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Trinity Hubert

Mrs. DeBock
English 4
25 October 2016
Central Question: How do sports affect high school students?
Working Thesis: Sports provide many opportunities for individuals who participate in them
Refined Thesis: Students who engage in sports in high school are given the opportunity to change
the outcome of his or her physical state and future.

Annotated Bibliography:
Brooks, David. "Organized Sports Can Benefit Children." Sports and Athletes. Ed. James D. Torr.
San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Where Pride Still
Matters: Want to Raise a Kid Who's Polite, Respectful, Even Neat? Forget School or
Church. Send Him to a Good Coach." Men's Health 17 (June 2002): 80. Opposing
Viewpoints in Context. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
This source is extremely helpful because it explains in full detail how extracurricular
activities benefit children. Not only does it describe what how an individual participating in
that activity benefits, but also how the other people involved in the same program benefits an
individual. According to this source, coaches and leaders help build ones character and helps
he or she develop lifetime leadership skills needed in order to succeed in his or her future. Not
only does the article list how extracurricular activities are beneficial, but it also provides three
questions the reader should consider while reading the article. This source is helpful because it
informed me of benefits extracurricular activities provide and also it provided the reader with
helpful questions that he or she can answer while reading.

"Hillary sport scholarship for Megan." Wairarapa Times Age 26 Mar. 2014: Points of View
Reference Center. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
This source is helpful to my topic because it describes a benefit of participating in
extracurricular activities for high school students. It goes into detail about a scholarship that is
provided for student athletes who participate in a sport and how scholarships help a student with
financial stress. College can be an extremely stressful process without financial aid and Hillary
Sport Scholarship for Megan is one of the many scholarships that can help during this time. This
article is helpful supporting my thesis because it describes the benefits of participating in high
school sports even when he or she graduates from high school.

Issitt, Micah. "The Perks And Pitfalls Of Youth Sports." Points Of View: Reference Shelf- Sports
Culture (2014): 1. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
This article explains the benefits of youth sports which is helpful in supporting my thesis. It
describes the perks of sports on youth children. Not only does it describe the benefits of youth
sports, but the author also provided a counter argument for the reader and allows the reader to make
his or her own decision on whether or not youth sports are beneficial. This article is helpful for my
thesis and research because it allows me to compare and contrast both sides of the argument and
allows me the ability to make my own decision based off of the authors research and facts.

Jacobson, Bob. "College and High School Sports." Sports in America: Recreation, Business,
Education, and Controversy. 2008 ed. Detroit: Gale, 2008. Information Plus Reference
Series. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 25 Oct. 2016.

Students who participate and are dedicated in high school sports have a higher chance of
receiving scholarships than those who do not. This source helps support my thesis because when an
individual participates in activities like sports, there are multiple benefits. Students have the
opportunity to exercise and 48 have a break from school. This source gives statistics about students
who participate in highschool and college school sports and provides a brief summary of the
statistic they provide. This source also goes into detail about how high school sports affect college
sports. This source will be very helpful in the support of my thesis.

Metzl, Jordan D., and Carol Shookhoff. "Playing Sports Benefits Children." The Young Athelete: A
Sports Doctor's Complete Guide for Parents. New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company,
2002. Rpt. in Child Athletes. Ed. Christine Watkins. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2008. At Issue.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 10 Nov. 2016.
This source is helpful supporting my thesis and research because it offers as a guide for parents
and gives statistics and describes positive impacts engaging in school related activities brings to an
individual. This article goes into full detail about how playing sports benefits children and why
parents would want his or her child enrolled in these activities. This relates to my service hours
because my service hours are dealing with sports. This article is about sports and explains the
positive outcomes of a child participating in them. This source explains how not only can sports
affect one at a collegiate level, but how it all starts when one is a child enrolling it the sport.

"Sport Benefits Kids In So Many Ways.." Sun, The (2013): 4. Points of View Reference Center.
Web. 1 Nov. 2016.
This source encourages children to participate in sport activities. It explains that sports are not
just for fitness. Sports offer so much more than fitness. For example, it teaches a couple's kid that

if life is difficult, one can overcome those obstacles. This lesson is important according to the
author of this article because it can be applied in many situations such as school work and

Not only does this article describe life lessons an individual can learn from sports,

but this article also describes the importance of building a community through sports programs.
This article will help support my thesis and argument because these life skills will help develop an
individual and change the outcome of their future.

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