Matt Culbreth Master Unit 5

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Matt Culbreth

Mr. Fegely
Mastery Unit 5

Technology Enhanced Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: The Beginning of Great Power

Context: Students will learn about South Carolina History and how it lead up to America
becoming a Nation of great power.

1. Students will be about to understand the causes of the Revolutionary War.
2. Students will be able to explain the causes of the Revolutionary War.

State Standards:
Standard 8-2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of the causes of the American
Revolution and the beginnings of the new nation, with an emphasis on South Carolinas role in
the development of that nation

Materials: Smartboard, IPads, Computers and Smartphones

Introduction: (20 minutes) Take attendance. Students will begin with a quick refresher on
the road to the American Revolutionary War through a power point and five minute game on the
smartboard. After which the students will break into three groups.
1. Teacher Directed Group (15 minutes) Students will watch 2 videos on YouTube
about the Battle of Cowpens, one from the Patriot movie and the other from
discover South Carolina. After they finish, I will ask them why that battle was

Matt Culbreth
Mr. Fegely
Mastery Unit 5

important and why South Carolina played a big part in it.

2. Collaborative Group (15 minutes) Students will create a power point together
describing each battlefield. They will then submit it to Edmodo for the class to
3. Independent Group (15 minutes) Students will use the Revolutionary War app to
answer questions and an essay located on Edmodo
Closure (15 minutes) Students will come back together as a class and use Kahoot as
an exit ticket.
YouTube Videos: Different videos to help students understand the wars and why they were
important. Sometimes different videos will help the students be more engaged.
Edmodo: Used to see where my students are during the class and also have the students become
more engaging. Edmodo will also allow parents to see what their child is learning in class.
Revolutionary War app: Great way to get my students to learn more about the war than they
already know as well as where each battlefield was during the war. I will be able to see what my students are having trouble with and focus on that during
the next class. Kahoot also makes the class fun and keeps the childrens attention.

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