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Austin Kleber and Danielle Ohl

Team Charter
Broad Team Goals
1. Learn about the amount of communication and writing skills that go into every journalists
2. Demonstrate to the professor that we have conducted our research effectively and
written about the research in a succinct and professional manner.
Measurable Team Goals
1. Meet every deadline
2. Receive a grade of A on the overall project
3. Collect enough research to knowledgeably simplify it for our audience
Personal Goals
Austin: Improve interviewing skills to become better at getting quotes and gathering information
for stories
Danielle: Gain insight from an investigative journalist to further career
Individual Commitments
Although Danielle and Austin are very busy with their journalistic endeavors, they are both fully
committed to put all of their effort into this project. Both share free time on Tuesday and
Wednesday afternoons and on weekends in order to meet to work on the project.
Other Concerns
The main concern for this project is shared between Danielle and Austin. They each have hectic
schedules that may not always mesh perfectly with the other team member. Sacrifices can be
made if that does happen, and both will work closely to share work when they cannot meet in
Conflict Resolution
Any conflict that cannot be resolved after a 15 minute face-to-face conversation will be
presented the professor or a neutral party, should the professor be unavailable, and ask them to
Missed Deadlines
If Danielle or Austin misses a deadline, the other person will text them and let them know. If
there is no response in 24 hours, then the professor will be emailed a description of what
happened. If either person misses a deadline for a legitimate reason, such as a family
emergency, then a solution will be worked out between the two of them.
Unacceptable Work

If either Danielle or Austin submits work that is far below standard, meaning it is written poorly,
does not follow the rubric, is factually inaccurate or does not follow the broad team goals, they
will be contacted and asked to revise their work. That team member will be given a reasonable
deadline to revise their work, either 48 or 72 hours depending on their workload in other
classes, and will resubmit their work. It is perfectly acceptable to ask for help.

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