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I, Satish Patel regret to inform you that , I received call from Om Shive Sai LLc 2 to

3 week ago asking me regarding fuel expences while I was there in September. Mr.
Jim CEO was asking to Somabhai that I did so much expence for gas and also
Jim was (blaming me ) asking to Somabhai that I used co gas for
personal use. And which is not right. After I left he ask to Somabhai and that also
after 30 days.

Its shame for Om Shive Sai that CEO level person asking this type of question to
Soma after I left 30 days . He should ask me while I was there . Even I was using
my own gas from my poket for the Co and Other trips ,Lows, Home Depot, Roffing
Supplyes on Crittenden Drive, Charlstown Hospital drop Coke , Water and supplyes
from Sams club and loading 500 ton begs from Lows and Home Depot for BLD # 47
and 39. Even Eddie was purchase Primum Gas can you belive and where he
used ? and that CEO doesnt know !!! He knows but CEO doent brign that issue to
Colgatte. We never used primum gas for Colgatte for any equipment. This is all
politacas and play game.
While I was there Monday to Friday he came 12 to 1 pm and go Lunch with Leight
and play political game for Colgatte. He force me to buy Daily 20 Gln thiner Clen
for Presser washer instead of 5 Gln Daily. When I told him that where we buy the co
recomand ony 5 Gln and Jim told me that suppler want to sale more machine
& they want to call us for Service so they make money so dont follow them. What I
say do thats final. I also inform him that Bld no 47 roof is so thin 1 and snow time
it cannot hold the snow wait he reply me dont go 47 Eddie doesnt like you its
done now we can not do any thing. Eventhough Eddie was using 5 Gln Thiner for

I, Satish Patel, regret to inform you that I received a call from Om Shive Sai LLC 2 to
3 weeks ago asking me about fuel expenses while I was there in September. Mr. Jim
CEO asked Somabhai why I spent so much on gas. Jim was blaming me and asking
Somabhai why I used company gas for personal use. This is not right. After I left,
he asked Somabhai 30 days later.
It is a shame for Om Shive Sai that the CEO is asking these kinds of questions to
Soma after I left for 30 days ago. He should have asked me while I was there. I was
even using gas out of my own pocket for the Company and other trips.

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