where this source will be used
briefly describe how it has informed your work.
Background-to find out more information on communication from the teach
point to the families.
Findings/Conclusions-I will compare my findings within this article to my
observations, surveys and interviews.
Implications/Action Planning-This will over all help me communicate with
through interviews as well as surveys.
Article #5

Bib. Information (APA Formatting):

Author(s) Affiliation:
Type of Resource: (Scholarly /Trade/Other)
Summary of essential information:

Way in which this source influences

The Changing Nature of ParentTeacher Communication: Mode

Selection in the Smartphone Era
Blair Christopher Thompson, Joseph P. Mazer & Elizabeth Flood
A Scholarly Article
This article discussed how Parentteacher communication continues
to evolve due to smart phones and other new communication
technologies. The article goes into research involving 1,349 parents
that completed the Parental Academic Support Scale to assess the
frequency and importance of communication across modes.
Confirmatory analysis revealed a good model fit. Media richness
theory was applied to parents' qualitative and quantitative
responses to understand the communication modes parents now
select to communicate with teachers at the P-12 level. The data
revealed an increase in parents' preference for frequent e-mail
communication as well as for emerging modes of parentteacher
communication such as text messaging and social media.
Implications for media richness theory and changes to parent
teacher communication are discussed.
This source will allow me to examine the technology aspect of communication with

the field related to your inquiry (ex.

Math teaching/learning elementary)
Potential relevance to your research
topic and study:
Stage of action research where the
source will be used:

Bib. Information (APA Formatting):

Author(s) Affiliation:
Type of Resource: (Scholarly /Trade/Other)
Summary of essential information:

Way in which this source influences

the field related to your inquiry (ex.
Math teaching/learning elementary)
Potential relevance to your research
topic and study:
Stage of action research where the
source will be used:

parents. Technology has become the most widely use form of communication between
parents and teachers via email, applications or text messaging.
This article addresses another option of communication with parents. Technology can
be an easier form of communication as well as less invasive. I can address the concept
of communication through technology with the parents I interview, my director and my
List all stages of the action research process where this source will be used and
briefly describe how it has informed your work.
Background-to find out more information on communication through technology and
to gain and understanding how parents view technology as a means of communication.
Findings/Conclusions-I will compare my findings within this article to my parent
interviews and surveys as I get feedback from them on communicating through
Implications/Action Planning-This will allow me to examine communicating through
technology and to visit the various technology methods used to communicate.
Article #6
Collaborative intervention in early childhood : consulting with parents
and teachers of 3- to 7-year-olds / Deborah Hirschland.
Hirschland, Deborah.

A Scholarly Article
This article answers important questions, such as: When young
children need help: what do we see? what do we think? what do we
do? -- Seven building blocks of development: understanding core
emotional, behavioral, and social competencies -- The contribution of
constitution: understanding a childs temperament and
neurodevelopmental profile -- The contribution of family life:
understanding a familys history and patterns of interaction -- Setting
the stage for mastery: developing a working hypothesis, goals for
growth, and a plan of action -- Home-based strategies: helping
parents set effective behavioral expectations -- Classroom-based
strategies: mentoring teachers in the skills of developmental
scaffolding -- Helping the shy, cautious, or withdrawn child -- Helping
the child with language and information processing issues -- Helping
the high energy and/or inattentive child -- Helping the easily
frustrated, impulsive child -- Helping the anxious child -- Helping the
disengaged, offbeat, or gifted but rigid child -- Additional issues:
addressing trauma and loss, monitoring media choices, providing
guidance during crises, and more -- Elementary school and beyond:
perspectives for the long haul.
Teachers can use these resources within the article to consult with
parents about their children in an organized, non threatening and
educated matter. This article will also allow parents and teachers to
stay on the same page while helping a specific child with behavior or
developmental issues.
Consulting with parents on tough issues regarding behavior and developmental issues
List all stages of the action research process where this source will be used and
briefly describe how it has informed your work.
Background-to find out more information on communication through technology and

Bib. Information (APA Formatting):

Author(s) Affiliation:

to gain and understanding how parents view technology as a means of communication.

Findings/Conclusions-I will compare my findings within this article to my parent
interviews and surveys as I get feedback from them on communicating through
Implications/Action Planning-This will allow me to examine ways teachers can
consult with parents in an organized and well informed matter. This article goes into
detail of how teachers can approach parents and consult with them on topics concering
behavior and development issues.
Article #7
Lessons from Working with the News Media: Communicating about
Early Childhood Education
Linda Jacobson and Alan Simpson

Type of Resource: (Scholarly /Trade/Other)

Summary of essential information:

A Scholarly Article
Young Children is a peer-reviewed professional journal
published by the National Association for the Education of
Young Children. Young Children issues are organized around
topical clusters that devote special attention to issues in the
field of early childhood education. The practitioner-based
nature of Young Children makes it unique among journals, and
its award-winning status testifies to its excellence. This article
in particular focuses on communicating about Early Childhood
Education to parents, teachers, administrators and families.
The importance of early childhood education being showed
within the media is stressed throughout this article.

Way in which this source influences

the field related to your inquiry (ex.
Math teaching/learning elementary)

Teachers, parents, people within communities and families should be

made aware of early childhood education and its importance. The
more easily people understand the field of early childhood education
the better communication regarding this topic will be. People should
be made aware of the benefits of early childhood education and ECE
should be advertised more along with all of its benefits in social
Allowing people all over to learn more about ECE and all of its benefits through social
media. Communication regarding this topic will get even better due to people being
more informed about ECE.
List all stages of the action research process where this source will be used and
briefly describe how it has informed your work.
Background-to find out more information on communication through media and how
media is being used to promote ECE currently.
Findings/Conclusions-I will compare my findings within this article to my parent
interviews and surveys as I get feedback from them on communicating through
Implications/Action Planning-This will allow me to examine ways media can inform
people of ECE and all of its benefits.
Article #8
The insightful teacher : reflective strategies to shape your early
childhood classroom
Nancy Bruski

Potential relevance to your research

topic and study:
Stage of action research where the
source will be used:

Bib. Information (APA Formatting):

Author(s) Affiliation:

Type of Resource: (Scholarly /Trade/Other)

Summary of essential information:

A Book/Guide- Lewisville, NC : Gryphon House, Inc., [2013]

"Emphasizing essential interpersonal skills that should be
developed in early childhood, this guide offers a holistic
approach to developing classroom communities in which each
child feels recognized, appreciated, and able to contribute.
Taking into account a teachers goals, values, strengths, and
weaknesses, guidance is offered for adjusting and planning for
developmentally appropriate expectations, classroom
organization, and communication with families. Filled with
concrete examples and effective approaches to common
classroom problems, this detailed handbook provides positive
strategies for handling unwanted behavioral challenges. By
individualizing the needs of each student using the methods
espoused in this handbook, educators will cultivate a
supportive classroom setting based on emotional expression
and conflict resolution"

Way in which this source influences

the field related to your inquiry (ex.
Math teaching/learning elementary)

This is a book/guide for teachers to aid them in managing a

productive, healthy and successful classroom. The topics of various
behaviors and challenges within the classroom are also discussed.
Teachers can relay this book to parents as well allowing them to use
some of the ideas from the text at home. Teachers can use this book
for the overall classroom as well as to aid in communicating with
This guide can aid teachers and parents in ways to manage behavior during the early
childhood education years.
List all stages of the action research process where this source will be used and
briefly describe how it has informed your work.
Background-to find out successful ways to manage an early childhood classroom..

Potential relevance to your research

topic and study:
Stage of action research where the
source will be used:

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