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Marisela Gonzalez

Marisol Rojas
Natalia Snchez

The Messenger


We bring the news

New Eruption
from Turrialba


Donald Trump
Won the U.S.A.

National News:

Costa Rica
Walks to Safe
Passage Towards the
World Cup of

New Eruption from Turrialba Volcano

The Divorce
and Children
Which one is
the perfect age
for a woman?
Middle Aged
Students at the
Physical Exercise and its
Are you suffering From Chest
Pain While You
Are Jogging?



Section A:
the age

Section A:
the age

Section B:
Our Section

Section C:

1 ,

Thirty-three hours of uninterrupted eruptions, generating 14

episodes of volcanic tremor,
where important emanations of
ash, gases and aerosols have
been observed. This was reported by the Observatorio Vulcanolgico y Sismolgico de Costa
Rica (OVSICORI) and Red Sismolgica Nacional( RSN) website. Experts say that these constant emanations of flows make it
difficult to read the instruments
that monitor the colossus. According to the experts, the
system of low pressure and the
direction of the winds causes
that several zones of the country are affected, such is the case
of Siquirres and the whole Central Valley, where there has
already been reported ash fall.
The emanation of ash in the
volcano has forced to undertake
closures in the Tobias Bolaos

F R I D A Y ,


9 ,

2 0 1 6

International News:

Airport. The purpose is not to

completely stop the aerial activity closing the airport to specific
hours.The next few days the
release of ash could continue, as
it has happened in previous
eruptive cycles, which is why
monitoring should be maintained.

Donald Trump Won the

U.S.A Election
Republican Donald Trump has
shocked the United States and
the world by defeating Democrat
Hillary Clinton in the United
States presidential election.
Trump, a socialist with a xenophobic and anti-system speech,
will be the next president of the
United States. Trump with huge
support from white Americans
dissatisfied with political and
economic elites, and not happy
about fast demographic changes,
he broke the predictions of the
polls and won the election. The
current president, Barack
Obama, has already called on
Trump to congratulate him and
invite him to the White House.
The world was hoping to see the
first woman in the US presidency, after having an AfricanAmerican president, but the
unexpected happened. Voters
chose a man who has revived
some of the country's darkest
traditions, which has placed
insult and disqualification at the
center of the political discourse.
Trump wants to build a wall to
stop immigration from Mexico
and not allow Muslims to enter
the country. The election of
Trump has caused protests.

Costa Rica walks to safe passage towards

the world cup of soccer.
Since last September, the countries participating in the World
Soccer Cup qualifying, to be
held in Russia in 2018, have
been confirmed. Costa Rica, the
United States, Honduras, Mexico, Panama and Trinidad and
Tobago are the teams that finished in the top two places in
their semifinals. The three best
teams of this phase known as
the hexagonal will have their
ticket secured to go to play the

world cup, while the team that

occupies the fourth position will
have to play a match against a
team from the Asian zone. The
day will begin on November 11,
2016 and end on October 10,
2017. The games will be played
as follows: USA vs. Mexico;
Honduras vs. Panama, and Trinidad and Tobago vs. Costa Rica.
In Costa Rica, Coach Oscar
Ramirez has assured to the
press that he national football

team will have all its stars, legionaries and nationals, in order to
achieve the main objective that
is to secure a ticket for Russia.
It is notorious to observe how
in training there is a fervent
desire on the part of the players
to repeat the feat achieved in
the world past of soccer, Brazil
2014, where they played the
brightest page of Costa Rican


The Divorce and children

When two people fall in love,
they decide to join their lives;
the couples think that their
love will be forever. It is in
this moment when the children come, but what happens
when the relationship ends?
What happens when the divorce comes? When we talk
about divorce, we imagine the
pain of two people who broke up, but we never think
about how children feel in
that moment. The divorce is a
difficult and painful situation
for the couple; however, it is
worse for their children. So-

metimes children feel they are

the cause of the separation,
and they suffer and generally
feel trapped in emotional
chaos. It is here when parents
need to talk and clarify about
the real situation avoiding
misunderstanding. Even
though kids understand the
situation, it is necessary to go
with someone that helps us
how to tread the circumstances like a psychologist because our children feel that they
lost everything. For that
reason, I have some pieces of
advice that can help us if we

are going through this painful

Explain your child that mom
and dad cannot live together,
Express all the love and affection constantly both with
words and physical contact
like hugs and kisses. Do not
assume that kids know you
love them. Assure your children that they do not have
any responsibility in the divorce. The responsibility is for
dad and mom. Listen to your
children, to how they feel
about the situation .



Section A:



the age


Which one is the perfect age for a woman?

I think every woman is at her
perfect age. You cannot talk
about an age as the best, because each stage has something special: Childhood,
adolescence, youth, independence, the first job, being a
mother, aunt, grandmother,
etc. It would be absolutely
uncertain to offer a unique
age, when each stage of life
brings with it, its own mysteTHE


ries and adventures. What is

not a mystery is not fun. And
woman, by the grace of God,
is the sum of all mysteries.
Women in general need to
learn that we are beautiful
and capable to complete our
dreams, not matter what age
we are. Also we have to enjoy
every single day of life
without thinking in how many
extra pounds we have, how

grey our hair is, or how many

new wrinkles we discover; in
fact, we are perfect as we are,
and we do not need to change anything. The most important aspects of life are inside
of us, and it is what we feel.
Every stage in life of the
woman has a dose of her
great charm. So I invite women to be happy not matter
what age we have.




Middle Aged Students at the University

Youth think that people who are
in their forties are not able to
study; however, today the society
in general can appreciate an important increase in the tuition rate
at universities for middle aged
people. Lots of them think that it
is impossible to return to the
classrooms because they will not
have the necessary abilities to
perform well as students due to
several situations like state, job,
family, and the responsibilities that
those things represent for them.

However, some of those adults

are ex-officio students, and in
many cases they are people who
want to have their major or have
finished their university studies
many years ago, but today they
want to come back to the classroom to accomplish a goal: To
have another major. The main
problem is to overcome some
fears like live through the feeling
of incompetence of being among
young students who usually are
singles, and they do not have great

responsibilities. As a matter of
fact, mature people feel that
they cannot fit because they do
not have enough time to study,
or because their brains are not
up to it. However, those people
have feelings of passion for
learning, and they are enough
motivated for taking advantage
of what the educational system
is offering them. it is never too
late to start or to return to


Physical Exercise and its Benefits

As we know, it has been
shown that regular exercise
helps us to maintain an excellent health. Many people
believe that we exercise only
to lose weight, but it is important to take into account that
exercising improve not only
our physical condition but
also tones your body, so you
can wear your favorite jeans;
it also strengthens your muscles, keep your bones strong,
but also psychological health,
for example. It increases selfstem, lower stress, reduces
the level of depression, helps

to relax, anger, sleep, mood

and more. In addition, it prevents cardiovascular diseases,
diabetes and cancer. No matter what your age is, you
should exercise daily. If you
are an elderly, or you have
health problems, you have to
ask your doctor what kind of
exercise you can do.
However, if you are healthy
and young, you should do
whatever exercise you want.
How long is the exercise
enough? The recommended
healthy level of physical activity is 30 minutes of moderate

exercise for at least five days

a week. Moderate refers to it
being enough to stimulate the
heart and lungs to make it
strong. Something important
is you do not forget that
hydration is necessary.

Section B:
Our Section:


This is a long life condition

which makes a persons blood
sugar level to become excessively high. There are two
types of diabetes are type 1
and type 2; the second type
mentioned is way more common than the other. Type 2
refers to the condition in
which where the body does
not provide enough insulin, or
when the bodys cells do not
react to insulin. Type 1 diabetes; however, is when the

cells that produce insulin

are attacked and destroyed by the immune system. There are many
people who have higher
blood sugar levels than
normal, but not high
enough to be considered
a diabetic. When this
happens its normally
know as pre-diabetes due
to if your blood sugar
levels are above the nor-

mal range, you are more likely

to develop diabetes. Its very
important for diabetes to be
diagnosed as soon as possible
because the longer you wait
the worse it can get.

Are You Suffering From Chest Pain While You Are Jogging?



Nowadays is very common to

hear people talking about how
to improve their lifestyle,
especially regarding health.
This is a new tendency in our
daily life. In many cases, some
people change the way that
they eat or start practicing a
sport like jogging. However,
many new athletes do not
think about the possibility of
going to the doctor in order
to take a medical check out
ahead of time. They only start
to jog. Everything is right

when suddenly the runner

starts to experience pain
punches in chest. A normal
thought is to say that person
is suffering from a heart attack, but it is not necessarily
true. According to some experts in sport medicine, there
are some important reasons
why your chest could hurt
during a run; first, you are a
rookie in this discipline. You
are working out in high intensity, so your body is not ready
to support this effort. Second,

cramping produces a sharp

pain in the chest; in fact, this
situation is produced due to
dehydration. Third, lungs are
not prepared. Fourth; the
digestive system produces
heartburn. New sport people
do not think about the food
that they need to eat before
jogging; finally, the rookie
could have some real heart
problems. For these reasons,
it is necessary to go to the
doctor for a checkup before
to start.




Jose Soto Moreras Biography

His name is Jose Soto Morera. He was born in January 1978 in San Ramn, Alajuela. He is the
Director of the English Major of Universidad Tcnica Nacional (UTN). He thinks this is an amazing university, and in his time here, he has worked collaboratively with his dedicated staff community, and students,
to deepen their focus in growing and being better and better. From his birth, he remembers his grandfather telling him that he was the first one who saw him after he was born, and one of his earliest memories
is when he was walking in the first year of preschool back in 1982. His grandfather was the most influential person to him as a child because he did not grow up with his parents. He remembers that there was
always a dog in his house. Also, he used to watch TV, and play with kids in the neighborhood. None that
he knew of; besides that, he was very afraid of sleeping alone, and he remembers his grandmother told
him that once Jose was left forgotten by his grandfather at another house. It was one day on Sunday
morning when his grandfather would go to church, and he left Jos at his other grandparents. When he
came back home, Joses grandmother asked him where Jose was and he ran back to pick him up.
He had many favorite subjects to study, but all depended on the teacher who taught him; for example, he remembers his first grade teacher, and his sixth grade teachers the most. In high school, he
definitely had a few teachers who were really good, especially in making the students feel motivated, and
interested in their classes. Mostly he liked those teachers who went beyond their subject. His favorite
sport is bike riding. He has never cared about football, or any ball team related sport.
Jose describes himself as sort of socially withdrawn; as a kid he had few friends. He thinks he
was a good student; in fact, what he liked most about school was the school trips, and hanging out with
his little group of friends in their houses. In fact, what he really liked the most about extracurricular activities as a teenager was playing the guitar with other kids; otherwise, Jose was the only kid in school who
could speak English. During school he remembers admiring rock and roll bands of the late 80s and beginning of the 90s. He loves Def Leppard, and The Beatles. Jose started college at UCR and then he finished at UNA, and his most memorable college moments were hanging around with his peers. The reasons why Jose decided to attend college was because he wanted to pursue a career, so he started Software Engineering, but he changed to English. Now he got a degree in Teaching English as a Foreign
Language and a Masters Degree in Second Languages and Cultures for the Teaching of English from
UNA. He said that if he could do it again he would take the same academic path just that he would take
other options as well.
Regarding to jobs, Joss first job was as a clerk at a grocery store, and his worst job was teaching at a place where he was demotivated; on the other hand, his best job is being Director of the English
Major at UTN. He said that his career in addition to being paid money it has created great value in terms
of connecting to people and making new friends.
In his personal life, Jose decided not to have children. The word family means to Jose unity, togetherness and ideal. His grandparents had a great influence on him as a person of strong values and humility,
for that reason, he thinks he was raised appropriately. Due to Jose not having siblings, his closest family
is his wife and his grandmother. He admires his grandfather who died in 2011, and this fact affects him
because his grandfather raised him as a father, and brought him up accordingly. His definition of happiness is self- accomplishment, so he is proud of having accomplished academic goals. However, his happiest memory is the day of his graduation from his masters degree, and the day he got his drivers license. Jose is a big fan of God, but he said religion itself has faded out in his life, even though he has
given more space to spirituality. He spares his time listening to music, watching movies, playing music,
and reading. Joses greatest fear is being alone, and his greatest hope is to be a self- accomplished human being. He thinks that after death we reborn, or go to heaven, but he said it depends on each point of
view and life deeds. The main lesson he has learned in life is to be cautious, not anxious, and to ask
when you do not know something.

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