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Autobiographical Essay
Kazley Montgomery
Instructor Tracey Meyerhoeffer
EDUC 201: Foundations of Education
Fall, 2016


Autobiographical Essay
I have always wondered what I was going to do with my life when I grew up. It was
something that ran through my head quite often as I sat through my classes at school. I always
thought that it would be fun to stand up there in a school, in front of a class, teaching. I wasnt
sure if it was for me as I was going through school, but today as I reflect on the examples my
teachers were to me, and the desire I had inside me to teach and help kids become the best they
can be, I realized I want to be a teacher. I know that teaching isnt easy, but it is well worth it. I
hope that I will be able to help my students by using my own personal educational experiences,
work experience, and through the activities that I have participated in throughout my life. I hope
to see all my students soar as they complete their educations and go on to be people full of
confidence and ready success.
Educational Background
I started my educational career at Popplewell Elementary School in Buhl Idaho. I didnt
mind going to school because I liked to learn and to be around my friends. However, I was very
shy and didnt like to talk to many people. I remember my third-grade teacher had a very bubbly
personality and loved to have us work in groups. I used to get so nervous that did not want to
participate. This was year that I decided that school wasnt going to be easy for me but that all
was going to be okay and that I would learn day by day. My third grade teacher taught me how to
come out of my shell, not to the point of talking to everyone all the time, but little by little.
Then my adventure continued to the Buhl Middle School. It was a time where I started to
really enjoy learning and making friends. I began taking homework seriously and as a
responsibility that I had to complete to be successful. It helped that I had teachers that cared

about my future and my success. This was also a time for me to make a group of friends that
allowed me to participate in the social part of school as well. I was always comfortable with
them, but it was still a struggle for me to get out of my comfort zone. Overall, however, these
were three great years of learning academically and socially.
Then came my high school career, and well can I just say, my first two years were rough
for me. My friends were changing and often times I felt lonely, and on top of that, academics
were getting more difficult to understand and I was too shy to ask the teachers for help. So, my
junior year, I decided that I was going to change; I was going to become better- I didnt know
how I was going to do it, but all I knew was that I wanted a change and that I was the only one
who could do it. So, I began coming out of my shell and started talking to people. I never
realized until I saw it happen in my own life that when a student is socially confident, he/she is
able to have more success in school. It is not because he/she is known throughout the school,
but because he/she has the confidence to ask teachers for help, ask other students for help on
homework, and communicate whatever needs he/she has
With all that I learned and the desire I had to continue to learn, I decided to further my
education at the College of Southern Idaho (CSI) starting in 2013. It has been a great learning
experience to be able to study what I love and to be able to learn and grow academically. I enjoy
being at CSI and having professors that teach me how to soar now and when the time comes to
move on into the real world.
Work History
From a positive role models throughout my school career, I learned that getting and
keeping a job was a very important task. I was always taught that an individual is never too
young to get a job. As a result, I took that to heart and I ran with it. I got my first job at the Boys

and Girls Club of Buhl when it first opened in 2013. It was a difficult job as the staff was still
trying to get the last little tweeks worked out because it was a new facility and program. I was in
charge of the kindergarten and first grade age group. I had to plan activities for them, help them
with their homework, play outside with them, and keep track of them all. It was a great job for
me as I learned that teaching was something that I wanted to consider for my career.
Because of my time I had working at the Boys and Girls Club of Buhl, I decided I wanted
to go into special education. As a result, I accepted a job working at the Middle School in Buhl
as the Special Education Clerk. This job taught me a lot about organization, and I became
familiar with the rules, regulations, and paperwork that come with special education.
After working there a few years, I decided I wanted something different, so I got a job at
the Filer High School as a paraprofessional. This job helped open my eyes to the struggles that
kids face on a daily basis when it comes to learning and that learning doesnt come easy to
Now I am currently working at the Buhl Middle School as a paraprofessional/librarian.
These two positions have taught me so many different life skills, such as if something needs done
and no one knows how, it is important to just figure it out so that the work can continue. I have
also learned that it is extremely important to be a part of the students lives so they can feel the
confidence that comes from someone believing in them.
Every single one of these jobs has helped me become the person I am today and also has
given me ideas on what kind of a teacher I want to be in the future.
Service and/or Extracurricular Activities
I have learned over the years that service is a task that will help both the people giving it
but also those who are receiving it as well. I currently am not participating in any service or

extracurricular activities, but I just recently returned from an eighteen month service mission to
Mexico. It was the best and most fulfilling time of my life! It definitely did not come easy, but it
was well worth it!
I am so thankful for the time that I had the opportunity to learn a different language, be a
part of a different culture, and also serve people that I didnt even know.
There are many friendships that I have now, all because of the service that was performed
while I was there. Service is a way for people to open up their hearts and accept others help.
From this experience, I have learned that when we serve others, they are more likely to receive
us with a smile and be grateful. In many ways, teaching is like that in that it allows us to touch
those we teach in order to help them be successful academically and personally.
Reasons for Choosing Education as a Career
Starting back in the third grade, I decided that I wanted to be a teacher and that I was
going to teach with a smile on my face every day. Although I changed what I wanted to be when
I grew up a few times, like from being a teacher to wanting to be a pharmaceutical technician, to
then wanting to be counselor, I now have my mind set on teaching as a career. I have decided
that teaching is where my heart and passion are and that I want to be able to work with those that
are willing and ready to learn, and also those that arent as ready, but just needs someone to
believe in them so that they can succeed.
In all, I have seen the influence of this in my life as I have had many great and fabulous
teachers that have taught me to love learning and I want to continue to share that happiness and
Professional Goals

Goal setting is a way to success, so in order to help others learn and grow, I have to learn
and grow myself. Therefore, my short-term goal is to finish with my associates degree in special
education in May of 2017. I plan on completing that degree at the College of Southern Idaho.
Once that is complete, I want to continue my education and earn my bachelors degree in special
These short term goals then contribute to my long-term goals which are that I would like
to compete my bachelors degree, receive my teaching certificate, and find a job working at a
school where I can become the teacher that I have always wanted to be. I think that it would be
awesome to teach in the exact school where I was taught in the Buhl School District. Often
times, there are many special education positions open and I would like to fill one of those and
take on the challenge of a teaching career.
I can hardly wait to see what working in the field of education has for me! I am so excited
to pursue a career that I love so much and to see students learn about themselves and others. I
hope that through my own experiences, I will be able to help children make good choices and get
on paths to success.

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