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Invasive Species
Nathan Santillana
University of Texas at El Paso

Invasive Species


Invasive species negatively affect the alien ecosystems that they infiltrate at
unimaginable lengths. With no natural predators in these alien ecosystems, these non-native,
invasive species are able to proliferate undisturbed and unhindered at incredible rates. Invasive
species can include, plants, algae, marine, insect, reptile, amphibian, avian, and mammalian
species. The damage caused by these species ranges from agricultural, infrastructural, and
economical, this does not include the damage done to the alien ecosystem and even to human
health. Unfortunately, this damage is happening right here on U.S. soil. In order to understand
the scope of the situation, two genre pieces will be used. The first piece, a typographical genre,
Invasive Species 101, is a brief article presented by, which provides information
regarding the identification of invasive species and the damage they can cause. The second piece,
using an iconographical genre, is the video The Threat of Invasive Species, presented by CBS
News, which gives the viewer a brief and in depth look at the damaging effects caused by
invasive species and the need to prevent any further spread.
Audience and Purpose
In terms of audience specificity, the article is targeted towards a more professional and
academic audience, but is still flexible enough to include a more casual, everyday audience
interested in the topic. On the contrary, the CBS video targets the general population in, out, and
around invasive species affected areas, but it is informational enough to attract any professional
or academic audiences. Although different in format, the sole purpose of both pieces presented is
to inform the audience concerning the detrimental effects caused by the invasive species in their
areas and to persuade the audience that something must be done to both control and eliminate the
spread of invasive species in the United States. This awareness is especially important because
invasive species negatively affect the environmental and economic health of the areas they


invade. Thus, being a very real threat, the population is directly affected. Unfortunately, this
means that the population is interwoven along with the argument of each piece as both attempt to
urge a sense of awareness in the public, concerning the spread and scary truth of invasive
species. Though, done in a different way and format, both the article and the video are able to
efficiently educate, prepare, and prove to the audience the purpose and vast importance
concerning the topic.
Rhetorical Issues
Within each genre is the implementation of the rhetorical issues: ethos, pathos, and logos.
In brief terms, ethos represents the credibility of a certain source. For instance, credibility is
usually judged by the presence of professional content, legal support, and overall reputation of a
source. Pathos, on the other hand, is the ability for any particular piece or source to manifest any
sort of emotion in its audience. Logos, meanwhile, is the logic within a piece; built up or torn
down by the presentation of evidence, statistics, and facts. Though, both genres implement each,
the way in which rhetorical issues are uniquely presented is sometimes very similar and just as
often, very different indeed.
The article, Invasive Species 101, is presented by the website which, within
its own dominion, is an extremely well-credited website. It is run and edited by The University of
Georgia: Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health. is supported and
approved by federal, local, private, and public forestry, ecosystem, and agriculture departments,
institutes, and more. For example, APHIS, the US Forest Service, NIFA, the USDA, ITP, and The
University of Georgia. In addition, the websites links and corresponding information is very


well organized and easy to use. The article is also very well written and organized, containing
links that lead to other pages holding relevant information which aids and extends the readers
attempt to understand the information. Though the first genre contains its fair share of
professional assurance, the video is published by CBS News; which in turn is a news
broadcasting network aboard a reputation that has made them one of the most widely known
networks. This is important as CBS News has its reputation as a credible news source, tied to the
quality, accuracy, and honesty of the information researched and gathered by its journalists. The
video itself is a presentation of this as the CBS journalists are seen interviewing professionals
involved in the regions and areas directly affected by invasive species. Both genres employ ethos
efficiently as they each have credible research and professional opinions involved. The website,
however, concretes its credibility with such eloquence, surpassing the video.
In the moments spent reading the article, it is easy to notice that pathos is very subtly
used. Although, facts and information are presented to the audience, its only attempt towards
pathos is to create an awareness and a small sense of urgency as the information related is mostly
facts on the economic loss caused by invasive species. The rest of the article is spent giving
information on how to identify invasive species that may be affecting an audiences region and
area of life. In contrast, during the video, the audience is pelted by alarming images and
information which causes a feeling of sadness and urgency as the regions displayed, are shown
bearing the consequences caused by the invasive species invading it. Also, a sense of pride and
purpose is sparked as a desire to eliminate the spread of invasive species is prompted. Although
implemented at different levels of severity, both genres are able to generate emotions and some
sense of purpose to their audiences.


The way in which the article presents its evidence is clear and concise. After a brief
introduction to invasive species, information regarding what to know about invasive species is
given, such as the statistics regarding their effect on the economy and local species in the U.S.
Along with that, there are tools provided which are labeled links leading to a FAQ page, invasive
species information pages, as well as links that lead to pages which give the reader, reason to
care about invasive species and what they can do to help. The video, on the other hand,
implements an entirely different method to present its evidence. The content of the video itself,
such as the interviews conducted, or video of the invasive species, and the affected areas are
shown. This provides an immersive way to prove the urgency and severity of the situation. All in
all, both of the genres are able to display, prove, and expand on the information they present.

Structure and Delivery

As far as the overall structure and delivery of each piece, the Invasive Species 101 article
is able to present an abundance of numerous facts and images, through the various links in the
articles body, but is limited by Invasive.orgs popularity. Since there are tons of other websites
offering information on invasive species, the number of people viewing the article will depend
solely on the websites reputation and popularity. Meanwhile, CBS News is a distinguished,
widely known broadcast which is viewed by a daily audience. The chances of its invasive species
video being viewed is immensely probable. The video presents great information which is
greatly complimented by the commentary, image, and great cinematography. Overall, the video
is only limited by the timeframe set on the video itself by the broadcast.


In addition, the article, as well as the overall website, is carefully organized in a way that
any search for information is easily attainable throughout the simple layout of its various titles,
bodies, links, and buttons. Uniquely, the video is able to easily convey its message and
information through audio and video. The layout, presentation, and alternation of facts weaved
in, is essential and well-coordinated throughout the video, creating little room for a lack of
perception or any confusion by the audience.
Furthermore, as it is inclined towards scholarly and academic audiences, the vocabulary
in the Invasive Species 101 article is slightly advanced concerning the nomenclature of scientific
words, but any other non-scholarly audiences would not have a trouble with the majority of the
articles content. The video, on the other hand, uses its cinematography to combine the audio to
relevant images, therefore, creating a clearer message. The vocabulary in the video is simple
enough to easily convey the message to any audience both professional and casual, eliminating
any difficult species nomenclature by implementing the species common name. In all, the article
is more inclined towards well informed facts and written words as compared to the video which
relies solely on the presentation of its facts through film and audio.
In their joint purpose, both genres were in fact able to produce awareness on the issue of
invasive species. Although both were very different vehicles of information, both contained facts
which were backed by ethos as both the video and the article contained the opinions and research
of biologists, environmental specialists, wildlife experts, and so on. Although, the article and its
hosting site,, contain swaths of information on the subject of invasive species, I
believe that the video The Threat of Invasive Species was a more effective vehicle. As a result
of CBS News Networks influence and general outreach to the community. Even though it was


more vague in its presentation of facts, the video published by CBS does contain all the
necessary information needed to produce awareness and concern on the issue. Both genres were
very well informed, but the fact that is dedicated to the subject of invasive species,
it would, I believe, be better received and believed by both professional and casual audiences,
however, the important aspect here is the ability for the information to be efficiently presented
and seen by audiences, which is an advantage clearly possessed by the video piece.

Pimentel, D., Zuniga, R., & Morrison, D. (n.d.). Invasive Species 101 - An Introduction to
Invasive Species. Retrieved from


The Threat of Invasive Species [Video file]. (2013, August 11). In The Threat of Invasive Species.
Retrieved from

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