WP 7

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Dylan Crusan
Mrs. Raymond
UWRT 1104
25 October 2016
Using Rhetorical Knowledge Writing Prompt #7
The primary way that we have used rhetorical knowledge in our Semester-Long
Multimodal Project is when we all presented, and then wrote down our topics. Once the topics
were all written down we went around the room providing comments we would like to know
about that topic, questions we had about the topic, and simply suggestions of where to find
research or answers for that topic. We have also used rhetorical knowledge so far by discussing
our topics and sharing our thoughts to each group, where we learn what others would like to hear
from us as well as the best places and resources to use.
The two projects that I have completed now The Literacy Narrative Project and the
Family Tree Project have not really provided me with much help or alignment with the
Semester-Long Project because the topics dont match up. While we havent gained any direct
help from the previous two projects that we have completed, I did get experience and help when
I was citing my sources for the two projects. Since the Semester-Long Project is primarily a
research project I have expanded my knowledge of what sources are more reliable and truthful
than others as well as how to write a references page in APA Style. In my opinion, the research
practice is just as significant to helping me as anything involving our topic itself would be.
The element that further brought me the interest to investigate further in my research for
our topic would definitely be when we briefly presented our projects and then wrote them down
to offer suggestions. It gave everyone an opportunity to come around the topic and write down

their thoughts, where we received advice and options that we would not have come up with
ourselves. This also gave people more encouragement to write their honest thoughts because it
was unanimous as to who wrote what, instead of someone speaking and being shy to say what he
or she would really want to. There are not any specific sources that have challenged my critical
thinking skills; however, the part that has used my critical thinking skills the most is the
gathering of all the data and research to one location to analyze and drain results from that. So
far we are still in the research portion of our project and will soon be analyzing everything we
have to conclude on what we have found.

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