WP 8

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Mackenzie Morgan

WP #8
My semester long project is focusing on the stages of childhood development. My first
visual shows an image of young boy in four stages of his life. There
are four main stages of childhood development after child birth until
one is finally an adult. The first stage begins when the child is first
born and lasts for two years. This is the time in a childs life when they are developing bonds that
will last a lifetime and letter help develop relationships and self-esteem. This is also the time for
parents to learn to understand who this new baby really is. When a child takes its first step on its
own, this is when the second phase of development begins ranging from ages two to five.
Children will start to develop language and explore the world. During this stage children face a
major challenge called emotional regulation, or, meltdowns. Children are rapidly developing
intellectually and preparing for the start of school. Parents should be providing the right
combination of encouragement, support, and guidance. During the next stage, school age
children are gradually becoming reedy for more independence. Parents should begin to create
rules and a moral that the child will gradually become accustomed to. Children will struggle in
this stage and parents must be there to provide praise and support. The teenage years are no
doubt challenging for most parents and children. Children and parents face many obstacles that
they must overcome together. It is important for both parents and children to support eachother in
this journey.
The second image I have chosen focuses on the importance of early childhood
development and education. Many people stress how important it is for parents to begin teaching
things to their kids before the start preschool. More than half of the brain is developed before the
age of five. It is a major problem that the right amount of money is not being spent of early

childhood education. My last image emphasizes the

importance of children making relationships with their
peers. The social aspect of childhood development is just
as important as any other. Children need to learn and
understand the importance of making relationships, for it will help them tremendously in the


@alfredovela. "La Importancia De La Escolarizacin Temprana

#infografia #infographic #education." TICs Y Formacin. N.p., 22
May 2011. Web. 06 Nov. 2016.
@ParentingWeb. "Know Your Child Better By Learning The Ages &
Stages Of Child Development." Child Development Institute. N.p.,
25 Sept. 2011. Web. 06 Nov. 2016.
"Child Development Degrees at American University of London
(AUOL)." American University of London. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Nov.

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