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Dylan Crusan
Mrs. Raymond
UWRT 1104
20 November 2016
Proposal Reflection Writing Prompt #10
When the brainstorming began between Anh & I we focused primarily on the
effects/problems that people of any age have in their lives primarily depression, trauma, and
suicide. We quickly found out this was too vague, slightly boring, and almost irrelevant to our
audience we wanted to draw a connection to the class. We next brought the topic around to the
age group of adolescents and college students because that is then relevant to the audience we
were presenting to. As we were doing our research we realized there were so many causes that
can lead to depression, trauma and suicide so we knew the causes needed to be narrowed down
as well. A person in my hall had recently been caught with drugs and alcohol in their room and I
watched the police walk him to the police car handcuffed. This brought the thought to mind to
focus on how drug and alcohol abuse can affect adolescents leading to depression, trauma, or
suicide. I felt that while the majority of my class were not of the adolescents abusing alcohol or
drugs it would be relevant because we all encounter drugs/alcohol and are adolescents with great
deals of stress.
Anh & I used our critical reflection skills to look back on our initial thoughts of this
lengthy project and decide how to better present it. We began certain we would research the
prevalence of depression, trauma and suicide but later realized through our reflection that this did
not have the impact we were hoping for. One area that surprised me as I researched our topic was
the different categories of drugs that are being abused by adolescents because I didnt realize

drugs could be broken down to the types of drugs that were being abused. This led me to do
more research not just on which drugs were being abused but why those are being abused as
often as they are. The category of Student Learning Outcomes that I felt I had the most growth in
was the Critical Reflection area because before UWRT 1104 I did my projects, papers, and work
and then never looked back I received my grade and that was that. I learned throughout the
class and this project in particular that reflecting on the work I have completed allows me to
learn where I went wrong in my work so that I ensure it doesnt happen again. Reflecting on my
work throughout the semester allowed me to grow and come to be a better writer/presenter.

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