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Teacher Professional Growth Plan

PSIII Intern: David Zimmer

School: LCI High School

Semester: Fall, 2016

Mentor: Blake Hyggen

Professional Goal #1:

Develop strong relationships with students
I believe that one of the best ways to engage students in material is to have positive relationships with them. I have noticed that
when students respect me they are much more likely to be engaged in learning. Relationships are built on respect and trust. I
want to show respect to my students and have trust in them, and I want them to respect and trust me in return. One of the best
classroom management strategies is having strong relationships. Unlike PSI and PSII this is a 4-month practicum so I think
establishing these relationships, and establishing them early on, is key to a successful PSIII and will actually benefit the students
more as well.
Teaching Quality Standard(s)/KSA(s):
e) all students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways. They know how (including when and how to engage others)
to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn. They understand the need to respond to differences by
creating multiple paths to learning for individuals and groups of students, including students with special learning needs;
g) students needs for physical, social, cultural and psychological security. They know how to engage students in creating effective
classroom routines. They know how and when to apply a variety of management strategies that are in keeping with the situation,
and that provide for minimal disruptions to students learning;
h) the importance of respecting students human dignity. They know how to establish, with different students, professional
relationships that are characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony;
Indicator(s) of Success
1. Know every name of the students in my classes
2 weeks
PowerSchool Photos
This one will be simply
Class Rosters
tested at the end of the
second week as I tell the
Seating Plans
students I am going to go
through the class to see if I
have everyones name
2. Show interest in students interests
Check at the Self-interest sheets
Gauge students responses
end of each
Lessons or activities
Feedback from students
focused around those
Mentor feedback on how I
am doing in this area
3. Implement a 4:1 positive to negative feedback ratio


Feedback to students

To what extent are my strategies helping me achieve this professional goal?

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Students self-confidence
Mutual Respect shown from
teacher and student

Putting in the effort to learn student names as quickly as possible makes students feel more respected and cared for and not
just another statistic. It also greatly helps in classroom management when you can actually call a student by name. It is one of
the most important things we need to do as teachers, if you want to develop relationships knowing names is extremely
o By the end of 2 weeks I was able to have all of my grade 9s and most of my Multimedia class memorized. The Multimedia class
is much larger, and students dont always sit in the same spots which can make it difficult, but there is only a few students who
I still get confused on.
o I have setup multiple assignments or modules where one of the criteria is actually bringing in your own interests, so it isnt
even a requirement of me, but actually of the students themselves, but it is one they would be willing to meet because they
are engaged in what they like.
o A 4:1 ratio is difficult to perform consistently, especially in a large classroom. There are days where I will literally not have time
to talk to some students at all. This is where keeping track of who is where and who needs help is important and making sure I
try and checkup on each student to give them feedback, if not daily, then at least a few times a week.
In what ways is my professional practice improving toward these KSAs?
o Learning names, implementing interests, and giving positive feedback are some of the best ways to create a safe and
comfortable learning environment. This will help ensure physical, social, cultural and psychological security needs are met.
Interests are great, but they may still need to be used in conjunction with differentiation.
To what extent are my strategies impacting student learning?
o Having students names memorized helps greatly in classroom management, class discussions, and one-on-one conferencing
o When students interests are presented in class material their engagement will increase; it will also show them that I actually do
care about them as people which will help form relationships built on respect.
o Positive Feedback has been proven to increase self-confidence, engagement, and eventually success. It is vitally important to
give students positive feedback, but also important to leave room for constructive feedback when necessary.

Professional Goal #2:

Implement fair and effective differentiation practices to help all students succeed
I belief that all students can learn, but some need more assistance than others. This is where scaffolding and differentiation come
in, and these are needed just as much in high school as they are in elementary. One of my biggest concerns as a teacher is if I am
leaving anyone behind, if I am abandoning a student because I have standardized assignments, tests, projects, and assessments.
I want no child left behind, no child leaving feeling a failure. I do belief that there is an onus on students to apply themselves, but
we need to make sure we are giving them every opportunity we can for them to succeed.
Teaching Quality Standard(s):
a) contextual variables affect teaching and learning. They know how to analyze many variables at one time, and how to respond by
making reasoned decisions about their teaching practice and students learning;
c) the purposes of the Guide to Education and programs of study germane to the specialization or subject disciplines they are
prepared to teach. They know how to use these documents to inform and direct their planning, instruction and assessment of
student progress;
e) all students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways. They know how (including when and how to engage others)
to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn. They understand the need to respond to differences by
creating multiple paths to learning for individuals and groups of students, including students with special learning needs;
f) the purposes of short, medium and long term range planning. They know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into

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reasoned, meaningful and incrementally progressive learning opportunities for students. They also understand the need to vary
their plans to accommodate individuals and groups of students;
i) there are many approaches to teaching and learning. They know a broad range of instructional strategies appropriate to their
area of specialization and the subject discipline they teach, and know which strategies are appropriate to help different students
achieve different outcomes;
Indicator(s) of
2 weeks
Have I identified
1. Memorize IPPs and ISPs to
Teacher and Admin discussion
which students
recognize which students may
may need extra
need differentiation based on this
help based on
their records?
2. Try different accommodation
After 2
The different
methods with identified students to
weeks in
approaches I
see what may work (example:
end of
have tried and
chunking, extra time, etc.). This may
identifying at
develop learner profiles.
least some that
work better than
3. Make sure lesson plans and
After 2
Planning Templates
Reflections from
assessments reflect the areas where
weeks in
Lesson Plans
students may need differentiation for end of
Lesson Plan
whatever reason
carry over
To what extent are my strategies helping me achieve this professional goal?
o Dossier is a great program that will keep track of students developmental needs as well as previous analysis of the child and
what was discovered. It will then let me know if their happened to be any learning disability (code) identified. This program also
has a list of things that teachers in the past found effective in their teaching practices. This is a great place to start when
looking at students that may need differentiation, and also a great resource for identifying what may work for them.
o Using accommodations is a form of differentiation as it may take the same assignment but break it down into steps, and there
may be some additional information for that student based on what they need; for example, visuals or audio cues. I think that
differentiating is actually making something easier contrary to what I have been told. It is making it easier for that particular
student, but still managing to achieve the outcome proscribed.
o I need to include right in my lesson plans more, how am I going to achieve differentiation today? This is something I should be
doing more of, rather than doing it on the fly in class.
In what ways is my professional practice improving toward these KSAs?
o The most relevant KSA here is the one that talks about students learning in different ways. One of the most important ways to
meet this KSA is through differentiation. I also believe that students that feel they are accomplishing achievement will feel
more inclined to try, which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
o Using different teaching methods will also help students in general, because it will not focus on those that are exceptionally
good in one area.
To what extent are my strategies impacting student learning?
o Obviously, this is the best method to ensure that students arent falling away, or arent being left behind. If I dont want to see

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students fail I need to put forth the effort to meet them where they need me, and prepare activities and assignments and
projects that they have the ability to do, and do successfully. And when this happens, these same students become confident in
their abilities and will be willing to try more and more.
Professional Goal #3:
Implement fair, valid, and effective assessment practices
Students need to know how they are being assessed, and why they are being assessed. It is unfair to expect something out of
students when they dont know what it is that you expect in the first place. Developing clear criteria, and criteria that is fair, valid
and based from the Program of Studies will ensure that students now what they are aiming for and why. This is vitally important if
students are to achieve and understand the relevance of what they are doing.
Teaching Quality Standard(s):
f) the purposes of short, medium and long term range planning. They know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into
reasoned, meaningful and incrementally progressive learning opportunities for students. They also understand the need to vary
their plans to accommodate individuals and groups of students;
k) the purposes of student assessment. They know how to assess the range of learning objectives by selecting and developing a
variety of classroom and large scale assessment techniques and instruments. They know how to analyze the results of classroom
and large scale assessment instruments including provincial assessment instruments, and how to use the results for the ultimate
benefit t of students;
i) there are many approaches to teaching and learning. They know a broad range of instructional strategies appropriate to their
area of specialization and the subject discipline they teach, and know which strategies are appropriate to help different students
achieve different outcomes; j) the functions
m) student learning is enhanced through the use of home and community resources. They know how to identify resources relevant
to teaching and learning objectives, and how to incorporate these resources into their teaching and students learning ;
Timeline( Resource(s)
Indicator(s) of Success
1. Ensure students have a chance to receive feedback before being
Before a
Has a student been given
graded. This could come in the form of self, peer, or teacher feedback.
grade is
that chance to correct any
sheets. Selfmistakes before being
assessed? This is key to
fair assessment
2. Develop clear criteria that students are made aware of before being
Each time
Rubrics /
Have students been made
assessed on it
a new
aware of assessments
project is
that are
before they are assessed?
implement developed in
How well does my planning
advance and
reflect student
Some will
shown to
so the first about what is

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3. Exempt students from assignments if there is reasonable cause

week of

Have I exempted any
students, and if so, why?
What indicates reasonable

To what extent are my strategies helping me achieve this professional goal?
o When students are given formative feedback, they are given the chance to improve upon what they have missed or mistakenly
done incorrectly. This is fair, and it makes it more effective. This also helps students build off of constructive feedback to better
themselves and their work. I think that it is unacceptable for a student to be graded on something when they havent had a
chance to practice it or fix their mistakes first.
o Clearly defined criteria will make it easier for the teacher and student to be on the same page. This gives students something
to aim for, especially when there is a real possibility of receiving 100%. It also gives them some ideas for how to structure and
develop their work. This makes assessment afterwards much more valid as there is little chance for misunderstandings and
o When students understand that there is times that it is acceptable to miss something (this needs to be identified near the
beginning of the year), it makes them a little bit less apprehensive, and can help them destress. It is also a great way to
develop relationships and, I believe, is fair.
In what ways is my professional practice improving toward these KSAs?
o Fair assessment also comes through the form of multiple modalities. I think it is important to not only assess students in one
method even if the criteria is known well in advanced. Some students may be better at explaining something orally, some
better at explaining something written. It is important to give students some options when it comes to assessment, and this
will help my own growth in regards to KSA i).
o Formative feedback in the form of peer, self, or teacher feedback is a great way to develop fair and effective feedback and the
best way to achieve KSA k).
To what extent are my strategies impacting student learning?
o I think that these strategies not only help validate assessment and give students clear expectations, but it also helps them feel
valued and that they have a say, especially if they have some options in how to present the information that they are going to
be assessed on. It also helps establish classroom routines as well. Students will begin to understand how assessment works in
this class and what it is going to look like, and they will begin to expect similar results and this can help in classroom
management. Students will feel more valued if a teacher is understanding towards their home life as well. This is why making
sure students recognize that there are legitimate reasons to be exempted from assignments is a great way to develop those
relationships as long as they arent taking advantage of the practice.

Sproule, 2016

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