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Philip Harding
07982 941 339

My name is Philip Harding, I am a working Artist based in the U.K. This is my latest
work, the accompanying visual attachment along with the statement below stem from
a collaboration with others, the concept behind is briefly explained below.

To prove scientifically, mathematically, spiritually , philosophically and creatively the
one and only truth, that we are all one and therefore all connected .We the
collaborators will show clear and undeniable evidence of this truth.

To make this information freely and easily available,and simple and clear enough to
be understood by all.

Using the universally accepted common language of contemporary symbols we will
show that;
1. Information has been available since the beginning about our origin
2. The information is both outside and inside each individual from birth in this reality.
3. It has an original source.
4. Collectively we are about to return to the source.
We will achieve this by giving a brief explanation and drawing a clear picture of the
present social structure, this will then be tracked back to the source.
We will further explain how language has been used to directly influence the present
position/outcome (Chinese whisper effect), through conscious choice/propaganda.
That a minimum of seven individuals, presently are in possession of all relevant data
and are therefore directly influencing/controlling the decision/choice making
process/policy on behalf of the collective.
That this process has recently accelerated and is gaining momentum towards a
tipping point. One of the possible outcomes of which is that when all the available
data is shared by the collective consciousness, a return to the source and entry into
the mysteries and beauty of the fourth dimension state is potentially

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