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Philosophical Chairs

This purpose of this discussion is to bring to a close the themes we have discussed
throughout this unit.
Philosophical Chairs is a debate-style discussion in which students break into two
groups split by opposite sides of a topic or question. Students are assigned a side,
and they individually construct an argument to support the side they are on. When
the discussion starts, students share out their arguments, trying to prove their
argument correct. As the debate progresses, students may agree with what someone
on the other side has argued. In these instances, students will show their agreement
by physically getting up and sitting with the other side.
Individual contribution to discussion is integral to student success in this
discussion. Be prepared to share what you think and why!
Rules for Philosophical Chairs:
1. Construct an argument to support the side of the topic or question
you are assigned to. This argument must include evidence from class texts
and personal experiences, as well as thorough analysis/explanation of
examples. Remember, your argument wont be as effective if you dont
explain why your examples are important. Use persuasion!
2. Once discussion starts, share your argument with the class. Once
the discussion starts, you may switch sides. After you have presented your
argument for your assigned side, you may move to the opposite side and
contribute to that argument.
3. As the discussion occurs, occupy no more than one minute
maximum undecided. You may find yourself stumped about which side
you agree with. You may occupy the undecided space for one minute
maximum. While undecided, you must pose a question to either side.
4. Before speaking, repeat or rephrase what the last person said.
5. Wait 3 seconds before adding your thoughts to be sure the last
person finished speaking.
6. Follow the rule of four: You cannot talk until four comments have
been made after youve spoken. In short, three people must speak between
your comments.

7. MOVE. Philosophical Chairs is about movement. As the argument

progresses, use your feet to walk and show support for ideas expressed.

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