Annotated Bib Final Jess

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McGoff 1

Jessica McGoff
English 115
Professor Lawson
21 November 2016
Final Draft
Word Count: 490
Annotated Bibliography
Dunkel, Tom. A war Between the old and young. AARP: Politics and Society, April 2014
In this article, it discusses how the older and younger generations are fighting for the
same jobs. I found this Article by googling (millennials in the work place.) and it showed
me this in AARP. This is source is creditable because it gives multiple creditable names
and facts. It is relevant to my essay because it describes some of the issues the millennials
are facing in their everyday lives. Also, that they are not just fighting for no reason they
are trying to get a better future. Its useful in highlighting my thesis in a different light.
Cortez, Paul. Why Do Older Generations Look Down on the Millennials. Quora: Were
making Life hard for millennials. Ed. Shery Banga. Mountain View: Ca, 2011. 144-148.
Print. This Article discusses how the older generations dont understand the millennials
and how they can better understand them and help them. I found this article when I
googled (Millennials hard working?) it took me to a page full of options but this seemed
the best choice for my research paper. This source is creditable because the site that I
found it on is a well-known site and they take pride in their research. It is relevant to my
paper because I am taking about how the older generations dont appreciate the
millennials and how they dont see a bright future for everyone. This is where I show that

McGoff 2
people do look down on the millennials and its partially because they dont understand
Pedersen, Rachel, Think all Millennials are Lazy Think Again. The Huffington Post. Aug 10
2016. This is about how millennials have found a better and faster way to reaching their
goals. I found it in the library, after I used their search engine. I found it in my many
results and chose this one. It is creditable because it is a peer reviewed site and so I found
it to be academically creditable. It is relevant because it tells others that the older
generations dont have any harsh feelings for the millennials when I find that they do. I t
will highlight against my thesis and give my paper a two-sided story.
Yarbrough, Cathy. Millennials are hard-working and dedicated. Really they are.. Life Science
Leader: Millennials and social problems. Ed. Andrew Clark. 2016. Article. This article is
about how millennials are hard workers but they are not given the most credit because of
the short cuts they take. I found this site by googling (Are millennials lazy?) and it
showed me this site for life science leader. This source I creditable because it is a peer
and elder reviewed worksite for the better understanding of millennials and their actions.
Its useful in my topic because it shows that not all the people who are in the older
generations think that millennials are bad for our future.

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