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Rebekah Hall

Due: November 18, 2016

Behavioral Intervention Project Report

Complying with Teacher Requests


Percenetage of Complying to Teacher Requests within 1 Minute


Date of Data Collection

V.N.s behavior goal for the first nine weeks of the 2016-2017 school year was to comply
with a teacher request within 1 minute of 7/10 trials when given no more than 3 verbal/visual
prompts and positive reinforcement. V.N. receives pull-out reading intervention and support for
sixty minutes a day, four days a week. V.N. is currently living with a foster family and
arrangements regarding permanent living situations have not yet been decided or finalized. This
may sometimes have an effect on her behavior. The baseline indicates low percentages of
complying with teacher requests (30% and 40% respectively) followed by the goal of complying
with teacher requests in 7/10 trials, or 70% of the time. As indicated by the baseline, the students
pattern of complying with teacher requests is somewhat sporadic.

Rebekah Hall
Due: November 18, 2016
The original intervention plan was to create a visual sign to remind the student to listen to
the teacher and return to the task at hand, along with a reminder that off-task behavior does not
warrant the earning of stickers. After the baseline data was collected, it became apparent that
V.N. would be much more responsive to earning some sort of positive reinforcement. A positive
reinforcement token economy system using stickers is already in place for all students, so I
decided to come up with an additional incentive system for V.N. On top of earning up to three
stickers per hour of resource time, V.N. was given the opportunity to earn two to five minutes of
reinforcement time at the end of each resource period, including putty, instructional computer
games, and sensory/stress balls. After the first trial of the intervention, V.N.s percentage of
complying with teacher requests increased greatly.
The week of October 24, 2016 marked the beginning of a new nine weeks and the
updating of goals for all students served under special education. V.N.s goal for behavior
updated from complying with teacher requests within one minute in 7/10 trials, or 70% of the
time, with no more than three verbal/visual prompts and positive reinforcement to complying
with teacher requests within one minute in 8/10 trials, or 80% of the time, with no more than two
verbal/visual prompts and positive reinforcement. The new goal incorporated V.N.s
improvement in complying with teacher requests and encourages increased student success
through higher student expectations.
The week of October 24, 2016 also marked the addition of positive reinforcement options
to V.N.s behavioral intervention. In addition to two to five minutes of daily reinforcement time,
V.N. was given the option of working towards longer, weekly reinforcement times including
playing a board game, puzzle, etc. V.N. continued to respond positively to the intervention most
of the time, though extenuating circumstances affected her mood, which affected her willingness

Rebekah Hall
Due: November 18, 2016
to work and comply with teacher requests. After the implementation of the second intervention,
the student went from a 76% complying rate to a 73% complying rate, though the lower
complying rate after the implementation of the second intervention could be largely affected by
the V.N.s days of emotional distress. Through this intervention project, I learned that positive
reinforcement through student encouragement and establishing high standards of behavior is just
as, if not more, effective than offering students to earn and choose from tangible rewards.

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