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Teacher: Gio Frenda

Unit Topic: Invasion Games

Date: 10/19/2016

Lesson #:

Lesson Topic: Game of Handball

1 of 2

Lesson Time: 43 minutes

# of Students: 18

Grade: 6

Objectives & National Standards write a minimum of 1 objective for each category and align with NATIONAL STANDARDS



The student will throw to their teammates by stepping toward their target and bringing their arm back
behind their head and catch with thumbs together if the ball is above their chest and pinkies together if the
ball is below their chest in a game of handball. The student will use various forms of locomotion such as
walking, running and jumping during a game of handball.
The student will use strategies during the game of handball such as running to get open, throwing away from
a defender and taking appropriate shots at the goal.
The student will cooperate with his/her teammates by passing, using good communication and practicing
good sportsmanship in a game of handball.

Technology (if

Equipment/Supplies: tape for the goals, two balls for the two games, cones for creases






Instant Activity
Students will begin the lesson
by doing the stretches they do
before every lesson:
frankensteins, high knees, calf
raises, lunges 5 minutes

High knees,
legs high,
heels up,
knee off the

Set Induction
Did anyone watch the Olympics
this year? Does anyone know
that handball is an Olympic
sport? Can anyone tell me when
it was introduced to the games?
(1936, then again in 1972,
women 1976) the United States
has never medaled in handball
at the Olympics so lets work
really hard today and maybe
one of you can be on the first
team that gets the U.S a medal.
2 minutes

minimum of one TBI &
ITV must be described
for each activity/task



Student will start at one

line of the gym and do the
exercise to the middle line
of the gym, then go back
doing a different exercise.
The black lines represent
how student will go back
and forth from one to the
other during the exercises.

Make sure you

arent in
personal space.

Students will be on the line

they ended their exercises
on, I will do the set
induction on this line. I am
the smiley face and
students are facing me on
the line.

Make sure you

arent in
personal space.

at least one
formal or
measure must
be listed for
Are students
doing the
exercises the
correct way?

Activity/Task Game of handball:

Student will be put into the
groups they were in last class
and I will assign each team to a
court. When I blow my whistle
the game will begin.
One team starts with their ball
on their end of the court and
must shoot at the goal on their
opponents side of the court.
Students are allowed to air
dribble to move the ball, but
they are only allowed 3 air
dribbles per person.
If the ball is dropped the
opponent gets possession of the
If the ball goes out of bounds
the team that touched it last
would then be on defense.
If the team on defense
intercepts the ball they are then
on offense.
For the first game students
must pass it at least once to a
teammate before shooting.
If the team shooting misses the
shot, the rebounded ball is fair
game. The team that picks it up
or catches it has possession
After a goal is made the team
that didnt score will start with
the ball on their side of the
Students must shoot from
outside the crease, also
defenders are not allowed in the
We will switch games after 6
After the first game I will tell
students that a player that shot
the last goal cannot shoot at the
goal again until another person
on the team has shot at the

Step with
opposite foot
Keep your
eye on the
Arm behind
your ear.

You have to pass it to

each member on your
team before you can
attempt a shot on
Everyone on your team
must touch the ball
before you can shoot.
The same person cant
shoot at the goal until
everyone else on the
team has taken a shot
at the goal.

There will be 2 games of

handball going on at a
time. The goals will be at
the end of the courts which
will be about 50 meters in
length ( the width of a
basketball court). The width
of the handball game will
be almost half of a
basketball court since we
have two games going. The
rectangles are the two
games of handball. The
triangles are the creases.

Keep your head

up so you dont
run into anyone.
If the ball is
going to the
other court yell
ball ball ball

Are students
able to score
goals by
passing to open
people and
Are students
with their
Is everyone
supportive and
practicing good

After the second game I will tell
students they have to pass it to
all of their teammates at least
once before they can shoot at
the goal each possession.
After the third game I will set a
challenge for students that if
they pass it to all their
teammates before shooting at
the goal they get an extra point
each time all the players touch
the ball. To eliminate one team
just passing the ball the whole
time the limit for the amount of
points they can get on one
possession is 3 (2 points for
passing it to all the teammates
twice and 1 point for scoring).
There doesnt need to be any
contact in this game between
players. If there is the student
will be given a warning, then
have to sit out if it happens

Transition I will blow my

whistle to let teams know to
freeze after 6 minutes. I will
have the teams on one end of
each court switch what courts
they are on so they are playing
a new team. After 6 more
minutes I will have the teams
that didnt play each other go to
the same court and play
another game. For the last
game teams will play the same
team they played during the
first game. When I blow my
whistle after the last game I will
tell students to leave the ball at
the court and meet around the
center circle of the gym and we
will go over the closure.

Closure: What were strategies

your team used that made you
successful during the game?
What would you do differently
with your team next time?
Having good teamwork is the
best way to be successful in a
game. Hopefully if you keep
working on teamwork and
playing handball you can help
U.S win their first Olympic
handball medal. 1 minute.
Student will be allowed to
change after this or wait for
their buses.
Reflection: See description on direction sheet. Minimum one paragraph.

Game 1
Court 1: Team A vs. Team B
Court 2: Team C vs. Team D
Game 2
Court 1: Team A vs. Team C
Court 2: Team B vs. Team D
Game 3
Court 1: Team A vs. Team D
Court 2: Team B vs. Team C
Game 4
Court 1: Team A vs. Team B
Court 2 Team C vs. Team D

The black rectangles are

the courts.
Students will be gathered
around me in the middle
circle of the gym.
Black circle is the students
around the teacher in the

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