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TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning
Remember to write the ODU honor pledge at the end of this table.

Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.

My name:
Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the
Ideas for how the
tool can be used
in PK-12

Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

Alayah Tyree
Go on the website and create a group.
If collaborating on a report, Wiggio allows you to upload rough
drafts to the Wiggio folder where everyone can add their sections, rather
than sending attachments back and forth. Readings or resources can be
shared through file sharing. (Recommend Grades: Middle & High School)
Wiggio Poll w/ fill in or selected response- Very helpful: Simpler
way to come to an agreement on decisions for group members. For
example, availability and location of a meeting. (Recommend Grades:
Middle and High School.
Help organize & facilitate Parent-Teacher Conferences. For
example, organizing parental volunteers or special activities such as
bringing a snack or dish. (Recommended Grades: Pre-k/Elementary
Easy to set up and use- Everything is labeled clearly and easy to
Easy for students to collaborate- Students are able to share files
with each other, read over each others work, or add sections of group
Has many different features; to host virtual meetings, manage
events with a shared calendar, create to-do lists and assign tasks, poll
your group in real time, send e-mail, text messages, and voice
messages, and upload and manage shared files
Email and phone number private; Can hide emails and phone
numbers of members from members to appropriately maintain and
ensure member privacy


Not visually exciting- Students arent particularly going to be
interested in a dull site that isnt visually pleasing to them. It may turn
them away.
Isn't specifically designed for schools- This site isnt specifically
designed for schools so it doesnt specifically meet all needs or includes
unnecessary features.
Doesn't work well with internet explorer; Better use on Google
chrome, Firefox, etc. This could become a problem with students who do
not have other browsers on their computers and could become a hassle.
Jake Terrell

TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the
Ideas for how the
tool can be used
in PK-12

Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

Name of the tool
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions
of how to use the

Google Docs
Set up from Gmail account.
1. Creating a Classroom Agenda: keeps every student up to date on what
is due & when, what was worked on in class that day. Giving students
access to the learning material at the touch of their hand ensures
nobody will fall behind. (Recommended Grade: Middle School)
2. Students can create a Collaborative Classroom Newsletter where
students have access to the Google Doc and are able to edit and share
articles together. Students can upload pictures they create to make a
monthly Newsletter than can be printed off and circulated around.
(Recommended Grades: 8th-12th grades)
3. Perhaps for an English class, set up a Doc for Reading Responses in
which you as the teacher upload something to be read like a passage
from To Kill A Mockingbird or a graphic novel page from The Watchmen.
And have students be able to respond to the reading in real time with
their peers. This will facilitate discussion amongst students that would
never talk face to face and hopefully ensure everyone participates.
(Recommended Grades:6th-12th grades)
1. Nobody can forget to bring it since everything is saved on the
Google Cloud.
2. Open Access- Being connected via Google allows for research to
be done quickly through the internet.
3. Live Action Learning- Students can create documents,
spreadsheets, presentations etc. and can edit the same over
internet. This provides a real-time working experience on the
document, as if editing the document in person together.
4. Accessible Anytime- Students can access the projects in class, at
home, on the bus, etc.
1. Requires a Gmail Account- Elementary schoolers wont be able to
really use this tool.
2. Technology Based- Students need to have access to a computer,
which could be an issue for children in need who cant make it to a public
library. And if youre setting this up in class- will require Laptop carts or
computer Lab time.
3. Limited- Googles Word & PowerPoint software do not have as
many features as their Microsoft counterparts (Although- you cant work
collaboratively with others with the Microsoft versions).
Erin Hobbs
It is set up like a Facebook page for your class. The teacher can create a
page and add their students, the students parents can also access the
page if they would like to. This tool is used to help keep the class
organized with homework and other assignments.

TLED 430 Module 3

Collaborative Assignment
Ideas for how the
tool can be used
in PK-12

Positives and
challenges of
using the tool

This tool can be used for any grade level. K-2 can use this tool as a place
for assignments. The teacher could post interactive learning games and
make them as assignments for the class. They could also use this to
practice typing by having them post a few sentences on, for example,
their favorite season and why. For grades 3-5, this can be used to take
quizzes, post assignments, and do surveys or polls. For example, the
teacher could have quizzes posted on the page and have them take it on
the computer instead of on paper. For middle school and high school, the
teacher can do everything the tool has to offer. They could have debates
where they pick a side and write an argument backing it up and
comment on others posts.
1) Easy to use- Everything is easily accessible and labeled
2) Organized- Assignments can be graded and linked to each
individual student. The
teacher can set up the page to create
3) Accessible- The students and teachers are not limited to
the classroom. They can access everything at home.
4) Stay Connected- Students can ask questions and
communicate with the class and teacher at any time.
1) Technology based- If the students do not have access to
the internet outside of school, this can be difficult for assignments that
need to be done at home.
2) Limited parent access- Parents cant see everything the
students see.
3) Answer key- If the student is taking a quiz and there are
multiple blanks that they need to type the answer in for and the student
doesnt type in the answers in the exact order of the answer key the
answer is wrong.

From this ODU webpage copy the

Honor Pledge below to make the promise that you have met online as instructed in a face-toface virtual environment (e.g. Skype or Google Hangouts) to complete this assignment.
I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of
academic dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a
member of the academic community it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violations of
the Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.

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