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Queen City Toastmasters


QCTM Club Level Speech Contest Script and Agenda

Things to bring

Meeting agenda
Enough ballot forms for both contests distributed to each member (Humorous Speech and
Evaluation Contest or International Speech and Table Topics)
Two counter tally sheet for ballot counter
Two time record sheet and instructions for timers
Two sets of timing cards and stop watches for timers
Speakers Certificate of Authenticity and Originality for the winners
One copy of the contest rule
One printed Table Topic for Table Topics Contest or a Target Speaker for Evaluations
A mean for contestants to draw for speaking order
Prizes and certificates

Prior to Meeting
_____ Chief Judge meets with judges, timers, and vote counters to give instructions and forms.
_____ Chief Judge meets with contest participants to go over rules, timing; contestants draw for
position. Inform Toastmaster of speaking order.

Contest Master meets briefly with contestants and target speaker confirm correct
pronunciation of names, speech titles, and introduction. Ask chief Judge for speaking

_____ Timers sit together in a location easy for the speakers to see the timing cards.

Queen City Toastmasters


MEETING AGENDA- Club level International & Table Topics Speech

Sargent at Arms
Pat Conoln
Calls meeting to order
Presiding Officer
Laura Frohboese, VP Education
Welcomes guest
Introduces the Contest Master
Contest Master
Arturo Cardenas, VP Membership & Public Relations
Starts with opening remarks and sets the mood for the contest (1 - 2 minutes)
Introduce the contest: i.e. There will be two contests today. First the Speech Contest
then the Table Topics Contests
Introduces Chief Judge
Chief Judge
Brief review of contest timing for both contests (5 to7 minutes for speech contests, 12 minutes for TT)
Introduce the timer & ask him/her to go over the timing signals. Contestants are
disqualified after going over the time by 30 seconds. No signal is given when a
contestant is disqualified.
State the order of the speakers for both contests which was determined earlier by
having the contestants draw for position.
State that to qualify a contestant must be a member in good standing in a club that is
in good standing (paid the dues). Intl Speech contestants must complete 6 speeches
by area contest deadline: 3/___
State that contestants must prepare their own five to seven-minute speech, which
must be substantially originally. Any quoted material must be identified during the
speech presentation.
Return control to Contest Master
Contest Master makes the following announcements:
Anyone with a pager or cellular phone should place it on silent mode.
No flash photography of the contestants during the contest. There will be photo
opportunities later.
Once the contest has begun, the Sergeant at Arms will secure the doors. Members of
the audience are asked to refrain from leaving or entering the room during the contest.
After the contest, no one will be permitted to leave the room until all ballots are

State: The winner will represent our Club at the Area Contest. Announce the date
and location if available. :__________________________
State: There will be one minute of silence after each contestant and two minutes after
the final contestant, to allow time for the judges to mark their ballots. There should
be no talking during each period of silence.
Ask: Are there any questions?
Introduce the first International Speech Contestant. Introduce each contestant by
NAME ONLY and their speech title, no remarks. Repeat the name as the contestant
is coming to the lectern. Lead the applause after the introduction. All contestants
may remain in the room during this contest.
Speech Contestant #1:____________________________Title: _________________
(1 min of silence after each speech)
Speech Contestant #2:____________________________Title: _________________
Speech Contestant #3:____________________________Title: _________________
For Table Topics Contest, ask Sergeant at Arms to escort all the Table Topics
contestants from the room. Explain to the audience the table topic, which is identical
for all contestants. The Timer starts the clock when the speaker starts speaking or
gestures that the presentation has started.
Table Topics Contestant #1: ____________________________________________
Table Topics Contestant #2: ____________________________________________
Table Topics Contestant #3: ____________________________________________
Table Topics Contestant #4: ____________________________________________
The Sergeant at Arms should prepare each (the next) contestant during the one
minute of silence. Contestants may remain in the room after they have spoken.
Ask Timer to signal the end of one minute of silence after each participant. After the
final contestant, call for a signal after two minutes of silence.
Ask the audience to pass their ballots to the ballot counter after each contest. When
all ballots have been collected, the Ballot Counters and Chief Judge leave the room
to count votes after each contest.
At the end of the contest, ask the speakers to join you in the order of appearance.
Lead the applause.
Contestant Interview: Present certificate and ask each contestants some questions
relating to the contest or Toastmasters. For example, the length of time they have
been in Toastmasters.

Introduce the Chief Judge who will announce the results of the contest. Return control to the
Contest Master.
Contest Master makes concluding remarks and return control to the President
President makes announcements, thank the guests, concludes the meeting.

2007 International Speech and Table Topics Contest

February 20, 2007
12:00 President:

Anthony Luk

12:03 Toastmaster:

Grace Chen

12:05 Chief Judge:

Michael Notaro


Grace Lau
Charles Schuman

Ballot Counter:

Daniel Leung
Mary Tanios

12:10 International Speech Contest Contestants:

Charles Gibson
David Leong
Anthony Luk
12:30 Table Topics Contest Contestants:
Michelle Gansle
Jennifer Helgren
Bruce Maison
Bianka Ramirez
Charles Schuman
Garfield Sim
12:50 Contestants Interviews: Grace Chen
12:55 Contest Winner Awards: Grace Chen
12:57 President Remarks:

Anthony Luk

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